2 weeks away from release

>2 weeks away from release
>little to no hype

Attached: ctrl.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

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>looks bad
>epic ex

gee a wonder why my little retarded friend ;-)

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Just like every other Remedy game. Seriously, these fags need to step up their marketing game.
>Epic exclusive
I'd really like to support Remedy but fuck this, I'll get it when it lands on steam.

I was interested until I learned it wasn't releasing on PC.

Remedy should have just stuck maxing endless Max Payne games. Soulless maybe, but better than whatever they have been putting out lately.

it has a female protagonist so it's gonna be horrible

>Control: Quantum Break 2: Electric Boogaloo: Here's your shitty PC port again bro
>Epic Malware Store
Verdict? Not even worth a pirate.

>action game
>physics clutter, illusory effects and slowmo
AAA version of indie "juicing", doesn't do anything for me anymore, man.
It probably doesn't have slowmo, I'm just assuming it does.

for some strange reason they spent a lot of money on Italian marketing
The majority of pasta journalists/youtubers/influencers were invited in their studio and made plenty of articles and videos
nontheless nobody gave a shit about Control

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