Is there anything that cute girls can't improve?

Is there anything that cute girls can't improve?

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is too much talking in this game though.

came hard as fuck yesterday to that picture of kyoko puckering her lips

>River City Girls
sounds like a dyke club

lipstick actually ruins that design

the original designs are far better than what way forward did.

Senran Kagura

Misako is shit in either version, Kyouko is cute in either version.

Everything. That looks like horrible compared to the other.

A River City Ransom game

Lack of online multiplayer

>no online
>cringy story with awful voice acting
>director shits on his own product to impress women
>trophy leak suggests the game is only 6 levels long, which land in the 10 minute range if the demo is any indication, meaning the game is barely an hour long
>game looks easy judging by the demo, and will only get easier when you consider all the shop items you can probably get
>$30 price tag despite all this
stop thinking with your dick before you start shilling shitty games user.

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I like how this game has completely overshadowed Shantae 5. Fuck that whore.

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I was waiting for this response

>Actual valid complaints
Don't worry, these will all be brushed aside as people lump you in with the "muh boyfriends" shitposting.


cant improve not having online co-op

>side scrolling beat em up
>no online co-op in this day and age

Why are they so fucking stupid?

>cut girls
Pic not related?

>Cutscenes are presented as a manga
>But it's left-to-right
Literally why? Do they think their target audience doesn't know that manga are right to left?

post it

>director shits on his own product to impress women
what happened?

There are cute girls just look towards the bottom.

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they must be pretty cut with the amount of fighting they do

One of these is cute, the other one is an ugly dyke.

An hour is great length for a beat em up but looking at pictures like their money and levels, it's probably way fucking longer than that.
Story sucks though but hopefully you can just mash through most of that.

No, that would be an improvement.

These games don't need to be played in order or anything, right? Haven't played any of the River City games but I'll probably get this one because it looks fun.

you've probably seen it, but this one female artist said that the game seemed a bit pandery because it gave off a huge impression that was going for a "GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!!" approach and the dude went in and white knighted her from angry wayforward shills and during all that he insulted his team because a man wrote the story and shit like that.

What kind of fag hates lipstick?

>WayForward makes a game
>It looks great but everything else about it is shit
Why is anyone surprised? This is literally every game they've ever made.

Reminder that GayForward shills here

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>everything else about it is shit
It's not even fucking out, bro.

when will studio trigger make a shantae anime series?

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depends on how fast you level up though what if it doesn't take that long, what if leveling up is just based on how long your combos are, what if certain moves give more exp?

Man you're stupid, the guy on Twitter was the writer and he was mocking himself for it, the girl wasn't complaining or anything, she just seemed completely uninterested but the guy was raving on anyway to show how cool and progressive he was.

Considering almost everyone who says this thinks 99% of games are shit in every way, they're batting better than average.

Who the fuck is this faggot with a hamburger?

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We've seen enough of it to judge its quality.

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hopefully never because that opening animation is hot garbage

American director's self-insert

OK, let's hear it. What are the problems with the game then? If you're going to cite art style, suck my cock. It looks great, barring Riki.

Ducktales remastered was pretty good, granted it was based on a beloved NES game.

You mean like Butterbean?

>granted it was based on a beloved NES game.
So is this, more or less.

>If you're going to cite art style
Why in the fuck would I do that when I just said that it looks great? Are you retarded?
>barring Riki.
Yes, wholly agreed, I'm fine with all the redesigns except for Riki, he looks awful.

so you complained once and then made a second post not even directed at anyone just to complain more
you're not going to get these threads banned no matter how much you bitch about shills, because believe it or not, not everyone that talks about games you don't like is a shill

What Kunio games should I play before this?

I'll believe complaints about length once it's finally out. It probably will be too short, but Beat-em-ups rarely last long unless they put in some godawful grind mechanic. Or expect you to beat the game dozens of times like Castle Crashers.


It's already over
I missed my chance
now I'm just a creep.

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I'm not even the guy who made the Adachi post, I just pointed to his post because he already said everything there is to say.
>B-But you have to write everything in your own words or your essay gets an F
Fuck off Mrs. Brown.
>you're not going to get these threads banned no matter how much you bitch about shills
I haven't made a single post complaining about shills, if anyone should be banned it's the "muh boyfriends" shitposter.

