Which Civilization leader would you most like to fuck passionately, Yea Forums?

Which Civilization leader would you most like to fuck passionately, Yea Forums?

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you win

Based Bara boy

Also Jadwiga. She’s a fuckin qt

Imagine this chad unloading gallons of cum into your bussy, I'm getting hard just thinking about it

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For me, it's the Cleopatra.


Fuck that cartoonisht civ 6

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Another good choice

Bro she looks like a mannequin

>ywn get cucked by insatiably horny tsarina Cathrene
Why even live



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based beyond belief

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ywn capture them both after blitzing through their empires

someone post the Isabella cuckqueen story

I would also like to know more.

>no woman will ever love you like Theodora loved Justinian

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Civ 4 Isabella

You mean cucking you with horses?

t. Procopius

**however, that convent with former prostitutes makes me think dirty things**

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>When you beat her and she says she's your captive
Makes my penis become the big penis