Killing Nazis is cool and all, but when will we get a game about killing communists?

killing Nazis is cool and all, but when will we get a game about killing communists?

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COD BO 1 and kinda 2

Any games where you kill Commie Nazis?

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Any zombie shooter.

hong kong 97

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Cool it with the antisemitism there buddy.


>when will we get a game about killing communists?
There are literally hundreds of games like that, you retard

They're remastering Red Alert:

Company of Heroes 2

>he thinks jews and american democrats are going to allow any anti-commie videogame
Do you think it's a coincidence movies, tv shows, games and every single journalist spread the same message everywhere every time? We live in a tyrannical jewish system. You end up dead or in jail if you dare to name jews and communists

Hearts of Iron 4, potentially. If Germany and the USSR ally, like actually form an alliance, the West collectively shits itself and declares them to be super Satan.

Than name on dipshit.


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those dirty fuckin reds

Steel Division 2.

We got battlefield Vietnam, Freedom Fighters some levels of hitman.
It's funny to me that you're a flyover chicken fucker from Alabama or some equivalent welfare dystopia and you're offended by the disparaging of failed German military operations some 70 years ago. It really shows your lack of culture and identity.

>He thinks video games are vetted by the house of reps.
Oh lol.

>dude communists never get ANY flak even though they were just as bad as nazis
did any of you live during the 90s where Russians were literally the most stereotypical villain of any western media?


OP here. When the fuck did I say I was "offended" by Nazi killing games? Shove those buzzwords up your ass

I don't give a fuck about Europe. Where's my game about killing South American commies?

You can kill space commies in Battlezone (which, by the way, is a fantastic game).

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What do we have here, a fucking fascist piece of shit? Guess what incel, there are almost no games about killing jewish people because most people hate fascists and why would developers invest money and effort into them?
The only thing you will be getting are games about killing nazis, bless Bethesda for that. White boy

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There are like a billion games where the enemy is USSR soldiers you retard

40% of trannies commit suicide.

It was implied in the phrasing of your post. Also try playing Goldeneye 64, it's a good game.

based thread and based pic
fuck commies
OP play communist mutants from space for atari

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>Red orchestra
>CoD Black Ops
>Rising Storm 2

I prefer to insert the word "German soldier with a family" every time someone used the word Nazi as it pertains to killable characters in video games.

>Guy on stage: "now I know we all love killing German soldiers with families"

I'm sure there were plenty of members of the "Nazi" party that were just looking out for them and theirs, but people need to understand that Skinhead Hate Group =/= Nazi.

Why don't we have any games about killing commies? They're pretty evil.

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Peace Walker, but only if you can stomach fighting American CIA patsies as well as the Commies. The series generally takes a "plague on both your houses" stance on war.

actually I heard its pretty good, any roms still up or did Nintendo destroy them all?

kill yourself first

>Rising Storm 2
>Play as the commies killing GI


Most german soldiers didn't have families

>communism bad

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>Why would Jews fund a game about killing Jews

Well obviously that's not the sensible thing to do.

Literally any cold war game? Retard

Why would anyone make a game about killing a specific race of people? I think the problem here is you're so offended by the murder of nazis (due to a collection of targeted propaganda, lack of proper parenting and abandonment issues) that you see them as a sector of the population you're part of. You're so violently retarded you see them as your heritage, and feel directly affected by their portrayal in media.
This is all a conflict within yourself, not with the media you're trying to evidence.

Any game with Nazis, barring Wolfenstein. It's usually part-and-parcel, see most FPS's set in WW2.


Damn, I got mixed up with another vietnam game

They're all over the place, I'm sure you can find it on your own. If you do, try out the mouse and keyboard mod for it, it's fun as hell.

Okay, so we can substitute "soldier with a family" with "young man conscripted into the German military directly out of school. Also, any facts to back up that claim?

>Could have been born in these eras and experience these things for real
>Instead your stuck with LARPfags taking potshots at each-other on social media.
The Future has never looked so bright...

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Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles during the Leon and Krauser chapter.

>Communism? Yeah, it's never been implemented properly.

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Except in this context it made clear what was meant by Nazi. Go divert discussion in some other thread.

The book Children of Nazi covered that only high ranking officers usually had children or families

nazi = bloodthirsty + 125 IQ

> TIL the Germans invented lab-grown humans back in the 1930s

seething white trash

Germany weren't the bad guys, they didn't actually invade other countries. They were unfairly waged war against by other countries who were mad that a beaten down Germany would dare rise up again.

Nazi zombies = undead German men WITH FAMILIES.

