Filename thread now

Filename thread now

Attached: killcams.gif (400x225, 3.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.

Attached: evolutioneurope.png (640x864, 404K)


need an image, and a filename

can't someone else do it?

what a shitty thread op kill yourself faggot

Attached: ohnono.jpg (738x720, 80K)

Attached: xcom.png (508x767, 48K)

wow your dad is trash

Attached: YYZ Drum Solo.webm (1122x648, 572K)

his dad sounds based, you sound like a fellow virgy lmao

lol wat an incel

Attached: 1556845837002.gif (288x117, 54K)

Dial 8 faggot

Attached: Space_Station_13.jpg (1080x1176, 150K)

It's missing death by helium.

t. virgy

>heheheh yeah him? that's just ol virgy, can't get his dick wet

Attached: 1531975305467.jpg (749x800, 166K)

Attached: bowsette_threads.jpg (3024x2268, 1.51M)

based and rushpilled

Phone posters need to be gassed.

Attached: Stardew_Valley.jpg (300x400, 60K)

not a phone poster

Attached: kurwa.jpg (604x376, 31K)

I want shotgun to head, but deserve structure fire

Attached: annoyingfatfuck.png (400x400, 267K)

Attached: steamfriends.jpg (488x619, 228K)

Why are there so many trannies playing on PC?

Attached: cabin in the woods.gif (500x322, 1000K)

Have sex with his wife. That'll show him.

Attached: SO LONG GAY BOWSER.webm (460x460, 1.15M)

Attached: 33% chance to hit.gif (500x281, 690K)

Attached: Let me assist you, doctor.gif (384x288, 1.7M)

>someone took the time to shoop a dick.
never going to understand why people waste their time in such racial garbage instead of playing some videogames.

Attached: manlytears gets ready to tighten some screws.jpg (3024x4032, 1.94M)

Attached: Romance_choices_in_RPGs.png (1053x647, 955K)

Attached: but during the stone age....webm (640x360, 1.57M)

Attached: bioware_endings.jpg (956x661, 95K)

Attached: JAV.gif (500x292, 486K)

Attached: TF2.jpg (495x488, 64K)

Attached: NICOLE_IS_DEAD.jpg (649x612, 114K)

Attached: no_mr_bond_i_expect_you_to_buy.png (441x394, 510K)

Attached: cp_steel.jpg (1200x603, 165K)


Attached: american_level.jpg (300x299, 20K)

Attached: optional_superboss.jpg (1046x697, 167K)

Attached: Game_goes_free_to_play.png (600x443, 479K)

The one asking when it was going to go on sale for %14.88 cracked me the fuck up. wish i saved it.

$14.88 *

That's a big Allen wrench. At that point why not make it a proper bolt/screw?

Attached: minecraft griefing.png (593x951, 599K)

Attached: Here_at_aperture_we_fire_the_whole_bullet.jpg (650x388, 50K)

>you can only meet with major major when he's not in his office

Attached: Byford Dolphin.gif (578x423, 1.17M)

Attached: 1564231669275.webm (400x400, 1.26M)


Nice filename faggot

Attached: Your pokemon is paralyzed.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Attached: TF2_july_26_2019.png (513x375, 340K)

Attached: Cursed_equipment.png (500x376, 105K)

wtf is that thing alive? what the fuck is wrong with asians?

Attached: Manlytears first cosplay.jpg (640x480, 64K)

>CBT for Masochists

Attached: no way, fag.jpg (831x866, 121K)

Attached: PERSONA.jpg (628x617, 119K)

Attached: 1564244347394.webm (484x640, 2.9M)

Attached: masquerade violation!.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Attached: GUNSHOT BRIDE, AND HER TRIGGER CRIES.gif (277x676, 3.37M)

Attached: Big Smoke summons his persona.gif (390x212, 1.96M)

Attached: dark souls pvp.png (195x189, 94K)

Attached: the_enemy_has_captured_a_control_point.jpg (900x437, 64K)

Attached: PERSONA.webm (1280x720, 552K)

Attached: vr.jpg (449x1253, 140K)

Jap interpretation of Eraserhead?

