Lets have a Kenshi thread
This game has some of the best exploration ever. I'll never forget crossing that long bridge and discovering fishman island
Lets have a Kenshi thread
This game has some of the best exploration ever. I'll never forget crossing that long bridge and discovering fishman island
go to /keng/
I'm too stupid for that game. I felt lost at Mount and Blade but eventually got good at it. But here?
you never really get good at kenshi
you just learn which exploits work the best for you
60 hours later you're 90 in all stats and questioning your existence
>those graphics
is this the power of pc gaming?
That's pretty good tho.
Should I just say fuck it and install a bunch of mods on my first run? I found myself bored halfway through
mods won't fix that for you
It's not for you, mate. Play something you enjoy instead of trying to make something you don't like enjoyable.
Shouldn't have bought a game that was literally given up on during alpha
What? The game was in development for more than a decade.
>Kenshi's development was primarily led by a single person over the course of twelve years, and was released on December 6, 2018. Kenshi takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting and allows characters to be a thief, a trader, or a myriad of other options.
Ah shame. I'm held back from this game mostly because I try to autistically force myself to do a vanilla run despite seeing all the wonderful things mods can do.
Chris should've just put black circles as shadows seeing as a lot of users don't seem to use shadows at all.
The moment I got my thievery high enough and could reliably steal robot limbs n shit I straight dropped it
Way too many exploits in this game
>crossbow shitter vs. white god
Off with your head.
>find exploit
>abuse it
>waaa game isn't fun
Nigger, don't you have self control or will? Just say "no" for once, be a man for once and not worthless pig.
Not him but once I found the xp rabbit in Automata I ruined the game for me. I'm thinking about replaying it on hard to punish myself.
>still haven't left the hub
Who cares the game's really good.
It doesn't even matter when the world design is just so fucking fantastic, the places you can visit in this game blow your mind.
Plus it's still really pretty if you can run it on high, and it lets lower performance computers enjoy it.
So does this have an actual story or is it just a sandbox with flexible mechanics to let you roleplay a bit and get caught up in whatever gameplay loops it offers?
Like if I want to be a warlord as it says in the Steam blurb will I be recruiting units and building a base while conquering territory that has actual characters and storylines unfolding to show how things change under me or will I be grinding to make my party/base numbers go up and doing a loop of attacking nocs to get more shit to get stronger to attack more npcs with no real developed characters involved or consequences in the world?
I literally don't understand how to play this game.
I tried it a few months ago and I started out as one of those mechanical dudes, started punching a dummy to raise my stats then some niggers beat me up and enslaved me and I couldn't figure out how to do anything so I just sat there trying to figure out how controls worked and what my options are till I just gave up and closed it.
Kenshi is basically a singleplayer MMO. If you can find it in yourself to have fun building bases/exploring/setting up your own adventures then you'll have fun.
It's basically just a giant skinner box that lets you pick the flavour for the grind you latch onto.
There's very minimal writing, and very few actual characters for the size of it. It's kind of like Mount & Blade in that sense.
I've never found any enjoyment from purposefully gimping myself in games, knowing there are ways to play better, barring actual skill
Setting artificial difficulties is the opposite of fun to me
rate my base
it made the game boring as fuck
Why did the base make the game boring for you?
thats apart of it honestly
you dont get stronger without getting your ass handed to you.
advice for newbs is to hunt starving bandits around the hub, they usually have 4-5 attack and will only take any food you have if they down you
The base building is the weakest part of the game imo. Basically just turns into a shitty version of rimworld
the best way to play is to be a nomad and see all that the world has to offer.
or just get fucking stupid stoned and own a shop, they weren't lying when they said that shit was comf.
I feel like the game lost it's edge, I have all the resources (plus illegal shit) I need there, so exploration became secondary
even though my characters are chumps at combat, just placing those walls and a bunch of fucking turrets on them neutralized every single threat possible
I even blasted the evangelists with no downsides
the only exploration I still did was sending one or two dudes to far away places to get more people
In the end, this user is right
Based Sonybro still desperately clinging to muh graphics
Since when consolefags look down on PCchads because of graphics? It's the other way around.
