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Other urls found in this thread: =i= 28.html


(flash gitz best unit prove me wrong)

Is it worth playing through all of the DoW 2 campaigns?

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The fire caste serves with pride!


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they're all great assuming you liked the first one

Chadmarines in videogames when?

>ITT We have nostaglia over old 40k games and wish and wonder why we never have any new good 40k games

Attached: 800px-IronHandsTerminator.jpg (800x544, 184K)

>tfw when dark eldar is my fav faction but the only game that has them is fucking soulstorm

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Battlefleet Gothic 2 was good

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there's nothing wrong with soulstorm, and DE are top tier in it

Just Battlefleet Gothic 2, bro

It was shit user dont lie, One was better campaign wise not MP

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no lol dow2 is fucking crap


How the fuck can I beat this guy?

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Are there any more of these for the other factions?

A plasma cannon, a power fist, and keep on throwing krak grenades

What happened to Relic between DoW 2 and DoW 3: Backflipping Terminators, Reeee! ? Terminal attrition caused by the Sega takeover?


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I wish Nids were in DoW


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Haven't seen any, IG tend to attract a lot of hate from dangerhaired Vice freelancing discord trannies.

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got a couple

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>marines players wearing Tau T-shirts

Attached: BR index.jpg (1499x1935, 479K)

>Space Marines and Guard fanboys
>Not worshiping the Omnissaih.

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Get the mod it's very good


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they're in 2 and Ultimate Apocalypse

Mechanicus was a bretty fun game.

why was DoW so good and everything after so bad? I'm a warhammerlet before and after, read a couple crappy fan-fiction tier books which were fun, but that fucking RTS has left a hole in my heart for the past decade+

any of the other games decent?

Campaign-wise the series peaked with Chaos Rising, so yes

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thanks bruv

Based and mechanicus-pilled

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What's that unit on the forefront with the blade and cyber gasmask?
It look rad.

>Ork invasion of a fucking Forge World
>Mechanicus forces bugged out at the first opportunity
>Only the Imperial Guard held the line.

Attached: Mira.jpg (1109x1200, 156K)

Okay these guys look straight outta Flash Gordon.

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Shut it Leandros.

Yes, goyim!
Die for the Omniss-... I mean the God Emperor!

Attached: tp.jpg (800x1200, 84K)

Its meh but those models and few songs are useful when you read the books, also:

Attached: Adrastiapinup.png (1018x745, 742K)

those two marines were promoted

A few hundred guardsmen and three marines repelled not only an Ork Invasion but a Chaos one while the Mechanicus sat on their asses.

*Helps the Imperium greatly*

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Ranking the 40k factions

Chaos > Space Marines > Dark Eldar > IG > Orcs > Eldar > Necron

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Where is the Tau? And the Tyranids?

Necron are boring and hard to play.

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gill man gay



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No campaign

Have you seen the new PRIMARIS marines?

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Orkz > Kayoss > IG > Crons > Nids > Muhreens > Deldar > nu-Crons > Eldar > Tau


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I highly reccomend playing Ultimate Apocalypse mod for DoW1, it has greyknights, tyranids and daemons of chaos plus bunch of new units including titans
my fav is using weirdboy and bomb squigs to blow shit up


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With guns these good who needs Melee?

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*Blocks your path*

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Beakies > new-marines

Attached: Beakie_has_a_soda.jpg (533x688, 142K)

Yeah better call the Kroot.


it's true, I bought a box when I was a kid and they didn't look like the art

the best part about Tau in DoW is the tactical kroot t-rex

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Did they really make it into the new SM Codex?

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You know, I'm really surprised at the lack of non-niche genre 40k games. You'd expect there to be more Space Marine-like games. Or XCOM-like TBS games


MK II and III are neat

Forgot pic.

Attached: space_marine_helmet_reference_sheet_shading.jpg (1920x1080, 589K)

Reminder that there are billions of humans in Tau space.

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Why not both?

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We need a game of this.

