Sup Yea Forums, I got this cheap piece of shit for like $5 so I could play games with PS2 controllers on my computer...

Sup Yea Forums, I got this cheap piece of shit for like $5 so I could play games with PS2 controllers on my computer, but the fucking thing doesn’t work. It detects it’s a joystick adapter but doesn’t register any input from the controller, apparently I can turn on and off the analog button with the red light but not much else.
Sometimes I can get a red LED to turn on in the adapter itself by wiggling the PS2 connector at the point it’s basically disconnected and barely making contact, don’t really know what that means.
Also I can’t install the driver CD because I don’t have an optical drive anymore.

Any of you own one of these pieces of absolute shit? Fuck China.

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Other urls found in this thread:!xyxW3aaT!JGmp7XfUOEsIynYu1dMi1pbGNQB89PdJIuQmJCAkldQ!ojwAzSJL!BhKam2SdkT0lHBG_VIJAcQ!jYxXhaII!csA07zTkR7xhYyF4WkTNP48TAOdverZe71-JT7vO_go

You want the thing to work without drivers but it's China's fault? dam, you're a retard

Most usb shit is plug and play these days, besides if it really needed it it wouldn’t be recognized anyways. Also I already tried looking for drivers online from the name it’s recognized as because I’m not a fucking faggot and it didn’t work either.

i have a similar adapter but it doesn't require drivers

get real computer macfag

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It's not going to work without drivers, retard. Google the driver number on the CD and download it. You can't just plug shit in and it magically works.

In 2019 yes you can lmao


Its shit, pay real money for a real one.

Expensive shit huge companies like Microsoft make is plug and play. Not random China hardware. You're lucky if the drivers work at all.

>that ancient mac keyboard


What PS2 controller ever came with concave sticks? Did you replace them with the sticks from a Dual Analog?

I have one of these but have never used it. I think sometimes the internal wiring is backwards too?

I actually have this blue piece of shit and. It works. I've had some issues with it (it rotates the buttons 90 degrees for some games), but outside that it's "fine".

Did you install any drivers for it? Because all I got is a fucking unlabeled cd with it and I can’t look for shit

Not something like that you lazy retarded zoomer. I had to put in drivers for the PS2,3 and 4 controllers even with an adapter. You’re also compounding it by playing on a fucking ancient Mac it looks like. If you admit you’re a tide pod slurping zoom zoom retard and say daddy please help me I’ll hold your hand and walk you through it.

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Its because you are trying to use it on a gucking mac. A system that is known to have fucking shit compatibility for the vast majority of all hardware and software in existence across all nations and cultures. Get rid of that Fisher Price babys first computer and then we will talk. Hell at least put linux on it or something. Even a shitty netbook with windows xp would be better than a mac.

The thread should have ended here.

Oh man. It's almost like this adapter comes from the PS2 era where things weren't like they are in modern days...

Stop fucking around with Dualshocks and get a real controller.

Attached: xbone.jpg (1024x778, 64K)

I never installed drivers and it works fine, but I can't use it for the android. That was years ago now I have the ps4 controller


you see his keyboard

So put the CD in you absolute retard.

All I did was plug it in. You may want to go into your device manager and see if it's showing up at anything at all when you plug it in

As said, if you're on a mac (I'm assuming you are), you're best route is to install windows on the computer because Mac is incompatible with everything, including that controller.

Time for bed gramps.

It used to work on the switch, but they updated and now it doesn't.

>muh Mac muh Mac asfakdjsflds itoddler hahahaha muh overpriced muh retard muh faggot ashskakdhhsakldld
Imagine how much the average IQ on this website would increase if Yea Forums and /g/ were deleted.

I have one of these, it never gave me a problem. I use it mostly on my PS3 and on the computer too, I even tested it on a Wii using Nintendon't and works well. just Plug and Play. The disc only has a driver that lets you use the rumble function. If the red led turns on, then your controller is detected. I think you just got unlucky and got a defective one (a very common issue with these adapters) Something must be loose, because if the adapter is working properly the led must be turned on at all times. BTW I don't think this may solve your problem but in this picture, the controller is plugged in the port 2.

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I do have windows installed you bunch of cumguzzling faggots

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>why yes, i do complain on videogame board how my video game related stuff doesn't work on mac, how did you know?

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>If the red led turns on, then your controller is detected
Well I'm plugging it to port 1 and now for some reason when I wiggle the connector the LED for port 2 is blinking sometimes. What the fuck.

OP probably wants a dpad that actually works.

what the fuck is this

Display of high intelligence right here

This is what the online tester says and I don't know what the fuck any of this means.

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Just say Daddy please help me, and we’ll get you all patched up. You lazy retards should exercise some manners if you want your hand held. Or you know, take two seconds to google what driver you’d need and what folder to drop it into you absolute worthless knob. You don’t need a controller to watch someone stream on Twitch anyway, so what the fuck is it for?

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OP i had one of these and I was also facing a similar problem. Luckily I have a friend who let me use his desktop to upload the driver software into a file. I can upload it to mega if you want.

