Your brain on Reddit

>Your brain on Reddit

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Why were you on reddit in the first place?

Don’t you kill the monsters because they’re causing serious problems for humans? Like attacking them and destroying buildings and shit?


I sometimes get reddit links in my chrome news feed but I can't see this one possibly showing up in anybodies news feed.

I lurked reddit recently and saw a bunch of people using > and Yea Forums lingo
It's already too late for us user, get out while you can

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r/Fashionreps and r/games but looking at all this cuckery that's happening I feel ashamed

In britain you apparently can't harm gulls even if they attack you, so that should tell you what kind of deranged idiotic wold those kind of people and their lobbied up lawmakers live in.

this will never not be horrifying

The only shit I see from reddit is screenshots posted here, where are you guys getting these from? Don't tell me that you BROWSE reddit, do you, "user?"

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>the absolute state of vegans

Other way around, reddit browses here.

I do browse leddit.

i only browse r/rape for fapping purposes

people have been greentexting and using chan lingo on popular sites for over a decade now can capture them alive? And you get more points and materials for doing so most of the time. They actively reward you for not killing.

I browse Reddit. Yea Forums is waaay too obsessed with Donald Trump to be healthy, and Reddit is where I take my sanity breaks.

>mindlessly hating on a website you dont browse
the userbase is cancer but there are some good boards. if you avoid the pre-subscribed ones its not so bad. its kinda like picking some corn out of a lump of shit

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>You’re not allowed to defend yourself! Just take it like a “””man””” and let them harm you!

Not really. You just kill em cause people need their scales or whatever 95% of the or want some meat. That last 5 percent is because they're attacking humans in towns or something

>redditrannies cant differentiate between fantasy and reality
This is nothing new, they're trannies for fucks sake

kids have been doing it on facebook for ever man, its cancer

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nigger, what? other sites co-opting Yea Forums stuff is a staple of internet culture

>in Britain...
I know we're fucked over here but you dumb cunts need to stop inventing things. I'm almost certain seagulls are considered vermin and legal to gasp! hunt. Same with a few other animals.

The Orwellian state may create a lot of backwards laws but I wager normal Brits will never, ever obey them.

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The MonHun world is all about maintaining a balance in the world and control monster overpopulation. Non-guild approved hunting is actually illegal and there's a whole lore about how human and monster hunting relationships work in Stories.

That and nobody wants to allow monsters like Deviljho to breed without control with how they can destroy entire ecosystems alone due to their endless eating.


its nice to be able to go to a sub dedicated to one specific game. unless its too popular then its full of le epic memes every few days. see, i have a reason to hate reddit because i browse there. i dont do it to fit in with Yea Forums

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I also feel bad about killing monsters in mh.
Why would anyone derive pleasure from torturing this poor thing just to make better gear to be more efficient in killing monsters.

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>5 second gif
Do you think we're on fucking Whatsapp you cunt COCKSUCKER?

>i don't play monster hunter because i'm vegan

every hunt mission that can be completed by kill can also be completed by capture

what a tard

oi m8 u got a loicense for that shotgun? you do? oh right fairs, have a good one lad

>guys, you wont believe what just happened! i found a stupid post on reddit!

He was already a tard for being a vegan, what do you expect?

I don't accept farming animals for meat, skins and other products but I fully support making them go extinct through extermination and neutering.


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Yes, we should look into fucking the monsters instead.

Because its a better place than Yea Forumseddit. Yea Forums has been ruined by gamer-gate, boomers and 2016 elections, the only good board left is Yea Forums. And a few of the niche boards like /trash/.

Yea Forums is an absolute cancer

Neck yourself faggot

that ego is so huge.

Yea Forums is garbage now, and has been for years. What are you on? Granted, Yea Forums is worse, but still.

Yea Forums is mostly just porn, but if you search that sea of piss theres occasional a thread with meaningful discussion. Seems like the least normalfag board also.

Absolute bollocks mate. I've seen a copper boot a seagull that was hopping around his car, little shit went sailing. Nobody gives a shit about gulls or pigeons. Only swans, cute ducks like mallards and robins enjoy any sort of outrage if you go around killing them. I could drag a fucking chain gang of geese out into the middle of a city square and hold a public hanging of the honking devils and be met with cheers from the public.

>Seems like the least normalfag board
You absolute retard newfag