Cryptic Metaphor!

Cryptic Metaphor!

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Other urls found in this thread:

dayum right nigga mmm, mmm, mmm

do you seriously think this is fucking fair

Um sorry but that has been edited. It is now not problematic.

peaked on newgrounds

what a surprise

I can't enjoy what he used to create no matter how much I loved it because he became such a fucking traitorous cunt. It's a shame.

just throw grenades at me

He grew the fuck up.
Something most newsground creators never did.
Have you actually seen Oney talk IRL?
Dude sounds like he's borderline autistic, most of his friends do too.

>didnt even graduate high school

going PC isn't the same as growing up, he's still extremely immature

I'll give you that, but you can't deny the other "faction" of newsgrounds veterans all sound like they grew up in a trailer and have the intelligence of a broken toaster.
I've listened to all of Sleepycast, they're funny, sure, but then you read their twitters and listen to them talk elsewhere and realize they're genuinely barely functional autists.

Nice try Arin, but there's a difference between growing up and being a sellout.

It's ok to say that you don't feel that kind of content is appropriate, and it's ok to change what you do, but the way he used his platform to try and publicly shame SrPelo was absolutely uncool. You think someone with fans in that number won't be triggering a huge ass attack on the artist who is just as entitled to the right to free expression as anyone else?

Fucking double standard piece of shit. All for good boy points. All to look like he's such a sweet heart and get people to worship him more. I won't fall for it. He is a complete scoundrel who is as fake as the colors he puts in his hair.

What went wrong?

I'd take a barely functioning autist over a Therapised LA algorithmic content factory.

What did he mean by this?

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Social Justice.

He's ((Surrounded))

YouTube algorithm changes made animation unviable since view duration became more important than view count. So longer videos would show up recommended than shorter ones AND would earn more money. This also made let's plays a viable way to make money if you were popular enough because anyone could put out low effort, long enough videos on a regular basis.

Yoko Ono - er - I - mean Suzy

also moving to California

>but the way he used his platform to try and publicly shame SrPelo
I mean, this didn't really happen tho, didn't it?
He cried like a little bitch, Pelo was like "oh sorry are you alright?" and then they talked in PMs and no hard feelings were involved.

It seems like the people making a big stink about this incident and blowing it out of porportion were Oney and Spazkid.
They all seem to have a chip on their shoulder and are always primed to start shit.

wait seriously?! oh no no no lol

Reminder that he got (professionally) cucked by Kirbophober and has never been able to let it go.

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Why am I connected to the bee JESUSSSSSSSSSSS???!!!!

Story on this? What happened?

considering Kirbopher managed to do everything was too lazy to do I'm not surprised
at least Arin didn't get MeToo'd

>he grew the fuck up
>still makes poo poo pee pee dick fart jokes

Kirbophober is actually a voice actor. Although he spoke about voicing Byleth in fire emblem before the nda expired so he lost that role. But he has had others.

Oney is a million times more mature than Arin or any of these cucks
It's funny seeing people seethe over Chris being the voice of reason and actually having some modicum of growth as an artist despite people wanting to believe he was a genuine retard all these years

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Arin gets voice work on, no shock, Rick & Morty type shows instead of games and such.

I can tell you're genuinely autistic user
It was pretty obvious Arin wanted it to become a big drama in his favor, why else would he feel the need to cry about it publicly and act as if Pelo was an asshole for making it
If he was an actual adult he would have DM'd Pelo quietly and not tried to make a big stink about it, Arin's just an arrogant faggot that really thought he had the clout to bully people

Oney and Spazkid literally did nothing wrong

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>it's true

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Arin wasn't even a great animator during the NG days either. He was C tier but got in early so he was able to build clout with actual talent like the whole sleepycabin crew. Not that any of that mattered since he systematically destroyed every relationship he had with all of them to focus on his dying let's play ch- Oh right I'm sorry "entertainment company"" as he puts it.
It felt so satisfying a week or two ago to see Chris and Cory and all these former friends of his band together to completely shit on him when he was trying to virtue signal about how hard his life was when he was popular on newgrounds and how he got so many negative reviews and it hurt his feel feels

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gay retard alert

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>misreading people this badly
holy autism batman

You seem to be the one who can't read the situation. It's just as other user said, he could have easily DM'd him instead of making it a spectacle.


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She looks cute in top pic I wish I look like that and be a girl haha :(


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I completely disagree.
I think you're rooting for a certain faction because you agree with them politically, so you see this entire event filtered trough a specific lens.

Chris and Cory were absolutely in the right to call him out
they had to see their close friend turn into a sellout bully manipulative crybaby faggot and see him essentially throw them and all the other people from NG that actively helped him under the bus just because he wanted to look cool in front of a bunch of teenagers that would easily do the same to him the minute he let the N word slip out again
I do not blame them one bit for being mad

>projecting this hard
where did anyone mention politics you disingenuous faggot

>no argument

>He grew the fuck up.
Haha back with a new episode of Toilet Princess! Hold on let me just sick my fans on a Twitter user that made a joke and then give a non-apology designed to make me look better. Then let me do that again, with a joke video! I've grown up so much! *fart noise*.

>they're genuinely barely functional autists
>aside from Stamper's alcoholism they all actually have careers in what they want to do and actually do it in a professional manner
what did user mean by this?

It's all makeup user. She always was a solid 4/10 but she just hit it with caked on makeup. Then suzy saw the term caked on and though it was edible and has eaten her bodyweight in makeup products to get to her current size

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Why is there always some faggot that shits up these threads to say how they think Oney and psychicpebbles and all those other guys are losers? Are you just mad they're no longer below you anymore?

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I wouldn't have called them out on twitter in public, but i completely understand distancing oneself from them.
They're grown ass men and they still act like they're 4channers.
Once you get to a certain age it's normal to cut contact with edgelords, they don't make for good friends.

remember that time Suzy dumped Arin and being the emotional faggot that he is he tried to copy The Notebook and sent her a letter every fucking day for a year and expected that to be romantic and not just annoying/clingy? I guarantee she didn't read any of them and just came back to suck more of his life force and life savings away

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I remember there was a guy on Yea Forums sometime last year that would make constant anti-Oney and anti-PB threads because they were genuinely mad that they weren't actual retards


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>Oney and Spazkid
ok so you are retarded

not that user but if anything, calling Arin out publicly is actually the better thing to do. It makes it really clear how much of a scummy faggot he's become when even the people he was cool with literally not even a year ago are sick of how he is
but you're just gonna keep blindly defending Arin for whatever reason and enable his shitty behavior so go off I guess

like I said earlier, Oney and by extension Spazkid are way more mature than Arin ever will be and you playing doubles avocado for him isn;t gonna change that

Anybody else genuinely worried about Stamper?