>but Beat-em-ups rarely last long unless they put in some godawful grind mechanic.
We can only hope it's not like Scott Pilgrim which was the worst of all worlds.

Kunio-tachi no Banka for the SNES just because it has the girlfriends as playable characters.

No online killed it for me and my friend. Such a goddamn shame.

If you've played River City Ransom, you've experienced what 99% of American audiences know about Kunio. That and Super Dodge Ball.

That's Wimpy.

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I haven't really played any of them. I've played River City Ransom for a little bit like 10 years ago but I barely remember it.

River City Ransom
Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo
Kunio-tachi no Banka
Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
River City Ransom EX
Tokyo Rumble
Rival Showdown

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RCR is short and still holds up, I'd recommend revisiting it. You'll probably finish it in a couple hours. The GBA remake had some fun features but also some really stupid choices like a karma meter that goes up and down for asinine reasons, and results in NPC's treating you differently. But it had NPC's who would join your team and help you beat up enemies, which was really kind of cool.

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Your sex life, faggot.

Replay River City Ransom for NES or the remake. Then play the three 3DS titles. That's mostly the only main titles that have been localized, you can play the sports spin offs too if you want, some are fun.

These cümbrains will never learn.

Final Fight is 6 levels long. With 5 minute levels and is about an hour long as welland i consider that a golden standard in beat em ups. Have you played and more importantly do you understand the fundamentals of belt scrollers in general? You seem to be lost or rather a lot is lost on you. I bet you think beating a shmup is mashing credits till you beat it on your first playthrough. You will probably do that with this game and consider it beat. You gotta be near 1cc territory to 'beat' a beat em up. Which takes multiple playthroughs to do in most beat em ups.

Ill give you the online bit, I dont pay for PSN+ so this isnt an issue for me but i could see how it would be for some people. Final Fights story was like 5 sentences.

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There have been playable females in video games for a long time, but it sometimes felt like they were functionally the easy mode, but they don't tell you that, so there basically there for when a little sister wants a turn.

The only genuine problem here is the no online.

>valid complaints
>over half of them are opinions based on conjecture
based retard

t. Gamer

sauce on the girl? I think I know her.

don't care post lewds

>Mami developed a crippling spice addiction after Riki broke up with her

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Give Kyoko a proper pair of panties and give them more vicious moves those who have not been seen since the 90 arcades beat em ups

>cringy story with awful voice acting
Shit no JAP voices?

Final fight is fucking 30 mother fucking years old.

Sorry man, I got a little sister that adores me, can't relate to you anymore

And? Being long is detrimental to these games, it fucking destroys any replayability when every run you do takes 4 fucking hours to complete. Beat em ups are an arcade genre, new beat em ups being in line with the arcade classics in terms of length (which are still some of the best in the genre to this day) makes perfect sense and is desirable.

You should try playing Lollipop Chainsaw if you want a beat-em-up that lasts longer than the short and sweet "beat up the people who pissed you off" formula.

I wish this manga got a video game adaptation.

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What is it?

Last page from the newest chapter of this.

>river city girls SJW shit
fuck off shill
>West cuck artstyle
>garbage sprites
>game grumps are involved
>sjw devs
fuck off, anyone who buys river city girl is a cuck

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Darn, guess I'm a cuck then. Whatever will I do?

Shitposter-kun got me all like

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If you have a Switch the original River City Ransom is in the nes collection. It will give you a good idea of what to expect. I played through it to kinda get ready for River City Girls and it was quite enjoyable. I recommend it. Surely even better if you have a friend to play with.

stop talking like you're 14 marketer.

Prepare to get dabbed on, boomer.

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ur lyfe

Thanks for the reminder there's a dab attack. I can't wait for you to do it again in the next thread.

>River City Girls
>make dudes unlockable characters instead of the other girls


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>Playing as a girl that has a boyfriend

sup cuck

Because the other girls are going to be side characters and the unlockable characters are mainstay playable characters.

I love evil anime girls

>Being incapable of not forcing yourself to rp or pretend she's saving you
I mean, it's not normal to speak in third person but if you're a cuck, I didn't say it first.

Playable Mami and Hasabe wouldn't make any sense unless they had a completely different story.