>pedophilia is OK as long as I can come with excuse for it
Ew, no. You yourself come with obstacle which isn't there and now play victim? Funny you. There isn't any grind in the game, you can play as dev envisioned and everything will come along. Nobody force you to mine copper, nobody force you to do exploits it is all in your head. You think you need thievery to amass gold? You can make fortune by selling creature eggs and by doing so you will rise all stats of your squad because it is quite fair adventure and it is too damn fun and interesting way. There is other ways of course but blind man won't find them.
>get into a fight with slavemongers and holy nation, near stack
>we all get downed and slavers start trying to take us
>holy nation starts attacking them despite helping them at first
>we survive by the skin of our teeth and eventually come out on top
>return to the hub, holy nation outlaws randomly start attacking us (ex slave maybe??)
Lost three good men that day, only two managed to make it to the Rebel base, which had been previously cleared out due to an altercation between the Trade ninjas and the HNO.
>mfw 3 good men for 10 toughness
>set up one farm plot for cheap food
>entire world is now out for your blood
>nochads killing and pillaging for food while farmfags suffer raids and casualties due to low combat stats
Kenshi is good for the first 10 hours of every run when you are getting your ass kicked or barely winning fight. As soon as your weapon level reaches around 40+ the game becomes easy and very soon boring. 0 end game content except some bloated HP bosses is just a huge turn off.
it's a sandbox game. make up a story. pretend you lose your arm or something. pretend you kicked someone out of your outpost and now you play as him trying to get revenge or something.
>not making a guts copy and killing literally everyone with a giant sword
people will no imagination must live boring lives
>get one of my prisoners out of his cell to train a new recruit
>he downs the recruit and tries to run for the gate that I didn't realize was open at the time
>send the martial artist after him thinking she was more likely to knock him out than kill him
>she throws a shotei at his chest
>he flies backwards but his arms stay right where they were, lumping down to the ground shortly after
>dead before he touched the ground
That shit sucks in group fights but it's the fucking king of 1 on 1
Unrelated, but the whole strength must be 2x weapon weight in order to wield effectively shit combined with strength decreasing a lot when damaged made all heavy weapons fucking traps. Just not viable to take a hit on the arm and become worthless.
Does this game have any other color besides 100 shades of brown?
It sucks they stopped updating and working on it.
I know they are trying to put out a sequel, but it feels like they could have just done a lot more with what they had.
Also the stream reviews are cringe.
The game really doesn't have any skill to playing it.
Just faster ways of leveling your disciplines until you can steamroll everything.
casuals cant micro manage
Imagine typing this post out.
>fishman island
That's nothing. You need to see skin bandits for the first time.
>no way to finish off unconscious enemies
That's probably my biggest fucking problem with this game. They keep getting up and you gotta keep someone around and alert to put them down again and hope they will just fucking bleed out eventually. That mod that lets you rip out their hearts doesn't quite help when you can pickpocket it off them for an instant kill either
Yeah, that's dumb as fuck. Even if a faggot was just playing dead I'd just impale his fucking head before moving on. Another thing that kind of breaks my immersion are cannibals not trying to outright eat you alive in the middle of a fight.
thats the brutal part, knocking them all down and pounding on them as they crawl and stumble around. not being able to instantly end them adds to the feeling when they do eventually start dying.
plus it'd feel cheesy if you could and they couldn't, and imagine how fucking impossible this game would be if everyone who downed you just instantly killed you.
