Kills innocent people

>Kills innocent people
>Ruins the hope for humanity's survival
You can't defend this guy.

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is this game worth getting, V told me its cinematic trash but i looked up some gameplay once and the shooting looked pretty fun

>t. didn't read the notes in the hospital

>Kills some assholes
>gets to pound teen cunny

you forgot
>is in a movie game
No. If you are so easily entertained that watching Last of Us 'gameplay' interests you, than my suggestion is that you should go down to the river bank and bash stones together for fun. Or if you are a real eccentric, you could just play a good game instead.

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I still don't understand why Joel didn't.
It's been 20 years since Law existed and you've got fresh, pure meat . What's wrong with him??

This game probably has one of the best told stories in a video game.

What did the notes say?

Who said the operation would have worked?

>ruins hope for humanity's survival
who fucking cares
i sure dont, ill do whatever the fuck I want with humanity's future
what gives you or any collective any right to decide the fate of humanity? noone
so i'm gonna be naturally selfish as a human and do whatever the fuck i want to do with it

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The multilayer was spectacular.
Probably dead now. You should play it in anticipation of 2 and the multilayer game of the year.

firefly had no idea what they were doing, a simple blood sample would tell it all but they wanted to dissect the little girl.

Is this some sort of inception style gameplay?

>entrusting the hope of humanity into the hands of ex-Wendy’s employees

It probably wouldn't of had, and then the only person who was immune is now dead and any hope of creating a vaccine gone with it. The smart thing to do would be to breed her and see if any of the offspring were immune.

Basically the Fireflies had no idea what they were doing when it came to finding a cure. Sacrificing Ellie would have been in vain.

>wouldn't of had
wouldn't HAVE had

Wood not have of had

This. At the end of the second game, Ellie will spread her legs and release a cloud of spores, healing mankind.

Nobody else was even trying to find a cure


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The fact the ending of this game STILL makes people debate about it proves it's a good ending. Love it or hate it, it had an impact on people you have to admit it.

>Joel decides not to sacrifice his nu-daughter because the "cure" doesnt even have a decent chance at providing anything fruitful
what's the problem exactly?

Not gonna lie, the "interrogation" scene with Joel is fucking amazing, that whole chapter in the snow is pure kino. I don't like tlou that much but that part was great with the David character.

Can't deny it, this cunny killed MILLIONS.

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Small chance is better than no chance

>Probably dead now
Actually it is very much alive.

It's just perspective and young brainlets have none. Games have you thinking that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. But the entire game beats you over the head showing how wrong that is. Mankind brought on the entirety of the bad things other than the spores. Curfews enforced by guns, random searches and murder in the streets, killing children to MAYBE get a cure. And from Joel's view it's even worse. Mankind murdered his daughter, forced him into exile and his brother, so when it all starts happening again he steps up and says no. He won't give up this child he loves. And only an emotionally dead retard wouldn't side with him. What about humanity is worth saving over this girl? Cannibals and butchers? Fuck that. Live with a little love while you can.

He's too busy projecting thoughts of his daughter onto fresh cunny

joel is a complete moron. he told that black girl at the hospital that the infection is in the brain and that an operation would kill her. he already knew that. what the fuck did he think the fireflies were gonna do with her when they got her? what other use would an immune girl have? he shouldve given up the moment he started caring about her.

Gameplay is actually fun as hell and has as much cutscene nonsense as any other linear thirdperson shooter. Yea Forums shits on it because it's Sony and Naughty Dog, never take that hivemind's opinion as accurate on anything.

Trying too hard

>into the hands of ex-Wendy’s employees
was that referring to Joel or Marlene

>Gets impaled through the stomach
>Sleeps it off

I really doubt those guys would have pulled it off. Deciding to kill your one immune test subject after having access to her for like a day is fucking absurd and just exemplifies how incredibly incompetent and desperate the Fireflies were.

Yeah but the entire game exists to show us why he made that choice.

Reminder tlou sfm on pornhub is canon.


you'd have a better chance of finding a cure if she was alive and was able to give fresh blood samples for decades and possibility of passing immunity to children

Not to mention they even admit to not having a fucking clue as to what they're doing in their notes and saying the surgery is almost sure to not work

>what the fuck did he think the fireflies were gonna do with her when they got her

I dunno, maybe he expected them to act like actual doctors and researchers and for them to do stuff like running some tests and actually trying to find out why she's immune rather than immediately jumping to tearing out her brain in an attempt to create a vaccine that they had no way of feasibly distributing after poking at her unconscious body for a day.

>Oh shit. Looters ahead in our way. What should I do?
>(X) Find another way
>(O) Charge and kill every last of them while calling yourself the victim

Humanity deserves it 3bh

he alsorapes kids and hides under beds to listen into 3 children having sex

This is why I think the storytelling is incredibly well done. You don't realize that the game is actually giving context until you see what he does at the end.

they were spot on with the ellen page face,
but who the fuck tried to self insert as Joel
that's not his head at all

Why not give Ellie and the cure to the military or government? The one that we saw are the beginning?

