If anyone, ANYONE, had told you 3 years ago that the next Super Smash Bros game would have all previous fighters...

If anyone, ANYONE, had told you 3 years ago that the next Super Smash Bros game would have all previous fighters, Ridley and King K. Rool as newcomers, and Banjo as a DLC fighter, none of you fucks would believe them.

Sakurai made the impossible possible and we need to thank him until the end of time.

Attached: Super-Smash-Bros.-Ultimate.jpg (420x420, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


can you thank him over at ?

I flipped my shit at Ridley and was happy the Roolbros got their gator. I still wish the single player/couch co-op content was so bare bones and that Ridley/Rool and other lower tier characters were a bit stronger. I know Ridley just got buffed but he still gets shut down easy by Palutena and projectile heavy characters. It's the best Smash to me due to Ridley, Rool, Banjo Kazooie, but I do think there's room for improvement from modes to balance. Just hope Ridley comes back whenever the next game rolls around.

Sakurai doesn't browse /ssbg/ you dork.

>Sakurai made the impossible possible and we need to thank him until the end of time.
So you felt he shouldn't have had thanks prior to Ultimate?

People called me crazy for even suggesting all Smash 4 fighters would come back.

I never thought any of those were particularly hard to believe. Ridley and K Rool are both primary antagonists. They were always high contenders. The only one I'm impressed with is Banjo for the legal rights, but even then it was clear that the desire was there.

Because even now I'm still down away by it. The introduction of echo fighters was a complete reversal in Brawl/4 policy to make fighters as unique as possible. Which was totally half assed considering LAND MASTAH

>all smash games have always included the whole roster from the previous smash
Wow, what a crazy prediction, user, you’re fucking crazy.


I also wouldn't have believed if people told me we were getting a new game with barely any new content.

Fuck off discord shill

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You're retarded.

I wouldn’t care because I don’t give a shit about some old dead meme characters only autistic manchildren care about lmao and oh all fighters that’s cool

God u fags are so cringe
>OMGG THEY PUt In some shitty bear meme fag u have to pay for Omg my life is complete
This is really sad and actually cringe onions imagine being u so this is all it take for smashfags to be happy some dumb meme characters? Literally no one but autistic manchildren online care about lmao ur sad

I literally don’t know what any of those are and they sound lame

remember how Sonic and Snake were in Brawl

that was the point of no return

He also ruined Smash's future in a way. Seriously, every single smash is going to feel lame compared to Ultimate. You can't beat this roster, and you can't have it again either. Its a fucking miracle game.

>Sakurai made the impossible possible
Waluigi and Geno will never be playable in a game where you claim he made the impossible possible.
So fuck off.

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> Yeah dude Brawl had mewtwo, doctor mario, young link, roy, and pichu
> yeah dude smash 4 had lucas, roy, wolf, pokemon trainer, snake, and ice climbers
You're fucking retarded.

I was sure Sakurai would stick to his guns and that Ridley was impossible to downscale without looking retarded. Though to be honest I still think Smash Ridley doesn't look like Metroid Ridley he works I guess.

Calm down bitchtits. They're fun additions I like, that's all. Smash is all about the characters. I even said the game isn't totally perfect.

His design is ripped right out of the games. All the design cues for him are there. The only thing that's not too normal in his design is the metallic bone blade on his tail. The only thing in Other Ms Ridley design that I liked.

Hey Michael

Are you twelve minutes old?

Is the fighter pass worth buying?


Get ready to screenshot faggots

Waluigi will be the final reveal

>Hey kid, new smash has young link but still has toon link.. pichu is back and charizard is back with Pokémon trainer.

>Also Ridley, pirhana plant, incineroar, Isabelle joker from persona and Banjo are in!

This would have been ignored as inflammatory bullshit

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Those sentences still look unbelievable

Piranha plant still sounds like a joke somebody would randomly throw into a DLC wishlist for laughs.

it breaks all conventional smash “rules” the fans had back then and I never thought sakurai would avoid cutting corners like having toon link and young link but here we are, it’s impressive and if we get something like Geno or whoever I won’t be shocked anymore this game has surprised every step of the way.

all it needs now is trophy-like descriptions for the spirits.
that was always one of the best parts of smash, and it's a shame that we haven't had it since brawl

If anyone told me we'd be getting a smash game with every prior character, plus ridley, k rool, and banjo, I wouldn't believe them, yes

I also certainly wouldn't fucking believe that it's boring as fuck and is one of the most uninteresting games in the series, but it is. Both Smash Ultimate and 4 made the mistake of focusing too much on their core mode. Smash is about a suite of content and modes for variety and to make a complete expierence. Even fucking melee, let alone brawl or 3d, is arguably more content packed then 4 or ultimate are in terms of stuff that's not the core smashing expiewrence.

They should have fucking cut like 20-30 stages, added an improved smash run and bringing back break the targets, kept trophies even if they had to just re-use smash 4's with 200 new ones; and made World of Light a Melee-style Adventure mode.

I'm still mad

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For me personally no. I'll get BK but have no interest in Hero or Joker. If I happen to like the last two that's still 15 compared to 25.

Zoom zoom

Literally the only character I wanted to be playable. Confirmed as assit and the author died after that. I wish he can be playable in the near future

Waluigi doesn't deserve to be in Smash
>b-but Joker and Piranha Plant don't either
I agree that they don't, but that doesn't make Waluigi any more deserving.

Smash bros you need to get in here RIGHT NOW`




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Fucking This

If anyone told me 3 years ago that Joker and Banjo would meet, let alone Joker interacting with any Nintendo characters at all, I would laugh in their face. What a fucking clash.

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I hope Banjo is a top tier and styles on all these characters while looking goofy as fuck.