Vermintide 2

Alright, how fucked is this game with the 2.0 update?
I haven't played it in months and was looking forward to this DLC.

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Well if they don't change the stagger mechanics that were in the beta it's gonna be bad.

You should know the answer to your own question, user. Its Fatshark. Dodge changes are abysmal. Talents are janked, zero tweaks from the playtest. Beast man are busted as fuck and not fun to play against at all. Literally pay 20 dollars to lose. The flag special is very hard to deal with because it practically makes the enemies invincible, barely giving you a chance to push through and take it out. While also being immune to ranged. Their animations are all very fast and do chaos warrior tier damage for some of them as well. Tldr its shit

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How do you feel about having to grind again to be able to use talents you already earned

>Its a banner placed in a hallway with no way to get to it cause of the mass amount of enemies between you and the banner episode

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if you're a no-life fag who spent 3000 hours, you're gonna hate it

everyone else will like it

Sitting at only 600 hours.

Why is Fatshark so convinced that people want a bunch of meaningless progression systems instead of more maps?

I feel like most anons blow it out of proportion, it's still pretty fun. It's just that the combat to a very different turn recently. It's not bad, just different, and some people don't like that, which is fine, but I wish they'd stop just saying it's shit. There are legit problems, though, but that's to be expected. Like someone else said, flag bearers are busted right now and a few of the beastmen need tweaks. Weaves are fun, though, and that's cool. The new weapons are interesting, in my opinion, and I enjoy the new talents. The game is overall harder, though, and I think they'll readjust some things because at times it feels unfair.

>Unchained's new 35 skill that gives everyone 30 temp health

The only thing is it still hurts everyone.

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killing hordes of chaotic, satanic beasts hell-bent on putting monstrous creatures on the thrones of power is pretty cool in warhammer end times: vermintide 2. picture unrelated.

weaves are pretty sick but for me there aren't enough players around.

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I hope they expand more on Weaves. I fucking love ladder-type progression like NephRifts in Diablo 3

it's good

I'm a brainlet that doesn't understand endgame and I'm enjoying it kinda. I wanted more story missions though.

>tfw stuck playing on low 900p until my new gpu gets here

I'm not playing VT again after the disappointment that was "Back to Ubersreik" DLC

I played literally 10 hours of vermintide and then stopped, I liked the idea but I just never got into it

should I buy this expansion

Yeah, in fact, buy two.

Post-patch I've found myself playing FK and Zealot even more than usual because of the bannermen.

I can't queue up for anything because I just get a black screen whenever I try to bring up menus, so it's running about as well as I've come to expect from Fatshark.

I feel like you could reskin Vermintide into a 40K game really easily for another game.

Lazy if they do it yeah, but I would have fun playing it.

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stagger its not so bad, its hammers time to shine and if you pick the stagger talents then blades are ok too

>near unanimous consensus
>these combat changes are horrible
>weaves are a horribly implemented idea
>beastmen are horrifically buggy

Internal Test
>doubles down on stagger meta
>these combat changes are still horrible
>nothing changed about weaves
>didnt fix any bugs

>combat still feels bad
>emergency bandaid change to stagger didnt change much
>no one plays weaves because, surprise, they are a horribly implemented idea
>all the bugs are still present
>$20 for 1 map and a gamemode you literally cannot play due to lack of players
>pic related

I don't know what Fartshart expected.

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Because they're lazy pieces of shits and implementing a bunch of meaningless progression systems is easier than working on a map.

reminder that all complaints about 2.0 are from /reddit/

You realize the mooks can be killed easily right?
I've dealt with this many times.

I have around 1000 hours and i am loving it.
Reddit is actually campaigning on forums and other places (such as this thread for example) against the game wich is ridiculous since the changes made the game harder, the weaves are awesome and the new weapons are all fucking good.

>emergency bandaid change to stagger didnt change much
Not sure what you are smoking user. The stagger change made the game piss easy.