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That would be nice, thanks for not being a retard like 98% of this thread

please do not help a retard who won't take 5 minutes to find an existing upload online

If it's a DualShock 2, it won't work right off the bat.
Most controllers run on XInput API.
DualShock controllers run on DirectInput API and will need a 3rd party program to get it working on most PC games.

I got one of those and it stopped working within a week it's a piece of shit

here u go buddy!xyxW3aaT!JGmp7XfUOEsIynYu1dMi1pbGNQB89PdJIuQmJCAkldQ

what the fuck causes a xbox 360 controller to blue screen a pc? sometimes mine just starts disconnecting and reconnecting leading to a blue screen if i dont unplug it fast enough

Probably a PC in a gutted Mac case.

loose connection on the cable. I've had this happen as well.

Legitimately hope you get gonorrhea

Sounds like something wrong with the USB controller. Maybe a short circuit in the cable? Nobody will be able to help you unless you post the error code that shows up on the BSOD.

great thread. i like how everyone is calling each other faggots and retards etc while genuinely trying to figure out what the problem may be...

This is now a custom controller thread.

Post yours.

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Kek. Okay, here's the real thing.!ojwAzSJL!BhKam2SdkT0lHBG_VIJAcQ
You can download all of them if you want but IIRC only the conversion one actually made my controller work. Vibration one never worked and the rest, as far as i can tell, are just useless.

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Didn't work. I might as well just take the loss and tr to find another more expensive one that actually works... What are some good adapters?

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lol you got a defective one bro

maybe if you used windows instead of mac


how do you do that to the wire?

seems these things have a lot of issues, mine doesnt even light up when i put it in

back in my days macfags were little normalfag sissies and not aggresive vidya gaaem trannies

out of curiosity, could you post a picture of the cd, op?

Same. Ever got it to work at all?

mine works fine, haven't used it in a while but a ps2 controller with that adapter was my go-to PC controller for years (put hundreds of hours into DS1 on it at launch). try running it with steam big picture or x360ce.

Unlabeled piece of shit

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whew thank god. i thought i was the only one that got one with the faggy panda on it

Did it ever work?

Mine's right here

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i never even got around to using it. just popped the controller in and it worked

Fuck this gay earth

>clearly has "don't put in direct sunlight for a prolonged period" labeled along with other labels the panda emoji

i bought a ps3 controller to play ps2 games with button pressure but i just found out its chines and im really getting worried that the button pressure might not work
i still havent tried it yet because im too scared

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But PS3 triggers suck balls

I thought all DS3 controllers couldn't into pressure-sensitive buttons. I could be wrong, can't arsed to check.

why do i always see this grill when people talk about how bad macs and apple products it

Horrible /g/ meme that ruins my beautiful waifu Satania

its either that or ps2 controllers and ps2 controllers are even much harder to set up
they do have it but they was really not used that much so they removed that feature from the DS4


found an upload online of some drivers you might wanna try. seems to be different from what the other user posted!jYxXhaII!csA07zTkR7xhYyF4WkTNP48TAOdverZe71-JT7vO_go

op you got scammed you fucking moron. that shitty cd? it's blank! there's nothing on it, some chink just sends out blank cds and broken adapters and you bought one! ahahahahah


I just got one of these to use with original Xbox controllers, what are the chances I'm also fucked?

Attached: Photograph_of_Black_Female_USB_Socket_to_Original_Xbox_Controller_Port_Adapter_Converter_Cable_RVQZ9 (1000x750, 434K)

Just pay and get a real controller holy shit. Or be a man and write your own drivers.

I wanted to use the PS2 controller specifically though

Are you really that fucking poor that you can't afford a $40 peripheral for your hobby that will last you years?

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Just like, use an Xbox style controller if you play on PC dude, it will save you a shit load of compatibility problems.

get x360ce emulator, should work

Get one of those cheap rock candy xbox controllers OP, they are just fine.

>Spend $40 on a shit controller that's uncomfortable as fuck
No goddamn thanks.

its the best controller in existence autist cunt nigger

No it fucking isn't you faggot cocksucker motherfucker

I bought one of those adapters 4 years ago and it still works, gone through maybe 3 rigs then too. Windows will usually automatically install the driver (even if you turn automagic driver updates in win7) and the only issue I had is memorizing which is port 1 and 2.
OP is a full on retard if he can't even get a driver installed.

Enjoy breaking your hands using a chinese bootleg controller then nigger

Have the same blue dongle and its been working flawlessly for years. Is the gamepad genuine or third party copy?

no pressure sensitivity

>tfw no more purchasable legit ps3 controllers

I have one and it worked for a while and then broke

probably defective

Genuine, thumbsticks are aftermarket but that's it

I wouldn't think you'd have to do anything. the xbox controller cord is literally USB with a proprietary plug. back when I modded my xbox, I just got a USB hub, cut and spliced it with an xbox controller cord and mouse and keyboard "just werked".