Attached: Telltale_Games.jpg (1280x1920, 447K)

Attached: Team Fortress 2.png (347x262, 47K)

not the same spot, you can see buildings on the sides in right image, those are missing in the left image

Attached: Totally_Legit_Runescape_Launcher.exe.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)


Attached: TOMORROW ILL.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Attached: lol threads.png (503x139, 5K)

Attached: Fighting game community.jpg (1280x978, 315K)

explosion is the coolest way to go. if i don't get lucky enough to die by being blown up I at least want my funeral to just be my loved ones blowing up my body

Attached: playing_old_console_games.jpg (960x720, 114K)

Attached: New Game Plus.gif (486x273, 1.83M)

This has to be a joke
The fucking thing gets erect when hot and then begins squirting everywhere? What the fuck even is it?

This is just like my Japanese anime

Attached: multiple health bars.gif (320x240, 1.84M)

Attached: And it turns out, lil Metroid fella.png (715x400, 677K)

Attached: Flora heals an aching soul.gif (300x262, 1.84M)

You're either trolling or stupid and for your sake I hope it's the latter.

Attached: Slowpoke-Alola.png (618x538, 164K)

Attached: Mass_Effect_Romance.jpg (707x540, 192K)

IMMEDIATE thought of the Ricky Jervais show when I saw the thumbnail, fucking based as fuck, user. Great taste.

Attached: Korean DMZ.png (1288x718, 1.68M)

Got ya covered, senpai.

Attached: Burry.webm (640x360, 2.8M)

Some of the filenames in this thread really fucking suck.

Attached: jrpg fight transition.webm (862x480, 2.79M)

Attached: Mean_Green_and_Unseen.jpg (2832x1890, 753K)


Attached: Captain Falcon visits a Geocities webpage.gif (500x211, 179K)

Attached: epstein.jpg (594x546, 163K)

Attached: The True Final Boss reveals itself.webm (504x446, 1.83M)

Attached: Dobson's Undertale fanart.gif (245x184, 829K)

Attached: cheers love, the cavalry is here!.jpg (490x810, 260K)

nice filename loser

Attached: cutscene seemlessly transitions into gameplay.webm (704x480, 1.46M)

sure is zoomzoom in here

Attached: Fallout 4 Dialogue.png (537x955, 683K)

I love it when the first post in a thread tries to be 2 cool 4 school, like he's above it, and then the next 90 posts are on topic and participating. It's a special thing.

not funny

be careful what you wish for, damn

Attached: monkas[1].png (1200x675, 211K)

Attached: AMD and Nvidia cooperate to build a car.jpg (500x500, 39K)

Attached: partha was killed by a fleshpound.jpg (498x415, 47K)

Nice post.

Attached: hearthstone.png (453x413, 268K)

Attached: Unity assets.jpg (550x1235, 155K)

Attached: DaS lore threads.jpg (728x542, 108K)

Attached: Last online one year ago.jpg (693x960, 50K)

Attached: Nier Automata 2B threads.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)


haha also nice post

Attached: Ninja theory remasters Persona 3.jpg (1280x720, 84K)


Attached: Mount and Blade Warband.jpg (640x389, 117K)

Attached: JRPG has a fishing minigame.gif (1080x812, 377K)

Attached: visual novels.gif (240x160, 889K)


Big missed opportunity lad

Attached: bugged wedding mechanics.png (573x577, 622K)

gooey ducks or beach cocks

Attached: honkers getting a massage.webm (710x486, 850K)

Attached: lgpe.jpg (618x434, 122K)

Reminds me of that awful ICarly wiki shit.

Attached: Tropico 6.jpg (702x683, 75K)

Attached: THAT'S RIGHT COCKSUCKA, GO BACK TO NEW JERSEY!.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

One day I will click on this and it will be a lengthy animation of the porn I was promised, and I will be dissapointed.

Attached: first place in mario kart.gif (479x270, 2.81M)

this left me in a level of discomfort i havent felt before


Attached: RAYQUAZA.png (160x214, 35K)

How the fuck do they measure agony to something with 100% lethality like shotgun to the head?

Attached: And you do 5% more damage.webm (852x480, 2.85M)

Attached: team fortress.jpg (640x480, 82K)

fourze was the one that got me into kr
it was damn good but double ended up being my favorite of all the ones ive seen

Attached: you cannot grasp the true form of giygas attack.jpg (800x600, 53K)

>the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
>and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
>and a dark wind blows
>the government is corrupt and we're on so many drugs with the radio on and the curtains drawn
>we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
>and the machine is bleeding to death

Attached: that ninja turtles sewer level but (almost) for real.gif (480x270, 3.09M)

Attached: Watching a speedrunner play your favorite game.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Some people actually survive that believe it or not. There are people that have been shot point blank in the face and lived, humans are more duarable than they are given credit for.