That’s why I dropped Skullgirls. Either go all girl or fuck off

>Playing a videogame where the protagonist happens to be in a relationship makes you a cuck, even though that's irrelevant to core gameplay

What even are video games to you?

He's not going to give a serious response. We just got baited into giving him (You)s.

They would make more sense than Kunio and Riki rescuing themselves after they got kidnapped. Especially Mami since she was Riki's previous girlfriend.

>implying the roles aren't going to reverse when you play as the boys in a alternate story

It also looks like they're not making any additional content for this game as well. This game could've been so much better.

In the Shin Nekketsu Koha timeline, Mami and Riki never dated. It was always Kyoko and Misako. Mami and Hasebe are in the Downtown Nekketsu timeline. And yeah shit got merged and this game makes fun of how it doesn't make any sense, but basically any game gets to decide what did and didn't happen because the timeline is so fucked up.

But it's heavily implied that Mami and Hasebe had a hand in their kidnapping to begin with.

With Kunio and Riki they have an easy out along the lines of
>Girls: We need to save Kunio/Riki!
>Boys: But we're right here?

>Being long is detrimental to these games, it fucking destroys any replayability when every run you do takes 4 fucking hours to complete.
What is Dragon's Crown?

Proves his point.


A game you haven't 1cc'd

>yfw the Japanese release changes it to a henshin pose

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I'd break up with my girlfriend too if she went insane and shredded her hair.

Counterpoint, you're retarded
>Playing full DC campaign with my bro
>finish it
>a week or so later invite another friend over
>I say the game's pretty fun
>end up playing another full campaign
Changing up who you play as and who your team mate plays as changes everything. My sorceress play through had me focusing on using runes as much as possible since I sometimes had to charge MP. My Dwarf play through was much more aggressive. My bro playing Elf meant our fights were more distanced and I was using more AOE and skills. My bro playing Amazon had us fighting much closer in range.

>it's fun with friends

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This. DQ is both longer than most beat 'em ups and it also has plenty of replayability. Where it does get irritating is in the shitty quest system only letting you accept 3 at once for no reason which is completely contrary to the endgame focus of running random stages in succession, since quests want you to play specific stages to complete them.

Absolutely agreed, also the quests where you can only enter alone. I mean I get why but it feels rude to do to a friend who's over for the day or weekend to then just play alone. Thankfully we aren't shit at games so it wasn't too long but still...

>Beat 'em Ups are fun with friends
>Said in a thread about Beat 'em Ups
>Which are a genre of games built heavily on co-op play and playing with friends
Did you hit your head on a railroad spike?

So did Notch, doesn't make the games bad

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You only did TWO casual playthroughs with your bro in the span of a week, that's really nothing. Go for 1cc's or no death runs on the higher difficulties, which usually involves a run every day or every couple of days and see how that length feels after that. Trust me that length will add up quick and it will be very hard to spend that much time on vidya daily. Classic beat em ups take 30-40 minutes, sometimes even 20 if you're good, a quick hit of action that leaves you satisfied and sacrifices NOTHING because the characters can be varied and the games can even have a shitton of stages via different routes through the game (though this usually encourages devs to go for quantity over quality), the length itself is cancer.

It's an American-made game.

The irony of bringing up shmups is that the greatest shmup ever made is also the longest.

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>They have boyfriends


Hopefully they do something great for the credits like this again

>You only did TWO casual playthroughs with your bro in the span of a week, that's really nothing.
How the fuck did you conclude from his post that the single example he gave was his wholly-encompassing entire experience with the game?

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It's not, the arcade mode isn't very long and the "story mode" is a bunch of crappy copypaste stages that are treated as independent challenges with their own scores.

River City Ransom apparently

You're not reading at all if you don't understand that. That's the example he chose to demonstrate that the game has a ton of replayability, 2 runs spaced out by a fucking week. If that's his best example it's reasonable to assume that he hasn't played the game more intensively.

Can they be raped?

This is the real million dollar question

This game isnt on twitch so it probably sucks!!!! xdd ahahahha

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Yes, if you lose against the bulldyke Kunio gets raped by her.

I would be interested in that game if losing meant that the guys rape you.That shit makes my dick diamonds.

