what does Gregor mean by this? Do they smell or something?

Attached: trist.jpg (474x632, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know who Gregor is, but he sounds like a huge fag

When will these blueberry gremlins be in a game worth playing?

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Yordles are the shittiest fantasy race. Partly because they lack consistency due to Riot's early days as a "fuck the lore make money" company, and partly because their chink overlords give no shits.

They may be a prime example of the age-old beast race males and human faced females trope, but at least the proportions remain exciting.

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I used a going into games machine I stole and got to berry my face in Tristana's ass, but she defintly doesn't wash it... stunk reel bad...

who the fuck is this guy

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One of the dead shopkeepers on Howling Abyss.

I want a Yordle to shrink me and eat me so I digest in her stomach

shopkeeper in ARAM. i know because its the only gamemode i play in this shitty game

he a bitch

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Their breath is bad.

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i want to hug a yordle

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Fuck off Boogie

Tristana is for feeding the enemy lane

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gimmie sauce plz.

>Riot's early days as a "fuck the lore make money"
This is how I know you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

damn... what could have been...

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Not him, but didn't they merge 2 races into the Yordles we have now, despite the fact they don't look alike? Which is why we have these beastly males and blue midget females? That seems like a "fuck the lore" kind of move to me.

No idea, the original doesn't have a watermark or anything.

Based as fuck yordle posters

Attached: slav_squad_poppy_by_foraster0_dc5925f-fullview.jpg (1024x1404, 124K)

They're like 3'2"...

Attached: 69851486_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 494K)

Did you have a counterpoint to vanilla poppy/tristana having nothing fucking in common with vanilla teemo/ziggs/rumble until they shoehorned in some garbage poorly planned lore blogs, or are you just another retard calling others retarded?

Attached: 14c.jpg (207x253, 8K)


Hope you're not trying to say rito was out for anything but money from the start and gave a shit about art or lore because hooo boy

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fucking swain was the final drop of this sick drama. for fucks sake.

well sexual dimorphism is fine with me, but i just don't get why they all look like different animals? the wiki page says they're spirits that take the appearance of animals, so i guess the female spirits like to look more human?

Attached: gross.png (1113x819, 824K)

He means it has nothing to do with money. The other half of the thing the first person is saying.

That's the real shame

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reminder poppy can lift you easly just like her hammer

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Imagine a fit, flat Yordle haha

>i guess the female spirits like to look more human?
The better to find human bfs

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Yordles with human noses > yordles with furfag noses

Attached: imagine.jpg (1600x1552, 531K)

nuTrist and nuPoppy are pretty cute, Kled would be okay if not for that one autistic barafurfag that ruins him for everyone, hate the rest of them

Dumb faggot with bad taste

>Yes I love harelips and fucking animals

I love that Trist caters to footfags in her costume update. Best hero

Getting rid of the crow form on his ultimate wasn't enough. Riot also HAD to fucked up his color scheme too right ?

>Let's make all Noxus champs a red and black, because it looks evil and edgy !!1

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general Yordle lore has been rewritten like 4 times, Riot doesn't give a shit and neither should you

Good god I want to breed one.

Yordle retcons came after Tencent's acquisition of Riot if I'm recalling correctly.

Honestly, yeah. Going full furry with designs is too easy. It's cruise control.

Meglings being retconned into Yordles was like Season 1, if not earlier

Fucking loser


How can a MOBA game fuck up lore? It's not like it's a single player game with a long history of sequels.

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By adding one character every other week for like two years straight

>nuTrist and nuPoppy are pretty cute
If you like abusing animals maybe.

>Slav Yordle
Why did I not know I needed this until now?

Forastero doesn't put out enough art.

Just by being indecisive, and forcing retcons after they decide "2 short races is too many to expect players to learn!"

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I want to fuck their ears


More artists need to do pubes

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I hope you don't own pets.

