Join the Scarlet Crusade

Join the Scarlet Crusade.

Attached: whitemane wow.jpg (1080x1417, 267K)

Other urls found in this thread:

only if you squeeze my cock between your thighs

I need more sally art

Genocide the Forsaken.

Attached: whitemane wow2.jpg (725x1000, 487K)

TABARD SALLY, user. Tabard casually hanging over the cooch is where the boner is created

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The Scarlet Crusade are the rightful inhabitants of Lordaeron and are perfectly justified in their overzealous tactics when considering their location and enemies
Also holy fuck how are they still not completely wiped out?


Not that user but I'm here to agree with you.

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Do i get a milking introduction first?



Do i get to mating press you when I'm done.

>woman is depicted as crazy
>must give her white hair

old woman are crazy enough so yes

>her Hearthstone card has her thighs covered
this is why I play HotS instead

you can fuck the hair color back into her

I'll join in a heartbeat if she puts a leash on me and lets me worship her legs.

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Play my dead game.

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No thanks, I'll stick to the porn.

I am still salty that the priest class hall were not the scarlet monastery and we didn't have Sally as follower.

Because HotS is dead we now have their based artists on the WoW team. I mean, look at Valeera.
I mean it's either that, or they're now allowed to just rip HotS models and put them in WoW. fine either way.

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I wish my dick was right beneath her heel.

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Enjoy your spacegoat spaceship and undead holy priest.

Blessings of the Light and Jade Serpent upon you

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This only if it involves being shrunk and chained to her toes instead.

if you're the lucky one to be selected for 'atonement tonight

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>no skin showing at all

There's a bit of hip meat on the left side user.

I want her dick instead.

>join the scarlet crusade
>penis inspection day

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I want her to sit on my face.

Remember when that user just said fuck it and made a thread opening up with a pic of her with pasties, trasparent tabard and pubes in full sight that lasted like half a day? I remember.

Oh yeah, I remember that. Wanna share the pic, for old times sake?


Would the Scarlet Crusade be ok with my Draenei wife and our offspring? Important question.

The Scarlet Crusade hates all non-humans, including humans.

Funny guy.

great, another sperm cranium thread.



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I can't, my energy bar is low. I need a spirit potion straight from mommy's milkies to crusade like a good boy.

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What the fuck is that theme

A theme of superior patrician taste.

blond people are naturally evil and white haired people are mentally degraded

Metal Owl is a freak, but god damn he draws some THICK bitches.


>drawing cute pets spending some time with their masters makes you a freak

If that means I'll get to slowly take of your stockings and usurp the smell of your sweaty feet, I'd get fucked by 30 orcs for you.

Big fan of magical girls in high cut leotards.

white color = divinity

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Overwatch needs more Warcraft skins.

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Do you have that background constantly when browsing? I've never understood the logic behind that. Don't you become desensitized to it? Or are you one of those folks that get off to making yourself jack off as much as possible?

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I appreciate the thicc and sexy female body. It's as simple as that. Some people are gymnophobic, like SJWs and religioustards. I'm not. Don't need to be hard to appreciate it, you are naturally desensitized to it when you've hit 18 if everything is in correct order.

>you are naturally desensitized to it when you've hit 18 if everything is in correct order

dear lord help me

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Can't seem to find any real examples of his work.

How the fuck did HotS get away with those top tier models while WoW team covers the women up and makes their breasts smaller

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Too many horkers in WoW. They don't give two shits about assfaggots light

Nigga you didn't even try. Lucky for you, I'm a saucefag.

is there more like this

Attached: AssllAF.png (256x256, 92K)

Thats hot

>hey i'm not undead
The most utterly imbecile faction in Warcraft lore, they deserve to be slaughtered thrice over

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>Also holy fuck how are they still not completely wiped out?
Because gameplay >>>> lore.
Same way the Blood Elves are somehow perfectly fine in TBC or that Draeneis have spaceships and crashed in Azeroth : Because the game needs each race to have its homeland in Azeroth.

It's not that they think everyone is undead. They believe non humans are impure, that's why they attack non undeads too.

The plothole comes in the fact that they also attack humans.

>warcraft lore.
>making sense.

