He did nothing wrong. He only wanted to purge the realm of the primal menace.
He did nothing wrong. He only wanted to purge the realm of the primal menace
Other urls found in this thread:
He trusted a mystery nigger.
when's he actually gonna kill an ascian
What's up with all those masks, anyways?
he did literally everything wrong and is probably already killed by katana autist
Estinien saved him.
He wanted to genocide all the beastmen while working with an Ascian, who was the reason the beastmen knew how to summon primals. Not to mention the Sylphs and Moogles only turned to summoning primals due to Garlean presences in the Shroud. Not to mention he spoke of all people living in peace and equality under the Garlean flag when we know for a fact the people of Ala Mhigo and Doma lived in misery, fear and despair.
He was a fool who thought he was doing something right when literally everything he spoke about was wrong.
>Doing Ivalice
>Go meet Fran
>Shes a bitch to me, demands I explain why I'm hanging out with Garleans despite HER inviting me to see her
>Go to try and fill her demands, and instead, despite it being pretty much the only time the WoL asks for anything, and despite so many times people going "we owe you so much", all our requests are denied (even though that was expected and part of the plan)
>The questline has been pretty much a constant stream of people being assholes to the WoL
Why the fuck am I still helping here, I don't even remember why I'm helping to begin with, the only people here who've have been decent to me are Alma and the cat lady.
cutscene skipping scumbag detected
>Not to mention he spoke of all people living in peace and equality under the Garlean flag when we know for a fact the people of Ala Mhigo and Doma lived in misery, fear and despair.
That was under Yoytsuyu or however the fuck you spell her name
Im so sick of leveling alt jobs through SB dungeons and Im really tempted boosting BLM just to avoid it
just do HoH bro
The only good villain is emet-selech, the rest are either Saturday morning shitters or worse.
So what the fuck is the deal with katana autists? How is he so strong?
SB dungeons are cool though, what's your issue?
He let his emperor die. The latest in a string of things he did wrong.
>Not to mention he spoke of all people living in peace and equality under the Garlean flag when we know for a fact the people of Ala Mhigo and Doma lived in misery, fear and despair.
Gaius was not the viceroy of Doma and he did his best ruling over Ala Mhigo; it's not his fault the filthy Ala Mhiggers resisted so much. IIRC, Rhitahtyn states that his homeland was going to eat itself alive if Gaius hadn't conquered it.
Doesn't matter, it was still a land under Garlemald's control. Gaius spoke like being conquered was for the better, when Doma was basically a hell for anyone living in it. Hell, it wasn't even brought up to Varis who was acting all high and fucking mighty despite an entire land under the Garlean banner was basically a shooting gallery for a twisted woman's insatiable grudge, while over in Ala Mhigo, which was supposed to be Gaius' land, people are murdered in the fucking streets or beaten for no reason to near death, or beaten actively to death. I'd like to ask Gaius why he let that shit happen while he was in charge, or ask Varis why he's permitting this kind of shit while looking down his nose at the "savages"
Thats even worse!
Sirensong is too slow, Shisui is fine and has good slutglam, Bardam is a drag, Doma is also good, Castrum is the worst x9 leveling dungeon
You know, all these screenshots and cinematics make me actually think that XIV could be a cool and interesting game. But then I remember, It's a MMO. And worse yet, WoW shit.
He's a testube baby thats been pumped full of magitek super science.
hes a test tube baby with the sharingan
huh, must have missed that bit of lore in SB
not wrong, but most of the people here are happy that its GOOD wowshit, so they accept its shit.
His best includes a family of Garlean recognizes citizens being mobbed and stoned in the streets, resulting in the death of one, and not a single guard moving to stop it. Also Rhitahtyn wasn't Ala Mhigan, he was from a land that hasn't been stated.
he copied kriles echo into himself when she got captured so now he has all the OP echo powers the WoL is too retarded to use
New tank here for Savage, what do I want to grab from Eden, primals, tomes for bis?
Don't be such a little bitch user, jesus.
>Trying to clear E3S and get 2 chests
>Faggots can't get past second Tsunami
>Open party to reclearer with 0 chest
>Can't get past Black Smoker because "muh uptime strat" or they take unnecessary risk to better their parses
Titania weapon.
Priority should be highest chest > pants > left side > accessories
Crafted gear are ilvl450 so you should get that on top of your normal eden gear.
It changes depending on tank, all I know is that DRK and GNB want around 2.39 GCD for comfort when weaving or double weaving, then melding direct hit once they're done with SkS
If you want play WAR tho you want Sks (until you have enough speed to do 5 FC into Inner Release comfortably) > Crit > Det > DH > Sks
I hope we get around to the fucking WoL training arc soon so he/she can learn to fucking use the Echo outside of fights and not get a constant migraine whenever it randomly kicks in.
>people will wipe the party and redo a 9 minute fight for one, maybe two GCDs
never understood this
>2 years ago
>Be on Jenova, it's a very low pop server
>Fast forward to now
>Is now a congested server and i have to wait in login queues behind WoWniggerfugees all the goddamn time
Literally fuck off we're full holy shit
muh epeen
Gotte be competitive in the most casual fucking MMO to ever exist i guess
Autism is power in ffxiv, thats why the WoL is so strong also
In the end, he and the rest of the Garleans are right: Primals are a danger and needs to be eliminated
>but Elidibus didn't acknowledge the other asciens were dead,
Fix the story of FFXIV and make it goty material. You have one minute.
They can be, yes, but once again, the Garlean empire was build by, and pretty much run by an Ascian, who are the REASON Primals exist. So they can fuck off.
Shards. Literally not important, as theres thousands of other ones.
that ascien wanted to die, so it all comes full circle.
Rewrite shit to be streamlined and better in ARR, redoing ALL of the voice acting and condensing that long-ass questline from 2.0 to 2.5x into HW, remove dumbass moves like throwing Nidhogg's eyes under a bridge, and let Ala Mhigo burn forever so we can focus on Doma exclusively in SB, letting Lyse burn with it, and you'd be set. Nothing wrong with ShB's story.
I take that last part back - Ranjit was retarded and basically just repeating Zenos' whole shtick from Stormblood "Oh no an unstoppable invincible enemy approaches and disables us even though we could easily take his ass if it weren't for literal plot armor" bullshit.
Copy Lost Odyssey's story
Start with Shadowbringers
10/10 game, would preorder collectors edition.
He wanted someone strong to lead where he thought the weak would walk. He did the same thing Emet did, expecting everything out of you, only he insulted you the entire time calling you a Savage for supporting Eozea's governments.
Ran'jit is just Caius from XIII-2 only without creeping on the person he's meant to be charged with to protect and train.
Still a fucking great minor antagonist that stalks you throughout the story line.
Remove the old American dub from 2.0 and change it to Bong audio.
can you fucking jizzbrain autismos fuck off
christ, you do nothing but shit up threads
>trusted an Ascian
She's cute. They should let us glam our trust
So when's he joining your party? If this were a classic JRPG he'd be the final ex-villain party member, like Magus or Amarant. He's gotta be there with you to take down the biggest primal of them all.
Who's shitting up the thread more, the people posting characters from the game or someone screaming at them to stop? I wonder which is more relevant?
It's you.
shut the fuck up, all you do is think with your dick and talk about your shitty waifu and that is not talking about the game
implying otherwise is disingenuous
unironically have sex
Your waifu belongs to this guy by the way
where do these raosties come from and why are they triggered by anime girls?
Alisaie is cute
he will join you for 6.0 until you save Garlemald, then become the new Emperor
>Change eyes for cock
Reminder waifufags use the guise of "posting about the game" to shove their miserable fetish in your face and yell at you if you don't accept them.
Objectively the reason 99% of MMO related generals are shit is because of these people.
Niggu, you're not helping to get things in return. Are you a dark knight? Nigger knights only want the gibs.
>Bring Alisaie along for trust dungeons
>They now take 5 minutes longer to complete
>Ivalice storyline
>oh, it's not *that* Ramza
>*that* Ramza shows up at the end
>he's fucking dead
Fuck you too, SE
kill yourself tranny.
>t. degenerate waifufag
I know nothing about this game.
Should i play it?
