Why don't Japs play MOBAs, FPS or Battle Royales?

Why don't Japs play MOBAs, FPS or Battle Royales?

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They have taste

They do.

MOBAs are for garbage Koreans. FPS are for braindead children and Amerifats, same with Battle Royales.

except these games are all very popular in japan.

in fact, i play LoL on Japanese server just for shits and giggles.

No they don't.

They play them on mobile. Seriously.

Because they have taste

Siege is pretty popular in Japan

So basically games that require skill are all garbage to you?

Not true, LoL isn't popular at all over here. The sever population is so low that they don't even have draft pick normals because it would take 40 minutes just to get into a game. PC games are not popular at all. Everyone plays mobile games only, even shit that you weebs think is popular like XIV is niche in Japan.