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I'm just glad there is no smoking in it.

>going gold
what did they mean by this?

short for goldstein

>goes gold
>10GB launch update

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It's done and sent off to manufacturing dumb shit

it means it's not ready for release and they're working on the day 1 patch while the broken physical copies get printed

>no single player gameplay do cd the reveal
I don't get it. It like they don't want to spoil a single thing from the story but why? Is it really gonna be an epic tale or something?

Going gold hasn't mean anything for almost 20 years. You sometimes get larger day1 patches than the game install size.

it's trying not to raise expectations over literally nothing

Means they finalized the version that goes on the physical disc. Used to be a big deal but it's completely meaningless nowadays since every game has a day one patch anyway.

this game is gonna bomb so hard

Why do you say that

>tfw you're in the 90s and your game goes gold
>send it
>everyone parties because the work is done
>carts are being made somewhere else, god this shit is expensive to make
>play through your own game to marvel in your creation
>find an overlooked game breaking bug

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4 was awful and 5 looks awful so who cares. Even if it looked good, who the fuck would buy Gears when it's still made with Unreal Engine? Epic gets a cut of the profits and only a retard would support them

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I actually didn't even know gears 4 was released until gears 5 was announced

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Remember when Gold Lancer/Hammerburst was a big deal and people were upset about not being able to get them?

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Sent shill

Didn't happen because developers actually tested the game before going gold.

This. Gears of War is irrelevant garbage that was never great to begin with on a completely dead and irrelevant console. And it comes out the same time as Borderlands 3.

Gears 1-3 were legit good.

Only the first three games were decent, and only for the campaign and horde mode. The multiplayer was always fucking awful and now the series doesn't even have good campaigns and is just outdated trash.

This is probably gonna be a huge success actually. It's the biggest game to come out on Gamepass Day 1 yet.

Gear 4 has the best multi but campaign was mediocre.

>something people can play on a free trial of gamepass that MS hands out like candy constantly

lmao, no. Gamepass is a flop, Xbox is dead, and this game will not sell for shit. Retarded shill.


Haven't played since 2, how have these games gotten? I'm interested in 5

great, had a tons of fun with horde mode on Gears 4. to bad about the story though, hopefully the story is better this time around.


Doubt it. It's coming out day 1 on PC too, remember? And the zoomers who grew up with the originals are reaching the age where they'll want to relive the nostalgia of their teenage years.

September 11-1 huh

Trash. The series was all downhill from 2 and is in the same position as Halo now with a totally different dev from the originals running it into the ground.

>Gears 4 got an update where the game on PC hard crashes 5 minutes in for everyone with a 10XX nvidia GPU
>never fixed years later
I'm sure this game will go swimmingly

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>Gears 4 has the best multiplayer

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online had gotten fixed, so now its great to play online, problem is the campaing story of 4 kind of sucks

>And the zoomers who grew up with the originals

You must be kidding yourself if you think these are not the "boomers" around here. Most people moved on with their lives, the ones that's left are 15-20 year olds. That places them at 2000-2005 year of birth, and makes 2010-2019 their golden teenage gaming years.

Absolutely delusional, there are no zoomers with nostalgia for this. It is a completely dead, irrelevant, and outdated boomer franchise just like Halo. It will flop.

> Started on the 360
> Boomer franchise
user, I...

You obviously have a hate boner for Xbox so there is no way of having a real discussion. Yes, gears 5 will likely be a success and gamepass has been a huge success for them.

I realized this after Yea Forums started posting nostalgia threads about DarkRP. For me, those were the "new kids" that flooded and ruined gmod. Now they're all grown up and nostalgic, and I'm visiting this website less and less because while Yea Forums always been shit, I can't sympathize with it's current kind of shit. I still play a ton of games, though, games that Yea Forums never talks about until a youtuber makes one famous or something.

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>people always just called GoW "gears" for short
>they actually officially took "of war" out of the title
>remove smoking for some reason
God, what are they doing to this series? I almost want to try it now that they finally stopped being kikes and moved to Steam because I just miss the multiplayer that much but everything we hear about it screams to stay far away.

See? It all makes sense. 2006 is boomer years for them.

>developers actually tested the game
Ah yes, the infallible dev game test.
Never a bug has gone by them.

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literally no one gives a shit about this wack game lol

> 2006 is now considered boomer
Dear god. Is this really what Yea Forums has become?

Im 36 and most of my bros were in their 20s to 30s playing gears. How is everyone a zoomer? I remember the biggest halo fan i knew was a mid 40s pc nerd. Dudes in his 60s now.

>tfw get to play it for free for 2 months

They ruined wallbouncing and slowed the game down in 4. Now they slow the game down even more for rifle babies in 5 while making movement completely irrelevant. Fuck this, will still end up buying it on PC probably, but will most likely drop it even faster than I did 4 after that Beta. 3 was peak Gears MP.

