How do you have fun in this game?
How do you have fun in this game?
By liking games where you set your own goals and are capable of becoming entirely self-sufficient
Sounds shitty
>Max everything
>kill bosses
You know the drill
you must adopt a new definition of fun, like a diabetic who is no longer allowed to drink soda and must systematically lie to himself that these kale smoothies are delicious
RS is a terrible video game but the single best teacher of proper goal setting and attainment of all time.
Why would someone do that?
life pre-iphones was a simpler time, just having something to throw hours at was enough
I loved it 15 years ago and I still sometimes go back to it.
You're allowed to not like something, faggot.
Back in 2004 every kid was playing RS around here, everyone. In computer labs, in libraries, constant Runescape.
I tried multiple times to play it but I just don't get it, there's nothing. I didn't like it then, I don't get it now.
kill skillers and pvmrs and watch them spaz out