>innocent people
>your first interaction with them is a terrorist attack they orchestrate in a safe zone
>they try to kill you at the end of the game just because you're a loose end

They had no idea what they were doing, they had no means to mass produce or distribute a vaccine even if they did. They saw Ellie as nothing more than a power play to aid their survival, they were no better than any other raiders in the game. Joel did nothing wrong.

muh evil drumphtatorship destroying all hope because ?????????????? >:(

don't forget that Tess, Joel, Tommy and his wife all have moved on with their lives in this new world
they aren't exactly pining for the old days, nor are they struggling day to day
they have little to gain from a cure, they are already growing old

>Autists on Yea Forums don't understand that human beings are affected by biased emotions and don't always act logically

Beep boop

The military would likely ere on the side of caution and dome here like the beginning of the game. You'd need to come to them with the girl AND vaccine.
Keep saying it

You're encouraged to stealth more than shoot, and the stealth is terrible. The shooting isn't particularly great, either.
Still worth playing though.

they never really instigated any of the shootouts
Joel clearly priorities stealth, trying to sneak out of all encounters before inevitably getting cornered or ambushed

>they try to kill you at the end of the game just because you're a loose end
a loose end to what?
they gained nothing from turning on Joel
Fireflies are actually retarded

kill all niggers 2033

there is nothing logical about what the Fireflies were doing
complete incompetence

>haha DAAAAAAADDY stick it in my cuuuuuuunny *squish* unh unh mmmmmmmmmfffff rrrrggghhh yeah that's it ooohh ooohhh oooohhh if you keep doing that I'm going to become an IDIOT OH MAH GAWD I'M BECOMING STEWWWWPED I-I-I'm gonna squirt I'm gonna PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH *squip squip psssssssssssssssssssssssss* "yeah that's my girl"
What did Neil Druckmann mean by this?

I'd kill the whole world if it meant I could see my wife again, just for a day.



You can't mass produce a vaccine in a world where fucking food is hard to get.

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>Vaccinating against a fungus
>In collapsed world with fuck all resources

>The multilayer was spectacular
Microtransactions completely ruined it. Having to spend money on scoped variants of the default weapons is some top tier jewry.
>You should play it in anticipation of 2 and the multilayer game of the year.
>even considering buying the jewess sniffing simulator

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>Oh cool I wonder who it's going to be ab--
>Oh, that's kind of lame. I wonder--
>Wow that sounds really shitty

I support these stories just because it makes /pol/ seethe like this.

i wwant to knwow thwat thwe charwacter im plwaying as is a fwucking fwaggot and hwas lwots of gway fwucking fwaggot swex i wwant to plway as a gwirl thwat is a fwaggot too and shwoots gwuns and kwills pweople bwut is alswo a gwirl and is alswo a fwaggot thwat hwas gway fwaggot lesbwian pwussy swucking clwit rwubbing gway gwirl fwaggot swex


>Flimsiest safest form of pandering for good boy points
>haha take that /pol/ so brave so progressive I'll take two copies

Congratulations, you're the reason the majority of games are so fucking terrible


I would absolutely prefer to play as a faggot dude instead that obnoxious cunt Ellie

Reading this aloud is like an ice cream headache for your jaw, jfc

>supporting media that furthers the debasement of the society you live in, ruining the future for you and everyone you care about
Talk about an epic "self-own" moment.

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>Being so fucking assblasted at someone shit talking your precious cinematic experience you are literally reduced to baby talk

Holy fuck

It's better than voting for a right wing candidate just to make liberals seethe and cry

And there's literally nothing you can do to stop it

My original point stands. /pol/ seething at anything that even slightly goes against their line of thinking is fucking hilarious. You can never help yourselves either. You just have to respond and defend your neckbeard honour.

I still can't believe this not-that-complicated moral predicament breaks Yea Forums's mind. Maybe the game deserves more credit from you fags than it gets.

Learn to argue you Discord retards.

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>Liked the first one
>Looking forward to the second one
>Gameplay reveal trailer is an obnoxious dyke video instead of being about entirely new characters like they should have done

But by all means keep defending corporate product because you are so fucking easy and gullible

Since when were the Fireflies "innocent"?

I think I will, it keeps you seething after all

What a good little corporate drone you are. Beep boop to the stars, little thing.

I like how we have such little information about TLoU2.

How is it that every time you call out /pol/ by name they will just flood in and make complete arses of themselves?
It works every single god damn time, no matter how innocuous the topic. It's like a fucking beacon.

OP is a retard. The only ones who border on innocent are the surgeons at the end because they pose no physical threat to Joel, and that one is mostly player's choice.

>Get called a retard for being a retard
>lol take that /pol/

I want Americans to leave

We have just enough to know that it'll be garbage.

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Keep crying, surely it'll change my mind :)

>My original point stands
But you didn't make a point. All you said is that you buy politically charged things so you can annoy a few people on an anonymous image board who will forget about the exchange within a day or two. That's pretty sad tbqh imo baka.

Changing a mind requires a mind to change.

Your tears are delicious

Not as delicious as those corporate boots you love to lick.

Thanks for the (you) :)

Have another one, drone.

