Get to boss fight only to find out someone has killed the boss before you and you have to fight them instead

>get to boss fight only to find out someone has killed the boss before you and you have to fight them instead
What games do this? I know there's at least one I just don't remember what it was

Attached: Knight_Artorias.jpg (1540x942, 1.59M)

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow
Dark Souls 2

You still have to fight the entire elite 4 before your rival.

Penetrator from Demon Souls

You really think the tiny grunt Artorias kills was a boss of anything? That's more an example of seeing someone else fight a boss and fail before you get a chance.

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lmao, my nigga

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why are you black nigger

I'm white

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Attached: when bones kino updated.webm (960x640, 2.66M)

Damn... he's good


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he's obviously being ironic, retard

>obviously being ironic

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>tfw you beat the e4 in red then go the champion only to find he's been killed by your rival
I didn't think they'd go that far.