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Because it's still retarded CoD-like design with unprotected belly and grenades on chestplate

And they're all sterilized.

Tau Propaganda.

>The Codex Astartes was written for the Adeptus Astartes only, Lieutenant. It's teachings are not likely to be much use to you or your guardsman, although I would suggest you put your armor back on immediately given the nature of the situation.

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Can we get a game with squats now that they're canon and not heresy anymore?

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Wasn't there a Necromunda game in the works?

Attached: Squat-Mercenary-Painted.jpg (720x706, 52K)

>no game with primaris marines yet
I just wanna game where I can light shit up with/as Hellblasters and/or Aggressors

Attached: DYrAZ0YWsAUQ0x-.jpg (3342x1260, 587K)
apparently yes

How come everyone hates the angry marines now? They were the dankest meme of like 2011.


>no game with primaris marines yet
And that's a good thing. They're here to iron warrior us, brother. Stay vigilant.

One Tau out of billions can actually use a combat knife.


Attached: witness your doom.jpg (883x828, 148K)

The time is now, old man.

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What does Yea Forums think about Baus?

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Repeating the same joke for the 40,000 time eight years in a row makes it not funny anymore.
I bet you're the same fag that goes into xeno porn threads on red boards and posts heresy image macros.

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Still a Tau that can into melee so you're factually wrong

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Of course, brother, of course...

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You know it, bro!

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>combat knife.
>knocked out jewlliman

>when someone activates THAT

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Sicarian Ruststalkers

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>Everyone has them.

Also want to roll?

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Meant to

>he doesn't know

You're not funny or clever.

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space niggas

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Subtlety is for the weak.

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Walk softly, and carry a big church.

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Why am I looking at a bionicle holding a fucking gun?

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Where do necrons fit in?

Neither are these memes, but what are you gonna do.
But seriously, it was probably the most famous custom chapter ever made.

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>can't get any buddies to bother installing ultimate apocalypse
thanks ff14 and classic

For me, it has to be the Lamenters

They needed a break.

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>tfw no Deathwatch RTT game with in depth squad customization

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Take a freaking shower you fucking Nurgle worshippers.

That was the Interex.
They died.

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Obliterators are the best unit
>effective against literally everything
>can DS and teleport

That's like asking a fa/tg/uy to take a shower, it's not gonna happen.

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Are tyranids based? I have 1000pt army of them Ive been assembling for a while

No, they're for women



Leandros was a filthy fucking non-adherent heretic. He never cared about the Codex Astartes.

>Imperial guard need to go defend other planets or invade other planets.
>They do this by using navy ships to get there and occupy planets as expeditionary forces.
Wouldn't that make Imperial Guard Space Marines?
>Space marines call themselves the Defenders of the Imperium
Wouldn't that mean they're the Imperial Guard?

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Politics in the Imperium of Man is quite complicated.

Tell me this, Gue'la: If your so-called God Emperor of the Imperium of Man is so magnificent, why are there no worthy Imperial Sanctioned electronic games officially endorsed by the Golden Throne?

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That's rich coming from a Tau.

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Battlefleet Gothic 2 felt soulless to me. UI getting slimmed down to just some minimal buttons and readout screens that are awful to look at and don't just show you everything at a glance. Not having the gridded layout for ship abilities or even just the old meter for maneuvers and trying to set engagement ranges made everything look awful. Not least because different ships with different amounts of abilities will make the buttons on the bottom of the screen shift around so you can't find what you're looking for at a glance until you memorize extra steps compared to the first game.

I wanted to try the new campaign because it looked like there could be more to do than the first game but having all the factions in the game but only campaigns for a few of them and what looks like the rest being sold over time at 15+ bucks a piece turned me off real fast. And unless I missed it somehow it had a gutted skirmish mode that had none of the fun aspects of building up a fleet and customizing it over a series of battles like the first game which would have made not having dedicated campaigns for each race on launch more acceptable but the only place I can play around with the fucking new races is in the stale version of skirmishes they set up thats completely in a vacuum. I refunded that shit real fast over the summer sale and it hurt me to do it.

