Keep the seething and bitching in one of the obvious shitposting troll threads, and away from here.
ITT: Discuss races, classes, factions and goals.
To start it off: How are druids? At 60?
Keep the seething and bitching in one of the obvious shitposting troll threads, and away from here.
ITT: Discuss races, classes, factions and goals.
To start it off: How are druids? At 60?
Other urls found in this thread:
grow up manchild
Gonna roll orc warlock on RP-PVP EU
dilate FFIV tranny
fpwp dilate tranny
Hey, I'm gonna play a holy paladin and was wondering how difficult it would be to join a raiding guild if I can't use a mic? Will people care or not?
You'll be good. Being active on mic CAN snatch you more attention = loot, but only if you're cool/fun/informational and not a sperg/retard/salty/sour bitch.
You'd be fine as long as you're cool in chat. Your biggest issue would be rolling alliance, you fucking loser.
Holy paladin is the single best healer in the game, and healers are always in demand, you'll be fine.
People will notice, you better make a really good excuse for not having one besides lol I can't afford a $5 mic, and try to compensate with a lot of typing and helping people running dungeons even if you don't need anything from them, also knowing the fights beforehand by watching videos and not needing to ask many questions during the actual raid.
>playing an archaic game with shit story
Next thing you'll tell me is that your archaic game is better for socialization.
Story doesn't matter in a videogame. Games are games. Books are stories. Retards watch TV.
Mage or lock gnome? I can't choose, both look ridiculously op and annoying in pvp. I love dot and fear, but also blinking out of stuns seems like a fucking blessing.
XIV fags are the worst. I'm convinced there's at least one discord out there deadset on turning every classic thread into shit.
Human mage.
Keep telling yourself that buddy while GoW, LoU, Death Stranding and FFXIV change up the gaming landscape for the better.
going frost mage gnome for maximum troll potential
Is anyone going to make a Yea Forums guild on whitemane? I dont want to join the tranny /vg/ ones
Name one thing wrong with that classic.
I'd go Mage.
Any race you want, as long as you like how it looks.
You can't go wrong as a Mage.
i actually want to play vanilla FOR the story. I missed it completely as a kid because i started in BC, and I never got a chance to run the endgame.
dilate tranny
its not even that its j ust faggots trying to anger us. I play xiv and xi and I played vanilla. Not gonna spread shit I want to enjoy wow too. Its just underage faggots making us throw shit in every direction.
>in a fucking MMORPG
so I can use the updated models for classic? does anyone have the female gnome model pictures?
Alright thanks, I really hope I can find a guild quickly to start raiding asap.
I'm shy.
arent human mages inferior to gnome mages in every aspect? PVE and PVP? I'm still rolling one but am just curious
>Why yes, I will be rolling a female gnome warrior. How could you tell?
Pretty sure you can't use new models, but google wowhead dressing room
you can
Pretty much, unless you really like more spirit.
___ __ _____ _____ !
How does a game that was developed much after WoW still look worst? Also, the person in that image looks like an actual transvestite
Why? 5% more int ends up as estimated 40 more mana and 0.3% spellcrit... in Naxx BiS.
Escape Artist is nice but not needed on a mage.
10 more engineering is unironically good but not gamechanging.
Anti-stealth, 10% more rep and aesthetics > gnome
[EU][Alliance][PvE][Known PvP server] is recruiting for Classic World of Warcraft!
>Raiding Schedule: (+2 UTC CEST)
Tues: 9pm-12:30am
Wed: 9pm-12:30am
Thurs: 9pm-12:30am
Staying late or adding a day is always completely optional.
-You are not from /wpsg/
-You are not mentally disabled like /wowg/
-You are motivated to git gud
-You want to actually progress fast and be in a guild that will actually achieve a realm first.
-You are 18 or older
>About us
Since the majority of the player base here consists of shitters, we are recruiting from other places too (mostly theory-crafting discords). Our core comes from a top 20 guild in retail, so we know what we are doing unlike the majority of the guilds here which had 10 years and achieved nothing.
Applying is mandatory if you want to be part of the progress team. If you just want to play with us DM Eiki#0001
What's a good desktop to mobile screen share I should use to play classic at work?
Vanilla has been a thing for 15 years and you're still too stupid to fucking google any questions you have about it?
what is the maximum way to troll this game at launch?
friendly reminder this guild is ran by a tranny who has had multiple guilds die before people reach 60
Vanilla, Private Servers and Classic are three different games.
>40 more mana and 0.3% spellcrit
are you serious? i thought it would end up being like 2-3% more crit at endgame, fuck rolling gnome
make a hunter and steal tags I guess
>applications in a Yea Forums guide
yikes. this is the one with a tranny as one of the leaders too right.
Im going to raid as retri pala and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Rogue, sap & herb/mine in front of them, kill or run
*doesn't invite you*
>muh epic streamer fag who gets carried said its viable so that means it will be for me too!
no one is going to carry you if you aren't an eceleb lmao
I can laugh at you when you ask for guild/group invites.
Ya I was surprised. I think it was Frostadamus or some other mage youtuber who explained it.
Might even just be that the racial only affects BASE int.
Well since the beta is out and it turns out classic is fun do you think retailcucks will gravitate towards it? Will Ion be btfo as his ship sinks? Is there any saving retail at all? There are so many things wrong with retail what are the odds they'll just bulldoze it for wow 2 once the numbers are in and activision sees they can make more money catering to both stay at home mommies who play wow and incel neets who wish they could suckle on said mommies tiddies? So many good questions with so few little answers, don't leave me hanging with no (you)s i'm actually interested on what all your dumbass opinions are.
its really quite sad how every time you make your shit guild you rely on preying upon people who don't know who you are
Blood elf warrior
Why would you, they're hideous
Its not viable, its just what i played in vanilla.
Is there a way we could commit economic terrorism on a streamer server? Like corner the entire market on some item and boost the price way up?
are you schizophrenic?
The only salvation for retail is a full reboot, but that takes more effort than some cashgrab phone game so they won't do it. Closest plausible thing is some shit like Classic+ once Naxx is on farm for 14 months and there's nothing left to do.
im going to be new to classic WoW I plan to be a fire mage in PVE what about you guys? I also wanna do a troll hunter pve and a rouge or warrior in a PVP server
>ong with retail what are the odds they'll just bulldoze it for wow 2 once the numbers are in and activision sees they can make more money catering to both stay at home mommies who play wow and incel neets who wish they could suckle on said mommies tiddies? So many good questions with so few little answers, don't leave me hanging with no (you)s i'm actually interested on what all your dumbass opinions are.
911 is my birthday too. I didnt give a fuck and took my presents. Also got out of school based af.
I seen a lot retail cucks say they enjoy classic. Retail is fucked.
It's a bit more than that, in full T2 a gnome mage will have about 7248 mana vs 6843 for the human. Though, the dps difference is the really lackluster part.
378.9 dps - gnome
376.3 dps - human
gnomes get 2 frostbolts more before going oom, and given that vanilla content is faceroll as fuck, pick whatever is the most aesthetically pleasing to you
Do what you want. 90% of guilds won't care as long as you do SOMETHING useful.
A knowledgable ret pally > a warrior/mage/rogue new player who (very typically) refuses to learn.
THE ONLY truly unviable spec in the game is deep balance druid. I know because I main dudu.
>To start it off: How are druids? At 60?
Good, only if you understand how to spec and play a true hybrid and juggle a dozen things. In PvP you cannot kill fast, but you can be a giant pita to kill if you know what to do. Just playing a tank, dps cat or moonkin is not really a thing.
Check out vids like nerf druids 2
I made the mistake of joining this /vg/ guild during wod. Soured me on Yea Forums guilds probably for forever. Literally trannies and the chat is just spammed with memes and injokes that aren't funny, usual sissy shit. They never actually did anything either. Just sat in cities and treated the guild chat as an emotional dumping ground and spammed whatever current meme was prominent on Yea Forums at the time. Stay away, for your own sanity.
If you learn how to properly play a frost mage, you can kill literally hundreds of morons at a time in pvp.
>pve fire mage
have fun waiting until 2021
>not being a __male Dwarf Priest for Fear Ward
>he played during WoD
sorry sweetie you are clearly mentally disabled your opinion doesnt matter
Druids are the absolute worst class to be bad at, and the best to be good at, if that makes sense.
A good druid is the single best character in the game. Unstoppable.
You won't be fire for some time, the mobs in MC/BWL are largely resistant to fire, you will have to play frost until then to be viable
who rolling /huhuran/ here?
