What's the must plays out of games you can't buy anymore? Or at least interesting games you can't buy anymore...

What's the must plays out of games you can't buy anymore? Or at least interesting games you can't buy anymore, basically stuff you have to pirate to play.
I got written down:
- Transformers Devastation
- (apparently War/Fall of Cybertron were also okay)
- Alpha Protocol
- No One Lives Forever 1/2
- Timesplitters

Any other big ones I'm missing?

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Marvel vs Capcom 2
Jojo Heritage for the Future
Scott Pilgrim
Thank god I have the second one on PS3

Literally all shit, especially pic related

Don't know if it counts, but R-Type Delta was delisted from the PSN store for some god damn reason.

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That 2D Demake of Half Life 2

Tasteless piece of shit don't hit the door when you get the fuck out of here forever.

I got this for $7 new at walmart. Sadly it sucked so i sold it last month flr $10


All those shutdown F2P games, like tears in the rain.

Bunch of Lego games got taken down.

Most licensed games prior to last generation, I guess.

>hnk>>>>>>>joey joe man but still decent
>Scott pilgrim
Fucking. faggot.

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>Scotr Pilgrim
I wish this game was still purchasable
Just so that you limp twisted faggots can buy it and realize it's a shitty game. It's nothing special and you're better off just playing the games it was inspired by. There's a fucking reason you fucks didn't buy it in the first place.

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last bump from me

But I did, and beat it, and had fun
get fucked

Ducktales Remastered just got delisted but I don't know if I would consider it worth playing.

On PC definitely Blade Runner.

The only thing good about it was the voice cast coming back together, but the game itself is weak as a remake. Not because the original game was weak, but because Wayfoward really wanted you know that they got the voice cast back together by having you listen to cutscenes mid game that go on for too long and aren't funny. Thank God for the Skip Cutscene button. Also, I personally found the art style ugly as fuck. The 3D backgrounds weren't particularly good and the character sprites didnt scale well with anything in the game world.


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