>slaps your ass
what do?
Slaps your ass
Turn the other cheek
Walk back to my house quickly.
instantly cum
y-you too
Remind him that he claimed Fringilla resembled Yeneffer and that's why he found her attractive
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
>tfw sex depraved
>fantasize henry using me as a cocksleeve
Toproll him
slap her ass
Pull my pants down and bend over.
Endure weeks of unending agony.
>t. broke my coccyx once
Tris is a nigger?!
on one hand they made the hot white female's into ugly niggers
but on the other they made their loverboy a white chad with a BWC
it is both based and cringe
i broke mine too and it hurts like 3 years later
how did you break yours
i went down a fucking enormous hill on a bike without breaks as a child and then ended up hitting a curb at the bottom of the street
i went over the handlebars, and by all rights had i not landed diagonally on the curb directly on my ass i'd probably of died
>I am not a gay
Probably this
i hit it on a gear shift in a car and then two days later on the pointed metal arm of a treadmill
>Not wanting your ass slapped by Henry Chadvil
>Unzips pants
He has a fucked up body
Is he gonna play classic?
Why does every character have to be steroid infused like this now, fucking stupid.
Reminder that he is a shitty actor with no charisma.
bend over like the good little twink you are, OP.
Roids, possible synthol. Still looks better than you :))
>this mad at someone who's spent his life training
Chadville is 30+
I doubt he's on steroids
is this the femanon thread
was geralt ever meant to be that fucking buff holy shit
nothing. i'd probably just internalize any emotion i felt and go home or something
>this mad at someone who's spent his life training
You ever seen young Caville? He was a little fatass.
no this is the tranny thread
oh no no no, look at the top of his head!
Not them, but those arms look roided
So? Plenty of lads started lifting in their early 20's.
>spent his life training
>what is context
Weighlifting isn't something you do before your late teens unless you want to destroy your health, growth and hormones. By our standards it IS his life.
>that hairline
quickly turn to him and say "Thank you sir, may I have another sir?"
He's gone on record that he wouldn't do that with the whole me too thing.
Even completely bald he would still make women instantly wet.
Dude won the genetic lottery.
Actual cope
Sue him for sexism and ruin his career.
raised hairline is high test brothaman
Wait till you hit 18. Every day there is one of you dumb zoomers on /fit/ freaking out about mature hairline.
Europeans are whores, that's a fact. Well, user, let that faggot bow down and suck, it's in his nature.
What happened to good ol'gays? Why is it always trannies these days?
Inb4 they died of AIDS
*High androgen recepter count on your hair folliciles
Which is why baldness goes from 55% in white people to 2% in asians
I have/had a base female testosterone level and still grew facial hair, body hair and went bald
he's not on roids, look at him off set and he's not as jacked
he'll just get a pump before each scene, it's like how when men do nude scenes they get a semi
Slap his ass
>2% in asians
That doesn't seem right. Half of my neighbors are old chromedome motherfuckers.
It's almost like hollywood women are just like the old geezers. I bet Henry had to take off his shirt during his casting.
Halt Sinner!
What a hunk
I'm still here, user. I'll suck your dick.
But realtalk, he's 100% juicing and i hope he wont collapse once his obligation to stay buff runs out.
It's funny how you desperately try to diminish someone that exceeds you in every regard.
The juice that hollywood actors use is of the highest quality and they have personal doctors to control that shit. They will be fine, look at the rock.
I dont know why he stayed so buff after playing Superman. Geraldo is not that buff in the books, right?
Lmao. Dyel cope.
> possible synthol
t. /fit/
Geralt's ottermode
you're a.... nu-man
a nu-man squirting his juice up here alone
He looks like a walking heart failure timebomb.
The fact that he spent +10 in pro wrestling and turned out to be a good person is what surprises me the most. That business turn people into monsters
hairlet cope
Steroids are statistically less dangerous than drinking, smoking, or eating McDonalds. He'll be fine.