This dude.

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You guys think THQ Nordic would ever take up the Warhammer IP?

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give me something good

One can hope
THQ seems to have the best track record(?)

GW will let anyone use the ip these days, I don't see why not.

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>have to download a mod just to play tyranids

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>all of these varied and unique alien races and factions
>almost every non-DoW 40k game is just about spess muhreens and orks

Kino old art poster

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-13-23-45-01.png (720x1280, 1.11M)

Yes, 40k is mainly muhreen wank. It's like watching any dragon ball and complaining about Goku.

I have no idea why I bought that game. At least I got a neat T shirt and a poster out of it but the game itself is barely worth mentioning past the animations.

Thanks a ton. I love helmet designs. MKIII and MKIV helmet are my favorites.

thats not how you spell imperial guard heavy weapons team x20 entrenched right outside ur base.

Just seems like a waste.
There is obviously an audience for games starring the other races, I just wish more would try to cash in on that.

I apologize. It was meant for: I also adore the Grey Knight helmet.

That middle one looks fuck ugly

Two. Aun'shi (a zogging ethereal) stopped a WAAAGH! with his blade.





who needs to melee when you can just send in Kroots?
literal cannibal savages

This one of the few cases were I would recomend to read the book instead.

I dunno, she looks cute in that hammer head shark kinda way.

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Space marine was good but it triggerd my autism
>where is the mechanics?
>why do the space marine chatacters refuse to wear helmets, SM look dumb without helmets
Eventually modded titus into a blood angle so he would put his damn helmet on

Is it true that space marines have micro-dicks?

No, theirs are really big, at least according to some BL books.

they're normal, human sized dicks. they just look freakishly small on the body of a space marine. look at nude photos of a basketball player, is the same idea

No, this is from the last issue of White Dwarf.

I love how this whole thing turns into a fucking ad for the the numarines at the very end.

Man I gotta finish my admech forces.

Guys hear me out for a second:
Kill team video game ala Counter Strike where between rounds you get "xp" for the match and get upgrades to make you stronger for your kill team. Objectives change between rounds so one moment you could be capturing objectives and the next round you are making sure the enemy kill team can't escape.
My other idea is a 30k/40k fightan

The Kroot are mercenaries and not really part of the Tau empire, you can't rely on them as your default melee force.


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I heard that the Heretek DLC arrived

Subtle what?

thousand sons flesh change

oh I just assumed standard chaos mutation shenanigans.

youre just paranoid

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Would it even matter at this point if it was revealed that the Blood Ravens have their roots in the Thousand Sons? If they have served the emperor faitfully for thousands of years at this point, would imperium really go all "Sins of thy father" on them?

considering their patron god, playing the long game to completely topple the empire wouldn't be out of the question

>considering their patron god, playing the long game to completely topple the empire wouldn't be out of the question
explain this to a lorelet please

There's several chapters implied to be loyalist remnants of traitor legions and some that are almost outright stated to be based on their history and events in the horus heresy novels. I think its unlikely that the higher ups don't know and allow these chapters to exist as long as they're loyal and it doesn't go public. A couple of the new primaris marine chapters are blatantly over reminiscent of traitor legion elements and we know Cawl was given the go ahead to experiment with ancient stores of traitor gene seed.

My man Cawl straight up committing tech heresy and no one cares.

>we know Cawl was given the go ahead to experiment with ancient stores of traitor gene seed.
He asked if he could use it and was explicitly told not by blue-G.
He's probably using it anything of course.

Cawl for Fabricator-General.

Attached: Sons_of_the_Phoenix.jpg (960x862, 155K)

Cawl is a fucking Heretek.

More OCs.

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The main reason most tradicional cogboys won't rebel against Guilliman is because he assured them Cawl would not be put as Fabricator-General..

no, any media describing said dicks state they are usually large but marine don't use them beyond pissing due to a near non existent sex drive

Tzeench is a cunt and doing a 10k years long con is like a light stroll for it. =i= 28.html

" Inquisitor Emil Haxtus's Warband."