PLease saucr im fucking desperated here
this tranny thot needs to stop worrying about other people and feed those cats
I suspect it will happen, since we are going to be facing Zenos again and directly controlling primals is now on the table, we may have to learn to flex the Echo on demand in order to counter him.
Especially if he really does intend to absorb Zodiark since we'd probably have to mantle Hydaelyn to stop him at that point.
It's got a free trial.
got a problem with that buddy?
Free trial mhigga
gamer retard
What role is best to play in trust dungeons?
DPS to make the whole thing go faster?
flames have a win streak in aether
>expecting anyone from the age of legends to still be alive
feed those cats you digusting bitch
Heal/Tank if you want to afk and just get free xp slowly.
DPS if you want to speed it up.
DPS with Urianger as Healer since he gives you all the buff cards
dps would probably be the fastest, it's still going to be slow though.
an avg dungeon run can go from 25-40 minutes,
trusts is a consistent 35 mins.
He's dead in the present-day framing device for FFT as well. FFXIV's raid is not an adaptation of FFT, it's a semi-sequel (kinda, since we all know it's a different world than FFT's Ivalice, but's it's a sequel in spirit), so of course he's dead all those years later.
it's ok. has its highs and lows.
FUck flames backstabbing cunts, every rtime we are busy with adders oh and behold a full size flames raid is immediately on our ass fuck you give my win
It's a moot point since you'd need to play multiple roles to level everything up to max, but generally playing DPS is faster than playing healer and tank being the slowest.
Thancred actually AOE's once in awhile when he's tanking.
Hand over the sauce
Heal/Tank seems silly now that I'm thinking about it, because you could just do a regular dungeon.
hahahaha he doesn't know.
Please im horny right now
Still have to level them up someway.
Walk close to mobs and tab out to youtube, come back occasionally to do boss fights and move to the next group
Pill me on tactics, never played it but I've played I-XV, everyone tells me it's the best FF, is that the truth?
animations for this is kinda trash. according to some animations dude the xiv models have a really low numbers of skeletons or whatever so it's hard to animate. i hate how this video is with an OC though. surprising it isn't that gay au'ra dude.
If you pull big with tank can Urianger keep up with healing?
well this is a videogame board...
were you in the last game? holy shit we just raided your base lmao.
what is Matthew Mercer doing with that Fairy
i'm playing it rn. it's one of those games were it puts you in the middle of everything so you gotta read a lot and pay attention. it's better than ffxiii in regards that you'll get the gist on what's happening but if you wanna know the why you better keep reading.
gameplay is fun but easy to break and also easy to screw yourself over.
kill yourself, you jizzbrain zombie
>reposting art within the same thread
You have a mental disorder.
I don't think he'll survive the 5.X patches, will probably be killed off right before the next expansion. We've already fought him as a final boss, he's already mantled a primal for an epic fight, and his motivation is paper-thin. I think he'll be used as fodder to establish the real threat of Zodiark, like he'll try to pull the same thing there as he did with Shinryu and he'll be destroyed for that act of hubris.
>Ex with a tankswap
>Other tank doesn't provoke until the very last second after the damage has been done but before the next auto-attack would kill me
>Consistently does this and gets a little later every time
Was he fucking with me or was he bad?
Will I ever know?
If you cycle cooldowns well you can stay up, but there's not really much point since the only AOE damage that's happening is what you're doing as the tank.
I compared times pulling bigger and pulling one group at a time and there wasn't much savings.
Hope there is a place in hell for flamers. Not just that game every game
I like the pics, but surely you can do better than a repost
man what's with adders though? they're fucking demolishing you every game. I've seen a game where they threw just to screw you guys over. like it was 0(maels)/800(adders)/1200(flames)
I did. He only provoked after every time
how do you guys handle tank swaps?
I just used to turn my stance off and OT would provoke but i got into shirking and keeping tank stance and it feels WAYYYY much better.
Yeah dont know why i bought the mael meme should have join adders they coordinated as fuck and alway work as a team with my time free lance for them, while everytime i play for mael nobody says anything and just charged head first into the nearest fight and got demolished and mael rarely communicate unlike adders
Why not both?
Shirk. Don't worry about anything because it's all on the other tank now.
I'm not sure, I actually don't think Zodiark would fight us without being subsumed like Zenos wants to do. Being that he was summoned to be the planet's will his interests should theoretically align with our own the same way Hydaelyn's do, that being non-intervention unless he's directly asked to do something as with recycling a metric fuckton of aether into seeding new life. The "Z" name for Zenos and his status as a "dark Warrior of Light" down to having the Resonant as a "dark Echo" is most likely intentional.
Possible but it seems weird to kill him off right after he's finally returned.
If his purpose was to die for that then he probably should've stayed dead after Shinryu. It feels more like he is being built up to be a major threat (again)
Makes one wonder how Elidibus will handle him, since gunning for Zodiark puts him in direct opposition to the Ascians.
It's my favourite. I think almost anyone would agree it's the best written and has great music but the gameplay is a bit more subjective : for me, I love it, it's easy to break but I still prefer it to the mashing-attack ATB combat that makes up half the series.
Try it out! It's the FF game where characters act the most like real people and not anime tropes, where drama emerges out of people fighting for beliefs that really make sense for the context they come from and not out of some megalomaniacal world-conquering (well, mostly).
adders have a shit ton of premade that's why.
flames are UNGA BUNGA retarded but they win because they just go full DPS most of the time.
mael used to be good but idk what happened.
wym by both?
>YFW you will never make sweet love with Y'shtola
Think we'll learn more about Hrothgar/Viera next expansion? Kind of like how they did it with Au Ra in SB?
Also, think we'll get more additions to the Scions/expansion of the side characters?
Elidibus probably doesn't want Zodiark, I bet the whole bit about him having white robes is intentional. He kinda does what he wants anyways.
I blame fucking reddit everytime some newbie ask for GC they always answer mael if you want pvp so we got influxed of noobs who looking for free win making the members quality drop significantly
dialogue was kinda bad too.
grrrr, let's take this to bed.
really? LMFAO
Yoshi here 5.1 will introduce buildable collosium in players wards
i'm just confused on adders end game, they can win almost every game but they keep going for kills.
half of them have battle fever by the end of it.
I bet so. Ilsabard in general is an unexplored continent and Radovan, whose recount of hrothgar history is extremely slippery at best (hrothgar can trace their lineage accurately back to the Third Astral Era and the Allagans?), is our only real insight on hrothgar. Conversely Fran, the Dramaturge, and Radovan's companion whose name escapes me are the only looks into viera we have, beyond everything else known about them from previous games.
Do I go for the OG or the war of the Lions version
I missed a queue for copper mines for alt tabbing
try it on Yea Forums again, see what happens
Wouldn't be the first time they did that! Lahabrea was the final boss of ARR, they brought him back, and then he was used to power up HW's final boss and helped establish how big a threat they were.
But yeah it could go either way. Poor Elidibus, he has lot on his plate.
yessss i can finally get a fight club.
(in all honesty, open world challenge PvP would be fun.) i can finally be the wandering vagabond i always wanted to be.
wotl, i'll be honest with you mate it's gonna take a while to get used to. it's fluffy as all hell. but original was fucking terrible and dry with it's literal translation. + bonus class + luso and other cool bonus party members
I've been jerking it multiple times a day every day since I was 11.
I'm 28 now, it's too late already.
Either/or, but make sure you patch the iso if you go PSP, there are framerate/widescreen issues. People that played the PS1 version tend to not like the WotL translation and vice-versa.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
in all honesty, a cool event would be PvP at wolves den Melee DPS only. (MNK/SAM/DRG), idk how overpowered each of them are compared to each other.
what server has the most community events? i'm not talking about RP shit but actual community events. aether sometimes has it but usually it's a bit too....circlejerky for me.
>remove dumbass moves like throwing Nidhogg's eyes under a bridge
I hear this all the time, people saying it was stupid, but it really wasn't. It was a storm of water ice and wind aether down in that chasm, any normal person who tried to go down there would have been torn to shreds. In the heat of the moment did you think Aymeric would predict and think about Ascians going down there to get the eyes?
