What is jump scare bad now?

What is jump scare bad now?

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Aww yeah Ito thread.


Always was, always will be.

she cute

because jump scares are cheap and are ruining the horror game genre. Atmosphere, fear of the unknown or what's to come is substantially more scary than walking up to a scripted area and getting the video game equivalent of a youtube screamer video shoved in your face every 5 minutes.

What's worse is after the first few jump scares in a game, you can predict where they're going to be for the rest of the game and expect them. Thus ruining immersion and any kind of tension the game wanted you to experience.

Attached: haunt.jpg (650x390, 18K)


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>enemy can Jumpscare you outside of game

every year we get these niggers here in Texas and it makes taking the trash out at night the most suspenseful shit ever

BONUS VIDEO: youtube.com/watch?v=FcNOstUvuls

Attached: CicadaNig.webm (606x662, 496K)

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