Can this franchise be saved?

Can this franchise be saved?

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can you be saved?

only if whatever FFXVI is end up being actually good.

He could do it.

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It's the only JRPG franchise left alive, doesn't need saving no matter how contrarian and edgy you summerfriends want to be.

Save it from what? Being the most well known and profitable video game franchise from japan?

Literally just make Bravely Default but in a Final Fantasy setting and slap the Final Fantasy title on it, how fucking hard can it be?

Sadly nope.

>Only jrpg franchise alive
It isn't even the most popular brand that still gets games, much less the last one.

it's been dead since 12, DQ is the one still chugging along

>Right click
>save as

No it’s trash. Next step is black characters.

>Dragon Quest
>Legend of Heroes
>Etrian Odyssey

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I slogged through gen 7 and am not at all optimistic for sword and shield at this point, but i will still be buying them.

>black characters.

>Dragon Quest
>Legend of Heroes
>Etrian Odyssey

And many others are still alive and are more fun than FF can ever be now at least the mainline games. I simply moved on.

JUST REMEMBER that FFXIII and FFXV had the HIGHEST BUDGET that JRPGs have had or will ever have.

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>DQ is the one still chugging along
how autistic do you have to be to play a game where every single character looks like Gohan from DBZ in a wig

Toriyama art style is beyond trash

yes, but I would rather destroy it

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I mean like a whole cast of them not 3 niggers in a 30 year history nigga

Why do you think they can get away with this shit?

i love 5 so much
so so much
I am playing it for the first time and have never had so much fun with a final fantasy and had it as soon as I did
it is fun immediately
i got fuckin psyched learning i could stack time magic on my red mage, and I heard combos get even crazier. Like rapid flurry (some archer attack) on ninja lets them attack 8 times in a row? Like my ninja already hits like a truck, I am so fucking psyched how fun this game is.

Why couldn't 12 have job combination and fun like this? Why has no other final fantasy had fun like this? Hell, when they remade 4 they added a feature similar to 5 called augments which let you put on special abilities on characters. Like kick on your paladin and what not, or auto potion on your white mage.

I am sad that we will never reach levels this fun in an rpg from square again

mobius final fantasy was a good game

DBZ bad
jpop good

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Better than a bunch of boy band looking fags

Idk id say its cause i keep buying it but i actually skipped gens 4 through 6

General Leo existed back in FF2 user.

FF7 remake looks like it will be good.
I just hope it doesn't come out piecemeal with 2-3 years in between each of the 4 games.

at least there are some cool looking bosses.
every single DQ boss looks like either a generic ass dragon, or this

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It won't. Have gorgeous graphics/presentations still have not worn off some of you guys? It will be better the XIII and FFXV but not by much

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Nope, there hasn't been a good mainline game in years.

Final Fantasy XV is legitimately one of the worst games ever made.

I fully expect it to be the Eva rebuild of vidya and take 2-3 console generations to complete.

i cannot imagine the horror of waking up next to that after 10 years

>director of XIV is doing XVI
Yes, because its going to be 9/Tactics/12 style of fantasy

dragon quest designs are the definition of generic
but some people want generic in their rpg's since its nostalgic

so its whatever I guess, but I prefer final fantasy designs, well except for pic related

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>Dragon Quest
>chugging all along
Everyone was excited because after like 10 years they finally got a proper DQ game, because the franchise wasn't chugging along at all and instead they got weird mangled handheld games and MMOs that didn't do very well.

FF is overdesigned trash nowadays. they think graphics can make up for shit gameplay and bad story

You know whats funny? FF and DQ are complete opposites in their monster design.
>FF uses the same summons/eidlons and monsters over and over and over every game with minor variations
>DQ mixes it up and makes their demon lords/dragons look different every game
They trade places in that one regard. You get a lot more hit and miss with DQ there, but FF is boring. If you've seen Shiva once you've seen her forever.

No it doesn't. It looks like the same souless fucking combat of KH3.
Flash and flair with zero impact is fucking shit. Add in piss easy fights and you have a shitfire people will praise because it's a remake of the most overrated fucking game in the series because it was their first.

>It will be better the XIII and FFXV
Nah. They're far from amazing games, but I sure as hell would play them any time over it.

