I have a game dev story for you

So, you all know how bad EA is, hence the logo, but I worked a company perhaps even worse then EA. I want to tell you guys the hell I went through. Furthermore, this is me exposing a scam company. I was encouraged to tell my story here by someone.

So, there is a company I "worked" at. The reason I use those air quotes is that I was never paid, and was technically in training for the most part, but my family was paying them.

The company is called nonPareil. Yes, the "n" in the name is lower case. The company advertises itself on only allowing autistic people to work on games there. This is part of the story, and yes I was there. So, this company is an abusive hellscape of an office. The "staff" as they are called are not autistic, but there are 10 times their number in "crew" which are autistic.

Also, consider this a PSA regarding this company. They are currently expanding into other states from what I have heard, so one of their little institute scams could open up down the street.

Crud I am getting off topic. So, there are monthly fees to learn there. They promise you a cut of anything you make for them, which they always weasel out of. For instance, I worked on two separate projects for them. Both of them amounted to them not answering my questions about what they needed, but me still making something of value they could use. Then, they either cancel the project, which wasted my time, or they released the project for free. The one they released for free is on Steam under their name. I made the car control mechanics for their little racing game. They told me it would be sold, but apparently "free" is a price nowadays.

Of course, I will be commenting further because this workplace was truly a purgatory worthy of contempt, but I hope others will hear and listen, because the full story gets worse and worse as I go into more detail.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm Henry Firth

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Okay, what to explain next?
So, this company gets good press by pretending to be a charity. As a matter of fact, it has donors, some giving hundreds of thousands to it thinking that this company helps people. It does not.

The company specifically advertises itself on teaching guys with autism how to learn code and develop games, but it is perhaps the worst way to learn that way. Let me say that I was the hardest worker in the office. They were very surprised how fast I learned. People would take three or more times as long to pass through the same lessons I did. However, this is because I actually did my best, despite being surrounded by people who would rather use the office as a lounge.

There was a game room there. You could sign something and get an hour of play any time you wanted. Everyone played games there. However, not once did I fill out a card to play on their machines; I did work, not play.

Eventually after being chased away from work due to the abuses of one jerk, which is a whole different story, I did start bringing my 3DS and later my Switch.

Now I need to describe the rules of the office:
Rule #1: If someone is offended, you broke a rule
That rule is all you need to know. There are additional rules, but all serve to support that rule.

You can easily imagine how dozens of autistic people will start making false complaints against people, right? Of course, and it only got worse for me.

You see, there were a few people there I would never trust in any position, especially handling people who are oddballs and outcasts, which leads me to the person who ran the laptop area.

"R" is an asshole who used his paid assistants to stalk me in the hallways. He clearly hated me. However, the biggest complaints I have against him include certain criminal activities I do not want to mention here.

I forgot to tell something about myself... Let me get to that before I go on.

What's the point of your thread? Did you just want to vent? Tell us a story? If story, it's honestly not that entertaining. You're just bitching about some shitty tech company that exploited autists.

So, in order to understand how bad this place was, you need to understand me. I have always been the odd one out, but I was the smart guy. As a matter of fact, I was always the one who would offer to help people with their side projects at nonPareil, which is another sad aspect of how they treated me.

When I was about 3 or 4, I knew I wanted to make games when I grew up. I knew nothing about code at the time, let alone math, but it was my dream. I am 30+ years old now, and a husk of what I could have been. This company took a piece of my soul that I can never get back. I have a backlog of 100+ pieces of music I have made for use in games, I try to learn code and tools, but this story is a monkey on my back that still haunts me.

You see, nonPareil is a cult. That is not a word I use lightly, but that is how that "non-profit organization" is arranged. Many of my claims make no sense unless I go into extensive detail about them.

It is not meant to be entertaining.
I am terrible at explaining things, so it also sounds like crap.

Long story short:
SJW run office stalks and harasses people, defames people, violates various laws, scams people, and more.

I am trying to get the word out about this company. You cannot trust them. I legit tried to get in contact with some journalists who do game reviews. I was hoping almost anyone would take this story, but nobody even listens.

Try not working somewhere that employs mentally disabled people.