I don't even get what he was bitching about. For the most part people loved his animation, did he really let a little criticsim stop him from improving at all? It's like after the Tester he lost every bit of "Ego" he had.

boy Arin you're really not good at this are you?

>They're grown ass men
How old are you? I'm sure you have no room to talk about people still "Acting like 4channers".

I was when he talked about kicking over a vomit bucket, but once he kept "inventing" food recipes by just throwing random foods together for a week straight, I muted him.

The dude clearly isn't healthy, seems like he moved back in with his family too

>Moves in with his sister to get away from guys trying to murder some crackhead he let into his place
>Recently tweeted about where to find some coke

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Why do freemasons make these threads?

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Go away Arin

Fucking kill yourself Arin.

6 in a row

My e-celeb loving cousin was telling me about this.
So Arin pretty much sat on everything he used to be? I already lost interest in him long ago, but it's still sad to see what he's become.

You’ve clearly never seen any of Oney’s streams, art or otherwise.

Dude is super chill and can hold conversations. They even went over their “personalities” in one of the early episodes of sleepycabin. It’s a bit they do to be entertaining and goof off, and all of them are pretty boring outside of it. They channel their autism into their art.

Arin, the guy who did the fucking tester, has no authority on the maturity of anyone.

Was Egoraptor always a whiny bitch, or did he just turn into one when he abandoned Newgrounds for Youtuber LP money?

I like how they mention that usually the more outlandish the online persona is the more of a down to earth person they actually are. This has some huge exceptions IMO


Arin is a baby, but newgrounds is a shithole and is dying out, only newgrounds staff thinks otherwise.

>Dude sounds like he's borderline autistic
And Arin doesn't?

When he went for LP money. Jon didnt want that shit and so he got Danny who is in it for the free money.

Doodle doods was peak game grumps though.

im not even staff but im seeing it come back after so many blogsites closed down or straight up banned porn

>at least Arin didn't get MeToo'd
Worse. He got turned into a cuck.

How did Game Grumps form exactly? I never noticed them until 2014 or something, and the last Egoraptor thing I watched was his Halo Reach animation from 2010.

>He grew the fuck up.
>Arin: "Uuuuhh poopy dicks XD!"
>Dan: "Dude, this one time I smoked weed and my dad did Jewish stuff."

Arin probably has never touched a woman. Yes, he's married, but I doubt he and Suzy have had sex.

Arin is autistic. He's a second Chris-Chan

It’s nuts that he settled for a premie alcohol baby like Suzy considering he isn’t an ugly guy, poor guy must hate his life.

A tiny and short rebirth, no one is gonna stick with that shit, the UI is awful, most people dump their shit and not actually interact with the community.

I think it was just Jon and Arin deciding to cash in on it in the early 2010s to get money to fund their own projects but Arin wanted to turn it into a full blown business.

It's more that people are mocking the fact he basically said Newgrounds was a mistake, after being probably the most successful person to come from there.

I don't think Arin would have gotten anywhere if his older fans didn't boost everything he did afterwards because they remember him as that funny man from flash movies they used to watch.

I mean, should he keep supporting newgrounds all his life? even if he doesn't like ti anymore? I think newgrounds helped Arin as much as they helped him.

>tfw you aren't Egoraptor

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Arin became a corporate asswipe who became a pc tool
sr pelo is best boy even though his humor is saying stuff in funee voice and being giberish.
His comedic timing is great.

As far as they disclosed, Jon and Arin became friends and started hanging out not too long after Jon made his Dinocity episode and eventually they decided to do a podcast. This changed into an LP channel after they got into a debate on whether Wolf was a clone in Brawl or not. He is. They set up a mic and started recording and released the first episodes, as well as the video advertising it on their individual channels, 7 years and one month ago.

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There's fewer things that are more disgusting than people who not only just sell out, but also actively shit on the people and places who helped get them to where they are. Same reason why I loathe who SCP is run by now.

He should at least remember the adage "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything." in regards to a culture that allowed him to make it.

>7 years and one month ago

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No, but he shouldn't act surprised when people shit on him for mocking everything it stood for.

He's practically abandoned the Egoraptor name, it's no surprise his old fans aren't happy about it.

Arin always is a hypocrite anyway, he shits on people for things he also did, and judges people for things they did ages ago, yet hides behind the "I've changed" defense when the same happens to him.

Oh dear.

Honestly a lot of people could stand to follow that more.

When is Arin gonna transition already?

It's definitively wise to keep your mouth shut in this climate, I'll give you that.

>7 years and one month ago

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Speaking of newgrounds, what's gonna happen to all them flash games when flash gets tossed in the dumpster January 2021.

>7 years and one month ago
You mean 3 years, right?
Surely it hasn't been 7 whole years, right?
I haven't been doing jackshit for 7 whole years, right?

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just because he looks like a tranny doesn't mean he is one

Have he and Suzy completely abandoned the idea of having a kid?

Honestly, if they live in SoCal, I really wonder how well off they are especially with GG dwindling since their crew left.

Does he have a girlfriend still? If so, when she leaves him.

Arin, stop posting. Getting into a big hissy fit over the most trivial shit shows you didn't grow the fuck up at all

Wow, that is fucking sad

I wonder if they'll make it to their 8 year anniversary

If anyone going full tranny wouldn't surprise me, it'd be Arin.
He goes off on how much he thinks kids should be allowed to be trans and he does shit like crossdress and wear makeup.

yeah I agree I just wanted to insult him for looking weird

Considering Arin needs it in order to live and Danny has the patience of a saint, probably. Arin would have to go completely off the rails, not that that's unlikely or anything.

I don't know, I mean they're married, but he was perfectly fine with her living with another man for like months before their wedding.

God tier
doodle doods

High tier
Ross and Danny

Shit tier
Arin and Danny

>mgs2 talks about political correctness and censorship

Odds that she cheated, or still cheats on him?

I never saw Game grumps, so I am finally watching the Jon and Arin seasons now and it's a damn shame they broke up because it's pretty fun stuff.

I'm expected a suicide at some point.

>grew up
>became part of the pc feelings police while somehow retaining 12 year old toilet humor
>mentions oney out of nowhere
stay salty arin

where did my life go
I had a job and an apartment when I started watching this shit
jesus fucking christ

If anything happened at all, Arin probably knows and doesn't care, he seems like a bigger cuck than Anthony Burch.

Post your favorite GG moment before the thread 404s

Nice try Arin, but this was forced as fuck. It's clear you both hate each other and did this to get the fans of your back.
Quit youtube as fast as possible. You can live off a job at McDonalds.

Now post Jon "Honorary white" Jarari

Jon is so fucking based.

>I had a job and an apartment when I started watching this shit
I hope things aren't too bad

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Newgrounds has released a flash player that will continue to support all legacy content.