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Its implied in the 8th edition codex that the Inquisition knows who their primarch is along with a few other chapters that have unknown heritage, but its kept classified

40k 2nd edition came out in 1993 and people post space marine images all of the time, newfag

Tzeentch is the god of sorcery and change and he's the patron god of the Thousand Sons since they're all sorcerors. His schtick is being a tricky fuck and having a hand in everything through impossibly elaborate schemes that mostly end up playing out the way he wants them to whether they succeed or fail. Half the time he has plans that actively work against each other but has several backup plans in place to activate depending on what eventually happens and how because he's able to plan that many steps ahead.

what part of his plan has the fucking nerd getting punched in the face?

all of them, especially since most of the time Tzeentchs plans backfire on him, you see with Tzeentch is not really about creating the best plans (at least when taking into consideration his literal god level of intelligence and clever thinking) but just creating schemes even if they don't have a long term goal in the end

You're just too dim-witted to see the future implications of the nerd getting punched in the face.

>glass shards get stuck in fist
>wounds get infected
>the puncher dies
>his body falls over
>onto the self destruct button for the golden throne

I really hate that it's non-canon

>That Necron ending

Attached: 1461295404541.png (1024x768, 695K)

>the necrons achieve in a few weeks what the empire couldent manage to do in 11,000+ years


Vanilla and chaos rising are built for multiple playthroughs, you can do different builds for each marine leader for different results, a tanky avitus, a spellcaster force commander etc.

Retritbution on the other hand is the opposite of replayable, each of the 6 campaigns play exactly the same with different dialogue and a SINGLE unique mission for each, and since you do things in the same order, it's hard to replay retribution.

My suggestion is to play vanilla, chaos rising and then choose your favorite race that's not SM for retribution.

I once built all baneblade variants in the ultimate apocalypse mod.

Shit was so cool, all those different heavy weapons firing at the same time.

Necrons>Tyranids>Dark eldar>Tau>Eldar>Imperial guard>Grey knights>Sisters of battle>Chaos>Orks>>>>>>>>>Space marines


Big fat SoB peenor

>tfw you love dawn of war and games like it but you irreparably suck at RTS's

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>futa SoB
Slaanesh never runs out of good fucking ideas

Depend, some are large some are small, but mehreens have no sex drive at all so beside waste disposal they're useless.
I'm not sure if it was ever true since I never bothered to check it out, but I remember reading rumours that mehreen dicks were removed depending on the chapter.

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Ahem, only Marine that matters is Doom Marine.

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Orks are the only ones I give a shit about, every other faction feels like the equivalent of the 6 year old who says he's got the invincible-to-everything force field. It's just constant retcon powerlevel bullshit which their fans will fight to the death over.

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Orks are fun as fuck desu. I love everything about their lore and aesthetics. I wish that there was a 40k game that let you play as one and embraced the inherent hilarity of their race completely without shying away from how violent and brutal they are.
So while the game might start with you just being an ork boy goofing off, fighting against other boys and having jolly good fun, at some point you'd fight against humans as well, whereupon the horror that the orks are would be reflected by the humans and their reactions to the wanton violence you and your lads inflect upon them.

I feel with you.
I love watching all the little men run around and shoot eachother. Why do I have to be such a brainlet.

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>no Horus Heresy grand strategy game with Total War/DoW hybrid battles

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post your models Yea Forums

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Orks are the most ridiculously overpowered of all of them.
They have real meme magic for fucks sakes.

>dork eldar
>favourite faction
What's wrong with you?

>not liking the ancap edgelord elves that do nothing but rape and pillage the galaxy out of their space vegas that is hidden away in a pocket dimension.

Attached: spurdo dark eldar.png (853x703, 58K)

Big fat SoB ______

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Yeah, but you're not gonna see anybody complaining because they exist solely to die in droves as perpetual cannon fodder for the rest of the setting.

