Cancerous American fanbase constantly begs for gay male romance options

>cancerous American fanbase constantly begs for gay male romance options
>refuses to give it to them

Based Atlus

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I just want to finally fuck my female mascot. Is it too much to ask?

Too bad their subsidiary isn't.

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>Atlus fully supports cencorship by staying exclusive to the playstation
based atlus

You'll get gay options the next time they do a female protag

too bad they're scared of trannies

>Is it enough
It never is, tranny whine more than faggots, don't put them in your games

oh fuck these "journalists". Nobody who actually wants to play the game cares if a character "dead name" or whatever that stupid controversy is over.

People that play the game don't matter, what matters is who yell the loudest on Twitter

>japanese trans gamers
Ok now this is delusional

Stop seething over a P5 switch port already

>japanese trans gamers
>it's an American working in Japan

i'm not, they should do a PC port. its the only true freedom of expression platform.

Imagine refusing to sell to PC
Imagine editing a game from its original work to cater to some specific people
Imagine not playing the original version

Imagine letting media tell you what to play instead of deciding yourself

Imagine you actually like videogames

You can technically be gay in Persona 2, funnily enough.

Presumably the japanese market would rebel against such a change as for them, the being gay at school market is already well served by full vn style games. Adding it into an unrelated, established series would be absurd. The answer then is to translate some homo and fujo shit games. Except a couple of those have been translated already and they sold in tiny amounts to their small niche audience.

Every game after Persona 2 was unnecessary and just made cause they knew you turbovirigns would eat it up

>imagine spending 2013-2020 on a PLAYstation 4!

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The better answer is to cut the romance shit out of these games entirely and go back to the style of the first two games. Would barely even be a loss since it's already such a minimal part of these games.

No one would play that turd then. It would go back to selling ~500k copies instead of millions like it does now

retardera had a user poll asking if full body's content would affect if you bought the game or other future atlus games. the most popular vote was that it wouldn't.

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>cancerous American fanbase constantly begs for shin megami tensei 5
>refuses to give it to them
Based Atlus



Please post proof