Just put it in your will its shoved up anal "as what did to bullfrogs as I was younger"

Are you trolling?

Attached: green lex luthor discovers speedrunning.jpg (531x849, 100K)

The 1%

Attached: Your Salandit evolved into Salazzle!.webm (480x360, 830K)

So is the teacher a commie?

Attached: Competitive Super Smash Bros.jpg (920x279, 260K)

That's some Catch.

Seems more like battletoads

Attached: jrpg final boss.png (1049x774, 1.41M)

you need to go back

now post the one that explains the proportions

Attached: IMAGE_2312.jpg (1280x960, 218K)

Got into kr with W myself, yet Fourze is also my all time favorite, followed by Blade and Kuuga.

Attached: don't fuck with this senator.webm (320x240, 2.53M)

This has too many layers now

what does her hair look like under the hat? is it just bangs? this is bugging me way too much to be attractive, please someone explain this

Attached: 1559189353503.png (468x310, 129K)

Make me. I'll wait.


Attached: half life 3.gif (321x223, 1.98M)


Attached: black kids in college.png (657x225, 141K)

Attached: baby nividia.gif (220x209, 2.81M)

Attached: dead space plot.jpg (1258x604, 235K)


Attached: Azumarill.jpg (440x664, 48K)

Attached: Michael J Fox torrents a PS4 game.gif (400x300, 3.89M)

which kr is this one?

Attached: WikiHow to tell if you did the right thing.png (697x471, 335K)

Attached: Soulless vs soul.webm (480x480, 2.83M)

Attached: 4CHAN the movie, the game.webm (960x404, 2.99M)

Attached: waking up hostile npc in new vegas.jpg (480x480, 19K)

Attached: Leaving Goodsprings.gif (320x180, 915K)

Attached: dev announces DLC.gif (400x310, 1.99M)

Attached: Best Hearthstone Card.jpg (350x220, 11K)

Attached: Taming a wolf in minecraft.webm (480x480, 986K)

Attached: Attacking Rhodoks.jpg (800x900, 93K)

That's not kr, that's Metal Heroes. Haven't watched any of those except for the modern Space Sheriff Sharivan movie, but Sharivan had a red suit, so I'm gonna assume that's from the original Space Sheriff Sharivan TV show from the 1980's.

Attached: Morrowind combat.gif (240x180, 1.79M)

go green

Attached: Anon once again falls (...).png (300x240, 65K)


What the fuck they just walk down a path the whole time? Literally soulless.

Attached: CARRIER HAS ARRIVED.webm (710x400, 1.85M)

Attached: the aldmeri dominion.jpg (425x346, 18K)

Attached: anon doesnt get tricked.jpg (467x3587, 324K)

did they lure him off the edge with food or something. dogs aren't this retarded

Attached: Darkest Dungeon.jpg (632x481, 67K)

Whats this from?

Attached: roleplay server.png (889x803, 724K)

Only a woman would stick fire in an animals face and expect it to pucker it's lips and blow the candle out.

Attached: DOOM Episode 3 Final Boss.gif (480x270, 1.8M)

Attached: Leveling your alt.jpg (498x490, 37K)

Attached: rikuo_vs_felicia.jpg (600x450, 73K)

Attached: Shamefur dispray.png (560x560, 366K)

Attached: ...light...radiance....webm (480x360, 2.98M)

Someone answer me RIGHT NOW


Attached: Here's your controller, bro.jpg (415x415, 40K)

It's called a geoduck (pronounced gooey duck).

It's a kind of clam, and it's supposedly delicious. They grow in the west coast so I have no fucking clue why that asian girl is there.

I'm with you man, I'm waiting for an answer myself.

Why would they use the same one over and over?

Attached: Fatality.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)


Attached: we'd better think of something.gif (350x197, 858K)

Attached: BRAAAAAP.jpg (640x360, 18K)



Attached: FaceApp_1556669260816.jpg (933x621, 55K)

From the thumbnail I thought it was supposed to be Heihachi from tekken.

Attached: King Crimson.gif (250x220, 1.99M)

Attached: A117EB63-3FC5-45FB-96B4-332517D20B0F.jpg (694x1024, 63K)

>third world monkey lures a dog to it's death for fun

Fallout 4 Dialogue works better.

this reminds me of a manga that has a horse tail worm as a big bad

Attached: How To Basic Plays RE4.jpg (720x405, 37K)

by asking the people who survived dumdum.
>what was being on fire just now like?