I'm being 100% serious you cancerous waifuposting dipshits.
I hope in the next expac the "party" includes him as the tank and estinien the DPS for trusts
I don't get people hate for Ran'jit, I thought he was great.
if you were you'd have responded to more than the guy calling you a faggot, please don't pretend to be serious if you're not willing to go all-in for the thread
i guess they thought he was too OP and underdeveloped. i thought it was fine because you did enter another world after all. i don't get the hate for him either. he isn't dead you retards, he's gonna come back in 5.1 feat lotus juice
Not enough build up for his strengths and then he's just gone.
The Thancred fight is also slow as fuck.
I recommend War of the Lions. The writing is a bit fancier, the writing in the OG is "plainer" while War of the Lions has everyone speak ye olde English, but at the same time the localization was so butchered that I barely understood the story in the original, even if they did speak plainly.
Here are some examples:
PS1: The church claims he was a blasphemer and anarchist-the root of all evil...
PSP: The Church maintains he was a heretic, an inciter of unrest and disturber of the peace.
PS1: Many soldiers who returned from the war, had no jobs, little money, and even less loyalty to the crown.
PSP: The loss of the Fifty Years' War saw knights returning from the front stripped of livelihood, their fealty to the Crown and nobility abandoned.
PS1: We'd never kidnap a VIP.... for money....
PSP: He would never...hold a man for ransom.
>Gukumatz limited job that uses Monk as a base
>artifact is a copy of Ran'jit's robes
I think we'll get a Sephiroth repeat. He'll fuse with Zodiark and instead be used by Zodiark instead of the other way around. It would be silly if a being of such god like power as Zodiark gets taken over by a weeb with magic eyes
learn to read, retard
He pulls bullshit victories out of nowhere
People hate having a fight that they're winning easily get interrupted by that.
Much better if he either makes an escape, or if he gets more power and hits harder to give you a bit of a challenge while talking smug than "Lol I win, cutscene time"
He's not a bad character. He's just been handled poorly for at least half of his appearances
I imagine if it came down to a real fight Elidibus would wipe the floor with Zenos
i can read i don't know what a gukumatz is
>I take that last part back - Ranjit was retarded
>Literally fought for years while WoL has been around for, at beast 2-3
>retarded that he can disable the WoL
>gets stomped in an actuall full on fight
Gukumatz is Ran'jit's martial art, he brings up the name himself several times (usually "A MASTER OF GUKUMATZ NEED NOT" yadda yadda). It has something to do with the dragon familiar he uses and merges with.
If you noticed everyone who hates him is a "UNGA BNGA WOL STRONG RANJIT WEAK" brainlet, even though ranjit never actually beat the WoL and only temporarily disabled them, but that's just incredibly unrealistic for a grizzled veteran who's been fighting for generations using some weird fucking ninja monk fighting style, even though its the biggest kung fu movie cliche ever
I mean, it happened with Zenos too. Zenos shows up, little to nothing is known about him, you fight him and he easily wipes the floor with you for no explained reason. Is it just cause Zenos came first that people don't mind when he did it?
We got backstory on Zenos eventually, Ran'jit's only background is that he fought for a long time and has a dragon. Zenos is a genetic experiment.
Because that savages excuse is just a means to an end and he doesn't actually care. What he really wants is the rejoining to happen and to become part of the master race
it's because zenos was 10 levels higher than you
ilvl matters
the question is how zodiark is going to even show up, though. if it was possible for him to manifest in any physical form the ascians would've done that by now. and obviously we're not going to let any more rejoinings happen, so that method is out.
Exactly what I've been saying, thank fuck I'm not the only one. The dudes been fighting Sin Eaters for years, leading the biggest army in Norvrandt, and is clearly some master of not just crazy kung fu, but arcane magic, since Gukumatz is his familiar born of forbidden magic.
>Gaius has no beef with the WoL
>Zenos really likes you in a yandere kind of way
>Emet-Selch seemed to have finally gained respect/approval for you as he was fading, and possibly recognized his old friend in you
Watch out Elidibus you're next
Anyone who rolled monk and didn't skip cutscenes should have known he just disrupted the WoL's aetherflow and didn't actually defeat him
Yeah, his dragon is a familiar born of forbidden magic. One of the A Ranks you hunt is Hecate, his father's familiar. Zenos is a genetic experiment, but Ran'jit is a grizzled war vet who is a master of martial and magic combat.
*unzips dick*
>cutscene of getting on his good side
>SAM has a special animation of sheathing your katana or laying the sword down on the ground as a peace-offering
I just hit level 72 and skipped every single cutscene. During the unskippable praet ones I played on my phone.
She belongs to Runar now
I just realized that Eulmore is the first endgame hub to not allow mounts. Attention whores who afk with their latest rare mount eternally btfo
I see you, too, came from World of Warcraft
This is the most based character in FFXIV, prove me wrong.
Zenos sucked too
He still kind of sucks, but he's doing something that might end up interesting or in some way redeeming that
You know the Miq'ote NPC dancer with that dancer outfit and that skin color really leaves little to the imagination
It's a hard toss up between him and Gaius, so pairing them up was one of the most based things about SHB.
Having played the game as a Dragoon from start to finish since I started and I havn't changed at all for major story stuff, I agree. Estinien is my eternal bro, and I look forward to the day I will finally get to do a double dragoon jump with him in a cool cutscene.
>looked forward to seeing this
>watch scene
>she says nothing of the sort, not even their behavior is romantic
Yea Forums lied to me
I can't, considering Estinien is Kain and Kain is pretty fuckin' cool.
What's the point of mounts if you can't use them in the endgame hub?
Estinien, Aphinaud and Emet-Selch are the best characters in this game
If you think Zenos sucks too thats fine, I'm talking about the folks who like Zenos but call Ran'jit a shitty Zenos rip off
Oh wow.... You're a DNC with Thavnarian clothing? Pretty original there! I admire your glamour as that gay Hrotgar wearing squall's clothes and his gunblade.
Alphinaud? Why?
invest in a better PC
that quality is giving me cancer
I liked the little slide-by of you and Estinien fighting Nidhogg in the 80 DRG job-quest, and Dragonlancer's set being "your canonical armor".
aiming gear is fucked. dancer, bard, and machinist all have completely different aesthetics.
Time travel maybe. We don't know what happened to the "bad future" as well, if it still exists in some parallel timestream or what, there could be some bullshit there that would feed into the current timeline.
Patrician gunbreakers put on silver-colored Bluesteel armor, no helmet, and purple pants.
Yeah, in hindsight it was a pretty nice moment, a lot of people said it was a shitty quest, but it felt like a simple wrap up to the journey of the Dragoon up to that point. Shame that I fucking hate the Dragonlancer set because it looks like trash on male Roe's, but oh well. RIP Nidhogg.
Bow down overdweller
I dont see how. The only way to traverse time was the tower, and it dipped to the First. The bad timeline, if it exists, is trapped forever in that line, which sort of adds to the weight of G'raha's mission, that an entire timeline sacrificed their hopes, dreams and futures to save a past they will never live in.
the time travel was reverse-engineered from alexander. the tower was only needed for its incredible control over aether, but theoretically they could still do it if they had something else of similar power
Nothing but pure shit tanks on the df today, i feel sorry for you anons trying to level a dps or healer
It's been discovered that the Trust NPCs will adjust to try to make the dungeon take about 30-35 minutes on an average run without wipes, no matter how hard and balls-to-the-wall you DPS. If you do a shitload of DPS, the rest of the team will slack off. If you're pulling shitter numbers, the rest of the team goes nuts. This has limits, obviously. If you're just straight up AFK on a trash pull they won't make up for you not contributing.
I think the optimal way to level all of the Trusts is using them to level one DPS and one tank. Probably Urianger, Thancred, Ryne for the DPS and the twins and Y'shtola for the tank.
>Possible but it seems weird to kill him off right after he's finally returned.
Wouldn't be the first time AWFUL WRITING has been outdone by NEW WRITER TRYING TO WRAP UP THE FLIMSY PLOT HOOKS.
Like in Justice League where the death of Superman from the previous movie is literally just "okay let's go dig him up and bring him back to life with the pyramid from Yugioh" with nothing interesting happening inbetween. Or literally everything at the end of 2.56 ARR being written out by the time 3.1 HW rolls around.
