What would you do if you had an extra $1000 a month to spend on video games?

What would you do if you had an extra $1000 a month to spend on video games?

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Spend it on video games.

buy what I need and then slowly invest into an indie studio over the course of ten years

Pay my credit card bills instead.

I don't really have money-needs so 1000 bucks wouldn't change much.

buy bitcoins

Use it to get out of debt within about 2 years. Then buy the occasional video game.

Nothing because inflation would adjust to everyone having 1000 dollars rendering it meaningless.

Repair my life

keep pirating and put it in the bank

Become a sellout Twitch streamer.

Save up for two months, buy the fastest computer possible, pirate all games, and thereafter invest all money in stocks.

Get my molars fixed because they are fuuuuuucked

That only happens if you print new money

I'd just give it away to people who deserve happiness more than me

Spend $1000 on groceries because chicken breasts now costs $100.

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Just move to another country while keeping citizenship.

t. failed middle school economics

Pay off my debts that I've had for years now. Fortunately I don't need to think about a better world being possible, since we're stuck with the current worthless mouthbreather, or whoever the elites choose to go against him.

You're not actually getting $1000 more, the $1000 worth of public services and healthcare subsidies you probably use anyway is taken out and put into your wallet.

That's not inflation you are thinking of. That's sellers seeing that their customers can spend more for their products and increasing the price to what they can sell at.

Use it to rent out a robot to automate my job.

Start paying off on student loans. Then maybe keep up my subs to FFXIV and PS4+ and put some in a Savings account.

I've considered moving to Venezuela, I have like 5,000 USD in the bank. I could buy a comfy mansion and live like a king

Based, would do the same.

If I could only spend it on games, I'd buy all the things I pirated, I*d get an Xbox One X and the games I wanted but didn't have the console for, and then I'd gradually build a physical collection of every retro game I've ever emulated.


No thanks

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So glad he's losing, who would actually elect someone that wants to ban circumcision

I've got four fucking holes in my gums where my wisdom teeth are impacted by. fuck bro when i use my water flosser in the holes there's a gross smell that comes out.i wish I could fix them

No. If people are more willing to spend money, that increases demand and prices go up. It has the same effect as printing more money. A UBI plan would without question cause inflation, if not hyperinflation like some people claim.

Buy guns and vidya

Make my Japanese retro collection even bigger. Fuck (((localizations)))

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But he's right

spend 1750 a month on rent instead of 750 because landlords would just adjust rates to make sure their tenants are miserable and just barely scraping by.

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And with the $1000 a month imagine the lavish life you'd be living.

Doesn't happen just by money changing hands. The government wouldn't need to actually print way more money to cause that, rather than just paying out $1000 and using taxes to fund it.

That's more than I make monthly now so, retire?

Wait he does? Maybe I'll vote for him then

I would help fund a campaign to mercifully euthanize frogposters.

try again

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My filling fell out and now I have a huge fucking hole in one of them and it's been there for like a year and a half

Who is the third place person?

First thing? Probably buy some underwear. Mine are pretty old and my mom is refusing to buy me anything else until I get at least a part time job.

And after UBI, they will double.
I fucking hate communist fucks, they are so fucking retarded, which is why every communist end up being a shithole.
No wonder people don't consider them human.

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>buying games
I play all the games I want and I spend $0. Having an extra $100 or 1 billion to spend on games and only games wouldn't make any difference for me

Move to a country that isn't an utter shithole and actually provides its citizenry with dental care. What good is a country if it can't keep its people healthy, what an awful place.

I'd use it to pay rent and just stream vidya

Spend it on rent and work less so I could focus more on gamedev

Nice mental gymnastics you fucking faggot

How can you have no first choice but somehow have a second?

Give it all to Amazon because I feel bad that they have to start paying taxes.

depends if it included peripherals or not. like tvs/monitors/pc components.games? very low on the priority list. got plenty of them.

Give it to my wife for her son.

Yes, but increases in demand do not generally lead to prolonged inflation. Besides, there is still going to be competition between firms to decrease prices and the rise of technology is making production cheaper and more efficient

Either bills, savings if the interest rate isn't shite, or money market/ETFs/whatever makes sense at the time)

If we acheived some inflation, it would actually help some people like those currently in debt, because they'd be able to pay it off better. The Fed has been trying to trigger a minor amount of inflation for years because of its stimulating effect on the economy, but they've been coming under their actual goals.

>tfw I'm 25 and I still have my Wisdom Teeth
>Never had a cavity in my life
Who else is /perfectteeth/ here?

Support my unsustainable laptop modding fetish and buy expensive components just so I can shitpost on Yea Forums, play shitty indie games, and maybe script once in a blue moon on a PC that looks like it came from 2005.

Maybe that is the "They are all shit but if I had to pick I guess that one?" category.

Spend it on alcohol and drink myself to death in a few years.

Yeah, but there would be inflation. Proponents of the UBI claim there would be no inflation because no money is created and it is paid for by a VAT. But the increase in demand would create a permanent increase in prices across the board.

I fucking wish my rent was $750. I'm blowing $950 a month. I need to get a roommate or move out.

kill yourself dumbfuck