>enter the Shrieking Forest
>looks like a nice isolated place for a base
>suddenly a bunch of naked retards with swords come screaming at me
>tell them I don't know what the fuck they're talking about
>they get mad, I beat the shit out of them
>hordes of naked fuckers just keep coming at me
>three of my guys bleed out and die, rest is stuck and unable to heal and eventually dying
man, fuck that place
>bunch of naked shriekers come at me
>they leave me alone
>yfw that one Tech Hunter wasn't talking shit
imagine being in the current year and still obsessing over graphics instead of gameplay innovations
>imagine how fucking impossible this game would be if everyone who downed you just instantly killed you
>try to start all over
>can't be arsed grinding my dudes to an acceptable level again
Remaining options are carrying on in a world where every big faction but the Shek are gone, reimporting with faction standing intact and all dead npcs revived, or just moving my base somewhere more lively/different. What's a good spot for a late game base? Started north and moved into the foglands later, which is where I'm at now. Considering Venge but it feels like a pain in the ass and just a gear check
I have no clue how consolebabs think they hold a candle to pc gaming at all when they can't mod
It hurts me that there is no realistic way to play as a solo wanderer kinda character
Just recruit an Alfred to your Batman. Buy a house in a town, keep a character there to cook/craft/research and outfit your character, then solo roam. I still do it with a full squad of 20, keeping everyone in base while my main travels around, sometimes alone, sometimes with up to 5 people
alfred better be able to run at 50mph or getting knocked out and dying is a big danger
Still gives you a better chance of survival than being completely alone. You could also buy several houses in different towns and move your servant along with you
Make him a hiver drone and give him speed fucking mech legs, son
Just get some mods dude. If you want to stick close to vanilla just get QoL shit that doesnt really fuck with the core experience. Thats what I did. Then after that you can go hogwild.
Its a Role Playing Game you dumb nigger. Role Play
>get pretty strong in my solo run
>try to take on the reavers
oh no
Kenshi's genre is Kenshi
This is one of the few games that's okay to mod as you go even on the first playthrough. Just customize the experience. In my case I installed
>one of those mods that divides the world map in regions so you can tell where the fuck things are
>mod that makes backpacks invisible on models
>mod that makes most hats not override hair
>couple mods to tweak useless fucking pieces of gear so they're decent to use (like armored rags or ninja blades)
>a mod that lets you craft long lasting foodstuffs for prisoners (huge ass very heavy fucking barrels that take up the whole inventory, so you won't be able to carry it around, but you can put it in a prisoner to forget about feeding them for a while)
>crab UI
>dex training dummies (takes pretty long to research and actually build them, caps at 30)
>18+ female bodies, because retarded cannibal bandits running around naked with underwear on is stupid
>cannibals not trying to outright eat you alive
They have to cook you first. They may be cannibals, but they arent savages.
Now that you mention it, yeah, it makes sense. They do have their own cannibal culture after all.
I remember entering a suspicious lab in the Floodlands and slowly sneaking up the stairs hoping to find some tech, just to find a bunch of them cooking some shit, their body painting resembling human bones and muscles. Shit was terrifying so I just got the fuck out of there
Lol, I remember NOPING out of there too. Went and picked up like 12 mercs and cleaned the place out.
Where's the best place to set up a first outpost?
I used to have mine next to The Hub, mostly because the place was pretty comfy looking (it was near some trees and a lake), but I guess it depends on what kind of materials you need since there's no safe place in the wasteland
If you're a human Holy Nation territory is pretty safe. There's the standard bandits and shit, but Prayer Day is easier to deal with than the Shek/Alliance bullshit.
There is but it basically requires cheating with stealth. Fastest way to power level someone is get enslaved then go stealth in your cage and for some reason when you stealth in a prisoner cage while enslaved sometimes your stealth stat just increases nonstop while you afk and do nothing. After that max assassination, kidnap any high level NPC like lord phoenix, chop his fuckin arms off, put him in the heaviest armor imaginable, give yourself a shitty weapon and wail on him until he passes out then just throw him back into his cage until he is fully healed. Do this on repeat until you are max level and then you can just solo fight everything in the game.