I was rogue in vanilla lvl1 to naxx, alliance. Thinking this time I should go horde warrior for a new experience?
stop tricking people into wasting hundreds of hours leveling trash that will never find groups for anything you piece of shit
some of this retards will actually fall for it
Nah RPPVP babyyyyyyyyyyyyy
how do i be a good hunter?
I'll humor you. Explain why I'm wrong.
My whoooore of a friend told me this was coming the 20th
27th what the fuck is taking so long
>all the cool names available in warcraft lore
>pick Bruce as the one you name a server after
>Your biggest issue would be rolling alliance, you fucking loser.
>actually rolling the edgy teen faction
>Google translate
>Play private server
>No sharding
>No giving $15/$30/$45/$60 to nuBlizzard
>No giving nuBlizzard a chance to fuck it up
>Say bad word; don't get banned
>Better servers than small indie game company
nice one reddit blumpf btfo
>fake game with made up values
>poorfags and BRs
>Chinks everywhere
>mods take a cut to allow goldselling spam
anime avatars= retards without exception
>he recognized it instantly
mad as fuck MAGA kid
There is no way even 10% of the guilds will be willing to let in ret paladins, let alone 90%. The ONLY people that will take ret paladins are absolute shitter guilds that will have 50% of their roster be various meme specs and the players in these guilds are so bad that none of them will be able to get past Lucifron. When you tell people "play whatever you want :)" you're not being nice despite sounding nice, you're being a piece of shit because you're giving them blatantly incorrect information and leading them on to waste hundreds of hours leveling up something they will no longer be able to play once they hit level 60. Not only are people not going to take ret paladins etc. to raids, they won't take them to dungeons, either. Why would a warrior, the group tank, let a ret paladin join his group and compete with him for loot, when he can easily invite one of the dozen other DPSers asking for invite?
>thinks you can put on a price on distancing yourselves from russians, chinks and corrupt GM's
The only good thing about Classic is that some russian will datamine the shit out of the client and get a private server up and running with the actual armor/hp values for free.
FUCK any of you cucks giving money to blizzard
Retail is better
>all your progress wiped after a year
>thousands of chimks and br's spamming gold selling links
>corrupt GM's giving out free shit to people who pay for it
>buggy broken quests and abilities
Nah I'm good
for me, it's Wood Throat Fortress
based liberal anti racist btfoing magapedes
>Hey bro what server do you play on?
>Oh, I'm a Bruce.
>Oh, Bruce, nice, I'm an Apocryphan's Rest guy myself.
seething reddit tranny
Yup, if you want to be ret, you have two options
- have friends that make the groups
- do your time as holy and have your guild let you get ret off pieces as you go and as nobody needs them, then take those to have fun in BGs
no niggers or redditers allowed on whitemane
not even a lib. I just don't want to play with 12 year old HEE HEE WHITEMAN retard spammers.
>I...I'm not...m..mad, y...YOU'RE mad!...t...tranny
kek whatever you say, dumbfuck
I wanted to go whitemane but if migapedes aren't on Fairbanks I might go that route
too bad that will be most of the population there along with /pol/ lite LARPers
thoughts on druid?
All the miga boomers will be on whitemane
>See avoidstreamers
>Check their discord
>Streamers are talking in the discord
>People are spamming twitch emotes
Okay, so are people wanting to avoid them or not?
Bear druid offtank is pretty much the only meme spec people will tolerate, alongside maybe having a single shadow priest. But you pretty much have to be an officer to get that role.
as a healer, dps? pvp? gold farming?
Define people.
Literally never touched Hunter before but I'm considering it this time around, for a few reasons. Lots of players are staying away from them, they seem to have mechanical depth in pvp and gearing them seems to be pretty easy. Any words of wisdom?
I know you're just a (you) slut but i'll bite
>Cash shop and level boosts
>3 expacs worth of hardcore skill pruning and homogenization
>Every dps class/spec has a 3 button rotation with 2 big cds
>Warforging and titan forging
>Loot in general isn't interesting, just shit you will replace in a week with item piece #10394 with slightly, SLIGHTLY better numbers
>Difficulty isn't scaled well at all, accommodating for poopsockers and casul idiots at the same time never works well
>professions no longer matter, you don't even have to level them up from scratch anymore.
>dungeon finder and sharding ruined any sense of community
>Leveling is a braindead chore, pure busywork. They attempted to fix this by making it "harder" by inflating their health and making it take longer. totally wasn't a move to get people to buy more boosts.
Is there anything i'm missing lads? Feel free to add it to the list.
I'm running a west coast PVP guild. We will probably be rolling on Fairbanks. We have leaders and a core that have killed KT on private servers and on the original release. reply to this post if you want more info. We're going to be semi hardcore, meaning some standards for dps and gameplay, but generally chill. Not going to be wasting 30 hours on the test realm with practice runs, but also no tolerance for shitters.
Worst healer but still a healer so you can get raid spots. No one will ever take kitty DPS for anything, but it's good for leveling. Druid is the best flag carrier in WSG, and you can be a faggot ganker in wpvp due to stealth.
Nah, i'm just here to laugh at classickeks while they seethe hard over my dumb comments. And apparently you're one of them. So, congrats.
Fuck off.
Do you love my (you)s all over your face? What a dirty whore.
Real talk: Is the "muh optimal raid setup" meme actually going to happen? The world has changed a lot in 15 years. More, less autistic people are going to be playing this time around, not to mention people who played through 4-5 xpacs of every spec being viable. Are people seriously going to be as elitist as they were back then?
>Still seething hard over my dumb shit
Oh baby keep'em coming
>playing an outdated game with an outdated engine with archaic design
You'll get tired of this game while XIV keeps on going strong with its modern design.
Why not both?
No, there will be poopsock guilds that have been minmaxing for 10 years on private servers but why would you want to be affiliated with these people? obviously you wont be able to take fire mages into MC or have raids full of ret pallies, but nonetheless the vast majority of people are going to be chill I would assume
I don't know but i'm rolling shadow priest and i'll be damned if i can't pug some shit. I'm not looking forward to the cheeky raid leaders passing loot around to their discord buddies first without rolls though, that might make me rage quit real fast. Had zero tolerance for it back then and have zero tolerance now.
>optimal raid setups
>non-retarded raid setups
you will have issues getting a spot as a retardin or an ele shaman or whatever the fuck meme spec you're playing
Also, I forgot to mention, no memespecs.
Also we have about a 5 guild coalition we are leading. currently 40+ members in discord, if we get to around 60 before launch we'll probably end up running a main and secondary raid.
All you have to do is show up, be teachable, and put in effort and we will give you free purples.
user, XIV isn't even better than BFA.
On one hand, no one's going to care if you're e.g. a human mage instead of a gnome mage, on the other, no one is going to waste their time letting meme trash like rets and oomkins in their groups.
>t. retailcuck falseflagger
fuck off faggot
Yeah its called making an actual game and not a skinner box, look into it for once.
Funny coming from someone who wants to play a game with a horrible artstyle. XIV beats out several MMOs in the character creation itself.
what the fuck do i do for two weeks bros
bros i wanna pvp but i am fucking tired of shitty horde cities/uncomfy lore
i was thinking of rolling hunter when classic comes around, but what should my race be?
>How are druids? At 60?
I thought Yea Forums already played classic and couldn't wait to get back because it was so good. You wouldn't be one of those people who hypes a game they weren't there to experience would you?
watch ti9
people who don't allow memespecs and force their members to play 100% optimally will get the first week kills, and everyone else will have fun playing at their own pace. Pretty much everyone who raided a lot in vanilla always says that getting 40 people to commit to a schedule is harder than actually doing the raids
Keep telling yourself that WoWfag. Have fun with titan forging a la mcdonalds and shit story. I'll be enjoying Ultimate,Savage and the tp tier story.
What the fuck are you talking about you cuck?
Only Alchemy and Herbalism matter anymore because the game shits out gear via WQs, but you can't get Flasks any other way besides the AH. Cooking and Fishing matter more than non-Alchemy primary professions because of the buff food.
Technically the only way that the other primary professions matter is that they produce items needed for rep turn-ins.
>Posts an anime thot
What a fucking joke
i don't watch moba trash
Will I get raidspots as a druid with only down to Nature's Swiftness in resto; and wpvp oriented rest of spec?
I'll still get 8% reduced cost on faster HT because it's required for NS.