Took me a second good god

Dogs are literally that retarded.
Everything can be retarded.
As time progress, the odds of something retarded happening approaches 1. It's a statistical certainty.

Attached: 100 Stealth.webm (1024x426, 2.9M)

Attached: huh, must have been the wind.jpg (896x465, 121K)

Attached: needs filename.webm (360x206, 1.48M)

Poor sea doggo

Attached: Dark Souls II boss drives a car.gif (480x360, 2.89M)

Isn't the west coast full of asians? Isn't that where they had to outlaw opium dens back in the day because all the asians would cross the ocean and set up shop there?

>dolphin dives through window to Catch major major
good fucking book

dumb people who can't swim

Attached: Critic score vs Player score.jpg (960x924, 189K)

fuck marnie

Attached: Oh shit a Paladin.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

Attached: CAC in cutscenes.png (829x477, 643K)

what happened?

Attached: Posting a VLC screenshot.webm (1280x800, 2.99M)

Attached: half life 3.jpg (1200x945, 59K)


no breath meter

Attached: bioshock.png (797x448, 228K)

Attached: Teammate Spouts 4chan Memes In The Voice Chat.webm (1280x544, 1.02M)

I dont get it.

>Killer Marathon.jpg

He fucking crushed that ball

this, on top of it being a feature from the series it "borrowed" practically everything from, is why it makes 0 sense people being shown on the map isn't a default/non-modded feature for SV.

Could've been enticed by a smell or something or just didn't know about the drop. Happened before.

Attached: Tali'Zorah becomes a Warcraft unit.jpg (1025x1025, 123K)

>high level zones outside low level towns

Attached: get woke go broke.jpg (376x836, 98K)

This is literally true, though. The entire reason the electoral college system was created was so that slave states would be overrepresented in presidential elections.

Attached: Environmental storytelling.png (775x708, 44K)


Attached: weapon degredation.gif (480x360, 2.35M)

filename ideas?

Attached: 1563336950454.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Attached: tags - giantess, feet.webm (404x720, 1.92M)


Attached: Metal Gear Bunyan.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

lol that's pretty good
doesn't happen much outside of /g/ though, right?

5000 decibels

Attached: enemy is weak to special abilities.webm (602x624, 1004K)

Attached: good horror game design.webm (720x720, 685K)

I want a bane cutout

>Number two
i dont get it

Attached: carrier has arrived.gif (474x303, 2.51M)

Attached: Life In China Simulator.webm (700x496, 2.72M)

Based Florida Man.

Yea Forums used to go absolutely INSANE if they saw VLC screenshots, but I guess that was before the board got overrun with streamfags.

Attached: PC Gamer On His Way To The LAN Party.webm (540x544, 2.52M)

Closed webm at 0:05

Attached: 1556946404423.jpg (250x230, 7K)

Attached: luigi's chinese cowboy impression is so offensive that mario's stomach ulcer practically i (540x342, 48K)

Pretty much every vertebrate is weak to being gripped by the neck

Attached: greater dog.jpg (750x734, 184K)

Attached: The Polito form is dead, insect.webm (640x359, 2.98M)

I closed the webm. How does it end? He breaks his legs...right

Attached: Gunslinger.webm (800x450, 2.54M)

Attached: mission begins in 30 seconds.gif (246x200, 495K)

Nah, I can't stand that stuff but I skipped to the end to see the aftermath and he get up fine.

Attached: GDQ Goodie Bag.jpg (777x1000, 480K)

Attached: in a perfect world men like me would not exist.jpg (644x471, 45K)

god fucking damnit this fucking show

Attached: 2019060326.png (295x302, 194K)

Do people even post that clip anymore?


Attached: Going from 99 to 100 percent completion.gif (334x251, 1.99M)

Not this time, old friend... Not this time.

That moose looks like CGI.

>"Looks like we've got company"

in game developer easter egg, a signature in other words.

name it

Attached: file.png (679x552, 396K)

Attached: ragequit.webm (562x300, 1.11M)

Attached: NPC Allies.webm (854x480, 2.23M)

Attached: Challenging a mid-game optional boss with end-game gear.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

makes sense, most of the /mpv/ threads on /g/ are anime oriented

I don't get it

Easier than making a new one from scratch, and you don't have to worry about legal issues, anachronisms, or inappropriate content like you would if using a real paper.