Leave a review on glassdoor

The biggest problem I have with telling this story is that I am awful at explaining it. This story is one where someone needs to sit me down and get the whole story out of me. I tried contacting Jim Sterling, but he has his head up his own ass sometimes, so I don't think he cares. I sent a message to Rag's email, because I think someone like him would be very reliable for telling people, but I don't just want a few people to know. The more good press this company is able to squeeze, the more they are able to scam people.

I also need to mention that I am not the only person I know who was fucked over by this company. There are plenty of other people who were taken advantage of.

To put it bluntly, if anyone here knows how to get my story to someone who can bring this story to the masses, I need such help.

That will not work.
You see, I was technically not an employee. The way this company structures itself allows them to redefine you as whatever they want and such. You are a "crew", not a paid employee.

If I post on glassdoor, they will claim I was a "student", since I never got a paycheck from them.

I actually posted a negative review on their facebook, and they took the review section down.

You see, they do not advertise to people who will go there, they advertise to people who will pay for their adult children to go there. As such, I need to be able to review them in a way that everyone can see. However, a massive youtube personality might make enough headway to rouse the public awareness of this company's scamming of people.

Keep going

Sucks OP, but from what I've heard, it's not a terribly uncommon story. There's all kinds of schemes now in games and game development.
The bright side is, at the very least, you have experience you could put on a resume, if you so wanted to. Every little bit seriously helps if you haven't gotten your foot through the door.

The best way going forward is to put your experiences into a cohesive, linear article that tells an obvious beginning-middle-end flow to your story. Go in-depth but don't ramble. You're telling a story, not just random anecdotes, so make sure to blot out everything as they happened in a linear timeline.

My biggest issue with what you're telling so far in this thread is the fact I have nothing to go off of in terms of your story and how horrible the place is besides one manager possibly sending some people to stalk you and you feel like you wasted your time there. Start from the very beginning and write it out like you're telling it from a third person perspective of someone else. I'm also not a writer and just blowing this advice out my asshole but in my opinion I think it will help you out.

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I actually have posted online about this story, but perhaps the most compelling part is one specific thing that nonPareil did.
You see, they had this game project called Fasma. It was actually designed to be a prequel to Half-Life that ties Half-Life and Portal together as a series.

The main character of the game was set to be G-Man. Yes, everything I am telling you is stuff I saw there. When I was at the office once, two representatives from Valve showed up to talk to us. When they asked questions, I asked "Are we going to be given a series bible?" and they answered "No".

However, the project backfired hilariously. To make it even more hilariously bad, I predicted its failure in one of my online posts.

Simply put, this company has sway, and it will likely use such to push its way into other places and scam more people.

The Famsa project is perhaps the biggest example of pop culture value I have from recollection, but I have posted my entire story online before. Interestingly, the list of their misdeeds got longer even after I was kicked out of the place on false accusations, as I discovered other things they did that were absolutely awful.

If you have posted this story before, can you at least paste it in the thread or link to it? So far all I'm getting is "the project was bad and failed, I predicted this" but you haven't really explained how or why it failed etc.

Are you going to bring this story to light?
I really need help here. I need someone that can spread the story.
If you think you can, then say so, but otherwise, just know that I don't want my real name going everywhere.

>makes thread to tell story
>gets asked to provide more information and advice on how to tell it
>refuses to share story anyway
Nice, so I'm going to assume this is all bullshit and you have a personal vendetta against this company since they fired you.

To be honest, I only came here out of desperation.

Then tell us the company name chucklefuck? If we at least have a name to the megacorp retards then we can gain a sense.

I forgave them many times before. I had friends there. I found out that one of the higher ups there was badmouthing me to the parents of my friends there. They use defamation and slander to make you look untrustworthy.

Before I left, this story started:
One guy was kicked out before me on false accusations made by certain people. Later, the same woman who later I discovered was talking about me behind my back approached me when I asked if anyone had heard from my friend who was kicked out. The woman then claimed that my old friend had got addicted to heroine and became a total drug junky. Recently, I got in contact with him after about two years, and he had not taken heroine. She lied while faking tears. This is how they place worked.

I have received harassment from spoofed numbers. The messages are clearly from someone at that company. I am certain I know who the person is responsible, but have no proof. This harassment has happened as recently as a few months ago, despite having been gone from the company for over a year before that.