>Get the Vault in Duty Roulette
Sorry guys, I still think Heavensward was peak FF14.
its not fucking fair that pajeet loses to thancred and not to wol how come wol is a fucking jobber makes no sense wol is a cuck jobber
>Or literally everything at the end of 2.56 ARR being written out by the time 3.1 HW rolls around.
Nanamo trying to turn Ul'dah into a republic getting thrown out on its ass because it was a stupid idea when they need a strong central leader more than ever was funny as fuck, I really do wonder what they were thinking with trying to make Ul'dah a republic.
I don't know anything about FF, but that is, heads down, that is best design I have ever seen in any media.
it's a pretty cool hat
I have AST/BLM/GNB and I need a physical dps and I hate melee dps.
>When you get a over 100k crit on DNC
I know it's overall damage isn't that good but god does it feel good when that happens.
>>heads down
Why don't people play melee dps? It's been ages since I've seen one.
MCH cuz heat blast feels like a blast to use
Personally I dislike chasing mobs for uptime and I don't really care for positionals.
Judge armor is tops
Melee DPSes are my favorite but I can feel a bunch of fucking tumors sprout all over my back whenever the tank thinks he's being cute spinning a boss around in an alliance-raid because he's bored and can get away with it, or having to chase a mob and pray poking at it finally goes through until the tank stops during a dungeon pull.
Alphinaud's carbuncle casts damage up on you at the same cooldown
Demonstrable character growth, went trough more than one arc and generally a fun character to have around since he's always so intelligent but with a hint of youthful eagerness and rebellious spirit.
Final Fantasy has always done full plate so well.
I didn't level Lancer how do they deal with Estinien being in the DRG quest after beating HW?
Honestly i'm fucking done with farming Rathalos until the add the 8-man unsync option. We're at the stage where parties are usually competent enough to get the clears but people deal such absurdly pitiful damage that it just takes way too fucking long
Job-quests in general are assumed to have been done in the expansion where they take place, Estinien doesn't know you if you've already started or beaten Heavensward.
Come on bro. Don't be stupid.
Can't wait to get judge armor when we visit Garlemald.
They just don't. Same with the Sultana possibly being "dead" and in the Culinarian questline at the same time. Just assume that quests take place when they came out.
They don't
The job quests are in their own "timeline" of sorts, where all the events of them are pretty much set back to the very earliest you can do them. So if you do the DRG quest after beating HW, it would be as if you were going back in time.
Most bosses are heavy on movement and if you just walk after them you die a lot
Ranged dps can preposition for some mechanics also and have it easier being in the right places
Man this dude was such a wasted character. He had the dopest Legatus armor we've seen so far but he just dies to show us that garleans are also noble i guess? Feels like they wanted to do something with him but changed their plans or lacked the budget
I pray that the DRG armor looks good, too many DRG sets are boring, or have ugly parts
>tfw everyone else gets cool garlean judge-style armor but healers are stuck with another tent robe
Count your blessings DRGbro, we still don't have to share gear with anyone (although some of our gear is just recolored tank stuff), especially not with another job that has completely different aesthetics from ours. Poor Bard.
Striking got fucked over for armor in Eden, just a recolor of the healers for some reason.
I just wish half our head pieces weren't chin straps. I like me some solid helmets, and so far, besides rank and file garbage, all Garlean armor is full covering, which gets me excited.
>Healers are always so shit I have to constantly bail out people with Requiescat Clemencies
On the one hand goddamn is Clemency potent, but on the other hand why are these people so shit?
you're doing a good job PLDcuck, WHMchad does more damage
PLD should just get a raise and some mana regen already
Clemency really is bizarrely powerful. Usually when a non-healer gets a heal its trash but clemency gets a bit absurd. I'm glad they didn't change it in ShB
It's the magic of being associated with White Mage or white magic, paladin usually having low-grade white spells and same for Red Mage and how effective Vercure can be when spammed
man do I love TBN!
Is RDM actually decent at pulling up groups of mediocre-to-bad players into a clear?
I've never really seen what a "good" RDM is, they just feel like every other DPS slot from an outside perspective.
Assuming full MP and Lucid Dreaming is active you can get half of your party up, potentially saving the group from a total wipe and saving healer MP. Red Mage is a pretty huge safety-net.
It is great for alliance raids
That extra raise comes in handy when the healers die to aoe or mechanics again
Xivg is raiding cactuar tomorrow. You've been warned.
>redoing ALL of the voice acting
I feel like this part is constantly overlooked when people talk about fixing the old story. When a new player comes in they get told over and over how the story is one of the strongest parts of the game and all that jazz but on top of the boring, padded ARR shit that goes on for far too long, the handful of times there's a good part or cool scenes its absolutely ruined by the terrible 2.0 VO. It's been so long since we've been there but every time I'm reminded of ARR Minfilia or Thancred I just laugh out loud. Its so fucking bad its embarrassing. I think Minfilia's
>Thancred, no!
might be one of the worst delivered lines I've ever heard in any video game.
The worst part is some of the actors they had for 2.0 aren't terrible in other stuff, they were just dogshit in XIV. Like they had terrible direction assuming they had any at all.
Rewriting and truncating ARR would be the perfect time to go back and do this, especially since there were comparatively far fewer voiced scenes back then anyway. It would increase the quality of ARR and make the whole game more consistent instead of having the HW actor shift.
My only request is they keep Louisoix's actor since he's about the only one on the 2.X cast that fucking pronounced "Alphinaud" correctly anyways.
For the lulz
Louisoix speaks in 2.x?
Hopefully someone records the trainwreck.
Yeah its pretty embarrassing.
>SE talks up the trust system about how they've designed each character specially to reflect their personality while playing alongside them
>Alisae is so headstrong and quirky she uses LB the instant it becomes available and stands in AoEs to get off combos or spell casts
>in reality it makes Alisae out to be the worst kind of red mage player possible given that she stands in shit, wastes LB on single targets and never does her AoE rotation
>actively lowers my opinion of the character every time I use her
fucking hell, better trust options when?
Binding Coil raids, before and after defeating Phoenix, he has some voiced lines.
Do the coils.
Me too, bro.
I've been saying this since the day that 3.3 hit. They establish over and over how removing the eyes from Estinien would be very risky instead of just straight up killing him since the eyes might just posess whoever is nearby. So considering how the WoL, the most powerful beign in existence, was right fucking there Alphinaud decided to yeet the eyes off the bridge instead of risking a Nidhogg-posessed WoL. Makes sense to me.
I don't have a decade to wait for a coil group.
Yeah its awful. Thank fuck for AF gear.
Use PF.
You can solo the majority of it, there are only a couple fights that can't be done so. Off the top of my head it's just Nael deus Darnus, and that tree boss from one of the later coil tiers.
You didn't see the thread earlier? He was talking about how he had to be contrarian from all the features that "pretty" Vieras take. Goes to show that Viera are ugly, but can be much, much worse.
When you consider what it does, the cost and cooldown, i genuinely believe that TBN is the single best skill in the game in a vacuum
You shouldn't have any problem unsynching level 50 content at 80
>The job quests are in their own "timeline" of sorts, where all the events of them are pretty much set back to the very earliest you can do them. So if you do the DRG quest after beating HW, it would be as if you were going back in time.
>Monk & nin armor is some gay shit with an eyepatch
Good joke. If we didn't get it with Gunbreaker, we're never going to get it. Enjoy all the heavy armor looking like current Gaius with the long coat over bits of armor like the current GNB look.
>Ilberd will do everything right.
It's really goddamned good. Being able to use it on other team members sweetens the deal.
I want to be useful and for people to like me, what job should I play?
Healer or Tank.
>If we didn't get it with Gunbreaker, we're never going to get it.
Why would we have gotten it with GNB, its class-fantasy is Squall and Seifer.
Why didnt they kill off thancred in shadowbringers? Him and ranjit both dying would have been kino and completed his arc in the best way
We needed a tank for trusts.
>Who would be the Tank in trusts?