>Soviet Jewnion
I'm not saying it wasn't justified but saying they never invade anybody is fucking autistic

Name one time that communism didn't ruin a country.

Any game with global multiplayer technically. All three Just causes for a legit answer and TF2.

how do people rationalize killing people for god when god clearly states "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" and jesus says shit like "love thine enemies"?

>Germany weren't the bad guys, they didn't actually invade other countries
Ah, American education.


It was clarified? So we are talking about the dehumanized propaganda representation of Germans during WW2? Cause there sure isn't a video game about fighting skinheads.


Yeah but on the flip side you can play as them.


Are you baiting?

>Games where you kill Soviets don't exist
Stay mad nigger

>Assuming race of anonymous posters and calling them trash
Spoken like a salty shitskin mutt.

Spoken like a sa

About as cope as 2012 era shooters replacing "terrorists" with "brown people that used to have families"

A-user, are you okay?

No, I'm pretty much pointing out that people are still getting suckered in to propaganda that was designed to bully Germany into submission, and ensure that others wouldn't follow in their footsteps for years to come.


Do you mean solely dedicated to fighting skinheads or games featuring skinheads as enemies? If the latter, Bully and GTA IV. Also, skinheads were a British subgroup that were originally a bunch of punk rock enthusiasts. Don't complain about media-warping if you perpetuate shit yourself, Hansi

You pray after and say sorry

>calls someone out for assuming the race of random posters
>assumes the race of a random poster in the same breath

It's pretty common to make any country that lost a war the bitch. Carthage, and every other gloval/historical loser. The fact Germany can't get it's shit together to this day is hilarious

Inb4 america


It was also shit

Cuba was so succesful that people were constantly trying to escape it on shitty rafts with no supplies using basically just currents and prayers

>communism good

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Alt-facts for altfags

why its always the nazis and not the whole axis? italy and japan deserve some love too

Battlefield IV had you fighting Chicoms.

Germany's economy is basically the cornerstone of europe and Germany has incredible political power over europe as a result, what do you mean?

We could go into Alex Jones tier ranting on why.

Obviously there have been groups in America that shaved their heads and were at least called Nazis (whether or not they called themselves that), and possibly more due to media propaganda, we now associate the word "Nazi" with "irredeemable evil bigot deserving of death".

Black Ops 1 was VERY anti communist.

Soviet Union

Ah, I forgot it's only okay when someone does it to me. Carry on then.


Cuba only exists because of tourism with LARPing canadian champagne communists.

Alex Jones.

I can't believe China hasn't made a game where you go around slapping japs with magic kung-fu powers.

>Italia deserves some love too

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Christ would probably be considered a commie for feeding all those people and healing the sick for free.


World in Conflict


I'm really not insisting there needs to be a game about fighting specific peoples. More that if they use the Nazi buzzword as a justification for why you should enjoy killing them, then it might be propaganda.


>mass replying
>all caps
kys, you fucking mong

>Whats MGS 3,5. Hotline Miami 1,2. Modern Warfare 1,2 and 3. Black Ops 1,2. Battlefield 2,4. Rouge Warrior. Metro 2033 and Last Light. C&C Red Alert 1,2 and 3. Mother Russia Bleeds

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reminder that America supports communism

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>2 games made by the same shitty studio
>Call of Duty

>Metro series
You literally fight the nazis in the metro series
>Modern Warfare 1
When do you fight commies in modern warfare 1? or 2 for that matter?

>Of course I long for the days of the old Maoist ways in China before the Dengist betrayed the people's revolution and the return of the Eastern Bloc. how did you know?

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Rerum Novarum declares communism a condemned ideology besides naming that communism is anti charity for its compulsion and thievery of wages. Get finna dabbed on.

As someone with a Jewish father, I sincerely laugh at Yea Forums's rampant anti-Semitic failed "humor". My father went through hell to ascend our family to the upper class. You attribute our fortune to the mere fact that we're Jews. You neo-Nazi fuckwads will never grasp the concept of hard work and compensation. Now go eat a fresh piece of shit and drown in your envy until you drop dead.

I don't think the russian mafia were commies, more like black market capitalists who used the russo-american coalition to their advantage.

You fight communists as well.

Why is it when people either don't care or don't conform to your worthless fucking agenda they're immediately a cousin/pig/dog/chicken fucker from some flyover state instead of
i dunno

maybe not even American at all like most of the world who doesn't care about your 50's view of racial politics?

is there a cringe compilation of that Bethesda panel where the Swedish pussy was really really kiddy about killing "FUCKING Nazis!"

Or was that faggot hypeman from the Battlefield V panel?