SSC Smashies?


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i am alcohol

Imagine being Salem at this moment

i am alcohol

he said alcohol lol

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>ywn get to hug coney infront of millions
why live bros

Kels tits were BOUNCING holy fuck.

>gay manlet furry
>also a nigger
at least he isn't anthony burch

Waiting for Chillin to get his big boy award

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She's got ballistics.


he bulkin

why do they keep trying to push the doubles meme

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those were some terrible clips

Anyone know when ultimate starts again tomorrow?

the fuck

doubles is awesome faggot

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Seriously fuck you associating Wipeout with smash garbage

>he doesn't have a doubles partner

Doubles is fucking fun. Fuck you nigger

'I am alcohol'

No. Look up 'ahegao'.

no way

Holy fuck Salem in suicide watch. Lmaoo


guys help

my sides

they just made this up to dab on Salem didn't they?

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Alright that was kind of fucked up.

First time hbox has ever been right


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as hbox drives away with his crab=keychained shiny new honda

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Lmao I love Coney so much


I just got off work, what's the Salem context?

>black spikevegeta

pretty cool i guess

Pretty sure even Salem is chill about it too. With that research tag.
Hopefully he'll improve with this and stop talking shit.

>Same clip

youre an idiot

He'd be one of my favorite players if he just worked on reading the room and not injecting himself into anything. That said, fucking BASED

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in short salem talked shit and got hit

Leffen beat Salem in bracket 2-1 earlier today.


He wasn't wrong though, most of the Melee players that were "interested" in Ultimate, went right back only a few months later.

He got the prize saltiest moment in smash because of his years of research stuff, which culminated today after he lost 2-1 to Leffen and he spiked his controller

Coney is really playing up the "obnoxious talkshow host" bit huh?

is this the Bethesda show

these guys are straight out of superbad

Hazmatt's a big boy

except the one he was beefing with

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Is it over? What is this shit?

so what
why wouldnt they check it out
and plenty stuck around - m2k, plup, leff, wizzy, hbox, hugs, etc.


Peak Smash kino.

do you think they ever...

Well yeah, he wasn't wrong about some of the stuff he claimed.
But still, after Ally leaving we need another good Snake so I hope Salem improves.

Yeah sure but his argument was right for the most part.

you can't just show ult highlights after 64/melee

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Don't say that name user.

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What the fuck? the Chrom combo was just a bunch of back airs.
The Fatality combo was legit genius.

Kids fucking hung, jesus

>Does it all for his husbando
Dedicated. Respect that.

that shit sounds so off key

Who the fuck is this guy and why did he steal Fatalities trophy?

Well, there was that Pokken guy who won a major solely to get more Braixen porn

He's the only one who showed up at the event.

James is ranked 18th right now

Why does Plup always looks so sad? I saw him at the con today, told him I was a huge fan and that got a smile, but I'm worried bros.

I'm pretty sure he has GAD, he looked like he was having a panic attack on the EVO stage last year.

the cringies

I don't think anyone expected otherwise


What happened? Did wizzy win an award for having a fat pipe?

hbox broke his spirit

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u new here?

It didn't have to be like this Axebros

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Well you're not wrong.

Damn Ultimate is so gay.

>all those shit choices
>not at least going with HE IS MEXICAN for the shitposting
fuck this

>using gay as a derogatory term in 2019

everything around it feels artificial as fuck

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Chia man again.

it's supposed to be cringe you dumbass

ever heard of the dundees?

love a strong women

damn that chick is BUILT

No more games?

What award would you give them at the smashies?

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Who is this gorgeous presenter with the black dress?

What is smash masters and how did zero win?

God the fucking jaw on that dude. Why is he wearing a dress?

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lol he was about to give it a kiss before remembering that it was a man

Twitch chat is based

That guy has more test than I could ever dream of.

why is PPU so hot

>tfw i lift and my arms are smaller
cryingwojak.jpg x(

When did Chibo went full trans??

how does she not have a beard? or even a stubble?

i want to get rid of my beard....imagine how much money you would save not buying shaving cream and razors every week....

god tier hair

What the fuck is the faggot in the back shaking his hands doing


is gimr really that nigga?

