I got $20, what should I get for pic related? Is there ANYTHING good on this piece of shit that isn't 1st party?

I got $20, what should I get for pic related? Is there ANYTHING good on this piece of shit that isn't 1st party?

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you like taking indies on the go, there's a bunch of shit you can get on the eshop. Hollow Knight and Cuphead are the first that come to mind under $20.

>Is there ANYTHING good on this piece of shit that isn't 1st party?

Hollow Knight

eShop's having a sale on Dragonball FighterZ for just $17. It's one of the few Switch multiplat ports that doesn't suck rocks compared to the PS4/XBOne/PC version.

Doom 3 senpai. It's only 10 buckaroo

Yoku's Island Express is fun

I just look on the eshop each week for any cheap indie games that aren't obviously shovelware garbage. Have picked up some decent games for cheap this way.

Cant gyro aim
call me when I can

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Doom Classic 1+2
otherwise enjoy your Mario stuff

There's a million games on this thing that are good but you always shoot them down when we recommend them to you because you're allergic to indies.
If you don't like indies the switch loses 80% of it's library and it's your fault for buying it thinking it's the fucking Gamecube.

nigga are you retarded there's a fuckton of indie games go pick one out

>Doom 3
fuck off I love my switch, but why Bethesda chose not to include the option for gyro aiming in fucking doom 3??

In addition to the stuff mentioned in this thread, here's some other stuff I've been enjoying.

-Danmaku Unlimited 3 - on sale for 4.99 USD. A modern shmup bullet hell type game that's pretty great
-The Messenger - Ninja Gaiden/Shinobi type action game, very good, DLC is free. I think it costs around $10 USD
-Turok 2 remake dropped yesterday but no multiplayer
-Super Meat Boy

There's lots of great stuff.

>there's lots of great stuff
There's lots of second hand stuff that are better on any other platform

I'm having fun

Please stay mad tho

I think you can play Undertale on that thing?
Still wouldn't recommend it though, Undertale is best played on a computer.

You can buy Devil May Cry. A completely unmolested port of an 18-year-old game.
Probably the least-worst thing you could get for that kind of money.
It almost completely eliminates load times, so the 6 or 7 people who play on that platform can probably set a new speedrunning record with it.

Wish there were hidden gems in threads like these. It's mostly just the same old trendy bullshit.

not hidden gems but some games that havent been mentioned on this thread
Blazing Chrome, Enter the Gungeon, Golf Story

My current Switch collection is Katamari, Smash, Fire emblem 3 houses, and Xeno 2. Have Astral chain, DQXIS, Langrisser, and Digimon complete edition pre-ordered. There is good shit if you look.

The Messenger is great
Hollow Knight is apparently great, it is personally in my backlog
Slain Back From Hell is solid if you like the style and gritty platformers
I found a game called Implosion: Gods among us ages ago that I really enjoyed, it's an isometric hack and slash with a cool future scifi setting

Because nintendotards with no standards will buy it anyway

It's literally same performance but you can take it wherever.
Pretty much every AA game or below has its best version on Switch for this reason.

Picross S
Picross S2
Picross S3

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based and picrosspilled

Into the breach was really fun

>music is fucked up
>Cannot fast aim by pressing one of the trigger like on the PC port available somewhere on DarkUmbra
>no custom wads, and again if your switch is hacked you can simply install gzdoom

Are normal switch users the most cucked being on earth?

you should yarr harr fiddle dee dee it and keep the $20 in your pocket if you can

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Get N++

enter the gungeon

>I'm so poor 20 dollars is a huge deal to me
>I'll spend it on video games!!!!

Buy a paper clip and an sd card with the money and hack it

there are a lot of good indie games on the switch. Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Rocket Leage (I don't like the last one but for some reason everyone else seems to love it)

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Just save your money. I wouldn't bother buying cheap and nasty games. Better to have three or four solid big games than to fill one's Switch with cheapie dross. Don't be that quantitiy over quality guy.

>implying both you and op arent underage children

You need to pay some license shit, rigth?

user its homebrew. Ignore the shill option and use the free shit

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Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Crypt of the Necrodancer

Get those shitty reddit games out of here.

Snipperclips is exactly 20 dollars and is the perfect couples game.

>literally best console for indies
>buabuabuah a-any good 3rd p-p-party gameees? buabua
imagine being this RETARDED HOLY SHIT

Fucking this

user, you forgot

Plus, this might be interesting, too:

I have 50+ games on my Switch, but I'm not gonna recommend anything to obvious trolls such as OP.

>couples game
The whore left ne 2 daus before the trip

You need to check your serials to see if you can hack it and buy a 7 dollar jig and enjoy all the games.

The yearly online subscription, so that you can buy those two game vouchers and get two games for 50$ in the future.
You also get a bunch of free stuff with it: NES games, Tetris99 and every free to play online game you want, like Fortnite, Realm Royal, DC Universe Online, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions, Smite, Warframe and Paladins.

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>that isn't 1st party
Axiom Verge
Shantae Pirate's Curse
Golf Story
Risk of Rain
The Banner Saga
Shovel Knight
Marble It Up!
Danmaku Unlimited 3
Cave Story
Dead Cells
Snake Pass
Lumines Remaster
some of these might be over 20$ I'm going off memory

>golf story


Dead Cells is $25, unless it's on sale right now

I don't understand how anyone could think there's a better way to enjoy any of these games than playing them naked in bed with the a/c blasting, a nice 5 layer burrito and glass of vodka, with the tv muted in the background and the laptop on the bed just in case senpai notices you. Do people really play these great games sitting at a desk, as though they were at work?

