Villain hates MC ideas

>villain hates MC ideas
>villain had the same ideas without him knowing

what games do this

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally Spanish flag

Why is my flag used for some faggot shit

Attached: Spain flag.png (2000x1333, 246K)

anime girls are treal

Is that the spanish flag

Literally crazy and ugly people who wont ever find a real bf or gf so they make up a person
So many people dont deserve to live right now its crazy like please do the world a favor and just end it

>Literally crazy and ugly people who wont ever find a real bf or gf so they make up a person
Isn't that a common thing here? With waifus and all that.

Why are guys complaining now

Kinda appropiate given the catalonia stuff.


Kek wtf

lol, stop making up countries

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>american education

Every deviant needs a flag now?

Attached: tom.jpg (1000x563, 90K)

me LMAO de vuestras vidas

stop making up genders

menuda coincidencia

>using my españita's flag for your cuck fetishes

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This what a DISGRACE

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Catholic shithole country


Pero que coño?


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That's Mexico

Okay lads, redpill me on Catalonian independence since the girl I like is Spanish and is all for it

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What is goddamn...

massive red flag, leave her before its too late

Atheists have surpassed Christians in Spain, dude.

Catholicism turns countries into backward shitholes, which is why all Protestant countries are wealthy and stable and all Catholic countries are poor, corrupt and crime infested.

Get out of there while you can, thats a BIG red flag

Attached: 07a1963c.jpg (302x264, 30K)

>the girl I like is Spanish and is all for it
She probably supports Ciudadanos, you should dump her asap

Not my flag.

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>why cant everybody on this damn website have the same opinion on everything!!!
Ive probably been here longer than you pal
Theres nothing wrong with fapping to hot 2d girls
But when you reach the point of pretending you have a gf you are fucking disgusting slob and should die

>it's a red flag for a people to want independence

Catholic countries have SOUL
Protestant countries are SOULLESS

which is why everyone in protestant shitholes travels to catholic countries all the time when they have the chance

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Why is it a red flag tho

Yes, it's true, I have sexual feelings for Spain, but Spain will never love me.


>Protestant countries are wealthy and stable
Where's your quality public health, American?

It's a good thing, mainline Spain is turobo-corrupt and they clearly have a differing political opinion from each other.
t. Scotsman.

Factually it is

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Imagine if a big explosion happened there, wouldn't it be funny? Haha

based catholic coneheads

and thats a bad thing

Please leave my country alone. Spain doesn't deserve this!!!

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I wish this place was chatolic, but it's a laic shithole.

You know Portugal feel like "too different from the others spaniards" so they became their own country? Half catalonia wants that.
The only real problem is that it would be Brexit Iberian edition and both Spain and Catalonia would suffer but that's "all", the girl you like is kinda dumb for economics but you have no reason to dump her

>and thats a good thing

I want fachas and rojos both to get the fuck out of españa and let the civil war meme die once and for all.

Don't stick your dick in crazy.

make me

Have you seen it? It's literally just red with yellow stripes mang.

no, lack of religion is why we're surrounded by filthy faggots and women who dont know their place


Same type of girls as your average californian gender studies girl.

Kill yourself, you fucking commie murderer piece of shit.

By personal experience, men and women who are big into politics or religion usually end up being huge cunts or psychos, is not worth the risk, dont stick your dick in crazy

>also independence

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>science over mythology

What about monarchists

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Go back to the 1950s grandpa, your kind has no place in current age societies.

This but in the Congreso de los diputados. Fuck these leechers. At least our king is chill and his daugthers are will be hot as hell.

You can fuck off too.

Fuck off, retrograde sheep, I'm glad that in Spain we are closer to stop paying the pedophile institution that is the Church.

>villains that are actually wrong not defended by retarded edgords

I want the Castilian dictatorship to end.

But guys, what about OP's question? how did this turned into fucking /int/

>Spending 100 years without a civil war
pick one

based and lolipilled

I want Franco to get the fuck out of the valley.

>Proculsexual: having sexual feelings only for people they're sure they can never be in a relationship with, like fictional characters, celebrities, etc.
Around here, we just call 'em autistic losers.
We don't like any of that fancy talk.

non-castillian culture and languages should be banned desu

Attached: castilla.png (1123x841, 1.9M)


It would be the most correct option

Imagine being so backward that you idolize feudalism.

