I want to fuck Quiet (even though she used to be a boy named Chico) this makes me ashamed of my words and my deeds

I want to fuck Quiet (even though she used to be a boy named Chico) this makes me ashamed of my words and my deeds.

Attached: 0003ACCD-DA79-41C5-907B-ED1DD6DEAC98.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

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I wonder if she has a phantom pain where her dick was

I'd pound that dude so hard thaI'll make him rocket shit his dick out on his next fart

Farewell sausage

Why does she look so much weirder and more androgynous than joost? Something about her jawline and chin

Is this true I got bored of MGSV

Yes, this is how she originally looked.

Attached: sad fucker.jpg (2203x2937, 646K)

No. The truth is far less intricate and far more boring.

I don't believe you I like the chico ending more

I played ground zeros I know chico would never be a bald white guy

>forced cutscene of watching Quiet take a shower and drink water
>you will be ashamed of your words and deeds
Bravo Kojima

Do you think her dads proud that shes a successful actress?

I could ask, she used to live a few km from me in bumfuck Netherlands before she moved to Nipland.

cute girl

Attached: horse.png (300x240, 24K)

>i could ask
>could ask

>not wifing her immediately

She'll immediately fall for my Limburg charm anyway.

Jong este zoa door geis duuj ich dich gans mit dien moel in de drek


>tfw I put a rubber band on the first person button and masturbated furiously while Quiet looked deep into my eyes and showed her ass at me

Attached: 1562168901542.png (808x853, 236K)

My sides

We all did


Chico deserved a far worse death than a boring helicopter crash
Needed more bullets and torture

Joosten is trying to get into Dutch movies now but honestly, being born in Limburg is already a black mark against her. Believe it or not, but inculcated elitist racism exists in The Netherlands. If you're from Limburg, you're seen as a 'hick', as 'inferior', and Hilversum doesn't want you.


Attached: check 'em.jpg (639x621, 98K)


Attached: 1561579653815.jpg (519x533, 94K)

Attached: off by one.png (472x470, 489K)

there it is

Attached: OCL9tbP.jpg (994x745, 149K)

it actually physically hurts my face to do that. What the fuck