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No, and they can shoot acid across a football field.

>cadia stands
Well that didn't age well

So muhreens are impotent lmoa

>literal tranny marines
good lord

>invincible-to-everything force field
Guardsmen and bolterbitches wishes they have those, especially bolterbitches whose sole purpose is to job to chaos.

It's more a case of "remove anything that isn't needed", autistic min maxing basically.

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I've only started painting my own models recently. Most of the time I either get them pre-painted or I get someone else to do it. This is my first attempt

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>Sister of battle
>isn't going to fuck you

fuck i love that animation

there is a campaign are you lamebrained?


>complains about retarded design
>in 40k

weird color scheme but I dig it

I fucking love this

One time me and the boy were playing ua on the ua map

they were charging and fighing over the relic volcano and i popped this and took the fucker and got a titan for myself


>trying to leech off of superior Necron science
Fuck off zoomer

Provided the fucking thing doesn't crash 10 minutes in because you clicked on something wrong. Real fun spamming dumping a shitload of earthshakers in a spot and watching people get upset because they don't deep strike or send tanky units first.

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Necrons>Chaos>Dark Eldar>Orks>Space Marines>Shit>Tyranids>Tau=Guard=Craftworlders

fuck u

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I like the concept but hate the design of everything that isn’t a Lictor




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What's wrong with the designs? Tyranids have a really neat theme going on with every creature essentially being based on the same base form of the Gaunt (excusing shit like spores etc.)

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They made it into the Codex back in 2004.

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Nids eat literal shit among other things

best orc

I liked the music Orks had in DoW 3.

That's about the extent of the praise I have for that abysmal game.

You HAVE seen 40kino, right?

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>Cawl for Fabricator-General.

Have you seen the asinine shit the Mechanicum has been producing lately? No way in hell Cawl should be fabricator general.

That's just the fault of the devs. Space Marine was the bost boring and generic sci fi action game ever.

itkf bro
>DE are lost all their fun named HQs since 6th Ed

Attached: always bet on duke.jpg (800x4600, 356K)

The way GW has raped the unique and interesting shit out of basically all non Spesh Muhreen factions is a travesty.

Chaosfags hate xenos as well?


They're only human, after all.


They needed more space for more marines i suppose
>tfw both of my armies effectively not supported by GW

a-at least i have AoS

Attached: Don't lie best boy.png (900x438, 218K)

>dabs on every order of the soriritas
psssh nothing personnel sisters

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>Chaos Knights codex allows you to create a super buffed up Armiger warlord

god fuck that shit, take me back to 4th edition

Chaosfags are just imperial players with inferiority complex and/or underdog fetish.

I really miss when the game was balanced around playing with a few squads, a HQ and a vehicle or two. Current game is retarded for the scale and don't even get me started on the mess that is apocalypse.

Attached: Classic 40k.jpg (1024x642, 223K)

>never talks
How out of date is this?

White Scars game when bros?

Attached: WhiteScarsPreview-Aug9-Battleshot8jhw[1].jpg (1000x761, 199K)

your average warrior still doesn't speak, I believe. it's mostly the higher ups that got a personnality

The fact that there's only about a million space marines in an empire where the military numbers in the trillions is a bit silly as well.

>Primaris marines are superior to regular marines in every way
>wouldn't that make them Ultramarines?

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I was born in a small village.

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which dawn of war should I start with?

Yes. They fixed the faulty geneseeds of other chapters by replacing them with UM seeds.

The first one. If you can't stomach it, at least try Dark Crusade. Skip SS unless you want to play multi.

Second generation games are much more arcade in nature, with all the good and bad that comes with it. Still, all are worth playing.

i trust him

Attached: titus.jpg (1024x573, 192K)

I know some of you fags here defended dow3 during beta/release.

Just wanted to say "I told you so."

platinum games when

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into penal regiment

nah new model are way better

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Every face on this picture is a piece of art on its own.

Right? The only way it could be any better if one or two Ork/Human faces were swapped with each other.

