Ports Thread: Why? Edition

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inb4 this

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> Why
Because at first devs thought the Wii U was going to become a runaway success like the Wii. It didn't become obvious how much of a flop it was until a year or two in.

rayman 2 on ps1, ds, 3ds, ios. such a great game, with so many weird/bad ports

Weird. I thought ME3 came out for the Wii U a year or two into it's lifespan. It was practically a launch title.

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To be fair, I never played this, but I always thought it looked like crap

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>far cry 2

youtube.com/watch?v=txcEMPakkPg The music

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this is now a thread about garbage ports

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they loved newgrounds fan knockoffs so much that they turned a classic into one

It always was retard.

At this point it's going to be a flex for both the Switch and CDPR if they manage to get it to work.

Companies want to respect Nintendo but it's literally impossible when your base refuses to grow up and the hardware is limited.

You're right. I only notice hate for it coming from Yea Forums

Your average nintendo switch owner will probably jizz over it

Mostly overshadowed by the console version.

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To think this was how I first played Deus Ex. It still was an interesting port, but it ran horribly on PS2 hardware.

Nah, it launched roughly when the Wii U came out, or else ME3 would not have been on it at all. I think you're thinking of the ME trilogy that came out a year or two later.

Weird no x2 port

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The collection with the earlier games was never ported, only this.

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Wow. Who the hell knew this was a thing. I never heard of it before. I just watched a little of it in a Nintendo Complete video. Seems like it ran choppy, like a lot of those old computer game ports did. Maybe that's the capture, I can't tell.

Oh god. And it was ported by... Rozner Labs, of Mega Man 1 and 3 for DOS fame

this isn't a port though. is it weird that it is the only KH game on an xbox? sure.

Surprisingly good

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Either way it'll be interesting to see the results.

It's not something I'd ever actually want to play, but I'll be impressed if they get it working and playable. I'm looking forward to it just to watch the inevitable Digital Foundry video of all the programming tricks they used to get it working

Did they mean "special" like the "special Olympics".

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i would have rather only had the collection with 1 in it. oh well

They're the ones that ported those Mega Man DOS games?? Well now things are starting to make more sense.


The fucking game is fully voiced, that’s unheard of for a gba game


wtf is this boxart

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this has 100 levels Nintendo designed themselves. it's worth picking up for the $15 or $20 that it goes for now.

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Isn't that actually the best selling version of street fighter?


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Does this even get updates? I remember trying it when it first came out and it was like playing the alpha.

Fuck this is so terrible compared to it's console counterpart. They could've easily made it actually 3D.

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Luigi's Mansion 3DS.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.
I mean, it’s not a bad port for the most part, but that game looks fucking rough on the 3DS’s 240p screen, it really doesn’t mesh well with the size and scope of the areas in the game and just turns everything into a pixelated mess, the player character models look like ass when you zoom out the camera too.
From what i’ve seen of it, they also seemed to have removed or heavily cut down on the shading effect used on character/enemy models as well compared to the original Wii version, not a big deal but it does cheapen the overall look of the game in my opinion.

The last Nintendo 64 game ever made, coming out several months after already arriving on the PS1, PC and sixth gen consoles.

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ME3 on the wiiu is the shit
it uses the gamepad screen in non-retarded ways that improve the experience. Same with other ports like Arkham City.
If they bothered to include all DLC on that release it'd be THE release to get. Sadly EA said "fuck it" and it never even got the OPTION to purchase DLC. Fuck EA so much.

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tony hawk without a playstation controller is heresy

Yeah, I'm thinking he's in.

>Fucking AC III "Remaster" for the Switch.
The WiiU port was terribly optimized, and frequently froze/glitched. Upon seeing the gameplay in the trailer for the Switch version, I immediately knew it would be the exact same experience. "Remaster" my ass.

Are they seriously bringing that to Switch? I cannot believe that. I'm shocked. They must know they're gonna sell like 500 copies at full price. I mean, who is going to be looking forward to Assassin's Creed 3 on Switch? It's crazy. Just shows how little it's costs Ubisoft to port these old games, I guess.

Times were tough, even back in 09'

Like if it was black flag I'd kind of get it because that game is much more fondly remembered, but AC 3? Seriously?

>everything is on a single cart, no download needed

Fucking Capcom needs to step up.

I played AC3 in 2012 when it was brand new on PS3, and I hated that game. I played AC 1, 2, Brotherhood, and I really liked them, especially 2 and Brotherhood. AC3 felt so weird to me. I've never had an urge to ever try it again. Seems like Ubisoft will port every game they make to every system out there, that's for sure.

Oh don't remind me of this shit.

It’s not actually a port, it’s a different game.

Literally unplayable.

These were very decent. Not Why at all.

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The game was actually good and added a new weapon

This is such a bizarre version of SF. You can actually do single button sonic booms, it's ridiculous.


A lot of people know about Alpha 2 on snes and Alpha 3 on gba but Alpha 1 on gbc is pretty obscure.

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The dos port of SMB3 by Id Software. Miyamoto himself was said to have found it impressive but obviously couldn't allow them to go through with it.

Digital Foundry was a mistake. Yea Forums uses them for console war shitposting.


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i wanna try this but i cant find a download link

Why? Gameplay looks very smooth and identically as other "higher" version's

This shit is going to flop hard.

It's different from the console version. Instead of a 3D platformer, it's a shitty collection of mini games.

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This happened with several of the Spongebob games for some reason.
I think Lights,Camera,Pants! was a collection of minigames on console but a point and click adventure or something similar on PC.

I remember really liking this game even if it was only like 2-3 hours long

>That kid who ONLY had a Wii U

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Die you stupid nostalgia fag please 1 is like not even part of the top 5
Id rather play shitty birth by sleep again than touch 1 one more time
You nostalgia fags are the worst and i cant wait for the day where you will be too old to post and zoomies will hold the correct opinion that 3 is close second to 2 as best kh game

I wonder why even go through the effort and make 2 entirely different games? Maybe they didnt think platformers would work on pc and controlers for pc werent too common at the time

i have a wii u and other consoles, a lot of the games being posted here i have been considering, should i get them on wii u if i like playing in bed?

There's a reason why they get posted here.

>it actually fucking is
What the shit

Seeing how games run is obviously useful but it's a shame it gets used for console wars more often than not.