>Riot's early days as a "fuck the lore make money" company
Funny enough that they actually did remotely care about the lore at first.
And then they suddenly stopped doing all that new shit around a champ release and then butchured everyone's backstories.

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Is that a roundabout way of calling me a furry? In reply to the same post that I bemoan the existence of furfags? They're really not that furbaity, man.

>that edit where it swapped heads on those bodies
shit was good

Are those guys whose armor looks EXACTLY like Jarvan's supposed to be from the opposing army?

The game was never the same after they removed this

They have animal noses, and thus their faces were made more animal-like. Enjoying that makes you a furfag.

Well knowing how Yea Forums typically goes, he was either going to call you a furry or a pedo. Pick your poison I guess.

Attached: poppythink.jpg (384x350, 22K)

>There are seriously people who are sexually attracted to this

Attached: wbz-when-cats-sneeze.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Yeah this bothers me too. Pretty sure yea, the double red eyes are the giveaway, but its really fucking jarring that their armour is literally almost identical to Jarvans.


Attached: EBS_N4oWwAYajff.jpg (975x810, 46K)

And you claim you have good taste for getting off on a mashed up, snotty animal?

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>back in my day we hunted down yiggers like the rats they are
That ghost guy is just a racist.


Attached: EBS_N4gXkAYoWav.jpg (585x1031, 44K)

And you wonder why people are disgusted by you.


The only other guy defending them in-thread is an open furry, so if the shoe fits?


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is this not a human nose? i'm confused by all these comments about the new designs

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This must mean something to people who play lol, since it really makes no difference to me.

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The armor from the good guys is pretty similar to Garen's outfit, even Lux's. I guess the one out of line is the king, who chose to wear a dead fucking dragon for armor. Still I remember being hyped as hell when he came out.

Cat witch was the subject of one of those "save the princess" threads the other night.

No, it's not. Look at the bottom's shape/discoloration. It's meant to be a cat's nose.

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Hope she got 'saved' by a space marine or something.

She lived a happy life

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They never cared. The lore was always supplemental to get players on the site anticipating new champs. It's always been about the business. All of their community highlights were typical SoCal dev fake-as-fuck scripted events from the get-go. At least now they suffer no dissolutions about being a discount AAA-reject studio out for a buck.


This is Yea Forums, of course there's a dozen people proposing that.

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i guess it looks closer to a human's than a cat's to me. i wouldn't really like an actual cat nose, but the yordle ones seem fine.

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Swain is objectively better after his rework. What the fuck are you nostalgiafags going on about?

It means you get off on an animal's face.
It's because you're a brain damaged furfag.

>leblancs reflection in swains chest piece
what did they mean by this?

lol ok bud

What the fuck happened to her feet?

>It means you get off on an animal's face.


Attached: poppy apron.jpg (1448x2048, 313K)

>Continuing to deny reality because you don't want to admit the truth of being an animal fucker

Not thicc enough.

Take a breather, bud. You're a little too invested in this.

I wish I had a yordle gf

It's more that you refuse to acknowledge reality, which is unhealthy. It's one thing to be a disgusting furfag, it's another to deny it entirely.

I always felt like they half-assed the whole "the player is the summoner controlling the fighters" thing. Either don't put that crap in your game, or have it actually be some sort of "heroe's tournament" shit and create your lore around that.

I like the looks and skill design of the new Swain, but it could have been a whole other champion. People here were very fond of old Swain, I never quite understood why but I still thought it weird when Riot decided to just murder him and put this guy in his place.

dude i have no idea. i want to request an edit but i'm not sure where and it feels like i'm asking a lot for free.
i mean the nose isn't what i like about yordles, so i don't see how that makes me a furry. i wouldn't like an actual cat nose, if that makes you feel better. you seem to feel threatened that someone can like parts of a picture.

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"Furfags" aren't a real division of people. There's no such thing as animal people. If you don't live your life according to their community rules, you aren't one. Simple as. You're trying too hard to fit in but you missed the boat by about 10 years.