I fucking hate that they actually canonized DoWIII and that Gabe's Terminator somersaults.

Yeah, Baneblades and its variants are fun. I do wonder when the mod will give Space Marines the Fellblade and its variants. Also heard that something really big is getting released with 1.90 Ultimate Apocalypse.

He literally stood there, Orkz were charging him and he was simply shredding them. He stopped when he ran out of orkz to shred.


Post more orkz, da boyz heal my soul.

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>Deff Skwadron
Finest exemple of kulture

Nope. Their dicks are proportional to their size. They simply don't use them and see sex as a waste of time that could instead be utilized to purge and kill.

>That Nazgul

Would be 2fast for the average human, user

loads good

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sexual desires breed heresy

>Do ya eva fink deres more ta life than kumpin'?

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no, it's just that MAYBE aside from the space wolves they're nearly all volcels

I always wanted to get into this but painting seems hard and the miniatures are expensive.

It's not worth it, imo
>t. got into it twice

Meaningless cannon fodder necrons are still devoid of feelings



painting is easy, just research all the easy cheating techniques like washes, drybrushing, weathering powders, zenithal highlighting, airbrush etc and you can knock out good looking models easily and quickly.

>Delicious brown SoB
Emperor guide my cock

There's too fucking many and they're all too fucking cool
I like all of them besides space wolves, basic bitch IG and maybe Tau

Retribution is 100% worth playing through twice if you didn't pick Orks the first time, but other than that you're right.

I liked it but got horribly burned out during the Tyranid invasion part of the campaign. Fighting the exact same battle three times over every single turn was horrific, and after seeing that all the incoming invasions I neglected to go and concentrate my fleets on the Ancient One weren't cancelled after defeating it (Tyranids "removed from campaign" my arse) I just gave up and never went back.

If you gaze into dakka, the dakka gazes into you

>Space Marine was the bost boring and generic sci fi action game ever.

I don't think you've played that many sci-fi action games then.

>They simply don't use them and see sex as a waste of time

It's not that, they have literally no sex drive after going through all the genetic modification and psycho-conditioning needed to become a Space Marine. IIRC it may even be re-wired into releasing dopamine when the Marine smites the Emperor's foes.

>dull brown corridors of nothing everywhere
>'designated radio chick'
>enemies have no fucking personality at all (they managed to make Orks fucking boring)
>QTE final boss
It sucked.

who was first? WarCraft and StarCraft with marines and zergs and orks? or WH40k?


40k and fantasy was first, warcraft was originally a warhammer game but blizzard pulled out late in development because they weren't happy with the arrangement.

Confess new sins

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Go home cultist chan you're disturbing my benis

I saw our Lord Commander Guilliman committing heresy with a she-elf.

Jealousy is a sin in the eyes of the Emperor.

>Go fast tier 3
>get FLASH Gitz with Mad Dok attached, all upgrades and buffed by Waaagh! Plus some tankbustas
>wins and text "lol noob"to the global chat
*smug pepe face*

Sisters of Battle is one of my favorites for sure

For a min thought it was meme about blood ravens stealing shit.Then i noticed the puddle.Do SM shoot acid as well from the other thing?

I couldn't save them...


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5e babby detected.

Its worth playing through Retribution as CAPTIN BLUDFLAGG. Its the most fun you'll have in all of DoW 2.


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Gladius is a good game. You should play it.

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I just wish someone would mod them to have their 5e aesthetics. Their original models are okay, but their 5e release was just god-tier you'd have to be blind not to love it.

Their new rallying cry is "The planet broke, but the Guard didn't!"

The Fulgrim HH novel has an orgy scene created by a Slaanesh opera. While regular humans are just fucking like monkeys the Marines just start beating people to death. It wouldn't surprise me if Marines had their sexual urges rewired to just do more ultra-violence.

>Their new rallying cry is "The planet broke, but the Guard didn't!"
Not nearly as effective and I doubt anybody would hear that and not call bullshit. They failed hard and it still hurts.