Attached: GTAIV.jpg (800x4729, 912K)

Attached: Your Humble Pharaoh Ramesses A. Muirebe.png (1920x1080, 3.46M)


Attached: anon browses his webm folder.jpg (1620x1080, 543K)

Attached: 1558409385338.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

Attached: third.jpg (714x401, 88K)

>not just not painting it, solving an all-white rubik's cube
what a fuckin dummy


>Colossus Slain

It makes more sense in context.

Attached: PIN EM TO THE WALL.jpg (325x302, 26K)



Attached: Prod with the prod.gif (367x211, 2.59M)

Attached: trailer vs actual game.jpg (1202x1614, 482K)

Believe it or not, lots of film studios in in Hollywood rent their props, whether for television or movies.
In this case, they're probably all renting their newspapers from the same prop place.

>Wanting 2B when you can have PETER

Attached: 1565430081652.png (1549x632, 1.41M)

Clever name

>Solving the Gordian Knot

>Clever name

Attached: Screenshot_142[1].png (644x644, 936K)

what is it with every asian cunt using filters in their dumbass eating videos. You can clearly see it warp the dick clam

Attached: Saltat.jpg (498x750, 47K)

major league baseball featuring ken griffey jr

>Murrlogic Wet Dream


Attached: High Dex.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

same here actually, it wasnt a problem until the first guy pointed it out but now its bugging me. cant reverse search webms either


Attached: 1553088861923-v.jpg (595x596, 75K)

They're probably lazy and used this hair and removed the back part.

Attached: Honoka2.jpg (1947x1233, 147K)

This is so cool.

Attached: Saints Row 4 preorder bonus.webm (580x326, 1.15M)

What show is that

Why is this so satisfying to watch

how difficult/how much time does it take to recover from something like this?

I like how this wasn't even self-defense, she just decided she was gonna fuck up a goose, probably as retaliation for something that happened earlier.

Attached: World's worst Burnout Crash Mode player.gif (320x240, 1.97M)


Attached: dead space olympics.webm (636x360, 2.44M)

Attached: That freakin' Scout's a Spy!.gif (499x285, 704K)

Attached: One bad thing was, a train got crashed in New Jersey.webm (854x480, 2.06M)

I knew something was up. thanks mate, now i can go to bed.

why the fuck do they do this to these people

>modern gaming

R8 my name

Attached: Super Mario Sunshine.png (1072x705, 1.26M)


Ok, this one's a mystery to me.


They're not forced mate, they're doing it because they want to. It's the special olympics or something.

Attached: mario RPG battles.gif (350x271, 1.96M)

Attached: Anon gets tricked twice but only once really.png (467x3587, 1.94M)

>Jerma and Ster make a GTA video

Damn joosten got joosy

Two of mine have thumbnails, the rest are traffic cones. I don't know why.

Attached: Ministry of Silly Walks.webm (1726x964, 2.88M)

Jesus the guy next to him is walking via his ankles
Seems cruel to race like that
fucking fine filename though

Attached: Save-scumming Dialogue Checks.jpg (612x306, 37K)

What the ever-living fuck-ra am I looking at?

>png (1.26 MB
Rating: fail

Attached: yokuda.jpg (930x916, 71K)

>shotgun to head
what happens the other 1%

Attached: Late game inventory.jpg (1600x1200, 378K)

Attached: The Sequel to Colosseum.gif (540x540, 710K)

Needs a name

Attached: 287a5068d8a5ddffb8df0270378542e6.jpg (692x1024, 88K)

Attached: It's like I'm really playing virtual skeeball!.webm (1280x720, 672K)

which is it...

viewing losses in theater mode

Attached: The Official Razerâ„¢ Gaming Ctenophoreâ„¢.webm (900x506, 2.75M)

I got Just Cause 2 because it was like a buck on steam and it feels cheaper than a flash game. everything imaginable sucks, and i dropped it after a painful hour or so where i waited for it to get good. is the whole series like that? a silly open world shooter with fun physics sounds great but 2 felt like swimming in your own feces while being yelled at by an obnoxious hispanic life guard who keeps throwing handfuls of ants at me and asking me to fight them with a gun someone else aims for me that makes barely any noise. is 3 any better? i hear really bad stuff about 4.