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>i mean the nose isn't what i like about yordles
user, that's like saying the dick isn't what you like about guys so it's not gay. It doesn't matter. They have animal noses, they're meant to look like animals. That makes you a furfag.
>Dude no there totally aren't people who want to fuck cartoon animals

Same, he came out around the time when i was fully getting into league, and was excited to try out all these new and interesting champions.

>Dude no there totally aren't people who want to fuck cartoon animals
Is that all the bar is to you? What makes a cat nose so different from wanting to fuck a cartoon human? That's a pretty mundane place to draw the line in the sand and be so fucking hardcore about it.

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>What makes giving them animal faces so different from humans?
Are you stupid? This is such an idiotic statement.

>that's like saying the dick isn't what you like about guys
literally no one says this. you're trying to force this into a "traps aren't gay" argument. you really need to chill out.

Old Swain, E > Q, AA, repeat until you land a W and then you all in. Hope the game ends quickly otherwise you fall off.
That's literally all old Swain was.

I must be. Break it down for me since I don't suffer from your unique brand of autism.

>literally no one says this
That's the point. It's utterly ridiculous, just like claiming that ignoring the nose makes you not a furry.

Shortstacks aren't furry you mongoloids

>that form

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Wrong. You'll forever be a niche fetish with delusions of superior tastes.

>they made wukong, rengar, xaya and rhakan all the same race
wtf really

>I must be
That's exceedingly obvious. You think there's nothing weird/wrong about wanting to fuck an animal, or things made to resemble animals. Practically no major society on Earth holds your view.

Literally nothing, they scraped everything lore-wise

oh i get it now. you were farming for (You)s. you got me bud.

>not doing diddlies on your toes to build toe muscles

No, but yordles with animal noses are.
>Oh I get it
Apparently not if you keep denying reality.

/fit/fags begone.

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I never played or knew anything about LoL because mobas are awful so when I started playing TFT and found out about yordles I was so happy because I have all this porn of them to fap to, years worth of it

That's actually wrong, considering Playboy Bunnies are a thing. I don't see people throwing a fit over a hairband with bunny ears, though you would seem to. But then I don't have anything to prove. You won't be 16 forever, so have fun with that.

I wasn't aware playboy bunnies did up their face so it'd look more like a rabbits. Care to show me where they do that?
>Rabbit ears
Sticking ears on a human doesn't make them look like an animal. Changing their face to give it animal features obviously does.

I love how unique all of noxus mage guys look there. Now every noxus character is just a generic and edgy red and black colored faggot.

Lame, I want same-size yordle vore with huge tristana gut

OK, I've fed you long enough. I won't further indulge your hobby of pretending to be a retard. Keep thinking a nose is the end of the world though.

Attached: PoppySmile.jpg (1020x1140, 167K)

I remember I thought they were going to make him OP as hell because he was supposed to be the king to other characters. Looking back I guess they did start doing the whole 'good CC + shield + gap closer' champ design trend with him.

Xin Zhao on the other hand could win 1v4 fights without breaking a sweat when he came out. Damn how I loved that stupid game back then.

>inb4 he pretends to win because you gave up

Attached: goalposts.gif (498x280, 1.68M)

>You're a retard for not being attracted to animals
See, this and your argument that only children dislike bestiality is an extremely strange one. What kind of fucked up place did you grow up in?

League of legends is dead you dumb idiot go to fortnite and overwatch if you want to be a pro gamer

It's all out there for you to find, user

Also I'm pretty sure the one I posted was involving another yordle

There really is a psychological difference. For humans, quite a bit of focus is put on perceiving others via their face; its appearance and expressions. Changing something about the face is much more dramatic than attaching something to their head, as far as your perceptions go. Don't pretend that an animal face won't stick out to you more than animal ears.