The answer is
Healer or Tank
>I want to tank but have some support stuff
>Ow the edge but also good lore
>I wanted to play a DPS role but hate the queue times
>No fuss no muss healing
>I have stage 9 advanced autism and also fairies are cute
>I am a supreme hipster
I have to agree, but having him die before seeing minifilia separate from ryne might have been some unfulfilled character development
>I am a supreme hipster
tfw I do have terminal MMO autism where I like being something not everyone plays so I'm a femroe AST.
Have Thancred dying as Ryne rushes to his side and he sees Minfilia doting on him as Ryne tries to save him with her newfound powers but fails to do so and he shuts his eyes whispering about finally going to see Minfilia again. Would've been 10/10 ending for him and given Ryne something to build off of.
Even if they didn't possess the WoL or Alphy, the eyes have been so much trouble for so long, it probably seemed like a better idea to just toss them into the fucking elemental shredder pit and let them be lost forever in the depths and risk taking them back to Ishgard where who knows what could happen.
>leveling blm to lv80
Goddamn blm is amazing
Anything, but whatever you pick, learn how to do it well
Everything is useful as long as you can do mechanics and don't need to be carried through shit. So make sure you know your stuff
Is there any other job that just keeps doubling down on it's strengths during the leveling process like BLM? It really is perfection.
I can do mechanics and am a quick learner, I am just indecisive.
BLM and SAM are the best-designed jobs in the game, if you ask me.
I don't think I've seen that race/gender/job combo literally ever. Saw a female elezen AST once and it blew my mind.
Because the writers are actually good and know killing a character because their current character arc concluded is retarded and the most generic writing possible, and only hack writers think "OH THIS CHARACTER IS DONE WITH HIS ARC, TIME TO KILL HIM OFF"
I hate all the shrek cosplayers that post their characters here however I do like Femroe because I think proportionally they are very well balanced. Their animations are also not terrible, I can't stand the combat voices though, can't win them all.
I don't care about being a hipster, I want lower represented jobs to see more representation.
Then I'm sure you'll love leveling everything so you can adapt to whatever group you're in
I'd recommend a healer first, tank second and a dps third.
That seems to be the order of most to least wanted whenever I check
>Went to the Faire the other day
>Saw a total of four femRoes, not counting NPCs
The ending to Minfilia's chapter tying into the ending of Thancred's chapter would've been great writing though. His transformation from playboy to father figure is his defining characterization and without it he really has nothing else to expand upon. Now they just keep throwing little girls at him to protect and it's bad writing.
Did the PSP butcher Argath's quotes namely the animal's have no god quote?
With the loss of Old Hagakure, i wouldn't put Sam in there yet.
Femroes genuinely look good, my only complaint is their shoulders are a bit stiff in the walking/jogging animations but I get it's because they're carrying themselves like ooga-booga strong amazons. I even like the Shreks, so long as the face and hair are well put-together the skin-color's an afterthought. I saw a solid-black femroe once and me peepee hard
I actually don't care too much for Hagakure after getting to play around a SAM without it. I have this autistic class-fantasy in my head of Samurai as a calm, measured, collected swordsman and the rigidity of not being able to manipulate my sens freely meshed real well with that, I had to pay attention if I wanted to apply Higanbana with raid-buffs or keep it from falling off.
Shinten spam is gay.
Why the fuck do so many femroes use colored highlights though, I'm a long time brown skin/white hair lover so I went with that. I swear of the few femroes I ever DO see they always have brightly colored highlights and it's tacky as fuck.
No bad writing is thinking just cause a character has nothing more to expand on that they should just be killed off. A dead character can't do anything anymore, a living character can contribute to other characters arcs, find their own new arcs, or just contribute to the overall plot in some way. You're a shit writer if you can't find out a way to use a character without just killing them off.
Just beat Heavensward and final boss was raw fucking kino.
>that song
>summons being nod to FF7
>when Thordan becomes astonished that his ultimate attack failed, and then starts desperately flailing his sword at you
Probably fantasia'd from another races, there's a lot of baffling race choices that have highlighted hair. I don't think it usually looks good unless it's applied to black hair.
That's messed up bro. She will become unhinged. Maybe even Zeno's tier.
I agree but It don't think changing hagakure was the answer.
it still lost complexity in the end
Fem roes are like unicorns
My server was 80% Miqote and au ra Before viera showed up
Wait until Stormbloods final boss.
Still the best cinematic and fun as hell.
Theres a lot of female elezen AST, but hsbr you seen a female elezen MNK?
All of the scions had some defining failure or loss that drives them forward. Ryne's motivation is still trying to be "useful" which feels underwhelming considering that shouldn't even be a question.
>When Thordan realizes you survived his best move, he starts flailing around like a desperate idiot
>When Innocence realizes you survived his best move, he just starts throwing out even stronger attacks and hitting harder than before
Vauthry confirmed a better fighter than pope
So where would you take Thancred from here then? His life is pretty fucking awful and he has basically nothing left to live for except some obligation to Ryne and probably being fake-dad to the new NPC.
Imagine being Gaius in the Praetorium and having to be all like "damn, Lahabrea, you ascians are super powerful, what with your stolen body and floating red icon in front of your face. I would totally partner with you for conquering Eorzea, with both my army and Nero." when all he really wants to do is fuck Livia sas Junias in his quarters. Like seriously imagine having to be Gaius and not only sit in that Ultima Weapon while Lahabrea flaunts his stolen body in front of you, the burning ring of fire around you barely concealing the Sharlayan Archon tattoo on his neck, and just sit there, line after line, word after word, while he cast that spell. Not only having to tolerate his ridiculously unfashionable robes but his haughty attitude as everyone that wasn't immolated by his Ultima spell tells him he WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS and THE MOTHERCRYSTAL WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS, ASCIAN because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch Thancred's gorgeous fucking face contort into types of evil laughter you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Ala Mhigan refugees and child-groomed Tribunuses for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Garlemald. You've never even seen anything this fucking annoying before, and now you swear you can taste the aether that's burning in the air as he sucks it in to cast another Ultima, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in "the glory (for that is what he calls it) of Zodiark" the god that he and his pals have killed billions trying to bring back. And then Lahabrea calls for you to kill the Warrior of Light, and you know you could kill him and every single shadowless moon nigger under his command and allied with his cause, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gaius van Baelsar, the Black Wolf. You're not going to lose Eorzea over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Steps of faith will be even kinoer.
redub a realm reborn
What happens if she turns into a Lezard from VP for Thancred?
>that feel when, 4 years later, you realize Final Steps of Faith is called that because it's literally the end of the path before it gets to the city and the name is not some obtuse allegory for nidhogg
shit dude, you only got 10 int
Let see, his duty as a scion, the defense of Eorzea, the reconstruction of the First, his friends, the eventual defeat of Garlemald and the Ascians, Ryne, who despite having embraced her role as Minfilia doesn't mean Thancred can't be around to be her father figure since she never had one to begin with. Perhaps the COUNTLESS other possible ideas that could arise in future patches and expansions.
Christ it doesn't take a genius but at least try to rub some brain cells together.
Well, not really, her role is still oracle of light, that's now cemented with her absorbing minfilia's power. Now the question of what exactly does an oracle of light do begs to be answered. She still must discover and come into her own powers.
>Let see, his duty as a scion, the defense of Eorzea, the reconstruction of the First, his friends, the eventual defeat of Garlemald and the Ascians
This is just a generic motivation and should not be the defining point of any of the scions. They all should have their own characterization PAST this and if this is their only motivation then they really have nothing left going on.
>motion to dismissal rejected
I see that FFXIV is full of White knights.
I would that rabbit
Why can he not just spend his time doing nice things and then retire to tell the next generation of scions what happened? He's already becoming a father figure. He may as well become a grandfather figure
I feel like the control of Eden thing is really shoehorned in how Ryne just figures it out so quickly.
If they use Gaia or w/e her name is as a counter to Ryne and say "This is what the Oracle of Darkness does and therefore the Oracle of Light should run parallel" that could be an interesting way for her to develop albeit from the wrong influence (she does something rash or impulsive because the Oracle of Darkness would do that).
I just think it's silly when the story acts like Ryne shouldn't be part of the scions or equivalent and that she has no place with them. Guess we will see what happens next.
you got shit standards.