>Or are you one of those folks that get off to making yourself jack off as much as possible
dude just call them by their names; cumskulls/jizzbrains

Me on the right

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>all that copy-paste in the background
ruins it desu

the animators know, they fucking know

Join the navy

are those balls?


Of course they knew. A shame Blizzard shat on them and now they are working for Riot.

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I did.

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I want to suck those pubes.

I think they actually allowed high elves and dwarves in the past? Or am I just making that up?

She's genociding something.
That's a really bad drawing, though. Isn't the crystal supposed to be between her tits, and not directly under one breast?

Since whitemane is obviously the reddit memer server what side are us oldfags going to play on fairbanks?

While everyone was busy playing hero, they forgot to bother reclaiming the first place they promised to save: Lordaeron. When presented the opportunity, some people even turned it down. Worse yet is that Forsaken and other races that didn't strictly subscribe to holy doctrines were allowed into one of these other factions of supposed holy warriors fighting to reclaim the homeland. Those you love are dead and have been reanimated, their corpses convinced they're the beings they once were in life but are truly damned beings by nature and allowing their suffering of continued existence is only a greater sin upon the Light and the lands. Worse yet is, despite everything you're trying, you've hired thugs coming into your holy place of worship to slay you because you've been purging the wicked. What's that? You survived? Turns out it's time to realize your faction has been lead by a demon! Yet he, too, wishes death upon the Scourge - You've your faith the demon will be judged in the end and that its control is merely an illusion of its own fallacy, as it unknowingly serves the greater good. Despite how hard you fight to reclaim your birthright, all walks of life seem to be against it and go at all odds to prevent your natural return home for all that is good in this world.

No one is the bad guy in their own telling of their story, user. They're zealously devout and have stood by a sworn oath they've held ever since the begining and their drive to reach that goal has steadily driven them to more and more insane lengths and measures. Sally had such a powerful connection to the Light that she is one of the very, very few people capable of canonical, true resurrection and could even perform it upon herself. You don't get that power like you do magic; you get that in absolute faith and doing something the light seems appropriate.

Activision/Blizzard decided that being the third most populat MOVA wasn't good enough so they removed the e-sport scene and moved a lot of devs to other projects.
The worst part is that the HotS team wasn't aware of this, they were super excited and passionate about their game and announced a lot of new stuff to come during BlizzCon, and then around christmas they got the news like the rest of the playerbase. At least two of the most beloved devs left shortly after and one of them went to Riot.

The old crusade did, yeah. Specifically only those races. They later on moved to adopt a humans-only, viewing humanity too strong of will for total corruption.

I want to marry and impregnate Whitemane.

It's not even really a plothole. They're a terrorist organization, of course they fight agents of all armies no matter the race.

you didnt save her

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literally who

>ywn go balls deep in her rotten clunge

It does tie in with the normal "muh evil church and muh evil crusaders" =D

>Fucking died in Scholo
>Nvm she's alive here in WoD
>Her entire identity is being on her own out for vengeance against the Scarlett Brotherhood
>Suddenly is generic Sylvanas Fangirl #3 in BFA

Such a shit character

>Fighting to slay Undeath and Chaos, direct opposition to Light and Fire
>Fighting to reclaim your homeland
>Holding unshakable faith in your beliefs
>Terrorist organization

Looks, whatever, libtard.

more like al qaeda, just somehow even more incompetent.

>They're a terrorist organization, of course they fight agents of all armies no matter the race.
And what did the Alliance even do to them in the first place so that they want to kill humans of stormwind on sight?

>Best part of new wow
>Literally a 30 minute long questline for under lvl 10 undeads

>new WoW
>10 years ago
get the fuck over yourself, Cataclysm Azeroth has existed longer than pre-Cataclysm Azeroth

alliance pleb detected

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>Fellow Forsaken during the waking
>Can't come to terms with her new life, wants to die
>Feeling sympathetic to the currently existing Forsaken eventually, she wants to protect those who currently exist and help them adapt to their new lives
>Goes on to permanently slay Whitemane with specially announced holy oils and sacred blades that somehow keep whitemane dead
>Realizes her hatred towards necromancy and vows to kill Grandmaster Handling
>Has her soul ripped from her body during the encounter in Scholomance, somehow she recovers from this?
>She returns to aid you in Draenoer to recover more holy weapons to be used against the forces of darkness
>Spends her time slaying necromancer and corrupt holy figures alike and being anti-creation of new undead but for the Forsaken trying to eke out some sort of existence
>Suddenly becomes all pro-creation of new undead by BfA, most probably mentally manipulated so by Sylvania due to an extreme personality change when you next meet her
>Is now suddenly zealous for the Forsaken and zealous for Sylvannas despite otherwise not being a big fan

Fuck off /pol/

A massive fucking snowflake mary sue who can do no wrong and will be the next Forsaken leader when Sylvanas turns out to having been working for good all along but needs to step down.

