If you could revive a dead game, which one would it be?
If you could revive a dead game, which one would it be?
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Command and Conquer Red Alert
No...No. Fuck off.
Eternal Silence.
MGO2, but exclusively body shot only servers.
Star Wars republic commando
Evolve. It's a great concept and I had a lot of fun with it.
Empires Mod
Natural Selection.. Empires Mod.. Eternal Silence.. Yep.. The gangs all here
Man..that shit was fun but it died so quickly on Xbox 360. Thought it was cool how your playstyle would change depending on your race.
jet set radio
I really only liked it just to play as a big monster. There is a dire lack of big monster games.
Soldier of Fortune.
I wish they did something more ambitious with it, cause it was fun as hell.
Zombie Panic/Zombie Master
L4D has the most angry community. From 2008 to 2019 I still get flamed over the mic at least half the time.
>git gud
Demon's Souls
This lol. And Pikmin as well. No, Pikmin 3 and Hey! Pikmin do not count.
Silent Hills. fuck Konami
Anarchy Reign.
Put it on PC too.
I actually really enjoyed that Nexon-published GitS shooter before the aimbots and wallhackers took it over. Really great sound design, supers weren't incredibly OP outside of Borma's. Just a good time.
What was this game like
You already posted it
Kingdoms of Amalur. Even though it wasn't anything special it could have become great and I cant get enough of fantasy
Viewtiful Joe
jesus that fucking weapon takes up the whole screen
Splinter cell
Wolf ET
Oh or Quake Wars, that was good too.
2011 TF2
We're losing this battle, try fighting or I'll find someone who can
Dead games are dead for a reason.
It still hurts, bros. I'd take Monolith back at this point. I want my Wukong back.
Is that actually dead though?
Thats deep
What is it with multiplayer Source mods being good and also dying desu
being happy
>reviving a shitty singleplayer MMO
what a gay retard
>Quake Wars was good
I miss this game alot
>dayz at it's peek popularity
I love these kinds of fps games where you need comms and base building.
Sadly Squad is the only living one.
or GunZ the Duel
battlefield 2
Neotokyo for sure.
Its a sniper it should.
>fps rts hybrid games have been a dead genre for over 5 years
Starcraft Ghost
My favorite part of dayz was successfully gearing to sniper and engaging small crews with sniper fire.
Never killed all of them, but taking one or two out, or even just wounding them and then running away into the vast map to avoid conflict (from them or a third party) was great shit.
You know you gave them exhilarating gameplay. Survivors would have to make a decision about loot, maybe they would get bogged down by zombies or other players attracted to the gun fire.
I also liked makarov fights in the city
For me, it's brain bread
None, for I have seen what happens to revived games and that will continue to haunt me till my dying day.
Tie Fighter
game cant even launch anymore.
Ragnarok Online
NS2 is too good for this world, if they didn't make it an unoptimized mess and came out with hive factor sooner it would still be alive. Sad day.
Doom 3
No one likes playing the aliens man.
>Would always answer WoW for this
>It's literally already about to be revived.
I dunno if it counts as dead but I'm gonna go with Skullgirls because I feel dumb getting into it so many years late.
Doom 3's multiplayer fucking sucked.
this or my beloved Black light retribution.
I miss 2012/2013
dead games are now dying due to forced p2p connections only memay instead of being able to host your own server
came here to post this, and 2.
Almost every game listed here had DEDicated servers
ily user
Correct answer.
Second option: The Specalists Mod
Marvel Heroes pre patch
These 3 games in this exact order.
1.) Guild Wars 1
2.) Dawn of War 1
3.) Kingdom under Fire( I want a new game based of the original game-play)
Shadowbane but without the chinks
Heroes of Newerth but before F2P
pic related
This was the shit on the old LAN gaming center I used to go with some friends back at middle school.
i wanna go back Yea Forumsros.
i did, it was comfy
Quake 3
>people who post on Yea Forums were toddlers when TA was big
It hurts.
Tribes Ascend came out like 2 or 3 years ago what are you talkin about?
Its been 7.5 years since it came out, user.
>Marvel Heroes
my dude
>pre patch
my absolute nigger
fistful of frags
where are my fellow cowboys
Enemy Territory
2 is just fine, at least on PC. I rarely wait for more than two minutes for matchmaking and the lag is nonexistent.