>classic will flop and only the server that the guy who has literal mold growing on his plates plays on will be filled
This also applies to mages, especially in PvP.
embarrassing post
Moonglow is better than deep resto anyway so no one will care that you don't have swiftmend.
Yea Forums users, fundamentally, are stew-ers, not do-ers. That's why INTP is so common in MBTI threads. We don't play video games, we discuss them. Despite being an inherently anti-social site, it's still social media, just like Twitter and Facebook. A Yea Forums guild is a guild made by social players, while one you find in game will be one made by video game players.
I'll either roll a human rogue or a troll shaman. Never played classic. Just gonna try it.
I dropped a guild I was in for a year cold when the GM got mad at me for not stealing loot I didn't need from PUGs.
yes, discord is required for communication, because we aren't living in the year 1800 and sending each other messages by pigeon anymore.
this is an anime weeb board why you salty about an anime pic?
Iif you want an unoptimal raid spec z(read: shitty spec), you can maybe force that to work, but your guild will fall apart on the first boss and AQ, and if you want to join a good guild you'll be forced to spec correctly anyway. Might as well use the good spec from the start, or farm lots of gold and respec to raid.
gay elf weeb story is good 4 u
so I can get money from pedos
>haha i called it gay mom
Even if it was mediocre gay shit, it sure as hell beats WoW's lack of any story. Why don't you go give papa Blizzard another 3 months to get a mount. Maybe if youre really good theyll give you a discount for their cash shop.
being super small let's you hide behind bushes and shit
It's just a absolutely shitty practice, doubly so if there's no mutual understanding before hand that you're just there for the ride and to pad out numbers. I've almost exclusively pug'd since vanilla because i don't like guild culture and what it does to people unless you're close friends. I swear to god the simulated neet hierarchy is irritating.
>Yea Forums/reddit guilds
two things youll want to avoid
Druid wpvp/dungeontank/grinding/raidheal spec. Thoughts, changes?
Imagine joining a pre-launch guild and not just making friends as you play and joining a guild that way.
Modern mmos are not actually mmos or even rpgs.
Drop all the points you put in balance, drop improved rejuv, and put all the points in feral for heart of the wild. 20 fucking percent, user.
Have fun at chinkdale
not really a launch thing, but one of the best things to make people angry is use lvl 1 daggers with crippling poison, go to a lower level zone and harass people with crippling poison, if you get bored let them go, and follow them in stealth and do it again.
I've always had a flowchart in my head how /vg/, guilds, discord, any somewhat niche community goes over time.
>user with good intentions starts x
>other anons join x
>good times are had
>People exhaust content or get bored and leave
>more people leave because the previous people left
>Cliques form and injokes secret club behavior segregate and isolate the remaining people from the rest of the population
>Cliques run out of things to do so they talk about life
>Realize anyone who's left is fucking insane
>somehow it ends with dicks being chopped off and some robot blowing his head off on stream with rainbow cat bandanna
Yeah this is my second choice already, I was just thinking that Natural Shapeshifter could be needed in pvp
I need a 10-hour playlist of early 00's edm trance
The only real complaint I've heard about them is that after AQ they don't improve as much as other DPS classes do. Also, I'm not sure if blizzard fixed the pet command and pathing issues that were present on the beta.
That's the way I'm gonna roll.
>Won't have too much time to play WoW during the first months because of obligations
>Focusing on a slow level progress, maxing out my professions as I go
>Do side content / recipe farming / gold making just for fun
>Might end up knowing a guy and joining a guild
Sure I will be behind everyone else, and that sucks, but God damn it's gonna be comfy.
And the fact I'm a completely new just adds to the experience.
>yoire an insufferable weeb, neet and a mentally unstable tranny
>insufferable weeb, neet and a mentally unstable tranny
That's a given, absolutely disgusting people are trying to recruit here desu.
20% more intellect will do more for your mana pool than 30% reduced shapeshifting costs anyway.
Hm. You're probably right.
20% more int and (bear)stamina for 5 points is massive.
I have a 3 hour playlist of edgy nu metal and emo shit
whats the best alliance race for shadow priest pve?
(fairbanks pvp ally guild leader here)
We have people. we don't "need' you, but I want to form a second raid so we can get 2x the number of drake fang talismans and other rare bis, consolidate raids 1 and 2 mid AQ, then walk through naxx with the gear and skill from 2 competent raids worth of players.
I understand how people who never progressed past bwl think the game is easy though, and this is all unnecessary. All I have to say to them: fight the 4 horsemen and come back to me, see if you feel the same.
I've still got all my System of a Down, Disturbed, Slipknot and other assorted High-School-Core albums ready for launch.
Don't forget Rammstein.
Whitemane West Coast PvP 4 LIFE motherfucker
I'll be kiting your hot sister further than I kite dragons outta the fucking Burning Steppes
I used to sling crack on DETHECUS cunt. You KNOW what DETHECUS is?
The motherfucking TRAILER PARK of World of Warcraft vanilla
Let me tell you about GOALS bitch.
0. get attuned cunt this shit doesn't come free
1. Beat that pussy Ony
2. Smash some nice ass and raid Molten Core on weekday nights
4. treat BWL like a shy side ho (u know what i mean)
5. try to keep my cool on c'thun
6. still really try to keep my cool, prob some nice herb (IRL--ima roll mining/engineering like real hunters do, nigga)
8. prep for Naxx
9. Naxx
10. eat more pussy than a crocodile down in Ashenvale
ya dig
classic is a direct threat to their player base, makes sense
>shadow priest pve
They're all pretty bad, but dwarf is probably best, because they've got fear ward.
How about this?
Worth mentioning that the vast majority of guilds will want you to be a healer. Your dots take up space on the debuff bar on bosses that are needed for fire mages and such for rolling ignites. You can try, but it's very unlikely you'll get to be shadow in pve.
My brain is bleeding from how embarrassing this specific shill post is. Kick whoever came up with that recruitment spam and make a new less obnoxious one.
where my horde whitemane players at?
I'm making a stupid little guild with my friends, if you wanna be idiots with us you should join us
this guy gets it
dunno why this post got deleted
salty tranny janny perhaps?
i volunteered for shadow weaving bitch duty.
my guild already has healers sorted, and no one else wanted to be the 1 shadow priest.
I try to be open-minded and friendly but I just never seem to naturally make friends anyway. I don't think I'm annoying, I'm just boring.
>taunt resists
>raid wipes
>omfg this is so hard!!!!
slot machines are not hard.
fights in vanilla were designed for keyboard turning retards playing the game at 20 fps. pserver guilds clear everything the day after it releases, even on nostcore which was overtuned.
Ok, go dwarf so you can fear ward the tank then.
Dunno why these threads don't get deleted. Theres a fucking general on /vg/ for this game.
Are the RP-PvP or RP servers going to be fucked by streamers? I know a bunch of them like to troll RPers and RP servers would probably be one of the only big reasons I might consider picking Classic back up. As much as I love the game, I don't trust Blizzard to not fuck it up so I'm wary about investing in the gameplay itself and paying money for it, but I do miss the world and RPing in it a bit.
also night elf Protection Warrior and nobody can stop me
ignore them then instead of letting them live rent free in your head
thanks. i only ever played horde in classic and i dont know shit about the alliance races.
>Trannies and attention whores mixed with people screaming about trannies and attention whores
These threads are at least marginally better even if it's mostly the same. I just want another Yea Forums guild that isn't nearly as obsessed with attention whores as most /vg/ ones are. /The Vidya/ wasn't perfect, but it was still had several people actually interested in the game.
youre annoying
Druids are probably the worst PvE class for raids, however you still need to bring 1-2.
That's what made classic good, uniqueness of classes meant that you didnt just stack whatever does the most DPS bc you miss out on buffs or special mechanics, in the druids case thats MotW, thorns, battle res(the only one in classic), innervate, etc...
in PvP you are built like a healer in resto gear and maybe some off tank gear mixed in and mostly just play flag carrier or look for 1v1's protecting or taking points. Very rarely do you ever heal in PvP anyone but yourself.
>feral/boom dps
terrible all around in all aspects in all content
>feral tank
Good for dungeons, good for a FEW bosses in raids and a FEW offtank situations that's it. And by good that doesn't mean mandatory.
Can I already play?
>going fire for Ony/MC
>playing a game with the depth of a puddle
>thinking Classic is hard
>thinking any part of WoW is good
The only good thing you were good for is a stepping stone for FF. Jesus christ I don't know how you guys can stand your boring game when you're down to 2 button rotations and rely on an add-on to do "difficult" content.