Attached: high difficulty AI.webm (640x827, 616K)

Attached: Revisiting an Early Game Area With Level Scaling On.png (979x677, 421K)

Attached: Bannerlord Devblog.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

day at the races

They're all kind of sloppy, but the controls are different. I thought the on-foot movement and shooting was better in 3 and 4, but 4's the only one with halfway decent vehicle controls.

Attached: Gwyn links the flame.webm (1328x718, 2.81M)

Attached: stuck in the middle.png (392x438, 271K)

Attached: A solar eclipse is happening!.gif (480x360, 2.99M)

wtf were they smoking when they wrote that movie?

Attached: how quickly the tide turns.gif (500x500, 257K)


Attached: eat cheese wheel (10).webm (360x640, 995K)


God I wish that was me

Attached: July 25th.jpg (1200x1569, 1.41M)

Attached: Accidently triggering a boss fight.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Attached: Maneater Boar.jpg (750x507, 87K)

Attached: Kirby vs King Dedede.png (1600x1138, 3.43M)

wtf i want ice cream now
and a very tricky turkish man too

Attached: Text adventures.jpg (750x986, 67K)

Attached: Doing a sidequest before the final boss.jpg (700x1048, 175K)

Attached: Strigon approaching Aigaion.jpg (1136x640, 25K)

Attached: Keep saying it.jpg (600x800, 193K)

theyre clearly forced into it since they have no real ability to refuse to participate

Attached: Kyoanus.jpg (1400x1400, 537K)

>and a very tricky turkish man too
Don't we all?

Attached: All dose hamboigahs.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

>Megatonne the Hell Express


this one now has 2 jokes as of last week

They're not braindead, they just have muscular dystrophy or something.

Attached: WRPG girl vs JRPG boy.webm (480x360, 2.96M)


Attached: FOUR BULLETS.png (658x367, 388K)


Attached: Fallout 4.jpg (922x692, 157K)

Legitimately pretty cool

Attached: I will now buy your crop.jpg (400x300, 38K)

fuck off they are close enough to brain dead to warrant this being cruelty especially since they also have no shame so they dont know they are being laughed at

>picture taken moments before Sony intervenes.png


Oh yeah you know so much cause you interviewed each one of them, right? Fuck off. Having some weird fucking muscle disease has nothing to do with your mental capacity or ability to understand social situations.


With a nice sound system and a bigger in game screen, this could actually be pretty fucking cool. Like having a movie theater in your house.

What an asshole


Attached: Console FPS.webm (540x360, 993K)

shut the fuck up
they are literal retards period and they shouldnt be put on display to be gawked at

Why do females taste so good/v/ros?

There's only room for one Boss...
And one Snake...

Those shifty eyes.

Attached: Freeside.jpg (517x402, 33K)

I got a three-day ban some weeks ago for posting this image, which apparently is NSFW. Fuck modern Yea Forums, man

Made me laugh.

Attached: cosmetic microtransactions in walking simulator.gif (250x380, 2.44M)

Then why do you keep posting user?

Attached: gameplay mods.gif (320x240, 2.54M)

Attached: violent videogames.gif (375x304, 884K)

Fire Force
and use saucenao next time

the blacks in the fgc are usually nerdy social outcasts just like the whiteys. punk is an actual autist with a lisp and ugly face, smug has an ugly face that his beard helps cover up now, sonicfox is a narcissistic gay furry who can't keep himself clean (his face is full of acne)


Fuck Geese!!

Attached: mace windu uses the force.gif (369x476, 1.99M)

Attached: are ya winnin son.jpg (1032x1400, 220K)

>coworkers start talking about video games


Fuck I just came to this.

Attached: child knocked over by ps3 games.gif (307x244, 1.18M)

>quitting a gacha

Attached: Fiora.jpg (466x330, 84K)

You're the retard here. They've got Cerebral Palsy. It's just affects their brain's connections to their muscles, not the brain itself.

Attached: defending the wall in mountain blade.gif (260x169, 1.22M)

Attached: The Arisen gets pulled over.jpg (986x605, 109K)

Needs a filename

Attached: 1555707750610.webm (640x640, 2.6M)

>holden rodeo

Attached: webm thread.jpg (1669x961, 178K)

>he doesn't have Icaros

Attached: gamergate harassment.gif (500x381, 1.41M)

Attached: DailyDose.png (730x290, 39K)

>japanese vs western games

What game are they asking about?

voting with your wallet in a nutshell

Attached: average trapfag.jpg (1043x533, 79K)

Attached: Get up Freddie you're sitting at my desk.gif (354x264, 954K)

fucking lol

Attached: sprint bars.gif (500x240, 988K)

It was Half-Life. It's from the last episode of the Freeman's Mind Machinima series.

