what do you think of it
Shinobi for the ps2
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It's good.
It's in my top 10 best games EVER made.
Everyone should play this game at least once.
It desperately needs an HD re-release, it wouldn't be an especially difficult game to port to new hardware either, but it's never gonna happen because SEGA completely forgot this game exists.
Fucking radical and I love it. Gimme a collection port of it and Nightshade.
at least its not hard to emulate it
Dropped early. Shinobi 3 is goat tho
I'd like to see a remake someday, it doesn't look as gory as it should.
love it, and nightshade too
imagine a remake that plays just like the original, but with more blood and guts sticking on everything
I don't really think it needs more gore, it was balanced enough as it is.
I'd rather focus on gameplay improvements and small QOL fixes.
the gameplay is near perfect though, sure they could fix some stuff, but it's very satisfying to see a room filled with blood and corpses, the game even warns you it's gory when you start it
Tate is an amazing mevhanic but the mini-cutscenes lacked impact imo.
Combat lacks depth
Less is sometimes more.
Tight controls, tight pacing and core mechanics that promote going fast and chaining kills is just as fun and interesting as a combat system that is combo based with complex inputs.
It's all about how you execute an idea.
To think action games must only be done one way shows a lack of understanding and experience.
Well, the game wants (and kinda forces) you to be fast and efficient, complex combos or enemies that fight back too much would be counterproductive. It's 3D Shinobi, not Itagaki's Ninja Gauden.
upstaged by it's sequel, Nightshade.
Ok, now you're just being retarded.
I understand some people like Nightshade, it's an underrated game, but to claim it's better than Shinobi is to go full pants on head retarded hipster.
You always need to push being a snowflake too hard, goddamn.
Neither game is good.
It's a 3d SNES game no shit
why is it better or worse? i just played the first one and thought the second was basically the same
Unironically better then Sekiro, it's basically Zero from mega Man but 3d
>perhaps this is our destiny
>blood spray
It had a good combat system. It was all about killing as quickly as possible, so combofags would hate it but whatever
Shinobi's combat was completely based on losing life as time progressed. If you lose that, you lose all tension. Nightshade was Sega trying to ape other hack and slashes like NG using Shinobi's combat system.