Arin's a highschool dropout who's crowning achievement is shitting himself on camera

Well at least the newgrounds version is high quality and not edited
There are so many A+ moments in the Sonic 06 playthrough. Jon brought so much energy to GG and without him it's an absolute charisma vacuum.
That one episode where Arin was acting like a total jerkoff cunt was incredibly awkward though. Really hinted at the future.

everybody laugh at this retarded mutt

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This is fucking vile. If I ever have to wonder to myself, "really, what is the difference between OneyPlays and GG" I can watch this video.

Jacob Anderson
Grant Kirkhope

>Great Tier
Matt and Ryan

>Good Tier
Finn Wolfhard
Weird Al
Basically every other celebrity who at least cares enough to be funny or enjoy the game
Arin (Jon Era/paired up with Oney)

>Meh Tier
Holly (before the whole ProJared thing)
Literally not watching at all

>Shit Tier
Every other celebrity who is just there because (Steve-O, Rob Schneider, etc.)
Arin (current era)

>Suzy Tier

That was pretty funny, guy. Pretty sure her fucked up facial features are due to fetal alcohol syndrome. I knew a girl with that and she looked almost as bad.

how does dick taste like my dude

>top comments all reference what was taken out
Streisand Effect in full force. Would hit him hard if he wasn't destroying himself already.

goat tier was claudio

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she only looks cute on the fourth pic at the left lol

Threadly reminder that Arin make a video of a young girl getting raped by a shark. Also reminder to download it before he removes it and pretends it never happened.

>one of people defending the change is arguing that Egoraptor only became famous because of his collaborations
How does one argue when their opinion is so objectively wrong?

Arin is a cuck and will bend over to anyone to keep his brand unscaved.
Im pretty sure his gf cucked him too, even though she looks like a guy.

>the pic where you see the least of her face is the best
No shit.

Oney is funnier. I actually really liked when he played with NakeyJakey. The dude didn't know what vore was and hearing Oney explain to NakeyJakey what vore was while they fucking played Demon Souls was a treat. lmao

I see. It was Arin's plan all along.

Has a hero downloaded Jon Grumps before Arin decides to delete them for being too problematic?

>We are in thr timeline where even the tighter-than-fort-knox old guard from NG are going at each others' throats now

Is e-clout a new cryptocurrency or something? Why the fuck is everyone so batshit insane and confrontational on the internet these days? Are things ever gonna go back to normal?

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im gonna need a sauce on that sir

doesn't matter because we all have the flash file anyway.

People should spam Arin with "clips of "damn right nigga" to ruin his game grumps career

Any moment where Jon makes Arin seethe, like this one

They won't, sorry.You're just going to get a more controlled version of things where you're unlikely to see the infighting because an algorithm decided it was best to hide it from you.

I feel like this is the only time a Danny-Era episode achieves instant classic status pretty much exclusively because of Arin.
The dude is a dick, but goddamn is making fun of AVGN wannabes funny.

It's not quite that dire. Arin was just trying to throw NG under the bus because he's a virtue signalling sellout and every one of his old friends basically put him in his place for shit talking the place that made him.

was the original youtube upload edited, or did he edit the youtube vid later

oney is based

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hes a just a stupid fuck afraid of losing his gravy train. no more fun allowed.

Which OneyPlays should I watch right now?

Oney was the least gay in that whole scenario.

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boy if I was Arin I sure would be glad that I made all my old friends hate me and now I have to sit on a couch in a room full of dream daddy character art standees talking about nothing or playing with fucking pool toys (without a pool) because the pool toy company sponsored an episode. that sure would be the ideal life.

I tried to watch the damn video but I failed to recognize anyone.
I don't know if it's me forgetting the newgrounds crowd or not knowing the modern youtubers.

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Shadman coming out with his fagly worded statement, like always

Everyone in that is a modern youtuber. I only recognized odd1sout and one of the anti-storyteller youtubers. The absolute state of animation on that site.

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>you lived long enough to see fucking Spazkid being a voice of reason

Outfuckingstanding. Also, when the fuck did Ego ever got overwhelmingly negative comments? He was perhaps the most liked person on Newgrounds.

7 asses

Yeah dude, seriously, when you have the world sucking your dick, it's amazing how much attention you give to a rude minority.

>tfw even Shadman came to say "dude, what the fuck"

jesus Arin how bad did you fuck up for the loli/futa/teen porn guy to think you're an idiot?

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I'm honestly confuse if they're no longer friends. Even cory shit on arin talking about he's only defending his brand

>tfw Arin became a pussy
>tfw I get to see Arin try to defend himself on fucking Yea Forums
Arin I don't think you're a bad person but stop being a people pleaser, sure you can not agree with the humor you had before but you can't just say you've never did the things you've done. Trying to please everyone will get you know where, you had balls but you lost them somewhere along the way. Having balls does not mean being an "edge-lord" but it means not degrading yourself to make sure everyone will like you. 2014 was the year I will remember you changed, you gave up on animation and just started ruining your actual commentary for something a pre-schooler would make. Please stick to your guns for once instead of kissing peoples boots.

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>Also, when the fuck did Ego ever got overwhelmingly negative comments? He was perhaps the most liked person on Newgrounds.
The ego of the ivory tower is brittle, but also manifests as delusion, which is why I can't wholly agree with either side as much as I want to.

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So how likely are the chances Arin does an Etika'd? he already pushed away all his friends, he lost his soul and heart for what loved to do and reason to live, what's there left for him?

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Unlike Etika, Arin is not a nigger

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>how likely are the chances Arin does an Etika'd?
The butt hurt from memes would be amazing

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maybe he can go be on The Tester again

can i get a /quick rundown/ on this shit?

i vaguely know who arin/egoraptor and game grumps are but what did he do recently that's worth talking about

Source on them shitting on him?

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basically, a former extremely popular flash animator from Newgrounds (who does lets plays now) is burning bridges left and right with the community that made him popular in the first place

>barely functional autists.
>Most of them are still persuing their dreams and have not abandoned art or animation
>Ego turned into a big sellout and has no drive other than making money and selling merchandise
>Still has the nerve to tell others how to behave and be more mature

Nah, the Sleepycast crew are better than Arin because despite their autism spillage and "edgy" humor, they are hard workers. Arin ultimately surronded himself with "Yes man" people and alienated everyone close to him, to appease to a crowd that will turn their backs on him the moment he fucks up. At least he is paying homage to his alias "EGOraptor"

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Guess that Stamper is still himself

>that spike icon on the likes
painful pottery

>this shit

I still can't believe people try and defend her after this shit

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>He grew the fuck up

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This is mean. I got made fun of like this all the time when I was nigga and it fucking sucked. It didn’t give me a thick skin or make me a better hood rat or make me think more about what I was doing, it just hurt.

Arin is a giant pissbaby fag but Oney seems slightly delusional about the quality of Newgrounds, as much as I liked that place. Then again he's been there for most of his life which I can't fault him for.