She's probably all for it because she has the same victim complex mixed with out of control ego that every other separatists has.
Most of them are just following the trend and are too afraid to have their own opinion for fear of being ostracized.

So basically she's a person that wallows in self pity while having an out of control ego that's impossible to satiate and has no political mindset of her own just following what's popular, so really she's just like every other girl.

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unironically this

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enjoy your "society" morons

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Kill el feli and rape her daughters while their mother watch, then kill them too and rape again

As opposed to our corrupted democracy?

1950s Spain was BASED

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Spaniards have a national inferiority complex, so we jump at every opportunity to feel united in foreign webs.

>black skin pigmentation BAD
>pale skin pigmentation GOOD
Literal caveman ideology.

When did he even mention feudalism you fucking retard


ayyy who /spainsexual/ here?

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>Spanish flag

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>national inferiority complex
We literally hate nationalism
I mean, the decent ones, not scum like

leave my mom's bacon alone

Fuck off Chema

>WhatsApp Image 2019-01-28

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Don't use based Filemon in this shithole you fucker.

She's retarded, but if you ever try to argue about it she'll dump you.
Pro-independence people are cult-like brainwashed legit. I'm from Barcelona and I've been witnessing this epidemic all my life.


>the virgin Pepe Frog
>the chad Pepe Viyuela this?

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Spain should just be for spaniards, its not hard to understand

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The number of black people in Spain is quite small compared to other European countries such as France, UK or Italy.

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cute girl

tu a mi chemita no me lo toques eh

>race = skin
Literal monkey-tier observation.

Democracies are soulless

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more like ASSPAIN SEXUAL amrite !

As opposed to forocoches?

get used to her blaming others for whatever she fails on

Break her teeth and tear her lips off so all she can do when I rape her royal mouth with my cock is cry

>redpill me on Catalonian independence
Historical revisionism being indoctrinated in schools and local media for an entire generation to create a horde of fanatical brainwashed sheep with superiority complex to support ultracorrupted politicians and businessmen who are the only ones that would benefit from the independence.

>Spanish thread

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Well yeah, the republic was imposed by a bunch of communist assholes after they lost the fucking local elections and it led to the systematic assassination of thousands of innocent people in concentration camps and prisons, to revolts and ultimately to a civil war. You fucking retards need to learn how to fucking read some history.

I'll never touch forocoches with a ten foot pole. That site is pure cancer.

Nativism is braindead, "Spain" is just a construct, before it was Spain it was Arab/Muslim, before that it was Visigothic, before that it was Roman, before that it was Celtic. "Nations" come into existence when one tribe invades and evicts the other.

Ireland stands with BASED Catalonia. Fuck the monarchy

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French people dont belong in Spain
Moroccan people dont belong in Spain
German people dont belong in Spain
Algerian people dont belong in Spain
Sub saharan people dont belong in Spain

Then close all the airports and build a wall all along the coast and deal with the fact that without tourism and international commerce Spain is fucked in less than a decade.

That's not a movement against the monarchy, you absolute fucking retard. It's just a movement to give their local chiefs even more power because they've been brainwashed by them since they were kids.

Catalan people don't belong in Spain

Retards don't belong anywhere.

best part about this image is the brownie is a boy

People should enter Spain if they are tourists or to work temporarily, the rest can fuck off
yes they do, alongside with the rest of spaniards


>trumptards but now in iberian form

>alongside with the rest of spaniards
Catalans were never Spaniards

Ok niggers, time to post top tier spanish music

Wow so edgy and cool.

It's actually people with common sense, something that is actually not very common nowadays.

Why do Spaniards fight among themselves so much instead of just uniting to hate the Portuguese?

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But without the economic grow.

>spain is so pathetic they use faggot flags and anime mottos

because Spain is land of the spaniards not the french or any other nationality
you could say the same about most of Spain but i dont see you calling for galician or andalusian independence

Google "Marca Hispánica".

Monarchists ITT: What gives someone a right to political authority purely based on how their parents were? What is innately "better" about a royal bloodline when compared with any other bloodline?