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I take it to work actually. Rarely use it cause I usually don't take breaks but its nice to have when I do get one. 30 mins, half a pizza or salad and enough time to hunt a monster or 2.

Its pretty nice.

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>All that extra peripheral stuff
almost based. Give me a lean back chair with any drink and I'm max comfy

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is pretty fun, even better coop

tell me theres more [/spoiler

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I have
>Bayo 1+2
>Crash trilogy
>CTR remake
>Dark Souls
>Fire Emblem
>Mario Kart
>Mario Maker
>Mario Odyssey

As far as first-party stuff goes what am I missing out on? I have a rough idea what I want out of the major third parties (MHGU mostly) and indies but I heard Tropical Freeze was really good and NSMBU was really good for a 2D Mario.

>I take it to work actually
I was trying to imply that there's no reason to play these games on the pc when they run just as well on the Switch and you can play them anywhere in any position at your own maximum comfort level.
All that stuff was just there when I saw this thread and it took all of 30 seconds to pull that up to take a pic. That's also one of my favorite things about the Switch; how you can hit 4 buttons and instantaneously jump into anything you were playing in an instant.

>eating greasy ameritard """cuisine""" naked in bed
simply disgusting

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NSMBU is good especially now that the Switch version includes New Super Luigi U, which is an entire extra set of levels, about as many as the base game. I can't speak for DKCTF, I still don't own it.

Super Mario Party and Mario Tennis Aces are pretty good. Kirby Star Allies is good, but almost insultingly easy if you're not 4. Same goes for Yoshi's Crafted World. I can't think of much else.

I love my Switch but the screen is too small. Playing on a bigger screen is always better. Plus I'll never get the whole "portability is comfy" meme.

I'm way more comfy relaxing in my chair looking at the big screen with my hand resting on my lap, instead of elevated or something.

rent free

Fast rmx, it's one of the most impressive games on the system, on top of being one of its best racers. It has online and splitscreen multiplayer up to 4 players. It was the game that made me buy a switch.

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>I got $20
That's it? are you a kid or just poor user?

You're retarded considering Doom 2016 happened.

This is surprisingly really fucking good life sim as a Japanese delinquent. Game doesn't hold your hand at all and has a nice melancholy feel to it.

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It's alright, but it controls like shit. I get the whole kunio-kun homage, but having to press two buttons to jump? Come on, you've got 8 buttons, it's not that hard.

Also check out Onimusha Warlords
The Sega Ages line of games has some great entries like Outrun and Virtua Racing
Riptide GP: Renegade is another good one for around 10$, it's a jetski racer like Wave Race 64
You could also check out Owlboy, Ace Attorney Trilogy, Steamworld Dig 2, Death Road to Canada and Enter the Gungeon. I can't check the prices on those but I'm pretty sure they're within your price range

>Riptide GP
Imagine buying phoneshit.

Add me if you want to play a race or two from time to time.

Jelash13 - 2675-9329-4104

Nice, what ship is your favourite? Mine's the rochdale trust, acceleration, low weight and good boost is always a good combo

uuuhhh mario and uuuumm
god I hate myself for buying this pos

Are you me, user?

Crypt of the Necrodancer is a good game. Don't remember how much it is, though.

wait for a sale
buy baba
notice how stupid you really are

Theres no games for it, when sword and shield come out i'll be good but still.

Damn nintendoshills lied to me.


how is it? i havent played it since n64 cos it was dogshit on emulators

>sword and shield



Animal Crossing is the real next game for the Switch. That said only MM2 and Odyssey are worth playing for it, and then BOTW if you don't have a PC worth emulating it on.

I have $60 on eshop, what do I get
hard mode: no indieshit preferally first party

Steamworld Quest
Into the Breach
Puyo Puyo
Ace Attorney Trilogy
Stardew Valley
Baba is You

Nah, it's just common sense in racing games where i get hit/bump into walls too often to have time to gather speed.

Fire Emblem

Anything first party but without the need for the online service?
I ain't paying a dime for that shitty thing.

Easy. Smash Ulatimate.

Without first party I'd get Stardew Valley, Civilization 6 (it was on sale for $30 idk if it still is) or Dark Souls, and Hollow Knight/Limbo/Any indie game of your choice.

I hate to break it to you but reddit likes all of your favourite games too.

Exactly. Same here.
Anyway, add me, and we'll do a race or two.

The same applies to anyone who wants to play Fast RMX.

never played fire emblem before, how is it for a potential newfag
i already have smash, user

>never played fire emblem before, how is it for a potential newfag
It's really fucking good at explaining all 700 systems to newbies.

You didn't list your games so how was I supposed to know? In that case Mario Maker 2 or Odyssey.

I'm glad that NSMBU is good and Aces interested me a bit as well (I was worried about the amount of content it had but I did a bit of research and it seems to have enough for me). Thanks.

Tropical Freeze is criminally good.

This. Put that 20 dollars towards a big micro SD card, and pirate all the games!

does it explain them in depth?

Yeah, there's in depth explanations for all of them if so desired.

yes there is, but it's probably more expensive and an inferior version of a game that is playable on PC