I play FFXIV, I'm not going to pretend I have standards.
That implies the game is going to be around long enough to put any of the scions in a grandfather position.
Nigga it's their job. You said he has nothing left to live for except Ryne, but he's got his fucking job and his home world that still needs to be defended. His friends who still count on him. He HAS characterization past his job as a Scion. You and everyone who thinks it would have been perfect to kill of Thancred think that a character who doesn't keep changing or growing or getting new plot hooks is better off dead, rather than just letting the character contribute to the plot.
>want to play DNC because of buffs and such
>shit job even with the buffs they provide they are the shittiest DPS in the game
This isn't fair.
This is your healer for tonight.
Isn't it kind of weird that the number of Scions has only ever decreased since launch?
There's the B-team like Arenvald and Hoary Boulder, but we haven't gotten any new additions to the A-team.
What I'm saying is their job goes without saying, if that's all you have left for a character that's dragging it along past their prime.
If Thancred becomes a fucking father figure to the oracle of darkness or whatever then it's really just getting silly that they cannot put him into any new scenarios.
people with dumbass looking glamours are usually cool bros, I'm okay with this
Ryne can't be a Scion, she doesn't have white hair
If it keeps earning SE money they will keep it around
Doma was actually perfectly fine until Hien's dad tried to rebel against the Empire. I'm pretty sure that, aside from conscription, increased taxes to Garlemald and Kaien being demoted to Vice-roy, the place was relatively untouched. Aside from the Confederacy being hunted down for piracy, since they were, you know, pirates. It wasn't until Kaien rebelled that Yotsuya was put in place to 'teach them a lesson.'
I usually can't help but be impressed by obnoxiously faggoty glamours like that because it takes enough clothing-coordination knowledge to really sell you on it. Like that one pink garters-and-stockings trap hyur that used to get posted here a lot
Kind of? Alphinaud and Alisaie werent original members but sort of joined just from being around so much. Ryne will be one as well if they decide to keep her and not leave Thancred on the 1st
are ascian stuck in Duty finder until they get a body, cause they don't go to the aether.
All the big candidates are either on our side already (Gaius, Estinien, Arenvald, etc) or died like Iceheart.
They have a login queue.
Related to Ascians, can someone explain what the lesser Ascians are? If the big 3 are unsundered remnants from Amaurot then what are the little league guys?
their sundered selves can be ascended back to their former stations
they are elevated souls to the position to help the ascians. Remember each of their known names are just titles. Anyone can be a "mintron" or "lahabrea"
Little-leaguers are underlings and general rank-and-file. Emet-Selch talks about the Ascians being structured as the original Amaurotine society was, and the known Ascian names are just titles and stations that recruits are uplifted to if they're not Elidibus/Emet-Selch/Lahabrea. The ones you knock off in the SMN storylines and such were probably just secretaries or something in their original lives since they're not powerful enough to possess anything more than a corpse.
Wouldn't that require finding the scattered pieces of their soul across the shards?
Why? Why is a character performing their job, where said job is heavily involved in the major plot of the story, dragging them past their prime? What about the other characters, huh? Alphi is pretty much wrapped up, he's done the "try and do something smart but it blows up" schtick multiple times, might as well kill him off, yeah? How about Alisaie? She wrapped her arc up pretty much, she wanted to help you, she couldn't, she ended up fighting alongside you to save your life, I can't see anything else for her, might as well put a bullet in her. Urianger and Y'shtola too, right? They don't have any hanging threads to follow, might as well sweep them out the door all theyre doing is cluttering things.
Do you see? If you start going by your logic of "this character isn't having an arc, kill them off" then pretty much every character in this game will just get killed off, because a story isn't made up of characters constantly having character arcs, sometimes it's just characters moving the plot along and performing their jobs.
>tfw you are seeing the laziness of the devs on your first go of extreme/savage fights and can already tell what will be recycled from older fights
Sure hope you're ready for Hades Extreme to do the flamethrower+fire puddle thing from O11S
Wait, is that explicitly stated?
Which is a shitty thing to do. A crushed rebellion is a lesson in itself, putting a monstrous sadist who kills Domans just to get off isn't a lesson, it's fueling the fire for more rebellion and unrest. Maybe it would be different if Yotsuyu was hunting down the rebels, but she literally just went around torturing and killing random people in the streets, for years.
Not him and it's been a while since AND I didnt particularly like the MNK job quests but I think it's stated during the HW job quests
It's the way the empire operates. just look at ala mhigo as well as what the gunbreaker guy says about his place. They just scorched earth the place, enslave everyone, and then beat them if they don't give them enough tribute.
Truly a grand nation, ey Gaius? Truly a land of united peoples under one banner, ey Varis?
this is a good pasta
What is the reception to Ryne anyway from the NA, JP, and EU? Do they like her, because it's obvious Yoshi replaced Minfillia because everyone hates Minfillia.
Gonna do it once and then not care about it because the weapons will be useless anyway.
From what I've gathered from everyone ive played with or watched play, Ryne is a cute.
>doesn't want a purple and magenta dragon mount
I like the idea of the previous expac's Savage mechanics being reused for the next one's EX trials desu, difficulty-curve and all that
pretty sure the lesser ascians are just sundered souls that get elevated the same way they did to ardbert and co. to shove them through space to the first
did they ever explicitly state who the other two survivors were besides emet? obviously it's implied to be the big three but i don't remember it being outright stated, only that emet himself was one and there were two others
Don't really care for a mount that you can get in 7 recolored versions. Especially if it means carrying a lot of retards in PF.
I haven't seen anyone express any major dislike for ryne so far.
Emet-Selch, Lahabrea and Elidibus are named as the survivors by Emet.
XIV also recycles mechanics like mad to help people understand encounters at a glance easier.
Imagine if every new stack mechanic had a new marker associated with it instead of the arrows.
She's not bad, she is designed to progress and grow up as the patches come out, the question is how will she be after that point?
I don't see the problem if the fight overall is interesting. Oh no a stack marker, what a copycat fight! That's a load of rubbish.
Less boring than Minfilia was, which automatically justifies her presence
Thats not necessarily what I mean. Reusing mechanics with a twist, like how E2S does the flamethrower with adds coming from where you stood is good. However, I'm 95% certain Hades EX will be a straight 1:1 rehash of the Flamethrower into Water Spout into AOE puddles from E11S
Why would anyone ever want to be a bunnygirl instead of a catgirl? bunnygirls don't even look good!
God I hate you people.
Just the opposite, actually.
>No cast bar
>No indication
>Enemy is human size
>tells are only 5 seconds long
>Final destination
>Best character
Surely you mistook Alphicuck with the superior sibling right user?
twincest doujin translation/upload when
>"superior sibling"
>her whole personality is coping for being the inferior sibling
Don't argue with people who only think with their dick.
viera are pretty good looking, when they actually look like viera and not pale thots with emo haircut and glasses. sadly that's like 99% of them
>Stand in AoE brainlet
At least she didn't cause the bloody banquet.
Ryne a cute. But she was better with the blonde hair.
Even the moments of angst she had where I thought people would hate her seem to have gone over well but helps that it seems appropriate given her age and the apocalypse that was creeping ever closer.
She now has all the special powers of Minfilia while being more interesting so unless they completely shit the bed with her in the future, she's a net positive so far.
Wonder how they'll justify her coming to the first if that's the route they go.
She's endearingly stupid.
>Comes to source
>Just tell people to come to the rising stone
I thought the same and after PFing ES2 for ages I can tell you that there's a good reason for it.
Melee dps is extremely high risk/medium reward instead of the ranged dps low risk/low reward (Unless you're BLM).
>We have to build a new base for all these new members in Garlemaid.
>Falling Rocks.
The final boardwarden...is...that can't be....he's...doing it for free...
Never played a healer, any tip on healing?
>to mantle Hydaelyn
>the WoL won't learn to overpower a primal's will to sever Zenos' connection to Zodiark
Fuck off with your retarded "we'll fuse with Hydaelyn to combat Zenos fused with Zodiark" shit.