Unless you mean for CTF or something other than Attrition, in which case, yeah, it's really dead.
No One Lives Forever.
fuck yeah man, fucking windows live
>GunZ the Duel
fucking this
man this shit hurts, i have no idea why it died it was so fucking amazing
300+ players is dead?
the fact that the new generation of nintendofags will only ever play pikmin 3 is sad
same brother
>finnaly have a rig that can play it
>its dead as epstein
This. I have so much nostalgia for this game it hurts
You mean 2, 1 is cancer with the fucking smart pistol
Cs 1.6
>inb4 third world players
Just because brown people play doesn’t mean the game is alive
/vg/ SCP server
what happened to it? I've heard its a big group chat on steam now
I want to go back, I can't do this shit anyone.
Everything I loved is dead, all the forums I used to frequent are gone.
Fuck f2p shit, fuck discord, fuck popular internet culture. I want out.
adapt or die. stop being a bitch. time moves forward, and the key to happiness is moving with it rather than being stuck in the fucking past like a desperate pussy
Same. Game came out on beta right after I was riding high from finishing the series and movies for another time. Wasn't quite ready to be taken away from Gits, so the game was just the right thing at the right time.
I've got 3 brothers so we all squadded up and did team tactics and shit. Loved spamming taunts and shit before battle.
Was pretty fun up until hackers and shit took over. Which is ironic in of itself given the series it's based off of.
it basically boiled down to the server being populated by the same 15 people
>there will never be a 'green army men' game again despite it being so fucking fun and the ideas are endless
Dead space
Bloody Roar
Natural Selection 1 was more fun
switch this with fortnite and id be the #1 making millions
>dead space is literally dead
What was the MP like?
I play through Shogo every few years, but I never tried the MP because I think I would get my ass handed to me.
There's a spiritual successor called Angels Fall First. For you wondering what the game was like, it was a rougher version of AFF.
(word of caution -- AFF hasn't been marketed yet while in Early Access so there's not much of a player base yet; Buy that game with the expectation that it's basically singleplayer for the moment. Bot AI is competent enough)
doubt it because that game is rare as fuck
I know it isn't dead yet, but I'd sure like to restore TF2 to its around 2009-2012 glory days.
Fun as fuck. Transforming into car and ziplining to other mechs for masive damage was my strat for making my friends angry. :^)
Good mashup between Counterstrike and Deus Ex (and maybe some Unreal Tournament).
It's never going to get a retail successor; I just wish there were good functioning bots for it.
Retard didn't read the question. Neck yourself
Parents got me this out of a bargain bin for my birthday.
Couldn't care about how much it costed because I had a ton of fun with it. Loved the crazy amount of bits the people burst into when you stepped on them.
They also got me Homeworld and Cultures 2. I still play all three from time to time. I dunno if it's nostalgia, but they're still fun to play for me.
Never knew anyone in school who played Homeworld though or any of the other games.
i can fucking tell you why, buddy
i made so many god damn image edits for T:A, i still feel the pain
10000% greed and nothing else
fuck hi-rez
Resident Evil or survival horror in general and no, nuRE like 7 and REimagining 2 doesn't count
The correct answer
on one hand, this
on the other, it'd probably be monkey's pawed all to fuck with MTX and loot boxes
>only one mention of titanfall 2
I had an RE game back in the day where you played different people, that were just regular average joes. I don't remember what it was called though. Definitely was based on one of the earlier games I think.
I always thought it was funny that the black dude had the special ability to instantly spot valuable items in a room.
NeoTokyo. I just got around to watching GITS 1996 and both seasons of SAC. I am saddened that there are no other tactical games like NeoTokyo.
Also Legacy of Kain / Soul Reaver series
>no gigantic
What the F guys!?
Must be the outbreak series on the ps2. They were a lot of fun but they would never be released today (zoomers can't handle fca + tank controls).
Can't you still find NS2 lobbies? There's always a noob lobby running and I that high level german clique is still on it.
just what the heck is this anyway
Yeah I think that's it.
I can hear the title screen saying it now.
It's been a long ass time since I've played that shit, but in my head when I remember the black dude, all I remember him looking like is pic related.