Wait hold the fuck up, Cadia got conquered? Since fucking when? Did GW hire the same chaos fanboy writer that did End Times for this shit or something?

No. The planet fucking destroyed because certain armless failure decide to ram a fucking Blackstone Fortress onto one of Pillar gate that keep the Eyebof Terror in bay.

>worshipping some shitty ctan big E shitslapped tens of thousands of years ago

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>failbaddon has to take a page off the angry marines playbook to take down cadia

Is that supposed to be a titan in the background or a 30k dreadnought


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Have the White Scars ever actually done anything of importance?

Were the Blood Ravens actually a canon chapter or completely made up for the game?


Im playing it right now and yes its fucking good. I dont understand why it doesnt get more love in here

First one had prettier ui tho. But the game itself is awesome

DOW threads rejuvenates my soul.

It's got Gabriel Angelos and his original voice. Even if it's bland it's really hard for me to pass it up.

Scone are sandwich bread.

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Yes to both. It's also funny to trigger Aaron Dembski-Bowden over them being descended from Thousand Sons loyalists.

Yes. Yes it would.

>Space Marine
>Pretty bigoted
Not trying to be prejudiced or anything, but isn't everyone in the 40k universe a bigot that would make our alt-right white supremacist nationalists look like their 21st modern day century social progressives?

Well lets take a looksie
Imperium: A theocratic oligarchy that takes it's notes from 20th century totalitarianism, obsessed with genetic purity, fanatic faith, and (justified) xenophobia
Eldar: A near extinct race of haughty douchebags that will sacrifice a world of humans to save a handful of their own.
Dark Eldar: See above, but also ancap might-makes-right S&M murder rapists
Tyranids: BUUUUGS
Necrons: Soulless haughty assholes that treat everyone else likes pests on their lawn, and it's time to take out the Raid
Chaos: Absolute freedom, however this means you will get fucked in the ass by extradimensional horrors created by your Freudian and existential nightmares
Tau: Seemingly the nicest of the bunch, but they're basically totalitarian techno-Stalinists ruled by a caste of philosopher kings.

And orks?

Just there for a good laff, mate.


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Fair enough

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They're there to have fun in all honesty, they live for WAAAAGHHH and if they don't get it they whither and die. I would compare them to perhaps vikings. Orks actually grow bigger, stronger and smarter from killing stuff. They'll even kill themselves if there is no enemy to kill.

>image of some shitty mobile app game
Absolute state of nu/v/. I've been on Yea Forums since 2004 and this place is a dump now. You zoomers ruined everything.

I recently watched a Noise Marine cam-"girl" stream
It was revolting but I just couldn't bring myself to look away

What's the difference between Blood Angels & Blood Ravens? I always figured they were the same. Do they both wanna suck off Sanguinius? Do they both follow Dante?

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Blood Ravens have no apparent relation to Blood Angels. They don't have the Black Rage or the Red Thirst, nor do they have any of the Blood Angels special units

Ah right. It's been a while since I've played DoW & I've not picked up the BR White Dwarf issue yet

Blood Ravens are pretty much your bog standard Space Marines aside from their abnormal amount of Librarians. They don't know what legion they came from

Guys quick answer me:
does soulstorm MP work in steam?
How many people are playing it?
is everyone an unbeatable veteran?


>They don't know what legion they came from
Didn't one chapter master learn who their primarch was and then died 2 seconds later in some of the fluff?

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>They don't know what legion they came from
>Blood __
>Red armour
>Jumpy boy levels
I'd be surprised if it wasn't Blood Angels At best I heard that during Dark Crusade, Davian Thule discovered some ancient text in Kronus, read them and burned them all. He only told Gabriel Angelos about what was written there.

They're descendants of loyalist Thousand Sons

They don't have the black rage though.

Never ever, cunt

>Beakies are "reddit"" now

I hate how 2015/16 absolutely gang raped 4chinz and words just lost their meaning and don't actually mean shit anymore apparently.

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Is that what this is referring to?