>tis good to be awake
Was Minfilia really that bad? I mean, I get the entire meme of return to the Waking Sands, but she wasn't that bad when you compare to everyone else who was just as bad such as Thancred or Lahabrea.
WoW crossover when?
Heal macros. If you play WHM, make Cure 1, Cure 2, and regen macros
/micon "Cure"
/ac "Cure"
/ac "Cure"
/ac "Cure"
that will cover mouseover target, your target's target (for when you're DPSing), and your target, in that order. if it cant land on any of those, it will heal yourself.
Probably this expac or next
His purpose post-4.0 is to sow the seeds of chaos in Garlemald so that we can go there to help the Populares gain control from imperial forces.
But user, they can turn the primals into a new golden saucer game!
Play pokemon fights with the primals you've beaten the synched min ilvl ex!
Really? It feels like he’s being set up to be a true Warrior of Darkness to oppose us in 6.0 where we put an end to this Ascian/Zodiark plot.
Minfilia literally had zero character
At least Thancred even at his worst had some smidgen of a personality, and Lahabrea got blown the fuck out by a pope so that automatically excuses his shit writing, for Minfilia she wasn't a character so much as a title, "leader of the scions"
Even as a mcguffin we've been chasing after for two expansions she wasn't interesting
Ryne was literally the best possible thing that could have come from Minfilia
>Literally fuck off we're full holy shit
All servers are full now dude.
honestly all of the Scions were shit for the longest time. a few of them still are. if it weren't for the Twins, i wouldn't have given a shit about any of them. Thank god for improved character development and good side characters.
really i think only yshtola is still lacking in anything interesting in the current time, and krile if we're counting her as a main scion i still don't know if she's b-team or what
Not everyone is interesting or needs to be interesting
The ones that are plain just make the interesting ones stand out more
I would like some low-power B-team and maybe C-team side adventures
Dreamt I was playing as a Nu Mou again
i want to see more adventures with the B Team. Skalla was great to just be on a bro adventure with Arenvald for secret treasure. Not everything needs to be epic tales of heroism and peril
Part of it is down to bad localisation. The rest is shitposting of course.
Streamline ARR. Chiefly by:
>Making a lot of the superfluous into shit side-quests.
>Get rid of the waking sands mechanic - have Minfilia linkshell you, have you return there only for 'end of arc' situations - after you beat titan you go back there once, after you beat Leviathian you go back there once, ect.
>Dramatically cut back the moogles of churning mist, do more to convey the sense of the Dragonic-Elezen civilization that inhabited the land before the betrayal by the knights of the round.
>3.1 is the aftermath of the war with the church and Nanamo/Raubahn.
>3.2 is the end of the Dragonsong war.
>3.3 and 3.4 are now the Warriors of Darkness, not just 3.4. Tie the warriors of darkness in with Ilberd/Griffin. Instead of just 'bully beastmen lol' they are working with Ala Mhigan resistance fighters to try and summon what they think will be Rhalgr but which Ilberd intends to be Shinryuu. The threat is greater here because if other subject populations of Garlemald see the Ala Mhigans successfully revolt by summoning a primal, they will attempt to summon their own. The WoD threat becomes much more existential.
>3.5 is Ilberd/Griffin.
SB: changes necessary are so extensive that in the ideal situation you end up needing to change what shadowbringers does. One has to choose whether to focus entirely on Ala Mhigo or entirely on the far-east.
Option 1: Ala Mhigo. Save the far east for 6.0. Go big on the Tibety/Himalayas vibe of Ala Mhigo. Your task is to unify the disparate factions of ala Mhigo: diehard republicanists, royalists, 2 or more rival monastic orders, beast-tribes, nomadic sunseekers, collaborators. Some kind of Shangri-La zone and plot device exists. Patch content is the messy aftermath of revolution (Insurgencies, bitter enders, how to deal with collaborators). Fordola takes Yu's role, after 4.3 it largely follows the same formula.
Don't cut the Moogles, they need to remain in order to trigger future Moogle PTSD.
What materia should I be focusing on as a MNK? I heard I should skill speed as much as I can, but what else?
I don't disagree that not everyone need be interesting, but the literal leader of the scions, the most important person in the organization, should have SOME character to speak of
when the only redeeming quality i can think of for minfilia is "she had big tits i guess", that just doesn't cut it for such a large role
>Heal macros
actual cringe
Probably in the 5.0 patch series or for 6.0. If 6.0 is the Garlemald/Ascian expansion, he might be the narrator like Ardbert was for 5.0.
I didn't know this guy was real.
>he actually spent 1.2 million buying minions of his waifu off the marketboard
>Macroing your heals
Option 2 would be go Far East. Plot is vaguely WW1 style of "Eorzeans are stuck in a quagmire that won't yield one way or the other with the Garleans. Scions go like Lawrence of Arabia to the (far) east to ferment unrest and distract the Garleans. Same shit as before but now Doma can be more than one zone, you could include Nagxia but probably shouldn't include anything further west/south else the Viera's absence is an issue. Plot really doesn't change except 4.1 is now the aftermath of what to do with non-Yutsuyu collaborators. This would then have 6.0 be Ala Mhigo and the Near East (South Ilsabard, Thavnair).
No real change to Shadowbringers except maybe make the ruins of Amaurot the entirety of the Tempest instead of just 1/3rd of the zone.
Point taken.
We have to see what happened after the camera cutoff. I'm wondering if they might not do something crazy and have Gaius align with Zenos because Zenos (1) Promises to go after the Ascians and (2) Won't use black rose and (3) Could reveal "yeah the warrior of light? He serves a primal.".
I see those every day. Because I’m one of them.
>Yoshida: It's going to be Creator difficulty with easier DPS checks!
>reality: it's Deltascape difficulty with slightly harder DPS checks
What the FUCK did he mean by this
fake queues btw. i still get a "15th in queue" message at 4am, login 30 seconds later and theres like 7 people in limsa as opposed to the typical several hundred.
Just smash cancel and try again - you'll skip it every time.
I'm starting to think Elidibus is playing a long-con independent of Zodiark and Hydaelyn. I am not familiar enough with FF's to know the prior archtypes they run with, but Elidibius' talk of balance in the past doesn't seem like it would be a deceitful lie. My question is did he ever mention "My true god" "The one true god" "Hail Zodiark" type shit? Or has all he said been "Grrr fuck you Hydaelyn"?
More than likely. The next obvious place to go is South Ilsabard and probably Western/Southern Othard where the Viera live.
Definitely. My dream team would be him, Gaius, Urianger, Yshtola, Goesetsu, Alisaie and Alphinaud. Ysale if she was still alive obviously.
why would they do fake queues for some servers and not for others
All queues I've seen ended in under a minute
I treat it as an extra loading screen and just get a drink
Meld SkS until you can comfortably hit 6 GCDs under PB while using GL4 (which is about 1015SkS, or 1.94 GCD) then meld Crit. If crit is maxed out, do direct hit
What should I do with Ronkan gear that I have already replaced and I have no use for anymore?
I can't seem to turn them into grand company seals for some reason. Do I just discard them?
Honestly I would look into it before playing. I love the game and have hundreds of hours into. I really recommend it, but it isn't for everyone. It's better if you can get your friends to play. Also a good free company helps.
put them on retainers
Thanks, user.
I have no idea what the fuck he was talking about with lighter DPS checks when E2S exists
Could always put them into the glamour dresser, or give them to your retainers to wear.
They do a good job of making the Garleans stand out uniquely. They aren't just easily forgettable fantasy villains in aesthetic, the elites seem to have an almost bio-organic feel to their armor.
Our main interaction is on the Warring Triad rather than in the MSQ. They should have given him a more central role but it was difficult given the majority of the MSQ was you vs dragons and you vs elfpope.
I want DPS judges with DRG gear that use staff weapons that split into dual wielding a'la FF12. Obviously their heavy plate would make them a contender for tanking but with gunbreaker I don't see the need for yet another tank.
Striking makes me so fucking mad. If I had the DRG or ranged set for melee I would have been happy with that set for the entirety of shadowbringers. The maternity ward robes are atrocious.
Ronkan stuff is for glam
But if you really want to turn them into GC seals wait for next patch. New tomestone gear can't be turned in until a patch or two later
Are we getting new goetia gear in 5.1?
