This game is way darker than I remember. Are all Dragon Quest games like this?
This game is way darker than I remember. Are all Dragon Quest games like this?
Yes. Dragon Quest games may look cartoonish, but they can be very dark at times. 4, 5, and 9 are way darker than 8.
Dragon Quest games are like fairy tails in essence, and the games have never been one to shy away from giving kids the bitter chocolate instead of the sweet one. What generally makes them so appealing is that most of the time, the heavier concepts of the elements presented tend to be somewhat hidden. The games never stop and bash you over the face with how horrible it is, like in FF.
One of my favorite examples of this happens in 3 really early on when you get to the elf town. What happens is you find a cursed town where the humans have all been transformed into other things. The cause of the curse is the nearby Elf queen who is furious that a human kidnapped her daughter. However, after you track down the daughter, you find out that the daughter was in love with one of the humans. Knowing that neither family would approve the marriage and feeling cornered, they both trapped themselves inside a cave and committed a lovers-suicide. When you tell the queen this, she feels distraught and embarrassed over the loss of her daughter and her actions. She then just silently releases the curse on the humans and asks that you speak of this to no one.
And all of this was in an NES game. It's really amazing the amount of weight and character this little dinky sidequest has, especially when looking at it objectively where you realize that it's basically a town and a mini-dungeon.
Damn, I gotta play the other ones now.
Delusional everyone on this thread
>Getting the fygg from Marion in IX
honestly, there is some great stuff in just about all of them. 2 is a little shitty, and 1 has almost no story content, but the rest are great
>tfw 8 is the only game i've played so far that i'm not enjoying
Yangus does so much damage. Hero is basically his healing bitch iwhile I stack his tension and oneshot bosses lef and right. kek
does jessica ever do good damage or are whips just bad? she honestly feels like massive dead weight while hero, yangus, and angelo carry the game
Well, she's a woman. The only way she can be useful is by stacking points on sex appeal. I'm not joking by the way.
Thank you. I always had trouble putting into words how dragon quests tone felt. The structure of dq5 is easy to see as a string of fairy tale plots forming into a three chapter hero journey. The main character is fighting ghosts and saving fairy kingdoms by age 8, he's a fairy tale hero if there ever was one. Even gets a good old fashioned dose of child slavery and that's the most fairy tale shit ever.
pretty much all the games have a dude what the fuck moment
the best dude what the fuck moment is in the NES version of 2, where you need to check a random fucking tile of grass for a key item
we dont talk about that one
if anyone wants to play 2 they should stay away from the nes version unless they are a purist
>generic as all hell
you know what else is deep and dark? your whore of a mother
Playing DQXI, at the part where home town has been razed
>He hasn't played DQ 5
Prepare to cry.
Another bit from Dragon Quest 3:
There's a village where the queen demands that young girls be regularly sacrificed in order to placate a demon and keep the village safe. Erdrick tracks down the demon, Orochi, in its lair and defeats it, who then escapes. You then find that the demon was actually masquerading as the village queen and eating the sacrificed young girls. After slaying it and freeing the village from its tyrannt, if you talk to one of the child NPCs, you see this, which insinuates that some of the villagers had begun to raise their girls as boys in order to protect them.
That's because Yangus is the best
That was me with DQ6, but after 20 hours I think I'm finally starting to enjoy it.
It helps, I think, that I decided to play it on my 3DS instead of emulation.
>village full of tomboys
Sounds like a nice place to live
You also need to do that in 1
I found the Loto Seal totally by accident in 1
I'd say 7 has probably some of the "Darker" story elements, but as said earlier, it's very fairy tail-ish in nature, and not in a bad way.
gwaelins love is a radar that pinpoints it
What is the definitive way to play III? Been meaning to do it for a while now since people told it's the closest to IX in essence.
>Dragon Quest 11 does the same things in terms of "dark" storytelling
>It proceeds to cancel fucking everything tragic that happened in the post-game
The gameboy color games are better balanced and have more content. The SNES versions of the first three games just look and sound better.
SNES and GBC added in the personality leveling system, wasnt present in the NES original.
This sounds gay as fuck no joke
Also theres darker stories in fucking 11
This here is just about 2 people dying
What about the entire world being destroyed in 11?
What's the best PS1 emulator?
Play III and V asap!
III, V and VIII are the best in the series, in my opinion.
sUcH A piTy
didn't the 3ds version add a shitload of story for dhoulmagus?
Mednafen is the most accurate, but has no GUI so you either have to run it from the command line or through RetroArch, both of which are a pain in the ass.
If you don't want to go that far, PCSX-R is good enough for most purposes and is much easier to set up.
Nevermind, I'm using EPSXE right now. It was easy enough to set up.
11 could have been nearly as good as 8 if it didn't go and fuck up all the character development.
ill see you next year when you finally get out of disc 1 of that game. VII feels too long on the 3ds, and that version trimmed the fat
I have seen deeper quests than that on assassins creed odyssey mate
What a fucking meme this board is
How is that even possible?
You have good taste, mate. Haven't seen you post a single bad game.
Is it really that big? Is it longer than 8?
8's more average jrpg length, 7 is like 70-120 hours depending on completion level.
DQ5 probably has one of the most emotional and touching journey in the entire genre.
hm... i kinda remember having over 200 hours in 8 when i was a kid and there was still thing for me to do
i never defeated all dragon forms for example
>Is it really that big?
It's longer. Took me ages to finish and I abused the fast forward
well 7 is the longest jrpg ever made in my opinion. and it's not padded with shit like endless repetitive bits like persona 3 onward, for example.
That probably had a lot to do with being a kid. The main game takes around 40 hours with the post game and completionist runs adding around 20 each.
>That probably had a lot to do with being a kid
Yeah, I guess. I probably spent 15~30 hours looking for mini medals alone.
which version is in OP?
i've just noticed the symbol in Angelo's ring is a fucking slime kek
How is that dark? Some goofy looking fuck turns a princess into a horse, the king into a namekian and the rest of the people to stone.
>spoiler literally just describes Romeo and Juliet
God damn why are DQ fans so fucking dumb?
I like that the only good final fantasy game is made by a dragon quest developer