I barely speak though, I don't go out of my way to try and be funny because I know I'm not. It just doesn't make any sense to assume that.
sir this is an mmo thread
>shit story
>"Living" world cause of mobs that interrupt your progress
>Nothing to do so you sit near a campfire
Yeah nice MMO you have there
i'm not buying any of these claims, the server that gets taken over by "conservative racist trolls" will be the one that the dumbass streamers play on and subsequently get ousted from by 24/7 ganking squads pitching tents on their gay faggot bodies
man I love druids, it was the most fun I had solo ganking in places like ungoro, waiting for people to engage something and then you pop out and eat one of the little ones, and you're basically a raid boss to people even 6+levels lower than you. But the low damage certainly hurts, if there was some tryhard way to actually deal decent damage I'd be more inclined to play one this time.
Are you like 12?
Orc or Tauren Shaman? Going to be rolling a US RP realm, still unsure if PVE or PVP.
>overcomplicating fucking samurai of all things
it's really not that hard, come on now.
>are you like 12?
No if i was 12 I would be playing something like WoW with simplistic rotations. This at least keeps me on my toes at its simplest.
It's pretty straight foward user. It's not HW/SB Machinist.
>Discuss races
The blacks have to go
Uncalled for.
You have to be at least 15 to transition in America.
man if you think they're dilating hard all over these threads now just imagine the impotent rage of theirs a month from now when all their statics die due to everyone checking out classic lol
Thoughts on this?
I want to do tons of solo wpvp, and I want raid spots.
Can I tank all 5mans despite not speccing for it? I'm thinking worst case just tell my dps to let me get two swipes/mauls in before attacking?
On an RP server, you can at least justifiably report them if they're disrupting RP. This includes out of character names. So be sure to report hordes of their zoomer cultists.
What's the minimum gear for hemo rogues in pvp? AQ40?
If the RP communities in servers are tight, you can be sure to expect them to mass report retards.
I'm not sure how Blizz moderates RP trolls these days, but they used to dish out lengthy bans to repeat offenders.
that entire chart is overcomplicating, is my point.
I said it wasn't that hard, and certainly not hard enough to warrant a fucking l2p chart
who /thalnos/ here?
why would you post something like that? an image like that? something unsauceable... YET I NEED IT
just follow skarn's guide on feral resto, and use that to backup your right to the build, he has videos of him doing AQ and switching from tank to healer with the same spec.
>entire chart is overcomplicating
Yeah how about you stick to WoW buddy, it seems more your lane for games. You're probably those shit healers that do nothing but heal and then die in Totorak.
>For the Alliance!
Listen let's put this Druids shit to rest; Druids at 60 are not as "good" as the other healers because:
>No out of combat resurrection spell. They only have one in-combat rez and it's on a long cooldown.
>Their HoTs don't benefit from spell power very much.
>Mana issues.
>They are typically used as innervate bots for other healers or to spot-heal in raids using healing touch. That's it.
>Bear tanks do exist and they are in fact viable but they are extremely sub-optimal without gear (typically meaning as much agi and stamina as possible with +armor).
The Druids only really came into PvE and, more importantly, PvP prominence in TBC.
I don't see the point in these posts. You're better off recruiting guildess people at 60 in the first month since at least it will show some kind of commitment. All you're gonna get from those threads are 18yo meme spouter who takes 20day played to level.
>this upset I didn't like his chart
sorry I guess? I guess you really did miss the point. I pity you
druid main tank in raids is legit, they can generate more threat than warriors with pummelers, they can reach armor cap and 15k health
Obsessing over minmaxing class/spec composition is stupid. Most of the difficulty in vanilla raids just comes from herding 40 players together, who often were playing on toasters, dial-up internet, and would mouseclick their actionbar skills. Just become friends with officers, and you'll pretty much be able to raid as anything you want, aside from being a non-warrior tank
How do you react when you notice everyone and their mom will be rolling human and dps?
Just like retail i doubt people want to play the weird races, play human like everyone else.
Camp/kill escort quest NPCs/questgivers in low levels zone when you're high level.
Anyone know how pre-blood elf horde RP is gonna go? Where would people even gather in cities?
rush a rogue to 20 and then camp redridge (if horde) or stonetalon (if alliance) entrance
>literally the most mana efficiency per hp healed in the game with moonglow, tranquil spirit and using rank 4 healing touch
>combat rez is invaluable in raids, only meh in dungeons but
>innervate, roots(great in AQ), oh shit tanking if tank dies and noone else can take over, hibernate in any raid with nasty beasts or dragons (bwl, zg), tranquility can literally save a raid when used right, etc
>MotW is THE strongest buff a player can give
what classes are actually fun
apm below 50 need not apply
or you can just not play a meme spec
All classes and races and specs are fine. You'll always be able to find someone who will want to play with you. You won't make it to 60 anyway. Don't worry about it.
What's the best race for warrior, alliance side? Is it just Human due to sword specialization? What about Dwarfs?
enhance shaman here,
Can't wait for ghost wolf at 20.
Loathing the mail gear fights i'll have between hunters and warriors past 40.
Anyone else wish the Forsaken were their own faction? Fuck Alliance and Fuck Horde
dwarves are only good for priests and pvp rogues
Humans for PVE, sword spec and rep+ are goat. But if you prefer dwarves just play them, you wont really notice the dif
Nah, it's easier to not be an autistic minmaxing cunt and actually make friends.
Reminder that these are the XIVfags that shit up threads
>Defending 454 item cash shop
It's Humans. The second best is actually Gnomes because escape artist. If you've played warrior before you'll know how much warriors get assblasted snares and the like.
Stoneform is really nice when rogueniggers try to kite you and get a restealth.
If you care about top scoring pve dps go human.
Dwarf get stoneskin. Can be useful to remove mortal strike/poison equivalent, blind and a bunch of other stuff.
Gnomes get anti-root.
Nelf get what, 1% dodge? Since shadowmeld doesn't work in combat. Can still be useful to guard points I guess
best for pve or pvp? pve prob human, though you can get weapon skill through equipment. pvp i would say dwarf or gnome is better for their racials. stoneform helps counter devouring plague and blind/poisons/bleeds. escape artist helps with the warriors biggest weakness being roots. night elf can have fun in pvp with shadowmeld. but i would say go for the aesthetic you prefer
Orc Rogue on PVP
Going to LAN on opening weekend with my dudes
Aiming to slaughter all Alliance in Stranglethorn Vale best zone
Forsaken should've been part of a faction that consisted of them, blood elves, and naga under Illidan as a "Fuck the Legion and fuck the Scourge" faction.
Give Horde ogres.
an autistic cunt is at least going to get party invites your lolret will probably even be massed reported as afk until kicked from bgs lol
I'll be glad knowing that even though there's five million warriors I can still stand out by being willing to equip a shield
considering illidan tried to wipe out the undead entirely with the eye of sargeras, doubt he'd ally with the forsaken
also, autistic minmaxing is shit like only letting in gnome mages/locks and no humans
not letting in trash like rets is about as much minmaxing as not letting autoattack only priests
its just common sense
Being someone people like being around goes a lot better. You should try it sometime.
Go to bed ben
Shadowmeld may not give you a stat boost or combat utility, but I believe it is THE most fun racial in the game. Ambushing out of stealth is fun 100% of the time, even more so with a surprise buttsex Charge or Mind Control.
Convince me that any other racial is more fun.
It's as much of a stretch as them being in the Horde.
Only because he was asked to by Kil'jaeden, in exchange for power. That's pretty much Illidan's schtick, he's always looking out for himself and wants more power for himself. He'll take all the allies he can get to protect himself from Scourge and Legion.
No one likes a selfish piece of shit that intentionally plays a garbage spec and is always a handicap for his groups just because he wants to be a special snowflake, though.
i've used it to get out of sticky situations like hiding from a higher level looking to gank me by using it in the water near bfd. also just hiding on roads and jumping people heading to their next quest or town is always great fun, feels like playing a rogue almost
Does it get you out of combat? I forget how it worked before.
Resisting a HoJ, Kidney, or Intercept is the best feeling in the world. Thus, Hardiness is the most fun racial in the game.
