Why aren't you playing any MOBA, user?

Why aren't you playing any MOBA, user?

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Attached: dota-2-deluxe8-inch-plush-rubick-includes-scratch-off-code-card-for-imbued-lockless-luckvessel-17__8 (1940x640, 221K)

I cba to join a group with 4 people who barely speak english pinging the fuck out of the map, arguing over the dumbest of shit, and quitting after dying once.

Your genre is trash.

Never started and never will. The only draw was big tiddy waifus and gachashit produces way for fap material these days. Gamers spend their time and money and I reap the only benefit that matters, getting my rocks off.

I got really good at LoL a while back, but every time I did ranked I'd get some shifter or even feeder on my team and eventually quit. I can handle losing when it's my fault or I can at least do something about it, but some retard tower diving guys at half HP with cooldowns up I can't do anything about

The waifu factor is over 9000.
Gameplay is absolutely loathsome.
Too many fucking kiddies.

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I do though

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thanks doc

cringe, brother

How much does Sakimi earn for her art now? Last I checked was years ago and she was getting like 70k a month.

I'm horny

I have standards. Not much, but standards.

>kda Kat
>better get more lux and Ahri skins

I have no idea why she's so popular and why she gets so much cash. I guess it's because she ""'invented"" the Patreon art style, right?

Because there's so much better stuff to play.

too old

The cult of the meta and it's zealots.

Not fair, bros. Garen needs a Kpop waifu.

I realised i have more fun playing non-competitive games.

i just cant enjoy them anymore after playing 8+ years of them... I just can play competitive online games anymore i dont find them fun. All the power to you guys who keep playing though...

Slark, nautilus, khumbakharna, stukov are all the best characters of their respective games. Dont (you) me

Because MOBAs suck

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sauce on the girl?

That's Sneaky

Even better

>takes over your whole dorm
Fuck this place I wish I had a bag of c4

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Emily Aurelia

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Because I do play a true RTS, not it's shitty and retarded son.

If I want to play a game that winning and losing are decided by which team has the most chromosomes then I'll play TF2 because at least I can have fun in that game with some slobber-chin, basement goblin screaming at me via pings and text because he doesn't understand that wards exist and there's a fucking mini-map.

I only play Dota 2 and Smite.
Dota for actual fun game.
Smite is so fucking bad and stupid it's fun to me. Barely even touched conquest, clash all the way.
League is just slowly still draining all the fun I had with it away so there's no point.
Why the fuck would I wanna go back to a game with forced meta and lane sitting half the fucking game.

My man.

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I don't like other people

Never did and never will.

I enjoy HotS but the rest of them sound way too frustrating