Probably not until next raid tier
reminder that Chadnos became a guest character before Gaius did.
The best we'll get is some materials for crafting/gathering gear purchaseable with Goetia.
Goetia is going to be unobtainable in 5.2, Phantasmagoria is going to be uncapped and weekly cap tomestones will be a completely new one.
He kicks your ass twice before he ever gets the echo and also subjegated Doma the same way.
>Little money
Dont you mean l i t t l e money?
Samurai would absolutely beat DRGs and MNK's asses no contest
>Wanting a limited job
I can imagine you killing yourself
Bruh I am SAM and MNK DPS is supposed to be rivaled only by BLM. Unless PVP still requires positionals I think they'd be able to kill us. Maybe 5.08 when we get potencies updated or 5.1 when Shoha is untied to meditation we'll do better.
What would the ascian job be called. ASC? ASN?
Didn't Elidibus already get his ass handed to him by Zenos? And Elidibus was using Zenos body while Zenos had some random jack off.
Dude what? You realize PvP abilities are completely different? What are you even in about?
If anything he struck me as a potential avenue for them to take with beastmaster if it weren't a limited job. Instead of being able to tame any odd beast you'd be limited to 1 (maybe 2, no more than 3) beasts but be able to fusion dance with them the way Ran'jit could.
However, the obvious new job for 6.0 is not going to be shown in 5.0. It'll appear probably 2 or less patches before 6.0 drops:
>Thancred and Yugiri showcase rogue/ninja in 2.2. Ninja comes out in 2.4.
>Alisaie showcases RDM in 3.4, RDM appears in 4.0.
Racially rather than job-wise you have Fran show up in 4.4(?) before the viera appear in 5.0. Goesetsu shows up in 4.5 so this formula is not perfect as I think SAM was announced by the time he appeared and he didn't fight, likewise we had no hint of dancer or gunblade. At best Nero shows up with a gunblade in Sigmascape (so 4.2 or so) but his animations are Garlean rather than gunbreaker. Still, it's clear that if you see an important NPC suddenly show up with a new weapon and new animation/playstyle in a mid to late 5.x patch it will point towards being a new job.
We know Yoshida said I think in a fanfest or liveletter that puppetmaster and beastmaster were considered as limited jobs. Some kind of a conference or some shit this year after SHB came out and he asked the audience what they wanted job wise and they said beastmaster and chemist.
What's there to buff?
Just because it can't compete with MNK doesn't mean it needs buffs
It's worse than DRG/MNK/BLM while bringing 0 utility.
>SAM and MNK neck and neck in damage
>log gets uploaded
>SAM is at a higher percentile than MNK despite doing less DPS
It actually does since SAM brings no utility at all. Mantra was always nice before but now it's good
Wow someone actually drew here with the few facial features that set her apart from Alphinaud
Less weebs is good.
Wouldn't it be better to meld det than dh since you can't get enough dh for it matter?
Please buff Dancer SE, I want to play the job but not feel bad about doing it.
A lot of MNK's gear gives DH, still missing a few BiS pieces and I'm 2k+ in both crit and DH
You are absolutelly correct and made the right decision. Mmos are all, with no single exception, utter garbage.
Only worthy to be played if they go free before being killed, when they cut the bulshit grind and you have all the content morons paid for, so you take them as a nice walking simulator, with a more or less entertaining story.
you are worthless to the world
Story's fine as-is.
Remove the english dub entirely and it'd be perfect.
pray, refrain from expressing your insolence
Nidhogg was great, and given even more nuance in Shadowbringers.
You forgot the removal of English fanfiction """translations""".
We have a time machine now, anything is possible.
Emet wasn't that great. He was just another morally grey villain. Just like every other villain we've had.
The only stand out villain has been Zenos and that's because he is honest with us and himself. He isn't DEEP or doing bad things because of the greater good or a victim of circumstances.
>Low settings
Good fucking god PLEASE get a new PC already
Ardbert earned his place with ShB
>The only stand out villain has been Zenos
did your little gamer not realize that it broke?
Did I s-s-s-s-studder?
Zenos is the ONLY villain to stand out.
>need to go out in 30 mins
>i'll just do my titan for this week
>can't take more than 30 mins
>get a premade of first timers running it blind
>Implying anything brakes when Cid is around.
Motherfucker can build Crystal Tower 2.0 in about a weekend and it'd run better than ever.
Ironworks >>Mystery Nigga Creation Magick>>> Allagan Tech >>>>>> Garlean Tech
Why did you join a first timers run if you only had 30 minutes?
Who could summoner get next?
Did you just miss the part where Gaius shows up with a gunblade on his back in the last patch or something?
Or are you going to display some kind of mental gymnastics explaining why it doesn't count?
Go for it.
Gaius and his gunblade first appeared in 1.0, though.
The generic "FOR THE THRILL" character? Yeah no, go fuck yourself retard.
DEEP villains are the most boring characters ever. I don't give a fuck about your sob story or that you you're a rape baby.
Leveling the secondary classes (fisher, blacksmith, and so on) looks overwhelming as fuck. I'm already at the end of Heavensward and didn't even touch them. Should I do it?
Which tank should I play?
Just go to your grand company and do the daily turn ins
Just buy that stuff off the market, HQ gets you twice the exp
You can also just buy whatever the leves for them ask, and you can do beast tribe quests(Ixal and moogles for you) for extra exp daily
He literally came back from the dead just to show the gunblade off to us.
the one you like
What is this Krile and why do I want to fuck her
I still don't get how saving the First would have stopped Black Rose, because all that would have happened is the First not rejoining with the Source.
I think it had something to do with light-aspected aether?
The Black Rose became powered up by the First's light aether from the rejoining and took a life of its own and destroyed the entire world in the bad timeline.
all the light aspected aether flowing in from the first is what would've caused Black Rose to go out of control if used
So the empire still has it it just wouldn't have spread to the entire world. Just Eorzea would have been affect?
>light aspected aether flows into the Source because of the First being ready for a Rejoining
>as a consequence, the flow of aether is dulled because light aspected aether is passive
>Black Rose is also light aspected, it stops (passifies) the flow of aether of those afflicted
>the flow of light aspected aether from the First superchargers Black Rose to becomw Mega Super Black Rose
>stopping the flow doesn't upgrade Black Rose
Headcanon time: stopping the flow of light aspected aether also made factions and individuals more active, resulting in Gaius and Estinien successfully destroying the Black Rose, which didn't happen in the future because of pacifying effect of light aspected aether
>sprout tank episode making a 20 minute dungeon into a 40 minute one
How long before a specialist-only recipes becomes craftable for everyone? I want to make the Blades of Innocence item, but don't want to buy two soul of the crafters so I can become a blacksmith specialist and then immediately change back.
You could always just make two alts for specialist.
Redpill me on Tenacity. What does it do?
usually the next patch, or once new specialists crafts get added
Specialists is nothing but an annoyance, since everyone can make anything any way and any serious crafter will be an omni crafter.
>leveling summoner
>no new skills to press this expac, unless you count the firebird stuff overlapping dreadwyrm stuff
>all the traits just make things smoother
damn shame i kinda wanted a new spell outside of the ruin and dot spawn
Trance could give us his wings.
His "Everlasting Flight" style passive could Haste the entire party, speeding up the GCD ever so slightly.
Like how Phoenix has Fountain of Fire/Brand of Purgatory and Bahamut has Deathflare, Alex could have Temporal Stasis where for the Duration of the Trance; Ruin IV, Painflare and Fester will be timelocked and allowed to be recast multiple times without eating stacks.
Judgement would just be another boring AoE nuke.
You have Egi-Assault 1 and 2, enjoy them whilst they last because lazy Netflix SCH's are reeeing that SMN is too busy. They all jumped from SCH to SMN after 5.0 "ruined" their job, but they dont want to adapt to how SMN plays. They want something as relaxed as SCH.
>Copy Lost Odyssey's story
Why would you want to copy one of the worst RPG stories?
What job is the biggest chad?
I'm getting conflicting messages is det better than dh for this patch?
Post cards.
Wew lad
I seriously hope you guys don't do this