Do you think a level about sneaking into jail to kill a high profile inmate would make a good level?

Do you think a level about sneaking into jail to kill a high profile inmate would make a good level?

Attached: Agent47HITMAN2016.png (2000x2127, 2.57M)

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old io would absolutely make a kill epstein level in a future game

nu-hitman won't even touch it

gee op you're the first to make this joke

Attached: gj.png (338x256, 86K)

I always love the creative ways /pol/tards get us to talk about certain events.

they made a sniper level about that, would probably make for a good actual level

I wasn't joking.

I think a prison level could work well.

Welcome to Yea Forums, Yea Forums, 47.

This anonymous imageboard is well known for its extreme political influence, pedophile rings and the worldwide proliferation of "Shitposters" on internet.
But under its harmless front, the board is host to dangerous groups of video game posters threatening to scare of advertisers off using their lack of hygiene and social skills to take control of the board, that's why our client, Mr. Nagasaki, hired the ICA.
Your targets will be unfortunately anonymous until the end of the mission due to the nature of the board. Thankfully, our client provided us with an useful information: Your targets post number will end in "47"

I will leave you to prepare.

Attached: 4chan-logo.png (300x311, 41K)

I don't like overly realistic games.

wasnt that a level in absolution?

It would probably be similar to the blood money level in the drug rehab place.

The siberian prison sniper level was released not too long ago. After it got released, IO stated that a sandbox prison level is out of the question because their NPC AI doesnt recognize locked doors. They also said that they'd require a special prisoner npc ai because they wouldn't trust guards so easily. These are the reasons we don't have a prison level yet. So no, you won't get to kill Epstein as 47 anytime soon.

Attached: 1565124174654.png (1387x1008, 1.75M)

The Ai could be made to do an animation before they go through a door and have pathing that doesn't allow "non authorized personnel" to have the opportunity to go through the doors. Simple fix.

Too easy

>Good morning 47, your target is Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire accused of being a pedophile and child trafficker. He'll be residing in a max security federal prison. The contract stipulates that he has to die in an apparent suicide. Good luck 47, I shall leave you to prepare.
>That... Is Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire pedophile and ringleader in an infamous child trafficking network. Quite the resume.
>Excellent work 47. By subduing the guards and leaving a rope in his cell you have effectively killed him without laying a hand on him. This should be a clear message to anyone considering following in his footsteps.
>Epstein is down, good work 47. The money has been wired to your account, now head towards an exit.

Epstein is alive check this 7

aparently the reason they haven't made a prison level is because the ai cant distinguish between locked and unlocked doors

so close.

A game about this massive conspiracy would be amazing honestly.

Truth truly is weird than fiction.

after a similar mission in that shitty budget Prison Break game from 2009, I've wanted to see it in Hitman, yeah.

>Epstein is down, good work 47. The money has been wired to your account, now head towards an exit.
Epstein is down, good work 47. The children has been delivered to your apartment, now head towards an orifice.

Meh article, those quotes are not 47-ish at all.