Evolve deserves to come back not as an asymmetrical 4v1 competitive multiplayer game but instead a 4 player cooperative adventure game. That's what they really wanted to make from the start, and the sad part is the only way they thought they could get the project off the ground with 2K is if it was multiplayer instead without ever having a real "working" game
Blacklight Retribution. HRV was a fucking fantastic idea, loved the aesthetic, and the renting system got fucked up later on but for a bit was perfectly balanced with how long it took to aquire GP vs how much it cost for pre-mades/weapon parts
Kek I can't unsee this now
fuck off scp discordfags
Well I don't actually remember what he looks like.
All I'm saying is that the association in my head that's related to that dude just brings up Chris Tucker. He might not look anything like that, but that's all I picture.
Sounds like I missed out.
Is there still a community even?
Yeah that's Jim
>game's most unique aspect is the aliens
>don't like them
You people make no sense.
This one hurts because I had a shit PC at the time so I couldn't experience it to it's fullest
Damn, guess I wasn't too far off then. I was probably 12 or so when I last played that shit.
It was my favourite "battlefield".
You can still find them, the game isn't completely dead yet. But outside of primetime for your timezone there's a chance no servers in your region will be up.
If you're nocturnal, this really sucks.
Champions of Norrath 3: The Age of War
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Every weekend, ~20:00 GMT
you are welcome
It's funny that you post Tribes wanting it to be back while your screenshot contains one of the major enduring problems in the game that contributed greatly towards killing it.
>lets add flag drag so you can't go over a certain speed with the flag
>lets break the balance of weapons
>lets add a speed cap
>lets make bullet weapons ungodly powerful so there's no reason to use spinfusers/projectiles
>lets keep changing things for no reason
>whoops we killed our game, here's l/m/h with whatever weapons you want
It deserved to die.
You can still play both File #1 and #2 online thanks to private servers via PCSX2 or an actual PS2.
Been playing with a buddy of mine and it's good fun.
isn't there still an active scene?
check out GTFO
Brood War. It's kinda dead in the West now, a lot of people still play it in Korea though
Dead Space, but only if EA would never touch anything in that game.
None of these games deserve to be revived
If they were any good, people would still be playing them
Yea Forums can't prove me wrong
Already waiting my friend, don't really like that' it's coming as Early Access since I've been burned before Killing Floor 2 but I like Ulf and I love Simon, so I'm hoping it's good. I'm not too big on the creature designs though but otherwise, fingers crossed.
This is why you don't get your feedback from literal redditors.
They do have people still playing them but they're all boomers who have learned the ins and outs of the game and that makes it very difficult for newcomers to play the game without their asses getting handed to them thus making the playerbase stagnate.
Dungeon Keeper ;_;
May you burn in hell for ever EA
it died too soon
I hate this argument because their kids are too young to be playing their games in the first place. Making a role-model for your tween daughter in an M rated game is fucking retarded and is an even worse excuse.
I remember stumbling into the first Natural Selection. Was super fun until the aliens got too strong to the point no one could kill them. Incredibly unbalanced.
dumb devs
Look up War for the Overworld on steam. It is dungeon keeper and comfy as fuck.
i know it aint technically "dead" yet, but it may as well be now
>all the oldfags are gone
>everyone left nowadays is a either a monkey brained turk, brazilian cancer, or pinoy chimp
>milked into p2w oblivion
>official servers literally running a 10x EXP boost until a certain level because getting to near-cap is required now for any kind of PvP and without that boost it would take you months
>can't even PvP once you hit that point because anybody left playing is a whale who will just delete you
>game engine is from the 90s and still hasnt been updated, game still uses your cpu to render shit when pserver devs got it to use the gpu with literally 10 FUCKING LINES OF CODE
>private servers, despite fixing a lot of things and nearly realizing what the game should have been, are completely ruined by greedy faggot devs, and any support scene there is for hosting/developing your own server is met with severe backlash and vitriol, because at this point they just want the game to die and are milking it for what its worth, just like the koreans
the very definition of wasted potential
I had fun playing this casually a few times growing up
Selling out to Bandai? Agreed
this game was fucking awesome. the only thing i didn't like about it was the forced drift when boosting
Apply yourself, shitter
Dino Crisis
This game was the most concentrated amount of fun i had playing anything in years desu
>achievement for teabagging
This would be banned these days
They have a unofficial private server though.
