What are your hopes for this game?
What are your hopes for this game?
Jaxson Brown
Jackson Gomez
Luke Thompson
That it won't be a BOTW clone.
Jeremiah King
more inter-connectivity between areas ala Dark Souls 1
no warping from the start
Christian Garcia
>Fantasy games are still copying Tolkien
Carson Garcia
That the game is dark souls 4
Jonathan Flores
Tolkien burrowed modern fantasy tropes from indo-european myth, most notably Norse mythology. Gandalf is named after one of the dwarves.
Liam Bennett
I hope it doesnt force me to play as a female protagonist.
Ryder Diaz
I want it to be one just to see botw defenders get blown out even more than they have been from genshin being botw but not shit
Benjamin Butler
That its more Miyazaki than it is JRR Martin.