I visit Forocoches every now and then and holy shit that site is cringe.
Half the threads are retards getting cheated on by their gf of two months, and the other half are retards still pushing dead Yea Forums memes like honk.
Best part is they act like they are any different than 9gag-tier sites.


He's just falseflagging. Don't give him (you)s

>implying portuguese are not spaniards


Because we have no reasons to hate them. They're just... there.

This, fuck Felipe

>not enjoying dominate and punish bitches
Literal pleb

yeah we're being indoctrinated to love our own people and culture. the mighty regional government of Catalonia and its 1 (one) TV station just dwarves the spanish mainstream

total lack of self awareness from this poster

>ultracorrupted politicians
now that's just rich

Attached: aznar.jpg (777x491, 69K)

>common sense
>perpetuating the iberian circus that is any politic decision based on vengeance and retaliation for the civil war and dictatorship
Catalans, fachas, rojos, all of them are just people unable to MOVE ON.

>reunited Hispania
I'd support that.

They're Brazilians by proxy, you should be nuking them

>What gives someone a right to political authority purely based on how their parents were?

Spain people is VERY propense to corruption, so a monarchy is the most effective government form.

And without the mass shooting every 2 months

Nationalists from small weak countries always make me laugh.

Nice /pol/ thread full of ESL's

The monarchy was voted, you illiterate fucks. And it won by a whooping 88%. If you don't like it, then go convince 3/5 of all the Spanish people.

>love our own people and culture
Based on lies.


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we shouldn't hate our fellow portubros

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I don't understand how people can like summer, I'm literally getting cooked here, fuck, I fucking hate Valencia so much.

>hey guys do you want to have a constitution but with a monarchy or no constitution at all

They are our literal bastards

por favor jueguen a choque equipo carrera

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Notice how you didn't answer the question? Why would a monarch be any less prone to corruption or ineffectual governance than a "commoner"?

chupame la pija

>degeneracy over moral standards

I travel to Portugal sometimes. I like that place and people are nice

This can't be real

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Portuguese are fine, it's not like they are French

Didn't Spain get conquered by Islam?

1 TV station that's the most viewed in Catalonia which itself is 24hr propaganda financed with public money.
You were indoctrinated in thinking Catalonia isn't part of Spain.

In case of a no, they would have changed things, it's not that hard to understand.


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my only flag

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el caloret

You didn't answer the question. What is it about the "royal" families that gives them the right to political authority?

Nothing? But who cares, they are just a figure-head, their power is practically non-existant in practice, and they get raised as diplomats all their lifes, and narcissistic politicians from other countries love keeping good relations with "the king".
It's not only Borbones who win the lottery the moment they're born, fuck I'd rather be born as Amancio Ortega's son than a Borbón, far less pressure.

It has been cooler recently, here in the capital isn't that b...

I'm so sorry, user

So there's no problem with voting this year about if the monarchy should remain, right?

Uno no conoce España hasta que viaja a sudamérica. Palabrita de Pérez-Reverte.

It got invaded 1300 years ago, but they never conquered all of it.

Spain, please stop sending your nigger students here to learn English. They're loud and all they do is block up public streets and annoy people
t. Ireland

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Moral standards dictated by a bunch of pedophile priests?

Yeah, the monarchy part wasn't going to be changed, specially when the king had the support of the army

el caloret faller

Fuck Spain, no more unlikable people in the entire world.

Nigger what? Spain is like 70% Catholic and 25% atheist.

>Pro-independence people are cult-like brainwashed legit
says every asspained retard as they all mindlessly parrot the same narrative they see in spanish media 24/7

You might get beaten up by the guardia civil again, but sure go ahead

The fact that the sovereign people of the country voted for them.

You religion says you can have slaves, grandpa. Moral directly created by society, not by literal fairy tales ignorants made up when trying to understand how the universe works

Basque here, best and longest relationship, an Argentinian girl. 10 years ago and still FAP to her memory


>they are just a figure-head, their power is practically non-existant in practice
>He actually believes that
lmao, they have more power than the president

Based retard

So did the republicans and they lost the war. That doesn't mean anything.

Step aside, plebs.

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