Is it over?

Because you're a faggot with shit taste

what a surprising and totally not rigged outcome. Gimr really deserves it

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but I don't play melee. I love Smash 64

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What does GIMR stand for?

ginger in my rectum

Ahh yes feed this man's ego, that's exactly what he needs.

god is my rock. yes he is cringe

>this is what Kingdom Hearts fans and Zero fans look like
Not surprised in the absolute slightest

goyim in my reach

Dota fag here.

Is Gimr the LD of Smash?

>someone bought the rights to icons and is trying to rebrand it


>Ekko but way less cool

What ever happened with it? Did the game ever get released?

Why are Smash players so cocky?

literally Ekko from League

gold is my reason


I have no words

oh my

Came out in beta on steam for north america only then got canceled before euros could even play it.


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Gobbling Immense Man Rods

yeah, that's gonna be a big yikes from me

The servers have been turned off, so you can't even play it nowadays since the game was always online.

no no no no no no no

and everything about ultimate is ruined forever more



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Here's your presenter bro

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i really didn't think this shit could get more cringe

so...this is ......... smash bros ....

I was literally just telling someone how I only know of 2 furries in smash and Salem is one
And here comes the second, he was running pools at Pound when I went

>the current state of smash ultimate players

this awards ceremony has been a disaster

nothing like autists, trannies, and furries in my smash community

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Is that Sonic Fox's cousin lmao

What is wrong with furries. What the fuck is wrong with furries. It's like a BDSM fetishist showing up on stage in leather strap gear and a ball-gag.

Spare me. Just kill me. Release me from this planet.

me on the left

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>furry giving fucking MARS of all people an award
what a fucking faggot and what a fucking terrible """esport"""

I missed it, what happened to Salem after he lost?

Yay diversity! :D

me on the bottom left

>fursuit on stage

at least the band is tight with those covers

They did a 'saltiest moment' award and Salem was one of the options. Hbox accepted the award, went on stage and just shat all over Salem and everyone laughed.

Who the fuck even was the furfag?

I wish there was another furrycon so they can all degrade themselves, get arrested again and never have to be seen by the public.

History shows again and again...

>after Ally leaving
wait, what? i know about all the gay zack stuff but he left the scene?

roflfox? at first i thought they said sonicfox but regardless no clue who that is

>Kyonai had half it's staff killed by an insane arsonist
>He couldn't have set fire to some furry convention instead.

The world is fucked.

Yep. People kept calling him a pedophile and he didn't want to deal with that anymore.
Then they banned him for good measure.


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He was perma-banned by the TO's Illuminati group.


Westballz my guy, you gained some weight.

>honoring a person who committed suicide

Imagine at your memorial they play the absolute highlight, the peak of your entire life, and it's a clip of you chimping out at the reveal of a character in a childrens party game LMAO

he did the funy scream haha

most honorable thing to do according to Yea Forums

wow he got banned as well even though he didn't actually do anything? that fucking sucks

you guys can talk shit all you want but Etika was damn entertaining


they are just monetizing everything they can

LMAO have my upvote

sakurai isnt acknowledging this shit ever

>lol we gotta keep it esports lmao
>etika literally swears every other sentence

i got banned from their chat for saying super kels girl had big boobs


That's still 16k people more that will remember him than you lmaooooo

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>some dude yelling into a mike is entertaining

I will never understand zoomers. He wasn't even funny or anything, just had huge overreactions to shit

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this would unironically look like a parody if you didn't know that was what etika was really like

>monetizing a person who committed suicide
that's fucked up, even for the smash community

got them really crying lol

I honeslty really liked him and I find most streamers who get 1000+ viewers on the reg intolerable. RIP

At least he'll be remembered by many people and has those people mourning his passing. Who will remember you when you die?

he did way more than reacting to smash videos dumbass

>seek help
thank u ANTI !!

is that shinji

That's the Smash community for you, bunch of harpies jumping at any chance they get to pretend they're morally superior.

wakandan council gathering (2019)

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>we're never gonna have someone like that in our lives again
And that's a good thing!