I did.

Go to twitter
raise hell about it
You're only going to get scorn and disdain here.

Do this. This this this. Get kotaku, polygon, whoever on the line about it. Don't use words like "SJW" or "feminist" in it, just paint the management as exploitative and leave it at that.

This is solid advice, but it will not help much in my case.
Sooner or later they will side with that company.
Simply put, I need a champion to release the truth, not morons.

Gonna call bullshit OP. I worked as a student for a firm that taught "Children on the spectrum" in web and film/game development classes for about two years, and we got paid contract for doing rotoscope and title crawls for Weinstein company and bigger projects, (Currently they're the ones doing the title crawls for all the MCU movies) and I got paid. meager since it was divided by all the students, but I got paid nonetheless.

And in my last two years there they ended up hiring me as a student instructor and io got paid a wage. Your little fantasy of companies taking advantage of disabled kids is neat story and nothing more.

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The problem is, barely anyone will be able to help you out unless you can either provide solid evidence or multiple testimonials from others who received similar experiences while working there. Is there anyone you know that could back up your claims?

Also, while I was talking and finding those links earlier, I found more evidence of their wrongdoings, from a post I found online.

They list number "numbers served" and "hours paid", but apparently nobody did any math.
the year 2016:
246 served... 24,701 hours paid.
That is 100 hours per person. However, they probably do not count unpaid people, so allow me to explain why this makes it so much worse. If 30 hours to 48 hours is a work week there, which I assume it is considering how that dump is inconsistently run. I will assume average of 36 to be fair. 36 times 45 weeks, because some weeks will naturally be off due to various reasons or holidays.

1620 hours per person that year (estimated)
This means that they have what.... 15 people with paid positions at most? Wow. This company is now proving itself to suck.

You mean the company owned by Harvey Weinstein?
Well, here is the big question:
How much did you pay your company during your time there?

>How much did you pay your company during your time there?
This was in 2011-2014 before all that. Also what do you mean "How much did I pay"? I didn't pay anything. I got paid.

I believe you OP, but I am just an asshole working a dead end warehouse job.

Would you please sit down?

Exactly, YOU got paid. You not only had an arrangement, but you fulfilled your agreed bargain and reaped rewards.
On the other hand, they were paid. $1000+ every month I went there. These fees were paid for the on the job training, which they did not provide on many occasions. Then, after they promised me paying work by way of a profit share, they then released the product for free for publicity and paid me nothing.

So, no, you were not fucked over like I was.

So in otherwords you were an unpaid intern. Thats not their fault for not paying you then, you just sound like an entitled kid who thought he'd make bank on his first "job".

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You guys really believed on what i said? It's all made up lmao

You either did not read what I said or do not care about the common sense reasoning behind it.
If you are just being an asshole on purpose, then please take that bullshit to /b or something.

Who the fuck do you think you are?
Get the fuck out, you have rigged the name to imitate me you asshole.

>If you are just being an asshole on purpose
First time on Yea Forums? Nobody gives a shit about your sob story bro. Its obviously all made up for (you)s.

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You can't just use my username like that! What the hell?

Get an employment lawyer OP

You can stop the act. Nobody is buying your blatant newfagism.

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Stop it. Just stop.


>makes up fake stories
>Cant even tripcode

OP is a dumb autistic nigger who should fuck off to reddit.

I believe it, OP is too new and autistic to be making it up

>op is actually autistic

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To be honest, I was hoping to find some good advice about what to do.
I don't want anyone else to have to deal with that shithole of a company.

I did not expect sympathy, I was not trying to use b as my personal army or any such shit.
All I wanted was to ask around and see what could be done to prevent them from fucking over other people.

I did not want others to go through what I did.
I am still haunted by the memory of this one kid who is still being turned into someone like Normal Bates by his mother. I legit worry about the people out of reach.

You are not me, I don't know why you are acting like me.

Seriously, you wankers are out of fr*cking control. I'm out, but not before I report you to the moderators for stealing my identity.

you fell for it

I lurk from time to time and talk to people, but this is my first time as an OP.
I did not expect it to be all smiles. I don't delude myself like that.