I don’t understand her leg wear is it a boots or high knee socks? Why does she still wear high heels?

Meanwhile, Anduin literally went well out of his way to arrange survivors of Lordaeron to meet with the Forsaken families in Arathi for some proper closure. Some wanted to rejoin their families, some straight out defect, and Sylvannas killed every last one of those Forsaken in cold blood and then blamed the Alliance for it because peace would never be possible. It's very clear that Voss drank a gallon of whatever Koolaid Sylvannas was passing around.

WoW writing is so trash lmao

It really is.

calm down niggy

What's up with the guys in the background? Not the fact that their copy-pasted, but they are holding onto a wooden sword??

As a lore buff, it really is. So much potential and it's squandered by such piss poor presentation, leaving fans to have to extrapolate and properly narrate how characters and factions would and shpuld have viewed things. It's a goddamn joke. Can't have Sylvannas be a necessary evil while looking out for her people, nope. She has to be Garry 2.0 while twirling her evil mustache. I hate it

I love when ecchi pics are absurdly high resolution so I can zoom in and fap to her delicious armpits

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Now this is peak jizzbrain

>the Alliance hates undead because we remind them of who they are

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>LAWL and she was like fugg da alliance and like raaaaawr I'm evil
>10/10 Shaniqwa you're hired ;^)
nu-Blizzard is just sad.

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>They HATE us!
>We must stop necrophobia
>By MURDERING them all!
The writing is so hilariously bad that it makes over 90 iq people feel superior to whoever is responsible for this shit in Blizzard.

>mop: hey stick these blades into whitemane's meaty thighs to kill her permanently
>legion: here go revive whitemane, who is permanently real superduperkilled also she was insane and is now normal since she's undead :-^)
they just ignored all scarlet crusade lore about how they aren't actually insane
and the part where she was megasuperduperkilled permanently and made permanently inresurrectable
and the part where her faith in the light was so strong she would have literally exploded if ever raised as undead
just why the fuck did they decide to fuck scarlet crusade into the ground after vanilla?
the only good faction and it gets ruined ree
also it's not everyone's cup of tea but I wish there was more art where her tabard gets raised by her dick

>gymnophobe thinking he can insult anyone without all of society laughing at him instead

She was a terrible character when she was introduced and she's a terrible character even now.

>Turn humans into crops/slime for fun
>"Why do humans hate us, truly we are now Forsaken"

Fuck Blizzard

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

lmao thats so cringe.

So fucking tired of this subversive trope

> Akshually the walking undead abominations are the good guys!!!

the lich king did nothing wrong

the funnier part is how hard they then undermine it by making the forsaken literally just the scourge.

Goddamn right. Fuck the abominable undead. They are an affront to nature and the Light. Fall in behind dat ass and make Lordaeron Great Again.

I blame the reboot of Battlestar Galactica. Melodramatic big brained NO WE HUMANS ARE THE TRUE EVIL . . .

>We're not so different, you and I.

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Arthas did nothing wrong, LK did somethings wrong.

Oh I'm Arising alright.... She is almost as hot as Argent Confessor Paletres.

They think anyone not as zealous as they are is a sympathizer to the scourge. It's a totalitarian fundamentalist radical religious terrorist organization.

Stop with the zoomer terminology. No one uses the words cumskull or jizzbrain. Kill yourself.

Argent Confessor Paletres is hotter

t. braindead cumskull
i pity you

Paletress is so much hotter.

Great thread!
I sure do love me porno-graphic media as well!
Now if you excuse me, it's time for my hourly FAP! (slang for master-bait)

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>gulp gulp gulp

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ahhh haha



he he he

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I literally can't. Mostly because her game is shit.

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