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That's beyond sad. What a fucking cuck, holy shit.

holy fuck that thumbnail is creepy, looks like some freaky hog

>everyone knows who this is
i've been on Yea Forums for literally 14 years and am clueless

>can't read

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>tfw you base all of your income from Youtube Revenue
>tfw Youtube starts tightening the knot around your balls and demands all these stupid fucking rules, algorithim bs/etc.
>tfw you have to bend over and clench your teeth as Youtube dry-assfucks you because you need the money for your livelihood and should have probably set up a Patreon instead of being afraid of Youtube demonitizing you and hiding your videos from the public and demanding "no cussie-wussies in the first 60 seconds!"

Subscribe to SuperMega.

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Newgrounds DID cultivate a lot of talent though.
NG creators went on to make real video games and become real industry voice actors.
Youtube is a much bigger pond but it never fostered the same level of talent and tight-nit community that NG did, which is why the YT mega-stars only really sit in front of a camera and don't have much to do with each other.

>not videogames
>e-celeb shit
since i have your attention, post some shit worth laughing at

>still waiting to see the shitshow that is Bowlbo from Oney

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ur life m8 #rekt

>NG creators went on to make real video games and become real industry voice actors.
still fucking amazed that bitch from the Trapped series and XIN and other shit ended up voicing 2B in the Nier:Automata English Dub

my worthless life is still funnier than you'll ever be

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I wasn't talking about Bowlbo, I was talking about The Behemoth (Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, BattleBlock Theater).

But Oney never said Newgrounds was a place of quality, he was merely pointing out that it was the site that quite literally made him famous and whatever negative comments he got from there, where vastly outnumbered by all the praising. Even the circle of flash animators (a circle which Spazkid was part of) that made fun of Rina Chan and their ilk never touched Arin.

>furries and trannies
decisions, decisions

Will new grounds ever be popular again? I'm sick of these mega corporate black hole platforms like twitter with their neurotic addictive symptoms and garbage "culture" that sits so wholesomely on the internet. I miss the days of open forumed communities.

Kira Buckland aka Rina Chan is the Runkachunk that Spazkid made fun of.

Fuck Arin, after seeing that shit I unsubbed (I never watched, but still checked in and out).

He sounds like a piece of shit honestly. Him and Oney must have fell out since they had to leave the studio. Thank god though. Oneyplays fucking rocks right now. Its in a renaissance. When Zach is on it straight up kino.

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It did for sure, I'm saying that Oney is slightly deluded in the quality of the community, apologies for not wording it correctly, the coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

I met Kira in person by coincidence back in november last year. was pretty alright i guess. she unfollowed me presumably because i dont interact with them about jojo every other day

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Steve-O is fucking based, you take that back.

Kirbopher (the guy behind Brawl Taunts) got hired by Nintendo to voice the male player character in the latest Fire Emblem but he broke NDA and got replaced lol.

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There is no better example of cryptic metaphor than this, it had stumped gamers for years:

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the community was still better than youtube and still made Ego who he was.
Arin's earliest animations were no better than any other kid with flash, he just stuck with it because of the encouragement he got, people enjoyed his humor.
If it wasn't for NG I doubt he would have even stuck with animation at all let alone become a youtube e-celeb of any fame.


No, just because the Wild West period of the non-dark web internet is practically gone. Google and the various social media sites have warped the entire thing.

Fair point when you compare it to YouTube.

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>more people know Egoraptor as an Internet "funny" man than as an animator

Attached: didnt need to see that.jpg (480x368, 84K)

>he broke NDA and got replaced lol.

What exactly did he talk about that he shouldnt have?

More like they uncovered everything and mapped out what could be advisement friendly while bigger corporate powers taking the lead by purchasing sites thus, fully monopolizing everything turning it into a soulless, less charismatic, uncreative, cherry picked culture and events that make up the normies internet culture, not ours. YouTube use to be a family business now turned corporate because of the advertisement, diversity and flexibility potential compared to cabal TV.

basically he bragged about getting the job before it was announced on twitter so he lose the job.

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not him but an NDA can be incredibly vague

Lyle is about as bad as they come when it comes to Let's Plays. His presence on Oneyplays is just unenjoyable because there's nothing genuine about him. His unending attempts to act cool or edgy are just fucking embarrassing.

>Yo this one time I was at a party drinking lots of beers and there was this guy there and I was like whooahhh

almost Suzy tier

He set fire to the bridges he'd built while still standing on them.
Everything he's done for the last 5 years has been a long, desperate attempt to stay relevant.

they werent cryptic at all if I think back, honestly.

He wasn't finally removed till another situation involving multiple callouts came into play. He did break NDA earlier however, and Christina Vee had already been removed from the game for breaking NDA. The callout shit is going to permanently ruin Kirb though, Vee will be fine (just not with Nintendo).

I think you're entirely misreading lyle if that's the impression that you're getting. Which to be fair is part of his act and why he lays that voice on thick like whole milk.

God i still remember when they uploaded the video about how they're starting game grumps. God i miss when the whole thing was just about two guys having fun but then arin had to do the same mistake other youtubers make, which is make it into a business when your channel becomes popular and have everything go downhill in quality because they care more about quantity. Fuck arin who turned you this way?

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probably suzy, honestly

Hope you guys have some sweet nightmares.

why is he churning butter

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It's weird that Suzie is so fucking hideous but her sister is pure qt3.14

It's fucked because they're twins, how the hell did Suzie get stuck with all the ugly?

Attached: suzie sister.jpg (960x540, 111K)

. . .ellipses. . .

They look the same nigger.

no she isn't lol
she just looks good in comparison.
I fixed her

Attached: Untitled-1.png (960x540, 301K)

I've got a lot of mutual friends with both Arin and Oney. I've talked to them a good handful of times.

Oney is an absolute sweetheart, and treats everyone like his friend even if he barely knows them.

Arin only gives a shit about himself, and has no agenda other than how he can get ahead or take advantage of others.

ok Mick

Hello krinkels

Why do so many ecelebs end up marrying demons that sucks their soul dry

Now she looks like a linebacker

Yeah I'm sure you did

The pussy game be like that sometimes

>you laughed hard at SF chode
time to rewatch it

That's not exclusive to ecelebs.

I guess your right, people are just more likely to notice someone becoming soulless if they upload videos that give previews into their personal lives

he cute

How on earth would and will that work?


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Its fun to shit on him but he was a big influence on me as a kid and got to meet him once. I hope hes happy on the inside. He's got a weird deadness in his eyes nowadays that I recognize in myself

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>dark circles under his eyes
>deadpan stare when not "in character"

I feel like he knows Grumps is coming to an end, and is just really trying to milk it out.