I can't, because it is. Night Elf priests are the stuff of nightmares and any Horde who knows better is never comfortable in places like Blackrock Mountain because of them.
killing questgivers/flight path NPCs was always very effective at drawing level 60s at you from all over the world. we used to gank astranaar in ashenvale and kill a bunch of the NPCs and it never took long for a paladin to show up. on launch, you can't do much, you need levels
that wasn't til wrath, but it has a super short cooldown in vanilla/tbc
>How are druids? At 60?
Doesn't matter, you'll quit by 40.
And most people don't care so long as you clear shit. A handful of people playing meme specs in a 40man raid won't cause you to wipe, especially in this day and age.
Nope but 10 sec cooldown and only breaks after cast
>most people won't care if you AFK /follow the entire raid, after all MC can be cleared with like twenty people! A few AFKers don't make a difference!
Kill yourself you selfish piece of shit
That's me.
A raid consists of 10-15 decent players and 25-30 keyboardturning clickers. Their specs will barely have an impact either way, what matters is buffing and mashing buttons until you're oom or dead.
THIS is vanilla raiding.
not him but i read the post you quoted and not sure how you sperged out and jumped to the conclusion you did. go to bed kid
My excuse is that it's old content that I used to farm when I was a dipshit teen. It's the same content.
>WoWfags will never be good enough to clear actual difficult content
>thinking their raids are any good
I'll show you a real raid
Stop pretending this shit game with 4 abilities takes skill you faggots it's all about gear and having a healer that isn't braindead.
Do you ever wonder what you from 2003 would think of you now
Would it be horrified to see you've got a near-fatal case of irony poisoning
Except you aren't AFK. You seem to be thinking along the lines of "unless you are contributing a lot, you are contributing nothing" Which is an absurdly binary way to look at something.
Optimal raid setups don't matter unless you're trying to world first things, which will mostly just happen in tryhard guilds. MC itself is easy enough to do, and only really requires basic brainpower and people knowing their roles for the fight, which isn't that bad (though you will see that one Mage that doesn't wanna decurse so that they can focus on their DPS). That being said, don't expect full raids of enhance/elemental shamans or ret paladins to suddenly be the norm.
Every class in Classic has a minimum of like 20 abilities. Druids have like 45.
This looks so good, user. I don't even want to play wow anymore. Where do I sign up?
Then read his post again.
>A handful of people playing meme specs in a 40man raid won't cause you to wipe,
Note how he says just a few. If it's so easy and makes no difference, why not make an entire meme spec raid? The obvious answer here is because they would wipe endlessly. He wants to be one of the few people, the special snowflakes, that get carried on the backs of other people putting in effort. Just wanting to AFK through the raids would be less dishonest.
>Mage is actually smallbrain fire/ice/arcane re-skinned same moves, plus a few crazy good utilities. Only care about 1 stat, very few armor pieces to care about.
>Warrior actually requires concentration and high iq, every skill is unique and situational. Each talent tree vastly alters gameplay. No absurdly OP abilities. Multiple stats to judiciously balance, a vast majority of armor pieces that augment certain playstyles better than others.
Post more puzzling quandaries like this
But he's right. And you're wrong.
>a handful of people playing meme specs
>why not make an entire meme spec guild?
you are retarded dude. never reply to me again
> Where do I sign up? has deposited 10 yen in your account
I actually plan on playing mage again. Funnily enough, I'm actually going frost this time around since I was fire back in vanilla.
How many east coast bros are rolling Whitemane to avoid streamers and BRs?
>implying that's ever been enforced harshly
Blizzard sure as fuck isn't going to side with RPers over the streamers. I've seen people discussing in other threads before that assmongoloid or whoever the fuck has trolled RP servers for years without any punishment.
>naga never became playable
>blizz shat out an entirely deferent serpent race instead
Was it autism?
>tfw just gonna roll a Dwarf Holy Paladin and do alchemy
I don't know if I'm just crazy or what, but I enjoy just listening to documentaries and other stuff while leveling, and Paladin leveling is just simple despite it being really slow.
min maxing and meta gaming.
Thats what will kill classic weeks after release.
Realising that it wasnt great.
Realising non of your friends still play this game.
Realising youre old and still clinging to the past.
What seems to be the problem? If you're not being carried and you're pulling your weight, that means meme specs are viable, which means there should be no problem having an entire raid of them?
It's fucking sad that devs are too lazy too make playable races that aren't humanoid. I blame mount autists in part for this.
Nice try retail
If I end up rolling a Horde warlock, I still don't know if I want to go as an Orc or Undead. Both just have nice racials and really just fit the class, it's hard to choose.
Why? The BRs are self containing and the streamers won't last on a pvp server. The hate is real and there are already plenty of people who are going to dedicate themselves to stomping the streamers into the dirt.
>min maxing and meta gaming
No it won't. No one, not even world "first" competing guilds, will care about your race. The only """minmaxing""" that will happen is not letting people play objectively garbage meme specs.
the problem is you chimping out at "a handful of meme specs" and mistaking the word viable for optimal. it's past your bed time little boy
>he rolled a night elf priest
It's because there is such a thing as certain degrees of viability. You're falling into black-and-white thinking.
Female Human Warrior tank. Aiming to get thunderfury and scarab-lord.
>The hate is real and there are already plenty of people who are going to dedicate themselves to stomping the streamers into the dir
Show me one guild being formed for it and I'll believe you.
I never played world of warcraft but it looks so old, is it fun? Can i play with streamers?
Does anyone know what spec Indalamar was running?
Which is ... exclusively balance and elememtal?
Literally only below viable only because they go oom fast.
Night elf Shadow priest with mindcontrol out of shadowmeld
You don't need to form a guild just to gather up a couple friends and shit down a streamers throat. Besides, wasn't there some guilds that have already been shitting on streamers in the beta and stress tests? Sodapoppin isn't streaming classic for a reason.
Even balance has some utility in the form of their aura. And having innervate, motw, and combat rez on hand for utility. They just can't be balls to wall DPS like locks and mages can be.
You seem to be thinking on the lines of "It's okay that I try to play as an objectively, mathematically proven garbage spec, because I'm such a great and special person, and other people should carry me through content and if they don't they're the bad guys in this situation because the content is mechanically clearable even with some dead weight." which is honestly such a bizarre, egocentric and selfish way of looking at the world that I'm surprised you're not tripfagging right now.
This is not the matter of "why did you make your mage a human instead of gnome" or some other form of genuinely excessive minmaxing, this is literally not wanting to carry a completely worthless piece of shit through content.
Retail or classic, they're both shit.
Took me years to pull my head outa my ass to see it for what it is.
People love playing with friends, it makes flinging poop fun and memoriable.
But in the end youre still playing with shit.
>not rolling NE priest so you can shadowmeld + mind control people off cliffs
Fuck off autist. 1-2 retri in a full raid is perfectly fine.
If a spec is viable it should be able to clear, just not as quickly as the optimal spec will. If memers are viable, they should be able to make a full on meme raid and don't bother normal people. But we all know they're not and these people just want to be carried.
Why do you assume that I'll be playing a meme spec? Like I said back in , I'm playing mage again, this time as frost.
>Tfw I'm going to roll a Nelf Priest because I like the race class combo
>This bullshit is just going to be icing on the cake
Can't wait.
so is 1-2 AFKers guess I should apply to your guild as wand only dps priest you wouldn't mind that would you after all it's only one raid spot
You better be buddies with a raid leader already or have charisma and a deep chad voice, otherwise you aren't raiding as a memespec
Retri does more dps than healers and tanks. A wand priest or afker doesn't. Stop being retarded Jamal.
Considering you've been acting like a massive sperglord, I certainly wouldn't give one of those slots to you.
enjoy not being invited to raids because dwarf and even human are way better
>blocks your path
Wait, performance matters? Why is ret trash being allowed in? I thought the logic was "you can clear the raid even with few people not pulling their weight"? Are you saying a guild with 38 normal people and two wand DPS priests can't clear MC?
tauren for the warstomp
You: I want to be carried!
Me: Fuck you!
There's nothing wrong with inviting a Ret to a raid so as long as they understand they won't be receiving any melee dps loot.
t. generous warriorchad
>Raidwipe mechanics don't exist in vanilla
Nobody tell him. It makes it funnier when they learn the hard way.
I never replied to you before. You're just acting like a huge faggot.
Besides, I'm not playing paladin. I'd invite him over you based on personality.
Except I've never said that. And once again, I'm playing mage this time around.
It's okay to give them loot after all the real DPSers, other people's DPS alts, and healers for offspec have gotten theirs. As long as they trade in Nexus Crystals for it, though.
I don't plan on trying to get into a poopsock guild anyways so I'm fine.