Ragnarok Online pre faggotry
Ultima Online
Vampire Saviour
so much wasted potential
Dino Crisis
What was that MMORPG that had gory aesthetics and took place in hellish landscapes?
>Bernodi for life
>new custom map is uploaded to server
>hop on with the boys
>industrial complex of some kind
>file into an elevator and ride into a control room
>northern faction scum in the elevator across the room arrives just as we do
>just as we open fire, the fucking lights go out for five seconds. apparently it does this on a timed loop
>pitch black shootout illuminated entirely by gunfire while people are marking out on VOIP
one of my favorite memories from a multiplayer shooter. i wish more games would do little things like that to spice up fighting for the objective.
second life?
Hurr durr multiplayer only
asherons call
quake 3 and ut2004 obviously
my motherfucking nigger
The Hidden: Source
>you're nnnnnnnext
i still play this, most servers fill up on friday nights
Megaman Battle Network
Dope game
>all these games that are still playable but just have a low playerbase
fuck you stop wasting your revives
>If you could revive a dead game, which one would it be?
As an HD remake.
They always died due to source being an older engine
I literally played Dystopia 4 hours ago for the first time w/ lads and loved it
Neotokyo still has people as well
it relies more on community steam groups nowadays, discords ar estill secondary
Memento Mori: Requiem
Fucking this.
Or at least Lawbreakers or Quake Champions.
Hidden and Dangerous
Aliens vs Predator 2
That submarine game on 3DS
it hurts everyday
this, everything else can die off
Proto TF2, so much fun, and that intro music was sick.
they shouldn't have tried to rush putting in planes, it seemed like they were desperate to put them in, but they didn't know how, and the dev team kind of fell apart under the pressure
but yeah, I wish it still existed, very little managed to capture the feeling of really being part of a combined force, working with the commander to get shit done
sometimes you could be a dedicated engineer if you felt like taking it easy for a match, just building stuff for the team and commander, make sure that everyone has all the tools and resources necessary
sometimes you could be a scout and sneak into enemy bases with loads of explosives, and cause a ridiculous amount of damage whilst forcing enemy combatants to leave their stations to rush back to base to stop you from annihilating their barracks or vehicle factory
really wish it still existed
oh and also the Dystopia mod, it deserved way more recognition than it got, and if valve weren't so up their own ass after HL2, they might still have hired modders like they did for CS and TF2
As much as it's hated here for being a zoomer game, I really did love this when I played it after school on my 360. Now I try and play this or blops and it's just fast xp lobbies or snipers only. I just wanna play tdm
fucking this
Aren't aim bots and wall hacking like the most gits thing?
My favorite dayz experience was essentially being on the receiver end of what you describe.
We were a group of 4, all online buddies and had managed to meet and gear with just the basics, we avoided popular spots and just wanted to do our thing but ran into a sniper who took two of us down and I got my legs injured during the panic.
Spent about two hours after that with the remaining survivor of the group who split the loot taking the most important things and tried to cover me as I crawled behind a tree. He then would go on tiny expeditions back and forth trying to find supplies to help me as I would just slowly bleed against that tree. I don't remember the details but eventually I know the bleeding was stopped but I couldn't walk or run and would be massive dead weight.
We tried to head towards the nearest town, and would do small expeditions taking breaks, trying to avoid zombies. He had to cover me because I couldn't run and if one was on me it was basically over.
Halfway to the town we had ran of a fair bit of supplies and it got obvious we'd probably both die before making it. I told him to go to the town alone and leave me there, lied about what I had in my inventory saying I had food and stuff and would be fine by the time he comes back. I didn't, was out of everything. I waited for him to start walking away and committed suicide.
Genuinely one of the best times I ever had in a videogame.
yeah sure let me just hop onto a server in oh, wait, servers are dead
Very good game, but it got completely destroyed by turbo nerds and aspergers who couldn't play a normal round and constantly had to stack matches and play as if their life was depending on it. Mental.
either revive it, or fix the horrible decision to lock most of the game's content to online multiplayer only
>WCG 2007 was 12 years ago
The gameplay in this game is fantastic. The roster is disappointing, but that would have been fixed with additional DLC characters.