Wankers? Are you a brit pretending to be me?
Well, just FYI, the company I mentioned is based in the good old US of A, britbitch.

ice cream? I love ice cream!

They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys, becuse these babby cant fright back? It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots

Contact Drama Alert or Philip DeFranco. Wait, even better, try to contact people who hate vidya.

>Simply put, I need a champion to release the truth, not morons.
then why the fuck are you on Yea Forums

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sounds like a crazy scam, you shouldve recorded them and exposed them. leftists are creating all types of non profits scams like these all over, such as fem freq.

op worked for a "game studio" whom literally nobody knows about for free and is an autistic fuckhead in his 30s

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

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>autistic OP warning autistic Yea Forums readers to not pay to work for free for a company that supposedly hires autistic people exclusively
I don't know about the rest of you but I laughed

literally no one cares about your sob story op
plus you sound like an annoying whiney sour bitch

Advice on finding such people.
Someone probably knows how to contact someone I could get help from.

i liked the bit where he said he was autistic and then went on a mad autistic tangent

I find it extremely amusing that someone who lacks class, etiquette, and the ability to use correct sentence structure and grammar thinks that they can say such things. I'm actually surprised at the amount of hypocrisy. I also find your continuous use of logical fallacies, straw men, and baseless accusations is a bit sad. Although I don't need to explain myself to you, I will restate my position: I'm not lying or even mad. Although my claim may not fit the convenient narrative and/or reality that you've built for yourself, it's the truth. So what if I like to suck big fat cocks? I do find it rather curious that you'd spend such time focusing on me, rather than improving your intellect or the basketball shortcomings that you claimed to want to improve on.

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Fucking horrendous, have a bump OP

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Lmao I actually did some finance work for a big mega donor and toured this place but we didn't wind up donating because things just fell through; the details are right but OP seems just like a vindictive faggot who apparently has nothing better to do than to rile up Yea Forums against the SJW menace

>Game dev story
>EA is pic
>story is about a different company

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>dont need to explain myself
>goes on to write an entire essay
stay mad
no wonder you got ousted, you sound like a massive obnoxious cunt

go back to rebbit

user, he's not even using a tripcode, how do you fuck this up?

leaving this kazakhstani water polo frorum would be a solid start
social media, game journalism sites, hell, there's probably a subreddit for this sort of shit
Yea Forums is a dump that you shouldn't be using for anything other than cheap entertainment
also learn when to use a fucking trip

wont be surprised if we hear about op shooting up a school later on

Yeah? Well you can sod right off you crisp-stuffing Amerilard. I bet you're so fat you need a scooty-tooty motor booty to get around the grocer's while yamming your cheeky nandos on the top of the bong.

maybe try yongyea

If you're legit, OP, here's your help.

First off, you have got to organize what you're trying to say, because these posts are all over the place. Take some time and make an outline first. Start with a short bit about yourself and how you came to work for them. then go into the issues one by one. Be clear about what was promised and how those promises were broken, especially on verifiable points. Right now whatever you're trying to say is a confused mess.

Secondly, you have to drop the anonymity. Your complaints mean nothing without a real name and person to stand by them. If you have something to say about these people that you think matters, then own it.

Lastly, tell the truth. No exaggerations and absolutely no lies.

Do all this, and then get feedback on where you go from there. Otherwise, let it go and move on.

Well, the way these posts read, OP sure is autistic.

Spam every gaming-news site you can find to ask someone to interview you, them asking questions to keep you on track should help with telling the story. Everyone.

more like a gay dev story because you're a fag lol

Report them to the NLRB.gov.

But edit yourself and have some coherent points about them exploiting free labor

>unpaid intern
>who thought he'd make bank on his first "job"
user, not in his post that he mention he's going to go bit in his first job and yes the practice is well know in every industry but doesn't mean just let it slides.
A guy I know have to cut off his saving cause of this unpaid intern due to travel fee and by the time he can't say no because it have an effect on his grade.

Hi op.

Call an employment lawyer, explain you have autism, and say that you believe you may have been exploited to do free labor under the guise of an internship.

If you have a case, a lawyer might represent you on contingency (they only get money if they win).