The vast majority of dota 2 prize pool winners are white males

the vast majority of dota 2 prize pool winners are white males
do different races have advantages when it comes to certain games?

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mere weeks from white men claiming another aegis victory and millions of more dollars playing dota 2

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what color is this

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does this count? would you wife this slav

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I. Am. Surprised a dota event hasn't been shot up yet with how often you white men shoot up places.

Maybe it's because they're not hosted in schools.


league is more complicated and harder

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this update brought me back me and a few friends reinstalled it

changing the match making system and fixing all that shit and adding new player features really helped the game a lot

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holy shit

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>league is more complicated and harder

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who we rooting to win ti9 dotards

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Name one way that China will cheat at TI9.

Ruru's stolen API?
No mandatory shoe checks?
Food Poisoning?
Not having proper sound proofing in one booth and giving chinese teams that booth?
Forgetting to close the door?
Allowing backdoors past the systems that prevent cheating?
Not properly patting down players before entering?
Icefrog designing a meta exactly for them?
Bugged practice rooms?
Schedule "mix-ups"?

It's amazing how china never does well throughout a year then all the sudden China has 4 top competing teams come TI.

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the SEAchads ofc

kuku or ice 3

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man I just want Mushi to be relevant again feelsbadman

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what team is EE on

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