New Tomb raider games with the legend/anniversary artstyle and gameplay again
Either a remake or a (proper) sequel would make me happy
I'd pay full price for just multiplayer mode that was in AC games
that and Chaos Theory multiplayer
Classic Quake. I don't mean more multiplayer like Quake Arena, or a continuation of Quake II and IV. I mean a continuation of Quake 1. Just make sure id Software gets it and not Machine Games or Bethesda.
There is a special folder on my HD for all the T:A memes. They will not be forgotten.
Modern warfare 2 was peak online kino. That and halo 3. Nothing will top that shit
Warcraft 3; specifically the custom game scene. I don't think there's any modern game where you can play such a variety of high quality user-made gamemodes
That image is problematic and offensive.
Same but with Starcraft: Brood War
sometimes I wonder what happened to some of the Yea Forumsteam guys
I used to scrim with skolfy and the like, popped in a bunch to help them practice for the reddit tournament, we were pretty okay friends
swerve, peasant
They should have gone with blimps..
Legacy of Kain
You fucking ruined the whole franchise and I sincerely wish you death.
Natural Selection 2 was ever alive?
Dino Crisis
Star Wars 1313
>Blacklight Retribution
Bro are you forgetting Blacklight Tango Down?
Id revive that gem in an instant
only during competent commander hours
Space Marines.
Friday the 13th the game. It's not dead technically but no new content and a small playerbase sucks. It deserved better than DbD.
>Making a role-model for your tween daughter in an M rated game is fucking retarded
The DICE guy in that image is even worse, IIRC it turns out his daughter is four years old.
>Zombie master
You are actually now my brother. I hope you have a wonderful life and succeed at everything you could ever want.
>still have games where I sit by a resource node spamming commander to drop an RT and it doesn't happen
surely the sounds annoy them right? Or are they so bad they don't even register the sound?
i wish this was remade but i'd be happy with a port too
helldivers was fun but it always felt like it was missing something. maybe that's what he meant
>Zombie Panic
my bros
i probably only played that game for like a few months but i still remember it from time to time. it's like the epitome of a comfy PC multiplayer game
so's your mum lol
Battlestations series except with less ridiculous scale compression and not made for c*nsoles first, PC second.
Everyday man
Paragon was the shit
Dead remakes need not apply
If you die on sentinel, you shouldn't play pathfinder.
What are the devs even doing, this is their latest game. They haven't announced anything new either as far as I know.
Savage XR is still being played
Left 4 dead
it's not dead if you can still play it you sub 100iq sf tard
oh fuck
this is the first time I've been surprised how long ago a game was
The multiplayer was more fun than it had any right to be.
Every race having their own approach and methods.
I don't know if I was the only person who really enjoyed this game, but I'd love for it to be populated again.
Or a sequel would be nice.
by like 10 people in europe, who seem to just be playing to uphold tradition or keep their group together. I've tried hopping in every now and then and shit's eerily silent and only a handful of players are there, no one held my hand each time I tried so now I will shit on the game.
Warhammer FB: Age of Reckoning
Someone finally bought the rights to that game from Rhode Island. Maybe they'll do something with it now.
Everyone shits on Doom 3 but it was better than HL2 as far as I'm concerned.
Idiot company couldn't even complete it's episodic commitment.
For a moment, I thought that you mean Total Annihilation.
First one was fun. Second one was killed by Console-itis.
Truth be told, I don't really miss it. I remember everyone cheating and bunny-hopping in multiplayer.
why can't we just play a few of these games together? would be a lot of fun
>Crawl in vents
>Spit acid at people's faces
>Can break metal shit with your mouth
You just bad at the game son
>mods delete the threads because of the retarded "no FoTM allowed" rule
It will never happen. Nu-mods are too fucking autistic
Not too shabby, I have to say, but the hitboxes were absolutely shit.
83% this.
I miss going into a computer store and seeing shelves from floor to ceiling of big-box PC games.