>and the shooting looked pretty fun
I shot a gun like maybe ten times in the entire game. You will not be shooting unless you're on the baby difficulties because ammo is almost impossible to find, attracts tons of people, and fixing your health costs a lot.

Playing on anything but Grounded is boring as fuck.

thanks, hon be sure to add extra tears to the next one:)

This post is an ok post, user.

I can't control the quantity of what you perceive, drone.

Hello again
I never said I'll buy it, rather I support the practice itself in principle just because it makes you seethe.

The military don't believe anyone can be immune, and the few times the Fireflies brought it up (Without the government knowing they were Fireflies) they were either killed due to breaking quarantine (Because how else would you know this?) or due to them being Fireflies. It's one of the first things either they mentioned or is mentioned in the dossiers you find.

Ammo appears more when you're low on anmo.

Yeah, on the easier difficulties. On Survivor or Grounded you get maybe three bullets a pickup at best even when you're low on ammo.

>just because it makes you seethe
Why do you want cause anger, user?

As sad as it is, there's quite a few people out there who live purely out of spite. Seems like a miserable way to live.

>Why do you want to make /pol/ angry?
Gee I dunno, because it's funny?

>Doomed humanity
>Government controlled biggest threat of the fireflies
>who they fucked up over the course of the game an Joel finished them off
>Also independant communities like Tommys are doing fine

Yeah nah, humanity is fine

>Original post was bitching about muh lesbians in vidya
>lol why u gotta be so spiteful m8?
/pol/ really has no self awareness do they?

>>Ruins the hope for humanity's survival
She wasn't the only one like her.
And theres no guarantee that she was THE ONE that had the right antibodies, and thats also not how this stuff works. You need different probants and it takes time.

Also, the game is not good anyway.

>Don't like a supposed gameplay trailer that's focused on a slow motion intense close up of a greasy ass kiss that is purely for political baiting
>I don't like this

They don't even pay you. They don't even HAVE to pay you.

I bet you defended the Ghostbusters remake. You did, didn't you

People were simply voicing their dissatisfaction with what they believe to be a politicized product and it flared you up enough to try to make them "seethe". To be honest, user, I think you might be the one who was "seething" all along.

You sound hella toxic senpai

>does it for cunny
>cunny becomes a lesbian
name a more cucked protagonist than joel

Yeah, but the thing about that is that if you do what Joel did then you're no better than the thing you criticise. I mean you basically say "fuck all of you, i'm going to do what i want, and if all of you die because of it then i don't give a shit and i'll kill whoever is in my path." Like the things you criticise and blame, you have now become the selfish, aggressive, unempathetic dreg of humanity, the very thing you swore to destroy, the very thing that killed so many innocents including his daughter. If you want to live for yourself then thats perfectly fine, but Joel went too far, going on a murder spree and making decisions for Ellie, which shouldn't be his business. I mean, not only does he kill the entire leadership of the resistance group (they weren't perfect but a good beginning) dooming it all, but he also abducted Ellie, forced her to abandon her own decision to die for humanity and to instead go with him , and then lied to her about there being many others like her who failed. With this action he doomed countless lives to a horrible death, countless fathers to bury their sons and daughters and suffer the same thing he did, countless deaths that are now unable to build a better future, and he did it all, because he was too weak to let Ellie go to a death she willfully accepted.
By what right does he criticise humanity? By what right does he think he is better than the random looters and raiders he shot, or the soldiers who killed his daughter?

Nigger what fucking choice? The Fireflies found Ellie unconscious and prepped her for surgery. Sure, she might have agreed, but she didn't decide shit.

Did you somehow miss the part where her entire goal was to reach the Fireflies to do whatever they needed? The choice was going along with Joel to them in the first place.

Like I said, she might have agreed to it, but she didn't make a decision. Nobody can give Joel shit about making a choice for Ellie when the Fireflies did too. And saving somebody without permission is a damn slight better than killing them without permission.

Their entire goal was to go to the firefly group, and in the epilogue ellie says that she is just waiting to die ever since her friends died, and then makes Joel swear that what he said about the fireflies is true.
She is perfectly comfortable with dying there

If the Fireflies had a snowballs chance in hell of succeeding then I could agree with you but given the state they're in by the end of the game there wasn't any hope left. Even if they had managed to cobble together a vaccine they had no way of mass producing it or distributing it, and that's assuming they were altruistic enough to even do that as opposed to reasoning it to save their own skins. And given the nature if the few we see besides the leader I can't with confidence believe they would have done the right thing. Joel went nuts to save Ellie for sure but they forced him in to that position. The guy trekked across the country for a year, lost a friend, nearly died a bunch, etc. And when he ginally gets to them they knock him out, tell him their gonna kill the one person he cares about and tell him to fuck off without so much as a how do you do. Joel could have handled it better but those idiots did everything but put a gun in his hand and beg him to pull the trigger

Dude, you only hate gays because you won't ever get laid. Shut up.

Absolutely, it´s really good. All of Naughty Dog's PS3&4 exclusives are for that matter. And I don´t even own a PS4.

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Okay, Freud.

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