Because last time they made new map "everyone" (aka reddit and its npcs) shitted on it relentlessly, blightreaper and the pit are fantastic maps but thanks to "your" feedback or lack there of, they learned that people want familiar things and that means either v1 maps or chunks of v2 maps.

quite literally: git gud

blightreaper and the pit suck ass and adding in v1 maps as the second paid dlc was just fucking lazy and jewy

The game is way better now

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Reddit army is trying too hard to shit on this delicious expansion, i been playing for the last 2 days and loving every second.

oh yeah, thats what "everyone" (in reddit) says but if you haven't noticed blightreaper is a fucking awesome map and the pit is great too, they are the biggest pleb filter there is.
Specially blightreaper that has the hardest part at the start, i cannot put to words how much i love that map.

>enemies still animation cancel out of stagger
>enemies still group in hyperdensity when slot system breaks (constantly)
>enemies still ice skate during attack animations
>running attack hitboxes are extremely buggy
>enemies can noclip through players
>enemies still spawn on top of you
>patrols still spawn on top of you
>sound effect on incoming damage is inconsistent
>dodging is inconsistent above 100ms
>gors can damage you without an attack
>ghost swings are back, again
>broken talents

but please, tell me how a single nerf to enemy difficulty fixes all these problems that contribute to combat feeling dogshit

>patrols still spawn on top of you
yep confirmed bad

v1 is really fucking bad, all good things about v2 can be found on larval state in v1 but its not good, it runs like shit and all characters play the same except sienna.

Now in v2 everyone is unique, has class based skills, the game runs better, the acting is better, theres more content, theres more players, and basically in v2 if you play on recruit, you are probably on "tutorial" fase, move on to better difficulties, i say when you reach veteran you gonna have more fun.

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>this look interesting and pretty cheap
>65 GB
yeah no thank you

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Why the fuck are you always bringing up reddit? The Pit is a slog to play through and has that shitty filter. Blightreaper is a bigger slog and has that shitty dark start. Both maps aren't enjoyable to play at all.

Hey i have the same problem, go to options then look up interface, controller interface/UI and by enabling it you gonna be able to see the quickmatch menus as well inventories again.
They said they are working on it so i am also waiting, since i cannot open okri challenges i cannot retrieve items i unlocked.
Just a question, are you using AMD pc parts?

Its worth it, i swear on me mum man.

Shouldn't have voted down the NBN, dumb Australian.

They should of never of tried to add PvP. They literally ruined their game trying to balance around it.

Just hold on to your money man.

They're super fucking easy to take out, kill yourself retard.

We were getting the NBN no matter what, just the Liberal Government gave us a worse version for more money because that's what they always do on everything but everyone is convinced that they're God's dickcheese despite putting us in a fucking recession.

Have you tried
gitting gud?

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they seem to be pretty active on reddit dude they take alot of feedback from there.

wich is not a good idea, reddit gonna reject all great ideas sorely because some idiot high on SITE_CURRENCY said its bad.

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but they havent added pvp yet

This DLC and patch are designed around the upcoming PvP system. Please read.

Is it worth it getting the base game only with no DLC? 8 bucks for base, 40 for all dlc... It feels like buying the base means you only buy 1/3rd of the game. Fucking hate dlc.

Yeah, underneath all the bugs and jank is a decent game, especially for 8 dollars, and doubly so if you're a fan of Warhammer Fantasy. Just keep in mind it's buggier than usual atm, so play with some patience.

LOL. It will be added and never touched again, just like every other mechanic or game mode fartshart adds

Hows it compare to rattide 1? I got 83 hours in that before gettin sick of it

Does this shitty l4d clone have vs yet?

It's going to soon, and Vermintide has substantially better PvE than L4D. Literally the only thing L4D had over it was Versus and modded maps. While FS can't give us modded maps thanks to Gamesworkshop Vermintide is getting Versus mode.