>when one guy could defeat the entire imperium single handedly

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Good luck, faggot. Dante would have words with thee.

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>The primarch reached out to him. Dante was on his back, but at the same time it was as if he floated in an immense void, and Sanguinius hovered in front of him. And yet, when the primarch cried, his tears fell forward onto Dante’s face. All reality’s order was disturbed, but this felt like no dream or vision. When Sanguinius’ glowing fingers traced the line of Dante’s cheek, they were solid and warm, and they brought into him a sense of peace and holy joy.
>‘You have suffered greatly for mankind’s sake,’ said Sanguinius. His voice was beautiful. ‘You have won your rest a thousand times. Rarely has one man given so much, Luis of Baal Secundus. You have been a light in dark times. I would give you any reward. I would take you to my side. I would free you from strife. I would release you from pain.’
>‘Yes!’ said Dante. ‘Please. I have served so long. Grant me the freedom of death.’
>Sanguinius gave Dante a look of profound sorrow.
>‘I cannot. I regret that I can do none of those things. I need you, Dante. Your suffering is not done.’ Sanguinius gripped Dante’s face in both hands. Strength flowed from the primarch, driving out death’s comfort and replacing it with pain. The scene rippled. He heard the shouts of Space Marines, felt the ghostly touch of living hands upon his armour. Sanguinius faded.
>‘Please, no!’ Dante cried out. ‘My lord, I have done enough. Please! Let me rest!’
>The light was dying; Sanguinius’ smile carried with it the sorrows of ten thousand years. Darkness was returning. The Great Angel disappeared into it, but his glorious voice lingered a moment.
>‘I am sorry, my son, that you cannot rest. Not yet. Live, my son. Live.’
>Dante returned to life screaming for the mercy of death.
>Hands were all over Dante, holding him down. Sharp pains intruded via his neural shunts.
>‘No, no, no! No more! Take me with you! I beg you!’ Dante shouted.
>He lashed out with his fist. Metal hit metal.

they are thousand sons descendants

Seconding this. DOW2 was a mistake.

Pretty sure that's not Dante.

this isn't 40k

It is
t. dante

>only downside to nurglebro is that he rapes you and makes you repulsive
>tfw you're already repulsive and so lonely you'd probably enjoy the rape

100% positive outcome.

iz not even a humie and dis offendz me

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Armour doesn't resemble Dante's at all, besides being gold, which plenty of BA characters are coloured as. Sorry buddy.

There's also the unimaginable pain and insanity that comes from your flesh rotting into a dry husk.

Doom Marine is one of the lost primarchs

Absolutely heretical!

I like it, carry on user.

>Armour doesn't represent a non-canon era of 40k
When you figure out what a retcon is, it's gonna blow your mind

Did you prime this?

The Nids and Chaos Marines they added are fun. Wondering what faction they'll cook up next. Hoping for our Psychic Space Pixie Fairies to make an entrance. Also they should make the world map even bigger.

Blood Angels come straight from Sanguinius, have a lot of successor chapters, know their past and are space angel vampires. They go in a lust for blood when the Red Thirst kicks in, and into complete berserkers if they get overwhelmed by the Black Rage. Then they think they are their primarch before his fateful duel and death with Horus and have also a portion of their primarch's powers, causing them to become even more superhuman and lethal.

Blood Ravens don't even know their past (their records stretch to shortly before the Age of Apostacy), have no successors and don't know who their primarch was. Yet considering their thirst for knowledge, large number of psykers of exceptional skills and power, makes it that there is a very high probability that they are a 2nd founding chapter descended from the Thousand Sons that were not present at the battle for Prospero and weren't teleported to the planet of Sorcerers. Even their new rulebook puts even more speculations on that matter. Especially the part where they analyzed the Primaris that Cawl gave them and discovered something dark about themselves and the upper echelons of command keep this information for themselves.

Also apart of the word BLOOD, the two have no relations with each other...except for some gears that were "gifted" to the ravens.

Shut up Laurie Goulding.