Which game has the best P90?

Which game has the best P90?

Attached: P90--.png (697x341, 353K)

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Ur mother


P90 is my favorite.
It's cute and stubby and looks like an aquatic creature.

Rainbow 6 Siege

Splatoon 2

Attached: S2_Weapon_Main_Hero_Shot_Replica.png (256x256, 41K)

doom 3

Battlefield 3

Attached: P90_Render_BFP4F.png (927x416, 267K)

Gunslinger girls.

Apex Legends

Please user. I need to forget.


Is that a FAMAS?

right up there with the vector

Boy they didn't even try to hide it did they?



with few exceptions, if its a gun in r6s, its probably the best iteration of that gun

Attached: file.png (1280x946, 2.11M)

Favorite gun to use in resident evil revelations


Way too OP in Solidus' hands

>Render from BF:P4F

Attached: 1561617424091.jpg (345x385, 19K)

>Dual p90 with silencer, rapid fire, and lazer sight

Attached: 1436027607406.gif (304x208, 3.33M)

The one and only of course.

Attached: yqhopzmje1221.jpg (850x1063, 128K)

Actually holding the thing virtually lets you feel how unique the gun actually is.
>have to hold it right up against your body with your arms tight together like you're hugging something
>have to scruntch up to get a clear sight picture
>a quick glance down lets you see just how much ammo you have left
>doesn't matter anyway lel because the gun BRRRTs all 50 rounds like it's nothing
>reloading the sunovabich is fucking unintuitive and awkward
>has a lot of recoil for such a small form factor, at least in Onward
Sadly it's not really a good gun in the game, but like I said it's unique and no other gun feels the same to hold and shoot as the P90.

Metal Gear Solid 2.

Solidus took down like three RAYS with a modified version of this tiny son of a bitch.

Perfect Dark

What are these jackets called

He said games.

Ah bitch, you beat me too it.

I still remember playing Battlefield 2 when it first released back in 2005 and being able to use the P90 as an engineer. I had no idea it was a real weapon. I had always thought it was just something from MGS2.

I was one of the few people who picked the P90 instead of the Jackhammer.


Attached: Goldeneye_007_N64_RC-P90s_Firing[1].jpg (1021x705, 134K)

You obviously didn't watch Stargate

came here to post THIS

If this isn't in your gun porn collection, you're a man of no taste.

Just take a fucking look at it. Tiny, compact, could fuck your day up in the right hands. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous.


No, but I remember playing a Stargate mod for Battlefield 1942.

I've seen several episodes of the original show. Been meaning to sit down and watch the movies and shows sometime. It's definitely up my alley.

The P90 came along later in the series and became something of a mainstay. Like most things, the earlier episodes are the best.

>cant body shot kill anyone
yeah fuck off

those were p90s?

Similar grip shape

Attached: latest[1].png (320x240, 25K)

>laser sight

What the fuck is that magazine doing?

i can't believe i've never noticed this

>Literally called the "rc-p90"
>I never noticed it was based on a weapon called the p90

Not only is it trash in R6S, it's alternative is actually a good gun. Ash's G is only a "bad" gun because her R4 is so much better but GIGN's P90 is just outright bad and even harder to justify when the MP blows it out of the water in every worthwhile measure

More obvious on GE:S

Attached: 1541730029954.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)


I've never seen P90s irl with wood grips. Is that a real thing or did they just do it for the game?

timesplitters 2

It's just a modernized version of the Goldeneye RCP-90
There's never been a factory made one with wooden grips

Don't think there's a proper name for them, but you'll find the likes from urban ninja or "techwear" brands like Acronym

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I see you

Attached: 289759345.jpg (640x439, 64K)

Good times man. Hidden Source was so much fucking fun.