>hairlet cope
fuck off, FUCK OFF
>He looks like a walking heart failure timebomb.
Arnold has been on gear since he was 14 and he's 72 and looks fantastic. Same for Sly. Roids are only dangerous if you have bad genetics or you take retarded doses.
He will be fine, there's a difference, for example, between real anavar and what you buy as anavar.
Aka balding.
He was talking about the woman.
Reminder that Finasteride/Dutasteride are $12-18 a month without insurance and will stop balding and reverse at least 2 years
Update my journal
I whisper into his ear about what the Jews are up to.
It's normal. European have high foreheads. It's called "highbrow" for a reason.
>26 yo virgin
>shitty jaw
>jew nose
>now losing my hair pretty badly
>see this guy
What is the actual point? I am a literal genetic failure
Reminder that if you need Finasteride you have poverty genetics. Another reminder that Fin can break your dick.
>50 year old man perving on a 25 year old
why do white people tolerate this
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>26 yo virgin
There's absolutely no reason to not have fucked a hooker by now. You people are playing yourselves at this point.
>nigger cope
1) It's a 36-year-old chad and a 17-year-old qt
2) She's legal everywhere in Europe
3) She clearly likes him
>fucking a hooker
Doesn't count
hope you are funny or at least stronger than a pre school girl.
>sex doesn't count as sex
Are you one of those retards that thinks porn isn't sex, it's acting?
Watch your mouth, white boy.
There are people who have the same things as you and have still had sex
You're probably just weird and unlikeable
have sex for free, incel freak
Get shot.
Wouldn't fucking a hooker be along the same lines as buying one of these male sex toys? Like what's the point, how will it improve my life exactly? So I can say yes I fucked someone once. It won't change the fact I've spent 26 years existing and failed to find a single human who would have consensual sex with me because of my genes.
I am not funny, I tried to learn social stuff and force some humour out of myself but I think it just shows I'm trying too hard and dead inside. I am stronger than a pre-school girl, I workout 2 hours a day 6 days a week and have done so for years, but have you seen muscular manlets? In a sense I look even more fucking pathetic and ridiculous than if I had just let myself go. I genuinely feel like I'm not god's mistake but god's cruel fucking joke
>t. mass shooter whitey
>Like what's the point, how will it improve my life exactly?
Once you get your dick wet you'll become a lot more relaxed around women and you'll get laid progressively easier. Trust me. Women can smell the desperation and self-loathing on you. And if not thing else, at least you'll know what woman's body feels like.
I do, retard. I lost my virginity 10 years ago. However, if I had reached the point where I was a virgin in my 20s I'd definitely fuck a hooker to at least know it feels like.
roids, yeah..synthol ? no chance, lol
I said watch it, whitey
Aggravate the police.
>fucking hookers
have some self respect incel.
reminder 40yr old man + 20yr old gf is pedophilia.
Because he's hot. Look at him! Now post a picture of you. He'll make your genetics look like a pile of shit in comparison. Even in your prime you won't be half as good as he is right now. He's just superior and the girl knows it
Most men who fuck hookers are middle-aged guys who are well off financially and are bored of their wives.
t. ex-pimp
Sounds like incels to me. Just go to a club all underage thots will fuck you for some drugs.
>rich married men
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
>just go to a club all underage thots will fuck you for some drugs.
Why would a 40-year-old man go to some shitty club with bad music, and waste his time when he can just fuck a blonde bimbo with big fake tits for half the money he would have to spend in a night club? You need to grow up a little, kid.
>sex is exchange for money is for losers
>go beg for sex in exchange for drugs instead
There's no sex at clubs
coping incels
t. brainlet who creeps around clubs trying to fuck drunk 4/10s
>Yeah I'm natty bro
Tell him he needs to find better hand cream.
Roid type and purity also matters, with Hollyjewd obviously having access to the best.
God doesn't exist and if he does he's a cunt