Do zoomers really believe Esfand’s lies about every spec being viable?
I think they might be genuinely autistic.
Thank God you'll never be anywhere near running a guils though. I'd hate to be one of the poor sods you mismanage because you want to LARP as the nice guy
Balance and elemental aren't because quick oom.
Retri is because utility and never oom.
Yeah but I want at least one guild so I can apply to join. And I'm assuming you're talking about the APES guild, they're going EU.
You need to seek professional help, psycho.
We're done here.
But Esfand constantly says that specs like ret aren't viable and warns people that you have to try twice as hard just to get passable results at the best of times.
>Bear tanks do exist and they are in fact viable
Wrong. They are not viable at all, because they can be crit and crushed. A single one of those will shit on a druid no matter how much armor he has.
Try to use whatever little brainpower you have and think about this entire situation again. You have someone who literally wants to play an objectively trash spec and want people to carry him through content. You have me telling him he's a selfish piece of shit. And I'm the bad guy here for being """rude"""? And he, someone who literally wants to make life slightly harder for 39 other people at least once a week for an entire year or so, he's doing nothing wrong chastising? Give me a break.
How many times do I got to say I'm playing frost mage?
>How many times do I got to say I'm playing frost mage?
Yes we get it. Stop replying to the idiot.
wtf I love Whitemane now. I was gonna go Herod cause Herod is a Chad. But Whitemane appeals to my conservative, white terrorist nature. Thanks Reddit!
At the end of the day being a good player is more important than your spec. A shitter with a meta build is still a shitter.
Having one or two meme specs played well enough to do a passable job is not going to effect your raid performance anywhere near enough to care about unless you are a bleeding edge raiding guild. You pay a non-existent price so that somebody gets to play the spec they want to. It's not a hard loss to take.
Skilled in shitbuild > enjoyable personality > enjoyable voice on voice chat > shitter in metatrannybuild
Luckily you can be a complete shitter and still perform at the highest level in vanilla
>mage rotation is frostbolt
>warlock rotation is curse and shadowbolt
>rogues SS and evis
short of being afk I dont understand how you can even be bad at this game
There's a pretty big correlation between being a shitter and wanting to play a meme spec. Usually competent players quickly realize it's a fool's errand and play something viable instead. Also, you're comparing apples and oranges. Good X is better than bad Y, yeah, but ideally you would want a good Y in the first place.
>I dont understand how you can even be bad at this game
Some people legitimately have problems playing the game and breathing at the same time.
Undead mage, reporting in. Was a mage in vanilla but now I know a lot more. I wanted to be alliance, but I was overruled by my friends.
It's all good, we've played both over the years so I'm okay with either faction.
Yeah, like this moron. He doesn't let enough oxygen in between all this hyperfocused seething.
Why blizzard decided to not make a br server, I don't want to play with a bunch of fatties looking for reasons to kick me out of groups
That's just a means to get gear so you can get to the fun part of the game. A shitty player and a good player in PvP is night and day.
is it true resto shammies in raids literally ONLY cast chain heal and nothing else?
>that feel when my favorite class is shaman but my friends are going alliance
>my second favorite class is warrior but everyone is going to roll a warrior to try and get that guaranteed tank/fury raid spot, oversaturating the market with them
>the rest are going to play warlock for that shadowbolt spam
I don't know what to play.
They drop Tremor Totems sometimes.
You should play priest if you want to cast more than one healing spell
Yep, comfy as fuck and tops meters.
why didn't I think of this? Of course!! I was this close to re-subbing for Classic hahaha what
Druid. You can do literally everything aside raid maintanking.
To me it looks like you're the one seething for me calling you out for being a selfish piece of shit. If this upsets you this much, then you should really reconsider your decision to play ret, because people on your server will treat you far more harshly when you try to leech off them.
You get to cast Earth Shield every 4th chain heal on the tank. :)
Someday this war's gonna end. That'd be just fine with the boys on the boat. They weren't looking for anything more than a way home. Trouble is, I'd been back there, and I knew that it just didn't exist anymore.
Ideally you want to play the class and spec you enjoy. For some, that might be what is most optimal, and for others, that might be because of class fantasy, or they just like the way the class plays regardless of how optimal it is.
Play warrior anyways. Most of them won't make it.
>for calling you out
I'm not him(the frost mage you're autistic about). Leave, psycho.
you get to drop totems and you get to find nice places to die so you can ankh and start rezzing people after wipes too!
nexus crystals and 100g per piece for the Gbank MINIMUM
I honestly impressed how fast the hype died after that disastrous streamer beta.
>tfw will be mid flight when name reservations happen
>had to download WoW on my shitty mac
>have to pay extra money for InFlight Wi-Fi
>no guarantee that I will even be able to sign on
>no guarantee that I will even grab the name
yes and that gear has a enormous impact
a trained monkey with T3 would beat anyone in MC gear
i blame an end of august release date more than anything
now in reality.
>NA servers had a 13k queue
>EU had a 22k queue
>You pay a non-existent price so that somebody gets to play the spec they want to. It's not a hard loss to take.
It's not a loss anyone should take. These people are intentionally being selfish pieces of shit. If I went through the effort of getting the best in slot gear for a wand priest, and always use appropriate flasks and everything, would that make my desire to play a wand priest appropriate? Of course not. If you decide you want to level a class you and everyone else know is completely trash at the role you want to play, and you have so little consideration for your fellow man that you'll go "it's fine, one or two of us won't significantly hinder the raid", you're a selfish piece of shit and I don't want you anywhere near my guild.
I'm gonna be new to the game.
I enjoy farming low/mid level sets to use while grinding.
I know it isn't worth it and sometimes it is just a big waste of time, but I don't really give a fuck about being optimal during the first months.
Is there any set for hunters that's the equivalent of the scarlet set for melee classes? or any other low level set I can get?
The hype is the same.
Pretty good amount of teams in legends using Bellona, I guys told me she was bad..
you're a pop psychology faggot that doesn't know shit and that reddit tier 'personality test' is demonstrably bogus. You're on the same level as a woman that believes in astrology intellectually.
Wow fankiddies in denial
You in this case the person seething, who may or may not necessarily be the same person who initiated this discussion. If you weren't butthurt at being called out for wanting to be a leech you probably wouldn't have gotten this mad.
Good thing you'll never be a guild master. Noone wants to follow a seething autist.
what's a holy priest rotation like?
Gonna make a Female Undead Protection Warrior on either one of the PvP or the RPPvP servers. Looking forward to jumping into groups and helping people out for elites and dungeons.
Currently taking my time playing through retail, and enjoying all the neat questlines that were revamped in Cata but playing alone for the most part since the overworld is kind of dead.
raids can be cleared with 30 people
meme specs aren't making anyone's life more difficult and raids always have semi afk auto attackers so if an enh shaman or cat druid or something equally as dumb are playing properly the entire raid is better off
I'll allow you to believe that.
I think people are seething more to the fact you are being an obstinate autist who can't comprehend anything outside his narrow world view.
Whether or not I ever become a guild master is ultimately irrelevant since my sentiment is shared by 99% of all officers of 99% of the guilds that will get past Lucifron.
best class/race/sex combo
I don't remember shit from before TBC, which class had the most buttons and wasn't useless? I'm leaning towards making a lock
he's probably done nothing more than pug mc and bwl with a group of shitters and blames his failure to clear on the meme specs and not the dozen afk slavs
I'm not mad? I just think you're acting retarded. You keep proving to me that you are retarded. You're totally free to stop and come to your senses.
Really I'm just waiting for you to go "it was an ebin ruse, lmao trolled epic xd" at this point. Shoo, psycho.