Yes, but we must return to turn-based.

yes very unique and original and intimidating

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4 easily has the weirdest monsters. play ragnars chapter on the NES, you get flying fatass chickens, blue midget faeries, fucking platypunk, and troglodytes all in the first tower

people argue about which summon design throughout the series is the peak all the time.
They constantly change how the summons look, maybe the changes were subtle in the earlier games, but ff9's shiva is a whole other beast compared to ff8's. and the difference between 7's ifrit to 10's is even more shocking.

Final fantasy has become more and more about having each entry be as different as possible from the last since 6. Gilgamesh, the same character in every appearance, looks drastically different in every game he shows up

and then you have retarded shit like XIII turing shiva into a fucking bike

>ghetto FF
>niggas riding black chocobos flinging thundagas at each other in a drive-by
>default party is a thief, a dark knight, a black mage and a gambler
>warriors of darkness
I'd buy it any day.

half-assed games, they put 0 effort. For slow brain people who jerk off to new sprites.

>Dragon quest
Same game, worse story, each time.

Bad combat & repetitive gameplay loop that's not fun.

>Legend of heroes
Low quality

>Etrian odyssey
Can't even call this a real game, more like the simulation of a game.


Single player mmo

And this is my son, Fat Fuck

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Bring back the art style and diverse world of FFIX, bring back turned based and jobs like FFX-2. Remove voice acting, it only serves to slow the game down a lot. Reading without the awkward voice acting and the even more awkward pauses after every two words is the only way jrpg plots are bearable.


viii and tactics was its peak, it went to shit after that, there's no saving it

8 is a bad game though

XIV is the most popular MMORPG right now

XV is the fastest selling game of the franchise

Tremendous hype for VII

Cope harder

prime example
its weird as hell and dumb as shit, but it is a drastic change.
I think its cool that they change them up so much. I hate that 12 used completely different summons though, only for the sequel to use the normal summons we all know and love

8 is poopie but comfy

>XIV is the most popular MMORPG right now
Not hard, MMOs are a dying genre
>XV is the fastest selling game of the franchise
Okay? Still has nothing on many other franchises.
>Tremendous hype for VII
Doesn't mean it won't be shit.


you mean XIV 2, XIV had to be scrapped and remade

They need to get rid of the shitty techno scifi modern day emulating aesthetic they've had with since 8 and even 7, excluding 9, somewhat. and go back to a more fantasy esque aesthetic like 5 and prior. People hate it and they have nothing more to lose at this point.

etrian died with the 3ds my dude. nexus was clearly a nostalgia grab throwback game to give it a sendoff


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Haha, totally!

You also forgot to mention Final Fantasy: Brave Exudus! Only one of the highest grossing Final Fantasy games ever.

i couldnt afford a sub as a jobless teenager, was XIV base really that shitty?

>XIV is the most popular MMORPG right now
No it's not, tranny, WoW still is.

>b-b-but most of it is chinese players
Just like XIV?

incredibly, the easiest example to bring up is that all the menus were server based rather than client based

I think they should go back to X and make a X-3
or a prequel with auron, braska, and jecht. (yes you will go through the same areas but it has now almost at the start of a 3rd console generation since X so they can do so much more with spira)

X had such a unique aethetic since it took on a lot of pacific undertones and influences from other cultures as well.

12 was pretty cool with its kinda middle eastern, indian, or whatever that region is called, aesthetic

>i couldnt afford a sub as a jobless teenager, was XIV base really that shitty?
Me either, but considering that they literally destroyed the world and rebuilt everything from scratch, im guessing yes it was that shitty

Combat was closer to XI, it wasn't a wow clone. It wasn't flashy, it was poorly optimized, animations were very bare-bones.

Japanese don't play on PC so they didn't want to move from XI to XIV. North American players can't handle slow mmos like XI.

>xiv is the most popular mmo
No, it isn't, wow is, fucking destiny 2 is more popular than xiv
>xv sold well
No, it didn't. It was literally a commercial disaster because it was so horrifically bad
>muh remake

typing a message to somebody on that controller has gotta be torture

pretty sure there were ps2 keyboards for XI, and i know the ps4 version of XIV has one. imagine playing DQ X on a 3ds though

in-game chat in XIV has a lot of auto-complete/auto-translate baked in

PS2 had usb ports and xi supported keyboards. I think it may have even supported mouse input.

>PS2 had usb ports and xi supported keyboards
that's actually pretty impressive considering the ps2 came out when most keyboards were still ps/2