I like how riot totally fucked the game and made every champ do a bajillion damage, and then they lost 800 Million+ players in a single year. They already banned half of their players permanently for saying offensive no-no words in chat before that. I guarantee 80% of the game's remaining playerbase is Chinese/East Asian.

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some elements of that song still exist and improved upon.

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Is this a videogame thread, or an excuse to post porn?

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>a league thread on Yea Forums that hasn't been shitposted to death by dota players
wow this place has really gone down hill lately, which is astounding considering the game is deader than ever

It's just a vaguely disguised furry porn dump.

Don't forget spics, it rarely takes more than one minute to find a game in LAS server. LoL is the only 'relevant' game that runs on our toasters.
Also I know a couple of guys who got banned and came crawling back with new accounts because they couldn't find anything else to get into.

might as well just make another monster hunter thread then

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Was that too lewd or something? They descended on that REAL Quick.

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even the great Renekton used to fall out end game. Riot doesn't even try, and don't care. they had been very happy to remove morde from the game because they can't fix a fucking skill. meanwhile everyone on Dota2 can make a clone someway

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i think it's just if something looks intentionally made to get you off. obviously that could include all images, but they have to draw a line somewhere.

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i main kennen

tfw no yordle gf to pump full of cum every day

Keep dreaming of a faithful girlfriend, Anthony.


You should be banned from pets.

>got banned from league for saying "tranny dindu"
sigh.. dota is better... valve will MAGA with dota and underlords because they have free speach values


what are you talking about retard?

MAGA trump.....

MAGA trump.....

MAGA trump.....

MAGA trump.....

MAGA trump.....

MAGA trump.....

Well gosh, how am I supposed to judge what's OK to post based on that? I wish we could just evaluate whether something is bare-ass naked or tits out.

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Do they have tails? That doesn't seem right

Furry in general is against the rules.


>It's all out there for you to find, user
Nowhere near enough though

yrel > poppy

Attached: 1563032167542.png (894x894, 1.15M)

that's what happens when unpaid volunteers with vague rules have the authority to decide how to enforce them.

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I miss him so fucking much...

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she looks like a small child here you sick freak

Can't beat the horse cock, nope.

And there it is. Short =/= Child


>furry in general
not anymore since they changed the rules. just nsfw stuff now

Try saying that in court fucko, see what happens.

This thread makes me want to beat my dick to poppy

Attached: Delightify_Emote.png (256x256, 280K)

Wait, what the fuck? When did this happen?

I mean, great, it's clearly one of those things where certain mods clearly had a chip on their shoulder and policed certain threads really aggressively as a result... but I'm shocked they doubled back on this.

just don't encourage the bait. it's most likely the same guy screaming about furries throughout the entire thread.

Attached: 1564978171827.png (250x250, 60K)

All furshit is porn.

Well go do it then

Nope, my problem is with you people denying reality, which you continue to do. Even if you go back to the start, you'll see that I'm against the redesigns, if I hated them being short then I wouldn't have cared about that as much.

like a month ago or something
It’s only changed shit on a few boards and some mods on certain boards *Yea Forums* ignore the rule change completely

Attached: Star_Guardian_sticker_12.png (140x140, 50K)

>Furry is mad he still gets banned for talking about wanting to fuck animal people

i wish the in-game emotes were better

Too bad, Yea Forums is like the board where it matters the most. Animal people just come with the cartoons territory.

that's a very cool blue. reminds me of the stardust stuff in terraria.

yeah thats true, plus they overcharge them like any emote MTX

Attached: Star_Guardian_sticker_08.png (140x140, 59K)

Sure, here's my evidence
>womanly figure
>usually has a long-running career
>is voiced by women and have grown woman voices
Even the males are confirmed adults. One of them is a crusty old guy and another has a skin where he works for the military and has PTSD from a previous war he was in. But sure, keep saying they're children because they're tiny.