>most complicated rotation of any mmo ever
>still boring as shit due to 3second gcd's
when will fourteenfags ever learn their game is shit
I hope you're ready for a life of farming soul shards, giving out candy, summoning lazy people, and spamming shadow bolt.
fuck I really want to roll a qt undead gi but I don't trust Horde's RP scene to be healthy and I can't switch factions on the singular extant RPPVP server.
only officers with that mentality are the ones who can only fill 25 guild spots and need to pug the rest, eventually giving up and inviting meme specs after the 3rd wipe
>"people who want to be carried are selfish pieces of shit"
lol just lol
You talk a lot about selfishness for somebody who won't budge on an optimization hit you wouldn't even feel for the sake of somebody elses gameplay enjoyment. Also, nobody is talking about retarded shit like m1 only survival hunter or wand priest dps. They're talking about the actual specs like ret pally or oomkin, all of which do alright if people put the extra effort they need to into them.
fear ward is a crutch for alliance shitters. Absolutely embarrassing that they need this and holy paladins just to compete
>have to walk around everywhere making the world feel massive
>looming threats of being ganked at any second are real
>gear I earn in-game is actually rewarding
>epic quality means something
>have to group up for difficult quests which can possibly form bonds with other players
>you will see the same people while leveling/farming because no cross-realm
>you can actually form rivalries with said players
>have to carefully plan your mob pulls or you risk the threat of death and a painful run back
>picking your class is actually difficult
>reading the story is actually a good thing because you will be doing all the quests in the area
>immersion is at maximum
>weather effects can make it difficult to see
>tons of fun trinkets/items you can get to give you the edge
>PvP isn't a snooze fest of dampening
We're going home lads
Then what class uses more than a few buttons, isn't overly gear dependent (cough warrior) and is actually taken into content?
if you weren't mad you wouldn't randomly namedrop me like you did
Was combat any good in pvp?
you assume more than one user are the same user lol
it literally doesn't matter if meme specs are in the raid and playing properly unless it's a high tier guild pushing for firsts
no one is carrying anyone...
WPvP was 99% getting camped for hours by a rogue twice your level who half the time would sap you until he got bored, 1% the epic battles everyone is nostalgic about
>billion contrived skills that all are used in braindead railroaded dps rotation
>billion lore friendly skills of which just few are used for damage and rest are cc/utility/party support/class flavor
is that what you tell yourself after you cry yourself to sleep after yet another night of being unable to find a guild
Oh come on don't get your panties twisted.
Do you seriously let user hurt your feelings?
Grow a spine, psycho.
Also as mad as everyone will get for me saying this, add WSG, AB and AV.
Fascinating stuff.
I unironically want FFXIV to prune some skills. They probably will in the next expansion. It's getting a little ridiculous.
This is the post coming from a person claiming not to be mad lol
I'm not really involved in this conversation, but WoW's art style is phenomenal. At least it was before they went all Disney. Hell, it still looks better than any MMO out there.
Bear with me that I'm retarded; aren't the respective forms just watered down versions of other classes with some utility in between?
for the love of god include updated models even if it's a client side toggle
it honestly doesn't matter how many skills you have when the rotation is still so boring thanks to the 3second gcd
the rogue spec? sure, dagger specs could burst down clothies though
I see you never played vanilla or even bothered playing a private server.
Art has always mattered more than graphics which no modern companies understand
play WAR/AST/DNC or RDM if more than five buttons confuse you
Sorry I forgot slaughtering questgivers for a day at a time
You haven't said anything that would even annoy me. I just think you're retarded. I don't pity you, I simply feel nothing for you.
You factually seem miserable. Seek help, psycho.
pls, nothing?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think WoD era was the best WoW was visually. Ye Olde WoW was also good but different, and nu WoW is way to visually cluttered.
>Tfw your garrison looks like it was taken right out of a low poly thread
Yeah well that would be easier than refuting anything I said with science so I don't blame you
I play warrior and hunter so whatever lol
>why yes I have obviously never played the game, how could you tell?
leveled a warrior to 60 on k3
99% of my wpvp experiences was a ?? mage showing up and killing me or a rogue attacking me when I was on half heath and fighting a mob
this one time a faggot druid tried to gank me while I was fighting a mob and I popped a potion and literally globaled him with my fancy new Uldaman weapon, that was pretty epic ngl
It's not that it's difficult it's just unfun. Maybe if combat wasn't locked behind an awful GCD more skills would be fun. There's nothing reaction based about it which is why it's so dull.
Reddit really is as bad as you guys say. I just got banned for calling someone a nerd.
>You haven't said anything that would even annoy me.
He said, making his nth post in a row calling me names because of how upset this thread made him.
There's a reason OGCDs exist, at endgame I'm pressing buttons far more than WoW endgame
It's annoying because WoW armor design since WoD and onwards is stuff I really like, but the game it self just keeps getting worse somehow. Though I still think Boralus is probably the best city their world design team has done.
oh yeah almost forgot every time I wanted to go from EK to Kalimdor I'd die at least thrice in permanently camped Menethil
I'm not calling you names, psycho. You gave us that identity yourself.
>pressing more buttons then retail WoW endgame
That's not saying much. Sometimes I miss MoP class design.
>Maybe if combat wasn't locked behind an awful GCD more skills would be fun
Try getting to max level and that stops being a problem. Unless you're playing BLM then you should have tons of shit to stuff in between every single gcd you throw out.
I mean while I was comparing modern endgame, let's not pretend vanilla WoW rotations are particularly complex or interesting. The combat is one of the few things I immensely prefer about XIV
And yet BLM is still bigger brain than any WoW caster that's existed and at least somehow made low APM fun
>FFXIV someone manage to creep their way into a WoW thread
You need to start coping with the fact that Classic will completely envelope all MMOs. There is no hiding for this fate weebs.
hey you got me, i only got to level 60 before i quit because of how awful the leveling experience is. sorry that i'm not autistic enough to endure the utter torture that is the game pre-raids.
i did get to experience dancer a bit since you get one at 60 for free and although there are a few spells off the gcd most of your rotation still is on the gcd and guess what, it's still fucking boring. you can try and pretend the
>i'm posting this in between gcd's lol
meme isn't real all you want, it won't change anything.
Jeez, are you going to continue sperging out until the thread archives? I just hope you don't try and dox and murder IRL all the officers that laugh at you for applying as ret when you hit 60 in March.
BLM is spam until oom, press button to get mana while spamming weaker attack, press button to continue spamming until oom.
It's marginally better than mashing Frostbolt, and is actually worse than literally any spec in BFA.
Of course. BLM is best and APM autists can eat a dick.
prepare to be amazed, and proved wrong
>Try getting to max level and that stops being a problem
>"The first 100 hours of the game are shit but it gets way better after that, I swear!"
holy shit, they said the exact same thing about FFXIII. do ff-fags just have absolutely no taste whatsoever in games?
that's like if you said:
>"The first six worlds in Super Mario World are all completely unbearable, but the last two worlds are great. It's a fantastic game overall, 9/10."
You've got to have fucking braindamage, dude.
I'm just making sure that you're aware how retarded you act.
I'm not interested in playing a paladin, as stated twice.
I'm simply replying to you because it bumps.
The biggest issue FFXIV has is people get bored to death before level 50 because the ability spread between expansions have not been handled well at all. If your game doesn't get good until 50hrs+ it's a shit game.
>let's not pretend vanilla WoW rotations are particularly complex or interesting.
they arent because thats not the point of the game. it's a social experience where you raid with 40 other dudes you are personally acquainted with and watch the raid boss bathe in tens of different flavors of attacks from various different classes. you arent watching your dude or your hotbar you are observing the big spectacle that is achieved through preparation of proper consumables and coordination of buffs/debuffs, not by individual effort of each doing their rotation minigame correctly.
>play braindead press buttons as they proc job 20 levels before endgame
>wtf y this boring
Here's the DRG opener from 70, small abilities are OGCD
It's common knowledge it's a completely new job at 60. The amount of out-of-ass talking in this thread just to blindly shit on a game is unreal
Did people play elemental shaman in pve or pvp?
The only thing you're making me aware of is that you're incredibly upset some people don't want to carry worthless trash.
>classic on the horizon
>weebs on suicide watch trying to convince everyone ffxiv will still be relevant
And yet we're talking about rotations. Still doesn't mean the rotations couldn't be more interesting
>people resubbing just to lock in a name
how pathetic is it that you're using a name so popular that you have to compete with other people, let me guess you want to get asmongold or alucard or some shit
>i need to press exactly one button every 1.5 seconds or else i am bored
meanwhile most ff14 classes have way higher apm than wow in any expansion
I can bring out logs and sims if youd like so I can shit on you
I never said it wasn't awful. My favorite jobs are BLM and DRG which have the most aids leveling experiences in the entire game. I was just pointing out it's a hurdle you get past rather than it being a problem the entire game has.