Attached: console vs pc.webm (1000x888, 2.98M)

Attached: giving the players hints.webm (426x294, 741K)

Whats this flatchested whore up to anyways?

Attached: Bloodborne.png (730x290, 47K)

>BioCunt Replaced


Attached: kinect footage.gif (372x209, 1.93M)

Attached: i'm the cook.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

I might be completely wrong but It might be this one river where the surface looks calm but the current below is extremely dangerous.


If you don’t understand how Anglo political culture has followed the roundhead/cavalier dichotomy since William the Conqueror showed up, and that the American political experiment was a way to manage that essential internecine conflict (one that continues to this day), don’t try to enlighten anybody with your understanding of history. We all took high school history, thanks for your contribution.

Attached: goldeneye facility.webm (960x540, 2.76M)

Attached: Patching modded Skyrim.gif (304x297, 2M)

Attached: manly tears reaches for his shot glass.webm (480x480, 294K)

Attached: Tonight Gehrman joins the hunt.gif (316x237, 3.63M)

>only has one shoe after the fall

Dumb footfag.

>Setting self on fire
>95 agony
holy shit, those Buddhist monks have nerves of steel to just sit there on fire like that.

Attached: MGS2 SONS OF LIBERTY.gif (239x312, 483K)

is that the actual song or are they just walking and talking?

that doesn't explain why she only has one shoe on you halfwit.

Having a diminished control of your muscles has nothing to do with your intelligence.


Attached: reading EULAs.gif (500x281, 847K)

Attached: Geeksquad setting up Manly tears new streaming rig.gif (350x251, 1.98M)

Attached: Just Cause 5.webm (640x480, 1.74M)

to let you know youre retarded
you clearly dont know it and would most likely be a part of the special olympics if someone put you in it

retarded means "reduced effectiveness" which is literally what they are

both of you fuck off

>tripfag enters the thread

Attached: you cannot fast travel while there are enemies nearby.gif (320x192, 2.19M)

those people are more succesful than you will ever be.

Attached: Brimstone rubber cement.gif (480x270, 582K)

Attached: v goes to Gamestop.gif (360x260, 1.4M)

>terraria lakes

Attached: Oldfags vs newfags.webm (480x480, 2.34M)

First, it's the paralympics, not the special olympics. You can figure that out pretty easily if you yandex the thumbnail.
Second, if you get your leg cut off you're at "reduced effectiveness" at walking but that doesn't mean you're retarded. Idiot. Their disability is with their brain-muscle connections, not the brain itself.

Attached: through the fire and flames- guitar hero for kinect.gif (328x207, 415K)

It's the song. Also, "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" is sung during the daytime.

Attached: Fry uses the Rock-It Launcher.jpg (990x604, 230K)

>if you yandex the thumbnail
u wot comrade

Attached: call me Lord of the Tutorial.jpg (576x768, 67K)

Attached: Paniola Ranch.gif (360x270, 3.5M)

no one is laughing at them user that would be offensive. No one is at the special Olympics with the intent of laughing at any child there that is gifted.

the wikipedia page says their white matter gets fucked during pregnancy
they are brain retarded too
this also implies they are unable to think farther ahead that a few seconds and just go along with whatever their care taker makes them do such as participate in that kind of spectacle

get 4chanx

Attached: 9bdc26cbffca6403b620ce727ea265b9.png (675x123, 47K)

incredibly underrated

Everyone took high school history, but given the lies spread out, a lot of people flunked int.
Notice it it's only former slave states that bitch about not abolishing the electoral college?

right is absoluteky SOULLESS.

Read the title
>But it just says Burry
The title is not the filename


solid kek

project harder loser

white matter in THE BRAIN is fucked AT BIRTH
they are retarded and yes being disabled means you have become retarded at walking though no one these days would call someone retarded for losing a limb

What the fuk

Attached: Terry-0.png (203x183, 2K)

Attached: Masquerade Violation.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

Attached: you will be kicked for inactivity.webm (640x480, 306K)

Attached: Are you finished with those errands.png (953x537, 1.28M)

It's the platform that promotes customisation.

What am I actually looking at in that last frame?

During the 1.7 minutes you take to die from it, apparently.