I went to a flea market a few years back and someone was getting rid of their collection. It was only about 3 dozen or so big box games but seeing all of them all at once nearly gave me a heart attack on the spot. Sadly, they were mostly junk games (WTF do people see in racing games? I have no fucking clue) but I picked out all the decent ones before anyone else could get there.
They wanted Prince to play that role, BTW.
>You fucking ruined the whole franchise
hah yeah; along with 95% of ARMA's playerbase. go cry somewhere else babby
but I just want to have fun reliving the fun of older games
just imagine playing full server with people around here with a bit of banter and actually some skill
games like ET, ut2004 / 99, Natural Selection, The Specialists, whatever
there's so many good games we're able to play (except tribes maybe) but nothing ever happens out of these threads
This. Unironically, and with all of it's expansion packs. I loved them all.
no, it's fucking not. I don't want to play firestorm conquest large FAST VEHICLE RESPAWN with 7 other mongoloids.
Tribes Ascend. No fucking doubt. Give it all the overwatch\paladins money and make in THE new shit.
OMG! Haven't you heard?! Chris Roberts is back and he's making a spiritual successor to it called "Star Citizen"! It's been in development for only 9 years so it's not out yet but, when it does finally come out in 2022 or 2023 (or later but probably not), it is going to totally rock!
You need to go over to his website and buy some ships from him before they run out!
Quake wars was wolf ET with a different graphic set. The only part that was arguably bad were flying vehicles.
Like any tightknit community server? The fuck is wrong with that.
>make a standalone sequel to a source mod
>fracture the playerbase
>when the sequel eventually dies, the original will have already been long gone
age of chivalry was fun
I don't understand... Quake 1 has had an active modding community for how many decades at this point? You could play one single-player level per day from now for the next forty years and not run out of single-player levels. I remember one site had GIGS of single-player levels; No idea if the site is still around, though.
Back & White
Would love to see the original Timeshift get a proper release. That would be fun just to mess around with.
Enemy Territory.
>fail objective in wc3 or sc1 custom game
>that brief moment where everyone tries to get their two cents in before the game force kicks you
Good times.
this game was smite but with better art style and an actual combat system
My limited understanding of the franchise is that they've tried to revive the franchise but the rights issue is way too complicated (see: Lives Forever, No One) for most people to wade through. Kind of sad, really. One company made a tech demo that supposedly went over really well but they discovered how entangled the rights were and dropped interest.
That argument completely falls apart the second the sentinel has any skill. Just because you only played with braindead bronzies doesn't mean shit.
actually oops i meant to quote the zombie master part
zombie master is my jam
Oh yes. I too want my daughter to grow up into a beautiful, fast elite killer if I have one someday. Maybe she'll even shoot up some congregation of people whose worldviews she opposes.
Ninja Gaiden Black with a Randomizer mode like Dark Souls does on PC.
It literally makes it an infinite game.
And The Ship
Oh shit, my fucking nigga
I heard a rumour that the T:A devs acted like shitheads even on their own reddit. To the extent that the developers themselves were banned from it. So I guess they couldn't even please plebbitors.
this thread is depressing
I had loads of fun with this, campaigns were fun as well
Yes, please.
Oh man I utterly adored that mod, managed to put over 100 hours into even though I was an ausfag and the only active server was in Europe with 250 ping. Possibly one of the best RTS/FPS hybrid games ever made with some of the greatest vehicle mechanics that have yet to be replicated. My only real complaint would be that the wheeled vehicles controlled like ass, though as I understand it that was because they all inherited the code from the HL2 jeep which had garbo steering
>No Timesplitters
I am disappointed though not surprised, it's been what? 2 console generations since the last one?
Black and White
Go away Chris
Tribesniggers deserve their death for killing MetalTech
Rest in peace sweet prince
I expected it to hurt, but not this much.
my nigger
Kingdom Under Fire
D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die
Vampire Slayer source
Quake 3
No one wants to kill some cows with me in diablo 2?
I was raised on ape escape
It sucks they stopped making games for it 15 years ago
Especially since they remembered its 20th anniversary
What, this looks great why have I never head of this before?
/We/ should do revive a game weekends on Yea Forums
that was the best part and only thing making it unique
>All these negative comments on steam complaining about the playerbase beeing a bunch of assholes that bash on everyone that's new to the game or doesn't live up to their standards
No wonder its dead. Why are mod communities always so autistic?
