How do you have fun in this game?

How do you have fun in this game?

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By liking games where you set your own goals and are capable of becoming entirely self-sufficient

Sounds shitty

>Max everything
>kill bosses
You know the drill

you must adopt a new definition of fun, like a diabetic who is no longer allowed to drink soda and must systematically lie to himself that these kale smoothies are delicious

RS is a terrible video game but the single best teacher of proper goal setting and attainment of all time.

Why would someone do that?

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life pre-iphones was a simpler time, just having something to throw hours at was enough

I loved it 15 years ago and I still sometimes go back to it.
You're allowed to not like something, faggot.

Back in 2004 every kid was playing RS around here, everyone. In computer labs, in libraries, constant Runescape.
I tried multiple times to play it but I just don't get it, there's nothing. I didn't like it then, I don't get it now.

kill skillers and pvmrs and watch them spaz out

the amount of content that can be easily automated vastly outweighs the amount that can't
spending a week doing the same 3-6 clicking maneuvers to get to 99 isn't fun. There's no fail state, the game is just wasting your time so you stay subscribed as long as possible.

>there's nothing
Amazing how there being so much somehow loops around to there being nothing at all for some people.
Getting 99's isn't for everybody. It's enough for some to get to the bare minimum to start rolling in cash and do higher end activities.

>the amount of content that can be easily automated
don't fucking bot then, and it's fun to me.
>There's no fail state
lmao you've never lost all your shit in an instanced boss fight then

>Amazing how there being so much somehow loops around to there being nothing at all for some people.
There's so much nothing

>the game is just wasting your time so you stay subscribed as long as possible.
You buy your first subscription and never pay money again. You can get farming to a high enough level in your first week as a member to pay off a bond with about a day's worth of farming, which requires no active effort besides planting and harvesting.

>You can get farming to a high enough level in your first week as a member to pay off a bond with about a day's worth of farming
someone is paying for that bond with irl money, you're just a proxy for its value in the market

PVP is the only reason this game is any fun

PVP is the least fun part of the game

You have fun by PvPing or killing bosses but the only way to get to that part is by playing for 500 hours first

cope, its way more fun to PK than click on NPCs

>21 f2p quests
>122 members quests
>15 f2p skills
>8 members skills
>PvP and PvE activities and minigames
Sounds like the game is too much for your lizard brain

You don't. You just mindlessly grind from the age of 10 until you're 30.

Sooo much nothing. Even if it had ten thousand quests, doesn't mean they have any substance.

< lvls?

OsRs was fun but today it's shit.
Community bunch of SJW-Virgins and pvp is now boring, because the os nerds pk all the time, so pk noobs don't have a chance.

You don't anymore, the communities of old MMOs are pretty much dead thanks to shit like discord. Market Boards also killed them.

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Go to varrock and buy a girlfriend.

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>Community bunch of SJW-Virgins
Some of the devs might be, but when they forced the gay parade event a bunch of people stood around Varrock cosplaying the KKK and created campfire swastikas

Clicking the mouse for hundreds of hours just to see small numbers become slightly bigger numbers can only be so fun

be either 12 years old with huge amounts of free time or be autistic

or preferably both like most of this board were 10 years ago

Probably not the game for you then.

I just flip items on GE, fuck leveling, mindless waste of time. Money is all that matters.

Hello Mr noseburg.

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pking in wildy
Dueling for money
Barrow runs
managing your kingdom
dungeoning with the boys
God wars
Castle wars
join a guild

By treating it like a glorified chatroom

it's great because you spend most of your time only half paying attention and doing other shit. it would be an awful game if combat/skilling required full attention

Blast SeaShanty2