Ah, yes. Montana, the notorious slave haven. *adjusts glasses* Mhm mhm. Good, yes, I see it all now, perfectly.

and yours is a repost with the joke altered to be more generic

yes, because of lobotomy corp.

Go Reds

>Not a C&C:G Technical quote
You had one job, the death animation is even spot on.



maybe you could post a funny filename gif i dunno

Attached: railworks dlc.gif (360x240, 1.98M)

>when I'm someplace else
>I should be here then too
Fucking wizards humblebragging about their clones.

why did she point it at herself?

Attached: Paintball has worn off.webm (320x240, 291K)

>altered to be more generic
Hyperspecific jokes that only you understand are the bane of filename threads

Attached: buying a new computer.gif (400x285, 3M)

Attached: 2723.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

as if you need to know the fucking story, it's obviously a cut there is more going on and there is someone else there. A different span of time she doesn't just immediately fall through she is rummaging around up there for a minute and probably loses it up there in the drop ceiling.

This is fucking rad.

Attached: Oblivion Dialogue.webm (1280x720, 1.44M)


Attached: wwawdaswwasdwawsadasdws.gif (230x137, 500K)

I never playd 2, but I have seen people comment before that 2 was weird and disappointing. I found JC3 for 5 bucks used, and I loved it. I played through the whole game, ended up getting a Platinum trophy. Then I noticed that the platinum trophy get percentage was something crazy low like 0.3%. So maybe I'm weird and just really liked the game and no one else did. I had a lot of fun with it.

Attached: 1513919014012.jpg (613x425, 74K)

Attached: BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY.gif (250x188, 1.85M)

ill post one of my old ones and leave it at that
i still think people shouldnt be put on display like that though

Attached: v explores their options.webm (799x449, 2.6M)

Pitcher having a well earned victory animation there.

for split second she couldnt resist putting it in her mouth but she overcame it

I love Coming to America. I haven't seen it in a very long time.

Attached: Leon Kennedy.webm (640x360, 1.86M)

The bane of filename threads is 90% of the posts being faggots reposting the same shit they found funny before or reposting the same shitty thing they made because no one responded to it the last 20 times and they still hope someone will bite.

Attached: Skyrim Character Builds.jpg (800x391, 23K)

Attached: 1_chance_to_dodge.webm (900x506, 2.64M)

they did Furious Fernando dirty

Attached: Resident Evil.png (1366x769, 63K)

Japanese devs vs western devs vs indian devs



He's gonna be getting shit about that for the rest of his life.

>you have the bomb

Anyone who wouldn't take those formerly conjoined twins is retarded.


His pinky is so fucking fat it took me a second to realise the ring wasn't on his right hand's index finger.

"swimming lessons"
lesson one, blacks sink


dude. Chill. The special olympics was formed for the express purpose of giving the differently abled a chance to compete and be in the limelight, not for people to gawk at them. They're very passionate about equality and shit and would be fuming at that accusation you're making, although given your posting style you seem like a perfect fit for the special olympics.

jesus christ wtf

Attached: Arstotzka.gif (295x250, 951K)

Those guys are from some brown country in Asia though. Probably India, judging by how they autistically video 3 half-naked men swimming together. They all died thankfully.


The what?

in which case you would be wrong seeing as how SO participants cant even shit post
those SO officals would only condemn my comments because they would stand to lose funding and legitimacy
there is almost no equality there, just a spectacle to make money off of - at best, funding for more "le research"
you can fuck right off with the rest since you clearly only want to start more shit after everyone else stopped giving a shit
go to bed, iskeai is waiting for you

Check how their prison system works, it's essentially a modern day slave state

Attached: audiophiles.webm (852x480, 2.81M)

you're such a fuckhead. Jesus Christ. Get off Yea Forums because I'm pretty sure it's giving you some kind of autism that you can't comprehend that someone might be genuine, and not either ironic or having an evil motivation behind their actions.

Attached: big chungus.jpg (534x550, 61K)

Attached: earthen_peak.webm (720x1276, 2.97M)

im the fuck head for stating an opinion and having some internet loser wag my finger at me saying "they arent really retarded you should watch what you say"
get the fuck out loser

>The one hitler in the back roman saluting over and over

Attached: 1538450111694.gif (800x533, 1.34M)

Is that Ted Danson?

I'm saying that they are retarded and that they want to be there. Just because we laugh at how weird they look doesn't mean that is the intention. It might be hard for you but try to look at it from the perspective of someone who leaves their room more than once a month.


>VRChat on St. Patrick's day