Shogo 2 was in development after NOLF 2 and used their Jupiter engine.
They even had a demo running that was shown to the press and impressed a lot of people.
Ultimately the game got cancelled and then Jason Hall that bald ass shitter sold the company to Warner Bros. That was the point when the company spirit outright died and everyone jumped ship.
Pic related is the faggot that ruined everything for everyone because he thought he was going to make it big in Hollywood because Warner Bros played him like a damn fiddle and threw him a bone. Now the faggot does e-sports podcasts with another has-been.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
No one wants to play alien commander specifically
join the steam group, they still play almost every friday
People trying to get the flag at 10000km/hr were the worst part about the game though. You could get the flag at a fast speed and still be of use to your team unlike some fag who is fucking in the middle of nowhere following some incredibly specific route and dropping their hp to 20 so they can hit the flag at blistering speeds only to die because a heavy stood on it or someone saw his predictable line and naded it.
You hurt my soul, user...
I was a god damned fine pilot but all went to shit with the p2w.
Aliens vs Predator 2
There are still couple hundred people playing red alert a day.
Came here to post this
Thanks for doing it for me
Thank you ;_;
Super satisfying to play. I'll never %100 it.
What a fucking beauty
fpbp, game was fun as fuck
Game has been literally unplayable for a while. No servers and can't even download the game.
Poor dog
.ngis rallod gnikniht er'uoY .erofeb ton ,stigid eht retfa seog ngis tnecreP
You know what would be funny if someone did start this idea, but started with Brink of all games.
I think I know that, but I appreciate you keeping me informed.
I thought so but just saying because fuck most of the games posted here are not really dead its just people refusing to play them because they have sub 100 or even 1000 players.
This and the comment linked with it, its fucking comfy as shit
Rakion was the online game I spent most of my time on growing up. I genuinely miss it.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Multiplayer fun as fuck and everything felt good to use, campaign was great too
They killed my son sevarog for fortnite. I haven't touched anything epic related since
>hive factor
A man in a backroom looks at your current hiveskill and your steam user id. He picks up some sticks while thinking about your present stats and tosses them into the air. After observing how they fall, he uses a patented method to discern your new hive skill. This is entered into an abacus (whish is then taped so the values won't move during delivery), and fedexed back to the ns2 hive skill depot, where another man will examine the abacus, and enter it into the database.
Sometimes hiveskills break. This happens when one of those men take a vacation or call in sick.
The Morbus game mode from Garry's Mod.
Have had some wonderfully hilarious times playing it.
Was just gonna say that. Both 1 and 2 were awesome. Never seen anyone talk about them.
Did they actually die? I just grew out of 2 at some point.
great taste
Yeah, i miss my arma 2 days of semi-realistic but not autist tier milsim clans. Arma 3 just seems like mostly autistic clans that want you to be slotted in as a crew chief every single mission, Shactac seem to be the only ones still doing the old semi-realistic take.
Might of been the most fun I've ever had.
ac being pulled down still hurts
This game and the originals. It's such a great concept for a game that made for really good fun.
Also before some mouthbreather tries to tell me this game isn't dead, I would hardly call like 4 people (at most) playing once a week "alive".
>tfw I got to watch the Shazbowl live
Where did my life go?
i think the game still has like a small handful of players on PC but yeah its dead. really fucking pisses me off too because there hasn't been a good transformers game since, and i doubt there will ever be a game like WFC and FoC again. the studio that made them is now just a slave team for Activision and does touch-ups for the call of duty games
>tfw stomping around as a dinobot then fucking blowing some fag to pieces
I'll be honest, the game wasn't *that* good but it nailed its concept. When it was at its most popular and there were people everywhere, it was so fucking fun. Good chaotic fun.
>Where did my life go?
i know that NT is still alive because I'm on the ANP Discord and follow the Steam Group
There would be no franchise (with high budget atleast) if the only people who bought it were the autistic military realism server players
Came here to say this
planetside 2 is the only game alive thats still similar to this but even that is dying down
Gameplay left a lot to be desired but there really was nothing quite like it at the time or since.
>amount of replies
Yea Forums
i say patapon. a home favorite.