I do miss this series
For me GoW 3 was the absolute best one
Based Adam Fenix multiplayer skin

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Anybody else stopped caring about gears of war past 2? The series just needs to end now it simply is a tired game series. Like Uncharted but Naughty Dog is smart and realizes this.

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You are absolutely right. Tired, stale, outdated, and irrelevant. It is not a style of game anyone wants anymore and we have moved well past. It was never great to begin with either, only the campaign. The multiplayer was always completely terrible.

Absolutely this. Movement speed has been slowed down after 3 and anyone who say's Gears 4 is faster or just a fast as Gears 3 is delusional as hell. Gears 3 MP was the best it's gotten and the best it will ever get.

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Gold doesn't mean shit. Most games these days are shipped full of bugs and require day 0 patches.

Name 1 game that was released before widespread internet patching that contains game-breaking bugs, or at least as much bugs as some current AAA games do at launch, without day 1 patch.

Yes, and it's normal. Do you really expect 30+ year olds to be hanging out a gaming image board all day? They have careers, families (no matter what you may think, there's not a lot of actual NEET autistic incels around here, never was), actual lives to live. Kids grow up and find this edgy website called 4channel and they hang around there. Little shitters just like you and me used to be to those who were on the internet before us. The real boomers are the ones who used BBS boards in the 80s and 90s, the rest are ethernal zoomers, us included.

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One of the bungie games back on Mac got shipped with a bug that would wipe your hard drive if you uninstalled it

>name 1 game
There's a fuckton of games, but the worst example to me is the PAL version of Digimon World. The game was literally unbeatable, a bug stopped the player from finishing the game. And of course there was no patch to fix this, it's was the good ol' days.

Are we living in a loop?

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Not to move the goalpost, but I'm talking about hyped AAA games. Of course there has always been shit cashgrab buggy games.

>because developers actually tested the game before going gold

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Unfitting nasally voice, had me wishing I'd gotten the Baird one instead.

I still prefer 2's MP during the rare times it wasn't a rubberbanding fuckfest but definitely had a lot of good times with 3 as well.

>being able to steal everything from shopkeepers on skyrim
>being able to get infinite gold on fable
A few examples

How is that game-breaking? Every game, patched or unpatched has glitches which allow you to break it. A game-breaking bug is something that prevents you from beating the game if you encounter it randomly.

>before widespread internet patching
>swiping some trash from the store
The game had actual gamebreaking bugs in the storyline too

>Didn't happen

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I haven't played Gears since 3's release and Ill never have as much fun as I did only charging with a retro lancer.

Call me when gears is a giant mech fighting motorcycle riding fun game like the ending of 4 and not muh locust and young adults story.

most game dont even come with discs anymore just with paper download code

They're butchered it hard after 3 with only 20 rounds in it's magazine and making it a pick-up weapon. It was the most fun weapon to use in the series for me.

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People will hate anything xbox related it's like beating a dead horse no real discussion so no point in talking with people like them
Rn I'm just replaying gears 3 which imo the best gears game to date

It's a shame the only multiplayer matches you can find nowadays are Mexicans which means trash connection. God I want to go back to peak Gears 3

>remove smoking for some reason
Literally only one character in the entire franchise smoked and it was for one scene only. Removing the smoking is not a big deal as you think it is.

Are you on 360 or xbone? I have regular matches in gears of war remastered edition

I'm talking about Gears 3 not UE.


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Oh wouldn't expect too much activity there now a days

based. can't wait to wall bounce Yea Forums online

Know any good videos with some competitive gears? Wanna see how hectic it gets

Yeah I didn't either. I went and played it (was $1 on Windows) and it was actually real fun. Just wish they didn't re-use the Locust. Like, is it so hard to make something new?

At least some of the new not-Locust were cool (like the carrier thing and the doggos).

you mean swarm ?

explain this to me
i never used that littlep whore so idk what that ability does

Turok Rage Wars N64 on coop literally couldn't be finished because of a game breaking bug you dumb nigger.


>post-Epic Gears of War
why would anyone be excited. that's like being excited for post-Bungie Halo
both series are trash anyway though


>4 was awful
I thought it was decent, 8/10 imo
>and 5 looks awful
I think it looks great
> so who cares
I do
>Even if it looked good, who the fuck would buy Gears

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>Gears 5 coming out
>get Gears 4 free with GwG
>try out campaign
>quite possibly the shittiest marksman rifle ever conceived is one of your first weapons

What the fuck were they thinking when they made the Marksa MK1, holy fuck this thing is shit.

>mediocre damage
>shooting in quick succession decreases accuracy dramatically
>low clip count
>Active Reload spot is at the very end of the bar

Do these people even play their own games, the Boltok Pistol is better than this thing at being a mid rang erifle in every way outside of the Marksa having slightly larger ammo reserve.

no they don't, I've only seen that with a select few
and certainly not AAA games like gears of war

doubt it i remember them nerfing almost everything fun or worth while in horde for asinine reasons

Learn how to use it. Any skilled player will pop your head off the second you peak

HELL YEAH BRO! Movie games are simply epic!