Isn't the WoW GCD 2 or am I rmisremembering
im going to make a female orc warrior
but i kinda want to play a female orc shaman for 2 handed enhance
should i go with that or warrior?
with how few servers they're releasing, each and every one of them will have tens of thousands character made on release
it doesn't matter how obscure your name is, someone will take it
Tauren Hunter named Legolas for me
>My favorite jobs are BLM and DRG
I see you too are a man of taste
rotations were invented because all the convenience had pruned difficulty from raiding. the difficult part was getting 40 retards in the same instance and use their abilities accordingly. now that you can teleport everywhere and autoqueue for raids games needed to invent new ways to challenge players. thats why MMOs today are glorified online action games, which isn't a genre I despise it just isn't MMO period
have no clue how to measure this against ff
orc resto shammy, maybe a rogue or warlock later.
see this if you think your game can still be called "good" if the first 100 hours are admitted to be dogshit even by diehard fans of the game, you have braindamage. the truth here is either one or both of these are true:
>You played FF games as a kid and now can't let go of your attachment to the series.
>You for some reason got tricked or bored enough to get to max level and now you need to justify your absurd waste of time by shitting on every other MMO.
i'm not mad at you dude, i just feel bad you wasted your time.
>Brings up DRG
>When that anons complaint is jobs being to boring while leveling
DRG is more braindead than retail wow for 3/4ths of your leveling. Sure, it's fun as fuck after that but that's not what the problem is.
>my rotation is harder then your rotation
kek what kind of stupid shit is this? do any of you think pressing buttons in sequence makes you skilled at a game?
may as well, ive got wow tokens to burn
Well, I'm not upset. You being retarded doesn't upset me. I explained this.
Noone is gonna carry worthless trash. That was never a discussion. You were arguing against bringing retri pallies because the top .1% are against it, and everyone has been telling you that you're retarded as a result. But noone thinks that trash players should be brought. And noone in their right mind believes that retri pallies are unbringable, worthless garbage.
I agree that you need medical attention. Seek professional help.
what's the rotation like outside of an opener and half of those OGCDs are on cooldown?
camp quest npcs in high pop servers and kill them as they respawn over and over so low levs cant complete quest
Can you project any harder? I've played both games extensively can be manage to not be a biased faggot
>not boomheadshot
it's 1.5 for some classes and 1 for some others, like rogue. might be for DH's and maybe Unholy DK's (or it was at least when Unholy Presence was still a thing).
You are in for a very rude awakening when Classic comes out.
rush max lev rouge horde and stalk low level player sin stormwind and kill them when thye are away from market
Not sure what you mean by that. I've played since 2005.
>tfw realize I have 5 million gold on retail
>tfw set on sub time for at least 2 years
nice. I even have some rares I can sell including battle pets that go for upwards for 600k. some unobtainable mog sitting in the bank that can easily be sold for millions.
I'm gonna be playin retail for free
A lot of DRGs OGCDs don't have a cooldown, or have very short ones, plus other abilities that aren't used in the opener. The main rotation looks fairly similar to that opener.
Did anyone play elemental shaman in pve or pvp?
1-2-3-4-5 and 1-6-7-5-4 but at high levels OGCDs are frequently up. I don't know why you faggots can't just let me like one aspect of a game
It's a comment on your belief that only the top 0.1% are against rets.
this isn't a final fantasy thread faggots. no one cares about your irrelevant game now imagine what's going to happen when classic comes out.
>doesn't refute the argument
>just uses buzzwords like "cope", "seethe," or "projecting" in place of any real point
Then stop shitposting about it out of nowhere then wonder why people keep talking about it
Ooms too fast in pve, melts faces in pvp after geared
>tfw just realized I have a haunted memento in my bags on retail
wonder for how much I could sell it for
That entire post was fallacies and buzzwords and you actually expected a serious response. My time is worthless but I still have better things to do
>Recognizes the shitpost
>Responds anyways
You're the problem.
>That entire post was fallacies and buzzwords
1 month of game time
its not as valuable as it used to be after blizz nerfed it in wod
Sure seems like it. Anywhere else you look states that one ret would be totally fine.
You're literally the only person I've seen in ~15 years of discussing this game that is so against bringing a single ret pally, with the most retarded made-up arguments and goalpost pushing the board has ever witnessed.
Ret pallies will be in your raid if you're playing Alliance. You better get used to the fact.
I stopped responding maturely when he did, that's all. I'm still willing to compare the games civilly
that little for a no longer obtainable very visible cosmetic item?
what a disappointment
expected at least 10mil
literal autism
actually in all honesty i'm genuinely curious what an "honest-response" is. you seem to be totally unwilling to hear the deluge of people who bemoan the leveling experience.
like dude, i've heard people say the raiding is great and I really wanted to experience that. I keep resubbing every so often because i really want to see what the big fuss is about. I want to play your game and enjoy the best part of it. but i've seen f2p korean mmos that were less of a chore to level in, it's completely unbearable and I give up every time. i'm sorry man. i hope you enjoy your game but realize it's far from perfect or even "good."
As I said, you are in for a very rude awakening. What kind of people have you even been discussing vanilla WoW with? Clearly none of them have touched a single vanilla pserver in the past five years, because if they did they'd clearly tell you 90% of the guilds outright laugh at ret applications.
>I stopped responding maturely when he did, that's all. I'm still willing to compare the games civilly
lmao dude you never responded civilly. my first post on the matter was "the game is boring due to the 3second gcd" and your first, INCREDIBLY mature response was:
>"why yes I have obviously never played the game, how could you tell?"
please realize you're not as smart or mature as you think you are and just find a better hobby than Yea Forums, your personality will improve dramatically
Orc or Undead rogue?
what did they do
You should have stopped responding at all.
Both are gay but you might as well go Orc
I want to play a Troll Prot Warrior because it's my favourite class and race, just wondering if I'll be shit on for not picking Orc or Tauren as a tank
the ghost used to follow you around all the time but then they changed it so it only shows up intermittently. i think it also wont show up at all if you have a non combat pet out
what the fuck is their problem
Pservers, Classic and Vanilla are three different games. Pserver opinions are the ones that people outright laugh at.
Yet again, I don't care, it doesn't affect me in the slightest either way because I have no intentions or interest in playing a paladin.
They are factually still going to get raid spots in practically every raiding guild, and your bitching can't stop that.
>just parrots shitposts he read that if he'd ever played he would know is bullshit
I won't deny leveling is a slog as are most jobs until somewhere between 60-80 but that doesn't invalidate endgame/high level content
no fun allowed
Forsaken if you want to be a post-post ironic edgelord or actually like Forsaken lore. Otherwise play the giant green pickle that doesn't look like it should be stealthy at all.
oh lol so you're one of those people
no wonder you think rets are viable
their servers are that shitty
All the private servers vets will be the ones in tryhard guilds, right?
druids at 60 initially are total dog shit and unless you are the raid leader or you suck his dick you will not be playing anything besides heals
near the end of vanilla, druids become pretty monstrous in both pvp and feral and balance become somewhat more viable, although still shit
most druids are stoner retards who dont even have healing bars, so its not hard to stand out in the class and be an all star.
druids are god tier at one thing, keeping large raid sized groups of people topped off from periodic damage before big hits come down, if that specific mechanic isnt present in a fight the only thing you really are bringing is a battle rez and an innervate.
good thing, though, is that since you arent an attention whore race, you don't attract the erp healslut nonsense, unless of course your name is nursa...but in general you can avoid the gay shit
druid is good if you arent competitive because frankly druids players are all chill (but typically some form of autist, see finalflash, etc) so nobody is going to flame you for playing bad and also nobody is going to glorify you for playing well either
as a druid in're just .;....there...
until zg+ when you sort of can become a pvp animal if you gear right. but even then, you don't really hold a flame to properly geared warriors, shadow priests, warlocks, you're just that annoyingly hard to kill healer who can also turn around and kill people if they overextend
cool thing about druids is that if you keep gear for every spec, you can actually be very useful in dungeons, and help friends with any quests/dungeons, etc, and stealth is always useful
but at that point that isnt really vanilla specific
Yup. Most of us won't have to deal with them, thankfully.
yes but most of them will be on eu servers so who cares Lmao
oh no, oh no no no no.
it would take way too long to explain, but basically, you are completely out of touch and you're going to be absolutely crushed when classic comes out
would love to see the look on your face when you finally enter stonetalon/redridge one day
They also won't touch any RP or RPPVP realm, naturally.
I would like to know more, this sounds morbidly entertaining.
Why would you be?
Not sure where you're getting at. Again I've played since 2005. What's special about lowbie zones? Or do you think I care about ganks? Bitch please.
I'm evidently more knowledgable about the topic, so feel free to ask me if you need more advice.
Well, first and foremost you should seek professional help, of course. You have been acting psychotic for hours now.