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>I remember when it started and it really doesn't seem that long ago
[The Sound of Silence in THX]

holy based

Shut the fuck up Runkachunk

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how the fuck is her twin sister so much better looking than her

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where's the problem

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Dios mio...

have to admire his entrepreneurial skills
I mean who the fuck in 2011 would think that talking over video games would be such a cash cow?
Loads of people were doing it, but making money off it was unheard of. The more I think about it, the more I think that Arin was selected by a youtube representative to be the face of their partner program because it exploded from that point onwards with every johnny-come-lately wanting a piece of the pie.

is that tinfoilhat-tier?

>Chris and Cory and all these former friends of his band together to completely shit on him when he was trying to virtue signal about how hard his life was when he was popular on newgrounds

read thread

Oh, you're right. My bad. I just missed it.

they started in 2012, dumbass. plenty of others had the same idea by then
they only got popular because of arin's animations

is it inconceivable that they might have "planned" it
2 syllables, I hope you're keeping up

oink oink

The very first Lets Player was Chrischan.

He did his shit in 2001. It got on Nintendo Power.

The video isn't even close to being hurtful. It's just screams and mild jokes. What the fuck is his problem? Arin would flat out shit on things until like 3 years ago when his fanbase got the power to shut him down if he stepped out of line

he's great, he just didn't seem all that interested in his game grumps episode, which is understandable since he was never big into nerd culture to begin with

Perhaps they were planning to do storytime-esque videos for their new The Grumps channel.

They got big because of the combo of Egoraptor and Jontron. Both already had big audiences, and it gave them a huge headstart. MAYBE a youtube rep or something could have selected them and paired them up, but I don't think they'd be struggling so much on youtube now if that were the case.

I remember being a fan of both Ego and Jon individually, I think I got in on Jon pretty early. The "our new channel: Game grumps" video was fucking orgasmic. Their early shit is untouchable. Sonic 06 is the best LP of all time and it will never be beaten.

How can you edit a video that's been uploaded already?

Imagine unironically thinking Danny is great tier. Danny is a nice guy, and his music is okay, but he knows FUCKING NOTHING about videogames and he does not belong on game grumps, he never adds anything and always just mindlessly agrees with arin.

Arin is infinitely more of a nigger than Etika. Etika was truly and unequivocally /ourguy/

You can just upload another version, it'll overwrite the original. That's how those channels get away with muting the audio of just a portion of an infringing video.

Actually theres an on-site video editor that allows you to mute portions of a vid, reuploading isn't necessary for that.

Game Grumps was actually meant to be some sort of anti-Let's Play in the early days.

>when flash gets tossed in the dumpster January 2021.
that's not at all what's happening
you completely misunderstand what that is

I gave him than a Raven could hunt for in the night


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Coke is awesome tho.

Fuck the Hamster Bully gag never gets old.
I wish Sr Pelo released a green screen for it.

Attached: Hamster Bully.jpg (1200x675, 85K)

That's fucking disgusting.
>"What an unexpected guest! Mr Feces"
I am about to fucking puke.

Attached: Dummy Puking.gif (330x259, 1.45M)

>Jon is relegated to making big budget skit videos with barely any humour (except for his most recent video).
>Arin whines on Twitter and gets mad at ex-animators and shits himself on video.
Where did it all go wrong?
Although at least Jon is enjoying himself whilst Arin is miserable

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>Arin is censoring himself on his old videos
>It will long be forgotten and never noticed it.
>No one every drew porn of that version of Meryl

Attached: Sad Mulder.gif (300x274, 489K)

I seriously wouldn't be surprised if it was Krinkels since he apparently browses here. Probably the only furry I would be too afraid to say "yiff in hell" to his face.

>She goes from somewhat passible to becoming a fucking hambeast
And that my friend is why I go for tomboys.

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Tobuscus, Skydoesminecraft and Yogscast were pretty popular back then too. It's not an original idea, Arin just struck the iron when it was hot. But. he kept on striking even after it became cold, whilst everyone else (except Yogscast) moved on.

dayum righ- mmm, mmm

is there any one who's more of a soulless corporate pussy than arin?

>Arin only gives a shit about himself, and has no agenda other than how he can get ahead or take advantage of others.
this should be obvious to most people. his remaining audience of autistic, furry, communists, trannies (that's not even hyperbole, just look at these peoples accounts) doesn't seem to realise that.

To be fair, Youtube would strike his butt instantly after becoming more "touchy feely", so it makes sense.
Also, it's untouched on Newgrounds.

What's even fucking dumber is that some of the people made fun of in this video (Jaiden, RightOpinion, DaftPina TurkeyTom) are friends with Sr Pelo. The whole video is one massive in-joke about how other story time animators make fun of each other. It's no different to Arin's Awesome series.
Also pic related. Arin's hypocrisy about "being mean"

Attached: Arin the Hypocrite.png (643x603, 170K)

Etika killed himself because of CP. I can assure you that much.

Yeah, grew up. Wew lad.

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Nah. He got involved in some cult shit and some schizo in that cult egged him on to commit suicide. Same schizo later started mocking his fans and began to lead them through a trail of weird schizo nonsense.
That's the real answer. There was a thread on /x/ about it that revealed a lot.
You can even find video proof of it.

>An hero because of cult shit
I feel like this dumb nigger didn't come to Yea Forums as much as he said he did.
I can tell you my respect for Etika's death has dropped significantly.

I was a voice in a Rina-chan flash video. It was one of the shittiest productions I've ever done for voice work, and I've literally done porn. Nobody is as flabbergasted as I am at how she managed to score AAA titles. But I guess she's just an actor, not a director, so god help us if she ever tries that out again.

Does this mean he's going to stop censoring his porn at Arin's behest? Or is he just going to give up on that comic outright?

It's a bit more than that.
For starters Etika was already going insane for other factors, kept on hearing voices and shit and there was a bunch of other stuff involved.
I am certain he went on Yea Forums but probably stuck to /x/ and took the schizopill. I guarantee he never went to Yea Forums or any other board.
Either way we still don't know the whole story, there's some other shady details that don't make much sense to this case. The fact that Psychologists kept releasing him is the weirdest part.

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Who knows, he hasn't said anything about that as far as I know.

your right his animations were more like slideshows. the animation very rarely had any flow or approached a decent framerate. i'm glad all his ex friends are shitting on the childish sanctimonious nigger now.

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Censoring what porn? He drew porn of Arin's characters?
Gimme a quick rundown.

>I am certain he went on Yea Forums but probably stuck to /x/ and took the schizopill
But he specifically said he used to come to Yea Forums
The place that literally teaches you that people lie to take advantage of you.
But who knows, maybe the retard made a tulpa.

>No period blood joke
as always he's a hack

Didn't he delete all that stuff

What callouts?

