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Hey there, good lookin

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>thought this was going to be the start of a series

play a new game you fucking boomers

>it could have been if Valve didn't take fucking forever to do anything and Adult Swim got cold feet on account of said taking forever

It's a hell of a dilemma. You don't know if forcing Valve to adhere to a more rigid schedule for broadcast TV could have compromised the quality of writing; likewise for outsourcing it to an animation studio.
But at the same time, what could have been? Maybe they wouldn't have all been as god tier as Expiration Date, but there could've been some great moments.

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A Pizza-hut in the garage
Uh, bucket of chucken wings

this is the only tf2 short i've seen
the actual game isn't really that fun

TF2 still pulls in a significant amount of money every year. Why not spend it on an actual development team instead of having all the work be handled by two people?

Overwatch has more memorable quotes desu

it used to be

God I miss tf2

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le randum tf2 sillyface XD

Who plays this zoomer game anyway? Overwatch was still the most viewed arena shooter on twitch!!!!


valve team bounces around, no proper management as everyone's a manager. therefore, the active amount of people working on tf2 bounces from 2 to 10 every other day. the majority of valve's money goes to technical hardware, or other experiments -- after all, valve is a software company these days

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So tell me, are you free for dinner tonight?

Why spend more money on the game if it already brings in loads of cash?

An unfortunate reality. This game better be worth it if it even comes out

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I have to wonder if they could have Netflixed it.

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i did too for a half second before I remembered that
>Engy's voice actor is dead
>Spy and Medic's are too busy (ie: too famous and Valve can't afford to pay them anymore)
>Soldier's voice actor has throat cancer or something
>Pyro's doesn't even really talk
>Something happened to Heavy's VA after Poker Night
>fuck knows what happened to Sniper's VA
Scout is the main character in Expiration Date because he's the only guy willing to continue doing voices for free (ie: he's gotten nowhere since doing TF2).
He still streams on Twitch if I recall and sometimes does Scout's character but at that point he's basically Team Four Star tier of sell-out, just like how they did their "Krillian and Vegeta play X" let's play series.

it literally hasn't changed or gone anywhere and it still among the most played games on Steam
just log into your usual community server, shoot cunts, make good bants and have fun.

Engineer and Soldier's VAs are fine. The problem was Heavy's, who's too old for VA-ing.

yeah something like that, i've gotten a lot of shit mixed up.
one of the VAs literally died last year though, pretty sure it was Engy.

You might be thinking of the youtuber who faked their death and then tried to quietly come back.

i mean anyone who calls themselves a """"Youtuber""""" should unironically kill themselves anyway.
and yeah according to the Internet they used a different guy to voice Engineer in Expiration Date than Engineer in the game.

>too old to speak into a microphone
>when dota2 Earthshaker's voice actor literally sounds like he's 140 years old
you're only too old to do voice acting when you're dead.
you literally just speak into a mic for 30 minutes and get paid squillions.

Your voice changes when you get older and it gets more difficult to give the same performance.

Even JEJ can't properly do the Darth Vader voice anymore.

all i know about the Sniper's VA is that he's married to glado's VA

seduce HER

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>just log into your usual community serve
My usual community server stopped existing 5 years ago

>Sets pubes on fire

Earthshaker VA is the fucking Sniper. Hell he is the International announcer every year

What are the best hats that go with Engi's ponchos

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>and have fun
I will, thanks Gabe

fuck you, it's gud

VAs only take it in if they’re the big names. Video game/cartoon ones aren’t as bad off as anime ones, but they still need to be prolific to make a real living off it.

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>Valve can't afford
yeah fuck you

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I fucking hate it so much, if Valve had finished in time there would've been a series of the team doin' shit being funny as fuck, hell maybe even add on to the lore, or best of all just adapt the comics to animation, imagine seeing the whole series of comics animated and everything. Hell even if it was somehow in every way bad at least it would've given TF2 more publicity so people would play the game.

