

Attached: 1542124888932.png (416x319, 71K)


Established + beloved franchise with a rabid fanbase.
First and only game available for a new console (at launch).
Frontloads the majority of its content variety and mechanics in the first few hours, leaving a strong first impression.
Lets you skip 99% of the game's content, which makes journalists' jobs easier.
Had a huge E3 demo.

Because the leap in quality from TP/SS to BOTW is genuinely mindblowing, those games made people lose all hope in the series & this game made everyone feel like their childhood memories of playing OOT, MM or WW for the first time all over again. It recaptured the Zelda magic, that Nintendo games have been lacking since Galaxy 2

Post something constructive you kike



Nothing you said is correct.

People who never liked Zelda are happy that Zelda became the type of game they like: soulless sandbox shit


i hate how this game has become a meme instead of people actually recognizing it as a good game.

It was a return to form. Most people wanted this for decades.

I think it is a good game. I barely post here tho.

The game was shit and your opinion is shit. BOTW was terrible

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Seethe more

Nintendo is the Disney of vidya.

but i just said hi

Pandering to the Ubisoft generation that unironically enjoys open world survival games.
Imagine actually having taste this bad. TP is indisputably in the top 5 zeldas and SS is still far better than BOTW despite its flaws. BOTW certainly didn't make me feel like my childhood memories of OOT and MM were back. All it made me think of was how they completely abandoned the formula that made those games great and sold out to the open world survival bandwagon.

> Unironically defending garbage like TP & SS
I hate Zoomers

Why what? Why are retards like you allowed on this website?

Attached: choose your waifu.png (1280x1005, 1.35M)

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘wfaA4RehI64WQOA8qvrF5w==’. 54 results found

you've been posting this since 2017. you're mentally ill :)

How can one reach this level of autism? Zoomers are the ones raised on Minecraft and Ubisoft games who think open world survival is the pinnacle of game design. TP was the last true boomer Zelda.

>only 54

different md5. in another thread it was literally over four-fucking-thousand. if i knew where to fidn that archived post i'd show it

7/10 games for me
Just need more enemy types, Real dungons, and make combat fun without fucking around with physics. I really like this game
>Tfw will never play this game for the first time

ok rolling

Oops, meant to reply to

user there's twelve of them and they have letters above their head

Attached: 1565460480785.gif (310x266, 132K)

which one did i get?

Notice the Drop in quality?
> 1991 - A Link To The Past (Critic Score: 96) (User Score: 99.13)
> 1998 - Ocarina of Time (Critic Score: 99) (User Score: 99.78)
> 2000 - Majora's Mask (Critic Score: 97) (User Score: 97.18)
> 2003 - The Wind Waker (Critic Score: 96) (User Score: 97.00)
> 2006 - Twilight Princess (Critic Score: 97) (User Score: 94.15)
> 2011 - Skyward Sword (Critic Score: 93) (User Score: 91.55)
> 2017 - Breath of the Wild (Critic Score: 97) (User Score: 99.35)

zelda fags are mentally ill

just look at this guy

God I hate this fucking website. All you alt-right nazis should burn, the world would be better off without the cancer you retards spew.

this is the stupidest fucking falseflag i've ever seen


Fuck you too buddy.

have sex




is that way, retards.


Does the aliasing on the grass in game real ruin the experience for anyone else? Previously I played the Wii U version but quickly sold it due to the framerate being one of the worst thing I've experienced since Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes on PS3 and lots of aliasing. Just recently I found this game on a Switch kiosk and I have to say, aside from framerate it looks exactly the same? Why do people complement how good this game looks when there is so much aliasing present?


Why is a 97 bad yet anything above is good? Shouldn’t anything below the 100-80 range be bad?

Got back to resetera tranny


TP > WW you cannot change my mind

You got "I"

>only four points better than skyward shit
ouch...better luck next time!

I ask the same thing when this thread comes up.

Skyward sword is a good game

better than the F i got last time

See, you said something half intelligent. Now I will buy your game

I prefer /leftypol/

I love sucking big nigger dicks and tounging nigger anus

Why are all of you pretending to be me! How do I add the hashtag thing to my name, this is crazy!

Zelda 2 was kino

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I hadnt liked a 3d zelda since majoras mask but I thought botw was really good. They had become formulaic shit and needed a change. I dont care what le chans think, it looks like the public is overwhelmingly on my side here. Cope.