ITT: Games that actually made you laugh so hard you cried

ITT: Games that actually made you laugh so hard you cried.

I'll start. This game right here.

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The only consistently funny games I've played are this and the two recent South Park games. Even having played all the Monkey Islands (except "Escape From") and other classic adventure games back in the day, I rarely did more than grin at the jokes. Barkley and South Park actually induced guttural, uncontrollable laughs.

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A video game has never made me laugh.

Play Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

This ridiculous game.

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>tfw there will never ever be any new cboyardee content

Barkley doesn't hold up so well if you don't have nostalgia for it honestly.

It's a peak example of a kind of internet culture and humour which has totally fallen out of relevance now.

If you were around during that time it's still fucking excellent though.

I skipped all the sex scenes, thats how funny this game is

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Really? I don't think so. I think the humor still works even today.

Gameplay is fucking boring and grindy as fuck, baseline RPG maker tier, but the art is Butakoma and the dialogue is fucking based.

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Rance is based

>you laugh so hard you cried.
I don't think I've ever done that in my entire life.

Radiata Stories was hilarious. Some of the dialogue in the beginning is actually really funny imo

White people have no soul.

No game has ever made me laugh so much that I cried. Undertale did make me laugh out loud once or twice. Sans "I've been working a ton. A skele-ton." line caught me completely off guard. I think the other time was Undyne cooking for Alphys.

That sounds very sad.

Wrong, it's absurdity is enough to carry itself without the experience/foreknowledge of the internet at the time
It doesn't even rely on spouting memes like making barkley fire his lazzzzooor shoop da whoop

I laugh at shitty porn vn's that also try to be serious.

>I believe ghosts are like dogs and they just sort of do things arbitrarily

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This octaroon speaks the truth.

That game isn't even funny. It's just a genuinely decent JRPG.


Barkley is full of memes, you dip. Diabeetus man was a popular Internet meme and an entire section of the game is dedicated to it.



Kindly fucking leave Yea Forums and never come back you Fortnite zoomie.

Not so hard I cried, but Golf Story got more chuckles out of me than any other game. Still need to play the south park games.

>It's a peak example of a kind of internet culture and humour which has totally fallen out of relevance now.

And the internet is worse for it.

I'm sorry user

I remember laughing hard at random party member comments in Stick of Truth, specifically Jimmy's

I hope you played VI. Pic related was a great moment.

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Some lines in vtmb genuinely made me laugh out loud for a while, but maybe not until I cried.
Honestly the few times in my life I did laugh to tears was browsing this shit cancer website back in the 2010's to an absolutely nonesensical post or meme. I don't know what chan culture did to me but I barely find anything else funny.

I think the only time a video game has made me cry laughing was when I played Melee with my friends and we just found Dr. Mario throwing pills at people the funniest thing in the world.
We eventually made some headcannon backstory that each of the fighters had some crippling mental instabilities and the only reason Dr. Mario was there was to diagnose them.

dr. mario? more like dr. irabu

LISA the painful had it's moments