No, he was interviewed by someone criticizing him for it and he went something like "oh yea man that shits gross ill take it down immediately i dunno what i was doing when i drew it" and then made fun of the guy as soon as he disconnected from the call. Pretty sure he still has the porn he drew of his mom on his website.

There's also the possibility that he didn't fall for anything on Yea Forums because an user trying to trick you is less trustworthy than a real person trying to trick you.
With an user you can kinda just ignore it, but with a real person there's more weight to it.
Or maybe he's just bullshitting, I dunno. I am open to more possibilities because the Etika case is rather fucking weird.

>made fun of the guy as soon as he disconnected from the call
Colossal you mean? No he actually started immediately feeling guilty after the call ended. Because he actually admired and idolised Colosssal Here's the video:

For the better

NuJon is pretty based desu

He was doing a comic of Suzy but Arin said no so now it's not Suzy but it's totally Suzy

People accused him of being a sex pest.

Wasn't that Psyguy? I thought Kirbopher had nothing to do with it. I know he was called an arrogant douche by the people who called out Psyguy, but they never mentioned him doing anything sexual.

Considering the amount of youtubers and other internet personalities that turn out to be cuntbags, I wouldn't be surprised if it was both of them.

Didn't look like he feels too guilty, all the images are still up on shad's site.

Busted face or not I'd still fuck suzy

She just looks like she gives a good blowjob idk

lmao I forgot about that review

To be fair to him TOME was written like garbage

He is when he's using his natural humor
When he's forcing in skits it's just meh at best.
His newest game development tournament video was 10/10 though.

Well he stopped drawing those things, so I think he feels guilty about drawing other stuff and not about leaving it up.

>oney is borderline autistic
>still has a hot skinny Mexican gf
Just end me bros

Can barely watch new Jon anymore with how corporate and souless it feels like it's getting. Fucking cutaway gags in some of that shit with props. Yeah I know he's used props before but those were charming ones, these ones just look like "yeah some money was definitely spent on that". The writing for some of it is fucking shit now too.

>Hire team people to help create
>Product somehow gets worse

Happens every time

Funny how in hindsight we know that Arin actuall considered Raven's dialogue ridiculously keep and too complex

what an unironic brainlet

Are you white? That's all you need to be to get brown chicks.

Apparently it wasn't sexual abuse. It was just him being a manipulative dick and asshole. That's what he was accused for.

Is he still doing that rebrand where he became a polar bear let's player after everyone found out he was a pedo

She's almost as light skinned as Chris is

Yep. He's still trying to rebrand
I find the title ironic.

>still fucking amazed that bitch from the Trapped series and XIN and other shit ended up voicing 2B in the Nier:Automata English Dub

the fuck? No. Watch more LPs. Best LP of all time will probably be ChipCheezum's MGSV one when it's done.

the best part is that there's no way to discern whether he's being sarcastic woke or unironic until you check the date

maybe suzy tanked all the alcohol in the uterus

>Sonic 06 is the best LP of all time and it will never be beaten.

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Oneys crash bandicoot 2 LP was pretty fucking kino. And they actually finished the game.
The part where Arin accidentally uses his awakening and still loses.

link to the thread?

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Are you joking? What a fucking loser

lmao Arin is fucking just as bad

This is mean. I got made fun of like this all the time when I made cartoons and it fucking sucked. It didn't give me a thick skin or make me a better artist or make me think more about what I was doing. It just hurt.

I think her sister is ugly cute. Objectively not that great but something about those faces feels like it would be amazing to cum on and just slap your dick on.

They seem like they like rough stuff.

Apparently more artists are migrating to Newgrounds in place of Twitter because of the resolution and apparently some people getting shadow banned. They even made a joke about it last week.

Yea but those people were more worried about him saying offensive things than any crimes

>tfw most artists are considering going back to fucking DA

literally full circle

Don't make public works if you can't handle the criticism

truly, these are dark times indeed.

What the fuck is cryptic about metal gear solid the series where they autisticly explain everything? Is egoraptor fucking retarded?

It's an odd point in history we live in.

Erika was a nigger

I can't believe Egoraptor AKA Arin is racist.

Most of nujon is okay but his peak was kinda that transition period between video games and what he does now, with the Goosebumps and stuff. Starcade was the peak and Arin’s return was the last good thing he did.

At least the Game Jam was mildly interesting, although seeing the programmers push to last minute while oney sat there like a retarded potatoe, but get all the credit was infuriating

It was that character specifically who would speak in metaphors

Post Suzy feet, bonus points for Suzy's sister

Too many cooks.
Youtube should have it's own version, like "More than one cook."

NuJon's fine for me but I will say that his current formula is completely different from then and I won't be surprised if old viewers drop him because of it.
I miss his old formula.

Thread died like months ago, I'll look for the archive now and I'll reply if I find it. If not just look up Etika on the archives and see if you can find it. If it's a thread with tons of replies it's probably that one.

Here you go:
They also talked about stuff like the weird 9 Gang stuff that he did whilst simultaneously doing a "666" hand gesture and the weird subliminal messaging in his videos.

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He's decent enough but again I feel his skit stuff fall really flat.
The most hilarious moments are when he does something genuinely outlandish like the Gnome museum.
I do miss the old formula a lot though.

Didn't they get a boost when people needed a new place to upload their tumblr smut?

>thinking he has ANY kind of moral high ground

Remember the time he begged artists to draw his crappy genderbent 80's OC's instead of drawing it himself? remember the time he tried (and failed) to sell lootbox toys to his dumb ass fan base? remember the time he made that lttp vs OOT only to admit later that video was full of shit for clicks? (made even funnier because of how shit he is at said games) remember that time he was on that big brother type show and did some very questionable things? remember that time he kept sending letters to his ghoul of a girlfriend after they broke up? remember the time he talked shit about kirb on a review on tome only to be out done by kirb? remember the time he crossdressed unironically? (and still looked more attractive then suzy ever was or will be?) remember the time grant kirkope was on game grumps and absolutely booty blasted ego ? (based grant)

the list goes on, his basically a slightly smarter but more egoistical dsp (which is ironic considering his user name)

>Newgrounds is dying out.
Nope. It received two booms of popularity recently.
The first was when Tumblr died and most NSFW artists retreated either there or to Twitter.
Now Twitter is fucking up and NSFW artists are getting sick of getting harassed by SJW Twitter users so most artists are plunging to Newgrounds and Deviantart
The Golden Age is coming back.

Attached: Raditz laugh.jpg (480x360, 18K)

>DA is somehow more tolerable for artists then twitter
really makes you think.

>it didn't give me thicker skin
It will eventually, I tweeted pictures of myself until I was okay with the action itself and getting mercilessly shat on by the internet, that's infinitely more personal than mere art.

What's even funnier is that DA heavily censors NSFW artists on that site, but yet it's far more tolerable than Twitter's ban-happy insane user base.
This is great because it might mean DA's staff might finally give a damn and stop acting like idiots, either that or hire new staff members to actually regulate content properly.