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So we all agree what we hate Valve and would gladly cave-in Gabe's face with a baseball bat, yes?

valve can't even finish a comic

A single crossover episode of Venture Brothers would've been perfect

>just log into your usual community server
nearly all of them are dead

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>tf2 still not ported to source 2

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I'd watch scout + new characters. I like scout.

>just log into your usual community server
Matchmaking put a stop to the private server model being sustainable. Unless you run a trade server.

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even trade servers are going out the window, most of the time people in them just dick around and goof off with the map features rather than trade, everyone does their trading through websites and bots now


lmao sure whatever cunt

I swear I'll never make more of these ever again

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Face it user, you were born too late to know what you missed out on. Enjoy never playing with the same people in an absolutely no frills stock map valve server.

Because the TFteam went all in on a bad gamble over the idea that overwatch was where everything was going despite the decade of Team Fortress 2's existence proving otherwise. Honestly, I'm just worried they're afraid to admit it was a poor decision, because at this point the damage from the gamble is cataclysmic.

No they just lost interest in working on the game

Sniper's VA is fine, they hire him each year to announce the International, pretty cool guy actually.

To bring in more cash

sounds like a faggot

No, dickhead, there's quite literally a two month difference between when they shat out an immensely rushed heap of a fucking update and glued all the new content to matchmaking, just to get people to play it.
Everyone knows it's because every efaggot was screaming about overwatch (Because BLIZZARD PAID THEM) and look how it turned out.
Overwatch got curbstomped by a dozen FREE TO PLAY esports hero shooters that immediately flooded the "Market" for them and barely managed to coast by on being on consoles before everyone else and getting the first batch of whales.
Now Overwatch is, that game with the barefoot guy that people are literally only upset about because he's white, and tf2 now has the issue that reeeeeeeeeee valve please fix I got hit by a critical
We pushed you into gimping literally every server for us do it agaaaaaaaaain!
It was a colossal mistake, and quite literally nobody benefits from it.
Not even the eSports Gang because now EVERYONE that was into playing the game in any way but AS A JOB is pissed at them

Hey listen buddy, if you think it's that easy why don't you go do it?
It's not like I want to bust my ass every year for some shitty moba game.

Rusty and Hatred play TF2 in an episode. weird

It's called budgeting, aka not throwing all your wealth away on something they won't pay off. Obviously something Valve doesn't respect anymore like TF2 won't get the budget to pull in big-name VAs

i'm laughing at you cunts for thinking that community servers are dead.
I'm still playing on the same TF2 community server since 2009 and shit hasn't gone anywhere.
Just sounds like you guys used to play on some real fucking casual servers.

>all my favorite gimmick community servers (fort wars, zombie fortress, wacky races, baloon races) are dead
>most times I see a server with harbl hotel or some other fun map like it, it's being played by a bunch of Yea Forumsedditors
>all I have left are the couple of tryhard community servers and the VSH/FF2 ones
I miss the variety

>community server
I fucking hate skial's instant respawn bullshit. do you know how awful it is to play against 3 spies with dead ringer that also instantly revive?
connecting directly to a valve server with the right map was the shiiiiiiiiit, but now I que up for the map I want, and the game is fucking over when I get there.


Don't tease us user. What's the source for the rest of them?

Is there a reason not to use stock crosshairs?

Cute but wrong thread.

Have sex
with me.


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Sure mate

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Contrast on some costum maps. Bright green gives the best contrast.

>hire a different guy
why dont they just do this for the animated shows? it cant be that hard to find people who sound like one of the older voice actors

im not sure about the Engy VA being replaced in expiration date but Soldier's VA for sure has throat cancer and was replaced by Nolan North for expy date

They do that. They aren't being stopped by voice actor issues, they're being stopped by the fact that no one there really wants to do it.


Any place to find good softcore/hardcore TF2 stuff like this? Paheal is loaded with pages and pages of things that look like some thirteen year old loaded up Gmod for the first time ever and tried to make scenes with it.

>Not appreciating Gmod
You people and your pointless cynicism are gonna ruin the world one day

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that fucking engie webm is a classic

The only sillyfaces normalfags approve of are caricatures of their political enemies.