>poor little white boy

yo TK has the same build as me except he's black wtf

How long is this going to drag out to

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Mkleo wins this or it's all a lie

>nairo making light come up with him

>leo didn't win
Shit's rigged as fuck but i guess they gotta throw this has-been a bone.

I don't think they want Tweek to shoot up the conference or kill himself.

Coney is a blessing

I'm thinking it might unironically be this

they are americans, it can happen

leo didn't win because nobody cares about him. Never seen a #1 player in any game make people not feel anything, even hate

1. Coney. We've had issues with Coney at previous events. Some VGBootCamp people lobbied to bring him back for Smashies, feeling that he deserved another chance. That was a mistake. Coney is an ass, and we won't be working with him again.

>even Nairo thinks Leo should have won
That really should have been the freest award of the night.

Coney's being annoying

Chill down Tweek, you'll get him tomorrow.

Who are you quoting?

wat did he do

this but unironically
he's not likable or a villain, he's sorta just there

based 64 boomers

Imagine being literally one grab away from winning EVO after a DOMINATING display ALL WEEKEND and then you proceed to get 6-0'd in front of an audience of hundreds of thousands? Easily Tweek's most devastating loss of his entire career and it's no secret that Tweek gets discouraged very easily.

>Best combo of Melee isn't called the Wombo Combo award (or even the Homemade Waffles Award).
one job

why is he so unlikable

seeThey only put it there because then people would call them out for not putting it up there.

why is this the best character in the entire series

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Uh, racist much Coney? No wonder you Nazis here like him.

I miss Melee and Brawl Falco

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Wizzy has this

He's black.

Hate to agree but yeah, Leo is just boring as fuck. Reverse 6-0s on the biggest fighting game stage of all time and just pulls out his cellphone to write a text about how he won without showing any emotion at all.

You don't even need to go crazy or anything. WebM related is my favorite post-victory 'reaction' of all time.

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>showing a pedo on stream
Oooh, that's a demonetization for you, GIMR!

no way he was going to lose to thin haired ultimate tranny

Alpharad is the most unfunny retard on god

it would have been funny if he kept on being spiderman rather than revealing that hes that unfunny eceleb

who is this faggot

it's his down air

Who is this and why is he up for Wizzy

Alpharad is getting fat, also that was pretty forced and cringe

Alpharad is so full of himself

Why is Alpharad such a tryhard

alpharad drunk as shit

i thought alpharad was alright before that but that definitely lowered my opinion of him

It's his literally everything. the deep voice MISSION COMPRETE, the shitty recovery, the super high first jump...

That was it? No character reveal? Fucking lame, can't believe i stayed up for this.

brawl falco was aids. It's like they took his most cancerous aspects from melee and then tossed on new cancer

>community hosted event
>expecting a reveal
absolute retard

>everyone pretending the tranny doesn't exist

are you an idiot

pls be meme

your pretty good

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This an okay bait

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based d1 saving coney from having to talk to the hobgoblin

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>caring about a tranny when theres a fucking FURRY in full FURSUIT at the event

>Smash reveals outside of Nintendo Directs
if you're not baiting, slap yourself in the face and recognize what you just said.

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is that a pear

what is joker

that's somebody's son

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Dam s(he) kinda thicc not gonna lie

me on the right

alpharad couldn't be funny if his life depended on it

>okay bait
if you're 5 maybe

I am.


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What did Hbox say about Salem?

Fun threads, see you fags tomorrow.

basically "if you wanna talk shit you gotta back it up"

goodnight bud

His own fault for using Hero I guess.

this tranny be challenging Coney for that Jay Leno chin joke

So at first Leffen was super wrong and Salem was right. Now Salem is wrong and also made irrevelant. How did Leffen do it? So I guess Snake is the worst character in the game now, but PT doesn't suck?

Salem still beat Leffen with Snake once to tie the set, but then for whatever reason switch the Hero.