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only in the most superficial sense. Your face isn't an expression of your feelings or competency.

Attached: A fff-fa-face is nothing... The inside... It's... It's what matters.png (156x156, 993)

The "80s genderbent OC" is barely even original at all. Itsiterally a rip-off of the anime Dirty Pair, look it up

>Arin shits on Paper Mario and Twilight Princess because his funny persona
>Danny is legitimately enjoying them despite his shitposting

>eceleb drama
Go back


I'll kill ya

I doubt DA will ever stop being a cesspool of autism, but it will be interesting to see what kind of a shit show will happen when a good chunk of artists goes to that hell hole.

this could end up being the death of digital art.

he did an old as fuck video and tweet about it years ago, I think it's removed.

Then look up dirty pair and just see how they barely tried to make it look original

Holy fuck that is absolutely shameless. It looks almost precisely like a Dirty Pair rip-off.

>The collection features characters based on Arin and Danny, reimagined as female characters inspired by the anime series Dirty Pair, named Arina and Daniella respectively


Literally just taken from the show and tweaked a bit

>"However, many were more critical of the concept in light of the Grumps' past behavior and tendency towards lewd jokes, and the idea of Dan, a man almost in his forties, choosing to portray himself as a sexy anime girl in merchandise."

Attached: 😂.jpg (304x166, 8K)

it would not surprise me in the least if arin was a closeted tranny.

Spazkid doesn't get enough credit. He screams and is overall goofy on the likes of Sleepycast but his actual animation/vidya streams are really chilled out. You can see he's a pretty knowledgeable guy and not some turbo sperg like some would have you believe.

He is a pretty big sperg though. Not in a bad way though, he's super talented.

His wacky game jokez 4 kidz parody still painted him as a jealous douchebag in my eyes
But his attack against arin was based

makes you think

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yep, that's the one I was talking about.

Wonder how long will this stay up?

Thought you were making fun of him for liking speed racer but then realized he's literally just being a huge fucking hypocrite because he confirmed and just the other day got blasted for trying to snuff out pelos kind of video lmao

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What's his problem with Pelo? Quick rundown pls.

Pelo released a video poking fun at story time animators on YouTube. Arin got booty bamboozled despite not being featured in the video and called Pelo out on Twitter while also throwing Newgrounds under the bus. A bunch of Newgrounds animators hit back at Arin over this.

He doesn't have an issue with pelo, sorry user I don't feel like spoon-feeding today. Look it up or wait for another user to explain. Gist of it is Arin got upset at a video pelo made and then proceeded to throw newgrounds under the bus even though he owes a lot of his success to newgrounds and those affiliated with it

In all fairness he has said that he hates that video and considers it one of his worst.
Will we ever see something on the level of Chode again?

>7 years and one month ago

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>he thinks he's a talented artist
>his portfoilio is old crappy flash amateur animations and le anime meme faces and piss poor animatics
uh-huh, and I'm a billionaire


She's got a forehead built for facials at least.

Attached: 300px-SuzyGoose.jpg (300x400, 19K)

My guy on the inside swears up and down that it's Suzy. Total Yoko Ono.

Suzy stole 40 cakes.

She's got good hips and legs at least

she does seem very manipulative.

I didn't believe it initially when that Dead Grumps ARG started and when all those insiders came out claiming that.
But now that that I see Suzy and Arin's behaviour I am 100% sure that's the case.

Attached: 1565476246217.png (1216x1328, 148K)

She can manipulate my dick with her feet

Attached: Suzy-Berhow-Feet-1379565.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

He did it because a bunch of people were going through all his old videos trying to find "problematic" shit thanks to the Sir Pelo incident. If that video got enough reports it would give him a permanent strike, three of those and he's fucked. Which would be bad for someone that relies on his videos for income.

That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.

>ego is a footfag

It's hard for me to look at Arin anymore. He just sounds and looks so fucking fake and dead inside. Just unsubscribed from the game grumps channel the other week. Been there since John, just kinda stuck around out of habit. Just gave up after he threw newgrounds under the bus and Cory, Chris, shad, and even Veronica and tomars wife all shit on him for it

He edited it before the Pelo shit happened.

Pretty sure it got censored before that pelo issue

Arin throwing Newgrounds under the bus is the definitive end of his former self. I hope that as Game Grumps collapses around him he deeply contemplates whether or not that was the right thing to do. It wasn't.

I know that transparent cum layer!

He doesn't know anything about them, but he's clearly interested and enjoys learning more about them. His joy at finding shit is infectious.

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>he doesn’t know

Too bad Arin doesn't really let him do or learn much about the games

>Muh growing up
Shut the fuck up Arin. Acting like a child or a woman isn't the same as being a grown up.

she wishes

She does have kind of a fat ass, maybe not as big lately but it's there

His mind is deteriorating rapidly and I expect death by suicide within the next year or so

What makes you say that?
He seems pretty happy doing his cooking videos

Follow his Twitter for a day

And he still voices it like an edgelord. At least he’s consistent

>Sir Pelo incident
quick rundown?

>It didn't give me a thick skin
>It just hurt.
You might be a faggot

I get that ripping off Dirty Pair and trying to "merchandise" it is scummy as hell, but the fact that the thing that the fans had a problem with was that it was "problematic" for vague SJWish reasons just goes to show how much the fanbase has changed. I honestly don't know how much of Arin's virtue signaling is because he's been brainwashed by twitter, or because he knows he'll lose out on money if he alienates these knobs.

Read the thread user

He's just copypasting what Arin said in response to pelos video

His main fanbase is now those types who get upset and offended at everything that goes against their worldview. I'd bet most of the grump fans these days have either only watched some of arins cartoons or never fucking have to begin with.

It's gross

He looks so dead, jesus

God, why does everyone these days insist on getting obnoxiously large tattoos that cover their entire limb?

To be fair, that bottom picture is like 2 or 3 years old by now. Suzy looks way better these days.

Attached: Suzy-Berhow-Feet-4304763.jpg (480x852, 126K)

I know! It's fucking weird! It doesn't even look good.

I think it's brainwashed by twitter and his social circle. But outrage junkies rarely last long or have an impact if you stick with your guns. Unless your fanbase has become said outrage junkies, in which case you're just delaying the inevitable decline.

Her twin was always the cute one.

Which Arin is unfortunately. 80-90% of the grump fanbase is probably those kinds of people.

It's also going to look horrible decades down the line. I'd never get one because it would force me to wear long-sleeve shirts to work, which in this part of the world would murder me.

Was it always like that, or is it a Neogaf/ResetEra thing where all the crazies force out the well-adjusted types?