If you really want to talk about court, you'd get out of it simply by proving her age. No matter how she looked or sounded. There have been cases around the world where some guy got arrested for but was then got out because the girl proved she was an adult, because even some real people have that problem.

Would any other game that could have off-brand not-yordle shortstacks satisfy? Even if there were small differences to avoid legal shit

Attached: Tristana_12.jpg (1215x717, 536K)

I guess it depends how off-brand they are, and how much they change to avoid legal drama. LoL is pretty high-profile, so most devs probably don't have the balls to do it wholesale. Except China, though China is already involved in this one.

They don't exist.

gran blu but its gatcha shit

>She has an animal nose you're a sick furry for liking her

>She's short, you're a sick pedo for liking her

If anyone ever ends up in trouble for spanking the monkey to anything yordle related, I will be surprised. Also, that chick from that movie where she had a pig nose, and they tried to sell the idea that it was repulsive. She's short, AND has an animal nose. If you tell me your ronery NEET ass wouldn't stick it in her if she offered, if she was in full pignose makeup, then I maintain that you are a liar or a faget.

It depends on if you mean the horned ones or the literal gnomes.

i think i'm retarded but your question makes no sense. are you asking if a game could have bootleg yordles? or are you asking if we'd play a game with bootleg yordles?

And the law has absolutely no precedent for dealing with fucking furries, you'd be the epicenter of an entire legal clusterfuck if the government didn't have your animal girlfriend vivisected first.

Not-yordles, though I took it to mean he basically just wants a dedicated shortstack race in a popular fantasy game

Also man I didn't even read that second half, you're attracted to actual fucking pig snout now? As someone who has raised pigs you're making me gag here.

Thanks for reminding me I'm not Anthony Burch, user.

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This is prejudiced against manlets and womanlets

Your statement about furries and the law is literally false. It's a fetish like wearing latex, basically. All the normal sex rules still apply, except that bestiality is illegal, but that's a whole other topic. Also, what's got you so butt flustered about this? Why do you need people to stop liking yordles? Are you secretly a shipfag that's currently shipping a boy and girl yordle together?

I guess if character designs that were lawyer friendly non-yordles were playable in some other game would it be enough to appeal to yordle fans.

Attached: Tristana_1.jpg (1215x717, 515K)

Point is, is that it's irrelevant. Keep being a dipshit if you like though.

>the reasonably aged human-like short characters are lolis
>the 500 year old horned dragonpeople are the shortstacks
did someone mix up the plans when they were starting out?

>Your statement is false.
I'm talking about furries as in the animal people, not the people who want to fuck them. The term applies to both. There are no laws, at all, for dealing with humans having sex with another sapient species.
>Why u mad
Because you're all being furfags in denial, which is retarded of you. More than that, they ruined yordles with the animal faces.
>Looking like an animal/being ugly and non-human is irrelevant
Are you so pathetic you'd fuck anything or something?

i like shortstacks not just yordles, so maybe. i'm not going to play a game just for shortstacks, though. the game has to not be shit.
did you have something in mind or was this just a hypothetical?

what do you mean the new norm? afaik lombaxes only appeared in the ratchet and clank games.

And yet they're both still cliches all the same. It's really difficult to look into anything concerning the gnomes because they usually concern adult themes since they are in fact adults.
>Oh she's disrobing
>Oh shit it's all onpanel
>Oh fuck her body straight up looks-I'm just deleting my browsing history just to be safe.

If you're American you're fine since your congress ruled 'underaged' naked cartoons were protected speech unless it looked like a real person, you paranoid shit.

I mean, they don't HAVE to be lombaxes, or appear in only one game, or be from the ratchet and clank universe

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>your congress ruled 'underaged' naked cartoons were protected speech unless it looked like a real person
This explains the arguments I've had with actual lolicons. Fuckin' congress.