It started picking up around the time Danny showed up. Not immediately but I'd say maybe 2 years into dangrumps

>High school dropout from Florida who got his start at Newgrounds throws the shit that put his name on the map under the bus
>Gives up on animating to be a not-very-good voice actor and an aging let's player

Is it going to be sustainable? Or will he end up working in retail or food service?

>be a fat ugly female with double digit IQ
>looks start deteriorating due to aging
>"what can i do to make people look at me and recognize how creative and unique i am?"
>"oh, i have an idea!"

It goes something like that

You guys see this tragedy?

Hes already made a fuckton of money. Even if it completely bottomed out hell be fine.

is this you?

Attached: 1555352627365.jpg (1109x451, 83K)

Chris Chan 2.0

This man

>Is a talented 2D artist
>talented 3D artist
>voice actor
>Gets paid to play video games
>Making a video game as a passion product
>Surrounded by close friends
>Grew a female clone of himself in a lab to fuck on the daily

And basically you're fucking retarded

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I want to further extend this. Selling out ia a respectable decision if you're transparent about it. Jim Davis was in it for the money since day 1, the reason you dont hear people calling him out for what he and Paws Inc did to milk the Garfield brand is primarilly because Davis never hid behind a thin veil of deception to fool people into thinking they are more than a golden goose that you dont shoot to keep the money flowing in.
I cant help but wonder though... surley Arin has to care about his fans genuinley a little bit, right? He does so much fanservice and live action crowd pleaser segments these days, one cant help but wonder if it's all effort for just appeasing masses or if there are genuine intentions behind it too.

my peenus weenus, of course!

I want to know more about this watery tart that he just found.

Lately I've felt like he's literally just trying to keep an image because it's just a job to him now. There's no more passion in it or any "just for fun" about it. It's sad

Veronica is a cute toucan.

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You'll be amazed at how retards can spend outside their means. It really saddens me to see someone make it, and then go back to being poor because they can't save when their gravy train ends.

Your paycheck is disproportionate to talent, it's capitalism.

If there's one internet animator I'm actually truly impressed with, it's Hotdiggetydemon. He might be a shithead, but he throws quality animations around like it's nobody's business.

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but not funny

Considering how much he probably spends on the office building, any renovations, paying all the interns and editors and the fans who make the video compilations he probably won't have much left once GG finally crashes and burns.

Yeah, it's like the same deal with KISS. Gene Simmons has always been upfront about how the whole band, and every aspect about it has always been a business to him.

Harry Partridge is still king of internet animation.

I honestly forgot that man existed

Dude will never be able to find work in this day and age of cancel culture.

Man is a damn powerhouse.

And while we're on the topic of stupidly talented, under-appreciated animators:

Pic related

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Super mega sucks lmao

I dont like Arin but I used to love Grumps back in the day, so I'll still watch every now and then. That said I hate almost every voice Arin selects for most characters, but in his Ace Attorney playthrough has me up the fucking wall with this. He's doing the same shitty hillbilly voice for Lotta that he did for Paper Mario Grubba, and while I admit it's partially fitting soley because it's a southern accent, its a fucking shame that a man from Florida cant seem to do a southern accent outside of a 300% hammed up cartoony prospector. But its not even that, I just cant stand listening to it. That and Penny being some valley girl, both voices sent me up a fucking wall, if I didnt need to research AA for something I'm working on I may have scrapped watching this playthrough ages ago.

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Mods are freemasons for not taking down this off-topic garbage

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Eitka got a sticky. It would be cherrypicking to not let this thread stay.

Since this is Yea Forums I'm just waiting for some edgelord to start in on how Colgrave is a talentless hack. Excellent taste tho user


Fantastic style. Love this fucker. Was dropping animations that would put modern cartoons to shame by the age of 15.

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>watching modern GG
>knowing when and where egorapter uses his """"""""""""""voice acting skills """""""""""""

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What is an STA?

It's smut, isn't it. You're writing porn

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Florida and Texas are barely part of the "South" in terms of culture because they got their own identity. But yeah, I'm a Texan, and I can pull off a pretty convincing Southern drawl when I want to.

Super Tight Ass

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sorry am i meant to know who this is?

Idk user, yanks are just as retarded as us but dont realize it. Im from VA amd we get some thick southern accents here often. Plus, Florida is as South as you can get, geographically speaking.
Nah, a detective game vn hybrid of my own.

It's a meme you dip

Arin should've just stuck to animating porn on Newgrounds, I cringe inside out when I try to watch his stuff now.

> Oney seems slightly delusional about the quality of Newgrounds, as much as I liked that place.
He's not. He straight up said that they were all amateurs who put out terrible quality animations and that animations now are a lot better.

But, they were young, they were just getting started and they were spearheading a lot of things and they all became real life friends through their interests and helping one another and being part of a community, and newgrounds made Egoraptor famous, which he later threw under the bus.

Arin detected

Fuck you, you sellout cuckold fagboy


This, I can't stand his sense of humor.

Bro, I would eat that bitch's feet.

His Apu defense video was full of heart though

hes painfully unfunny though

Florida and Texas were never really part of that Southern pseudo-aristocracy. Hell, Texas cattle kings and oil barons were basically viewed as nouveau riche upstarts..

oney is fucking autistic you inconsiderable fuck

Welcome to JEW Grumps

So if everyone hates him and his scripts are unfunny as fuck, is he cheap to hire?

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It's Chris O'Neill - Oney

Where's her feet? I don't see them

He was bragging about how he was Byleth and would probably get in Smash because of it, before Nintendo wanted the VAs announced, Edelgard’s original VA got canned for the same thing.

Oh really. The schizo psyop nigger got a pin. Color me suprised.
Definitely not Masonic at all.

I canne undastan pas the wee lad's Oirish babblin, oy
But someone who has a very Stone-Parker view that "everything should be fair game as comedic subjects for real equality" and mild autism sounds like the perfect person Id want to represent me.

The Newgrounds version is still intact

I just wanna go back when things were much simpler

He shouldn't have apologized for that one old video though

Quick rundown right now

Why is re6 Ada so perfect?

Fuck up arin u cbf even animating anymore like what the Fuck else do u even do? Vo for other ppls shit? Fuck off mate

Arin wasn't at fault for your shitty fanbase being called out. Your fanbase was at fault for your shitty fanbase being called out. People, way, WAY before Game Grumps even became a thing, were making meme threads about "Go to deviant art, type in [x] + Sonic, and bring something back" and getting massive amounts of disgusting porn without fail. When that shit happens, your fanbase is rotten to the core.

Not Arin, just really really fucking tired of Sonicucks.

>That was pretty funny, guy. Pretty sure her fucked up facial features are due to fetal alcohol syndrome. I knew a girl with that and she looked almost as bad.
Fuck off with that FAS meme, shes just a fat fuck, fat people always look weird.

>Women & gays


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lurk more

mental gymnastics