>Moralfagging about cartoons
Why don't you try and protect real kids instead of trying to ruin people over ink on paper, user?

literally anime short stack "elf" with horns YIKES

Because I have been lucky enough to only run into illustrated depictions. I really don't want to think about running into someone posting the real deal.

lolicon begone. yordles only.

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i want a draph wife

>I want to ruin people for x because someone else might post y
Fucking retarded. And you know pizza is banned basically everywhere, right? Even dedicated loli sites, because pizza IS illegal, universally. The sort of person that'd post it would do so no matter what anyone else is doing, anyway.
>No you're not allowed to like multiple things and argue the subject when someone else brings it up

pedoshit always gets brought up whenever there's any mention of a shortstack. retards like you just encourage the thought.

I didn't bring up anything, the other guy did, you defensive moron. Did anything in MY posts suggest I thought lolis and shortstacks were the same? Absolutely not. I'm guilty of neither of the things you're whining about.

you're aggressively defending lolicon in a thread about yordles when a man simply mentioned that he had argued with lolicons in a separate thread and had no intention of stirring the argument here. you are just painting the picture for shitters.

>Someone else brought this up and I'll admit it, but I'll blame you exclusively despite this because I agree with his position more than yours
You are a grade A idiot. Might even upgrade you to triple S for barging in and deciding to try and antagonize me, ironically extending this conversation much longer, and making it take up more attention and space, than it would have otherwise since the other guy doesn't seem interested in continuing it either. You are literally sabotaging your goal of getting back to yordles with this.

Attached: 1419936149662.gif (848x480, 263K)

I don't play this game anymore and I'm still mad they passed over Rumble for Twitch and fucking Fizz for an Omega Squad skin.

They're only shortstacks in fanart.

Attached: new-omega-squad-skins.jpg?w=700.jpg (628x219, 48K)

holy yikers


Attached: n64MdjU.png (1131x1888, 990K)

If you need to get that last shot in for your ego then go for it, just keep posting cute girls after.

>Tristana - DEX
>Poppy - STR
>Lulu - INT

I fucking get it

You need to fuck off. I dropped it, so should you.

Attached: poppyecstatic.jpg (321x261, 18K)

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I want to lick Lulu's hairy anus

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Attached: boozesatitiadedyordleofthefemalepersuasion.png (374x343, 225K)

Maybe the riot fighting game will lead to a yordle in a good game.

I still miss short tempered old fucker Poppy
>"Jokes? I don't know any jokes."

Attached: 1475452239729.jpg (472x471, 215K)

>This is prejudiced against manlets and womanlets
you say that like it's a bad thing

Attached: intimidated womanlet.webm (1058x710, 2.55M)

Attached: Poppy_StarGuardian_splash_concept_02.jpg (1900x1229, 697K)

Attached: Lulu_Poppy_StarGuardian_splash_concept_01.jpg (1900x1818, 639K)

>That sudden shift in behavior where she no longer maintains eye contact while the tall one remains fixed on her the entire time

This is like a monkey paw wish. Going from MOBA to fightan. Maybe then they can get their own rhythm game and feature in a trifecta of genres I don't give a shit about.

This is cute if a tad weird looking.

>objectively better
>Beatrice removed
Pick one.


Megumi is THAT small?

imagine unironically having to play some f2p chink shit intended for third worlders playing on third world systems
either you're dirt poor or you have absolutely no standards, but either way maybe it's time to kys you're self

Attached: 1510149499707.png (316x322, 194K)

>I'm mad cause they're wrong
Ah, so it's autism then. I'm not in denial about shit. I'd fuck an IRL creature that looks like a female yordle if it wasn't pure fantasy. If that makes me a furry, then that's fine. Regardless, actual furries would probably put them under a different classification, or at least a different subfetish, and non-furries (inb4 but they are furries cause...) probably don't care. Have fun being a sperg about shit that don't matter though.

>furry midgets
Literally the worst.

Attached: 1561728128136.webm (536x720, 187K)

The form is fine don't larp not being a /fat/fuck