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It is not real rape if it doesn't involve penetration and cumming inside.

Just play the River City games so that you are the boyfriend

>rp or pretend she's saving you
You're a fucking genius user, why didn't I think of that

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still. it's an improvement

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Since they used to date why doesn't Mami try rescuing the boys?

Could she be in on it?

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Medabots apparently.

Do you want the answer to that? Because we already know the answer.


where do I get a gf?

reviving someone by kicking their soul back into their body

How else would you self insert?

I can enjoy fiction without self-inserting as I am not mentally ill.

I'll probably pirate it, I like beat em ups.

Good luck bringing that argument to those dumbass "do you play a girl or a boy?" threads.

Hey fuck you Contra 4 was great

I hope the music is good, at least Scott pilgrim level.

I want to lick their buttholes

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these are all retarded opinions or assumptions.

isn't there another panel where he shits out a gold brick?

user, that place is forbidden, it's dirty.

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Oh shit, the lady who does Devil's Candy did the art.

Too bad I don't really like 2D beat-em ups and I did hear the voice acting and english song and I'm not all that thrilled. Might get it on discount, Wayforward's stuff always always always goes on discount.

Attached: devils_candy_comic.png (800x1157, 309K)

And then I fell in love with a comic because of it's style alone.

Why do incels rate every game with girls in it a 10/10 no matter how shit it is?


Referring to what specifically?

Only webcomic I keep up with anymore.

>80s artstyle


i got bored of this webcomic after i got to chapter 3 and had to wait a whole week for 1 page, is it still any good?

>shitting on 80s art style
You're garbage.

Yes, I think you got lucky and missed the texas floods so we didnt get pages for like months. It's still pretty good though imo.


Dumb zoomer, that's not 80s artstyle

I honestly don’t care for this game. I’ve never had a GF and I’m 33 yes old. It’s hard to relate to this game.

it's because you are retarded and think you need to relate to games

they're in relationships
if you want to play this you're a cuck

Making comics written in english read right-to-left is completely retarded since english text reads left-to-right whereas japanese is the opposite. I get that you want to copy your favorite chinese picture books but from a comic writing standpoint the less your eye has to move the better.


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hugs and kisses when they reunite with hearts exploding out of them

You are the cuck for not playing River City Ransom and being the boyfriend

>Making comics written in english read right-to-left is completely retarded since english text reads left-to-right whereas japanese is the opposite.
Except that they're making it look like a Japanese manga in every way except for the orientation.
>I get that you want to copy your favorite chinese picture books but from a comic writing standpoint the less your eye has to move the better.
What the fuck kind of argument is this? You look at one speech bubble at a time, there's no more movement where it's left to right or right to left.

Checks out

Your social life.


>They're not virgins
hard pass


Cute girls would absolutely ruin gay sex.

Seethe more, roastie

this face design is even worse than generic anime.

It's a western dev'd game, why would it have japs?

I'll give WayForward credit. They know how to hype and shill a game. How many people here even knew about this series? Surely not enough to constantly have threads here. I'm buying it because I grew up a fan even tho the price is insane.

It's a shame its a fucking beat em up though.

Truly the worst fucking genre.

>How many people here even knew about this series?
We had Nekketsu Kouha games smuggled in Russia by Chinese. They were still in Japanese I believe, so you had to randomly press options in the menu to play the game, but they were really great for their time.

>same as Factorio, a game with a minimum of 50 hours before you're not shit at the game, at least 500 hours of gameplay before you're good, and 1000 hours before you're great. It also have mod support built in with mod browser for another 2000 hours of gameplay

That's $0.01/hour vs $30/hour of gameplay


At what point did people just completely stop having friends? Like real friends.

Since video games lost their soul and people started playing their cods, their lols, their mobileshit and their fortnites instead of actual good games

As an adult its hard to get together in person to play video games especially. All my real life friends play online tho. We dont game when we see eachother.


A lot of my gaming friends were in college. We live in different cities now
Stop trying to defend this shit.

You friendless faggot. How dare you not have a home full of big bang theory nerds living together to play this anime girl game together.

How I wish this could happen. I miss my friends and our late night gaming in our student apartment. Those were fun times.
Same goes with movie night, anime night and board game night. Fuck

Get the PC version and use Parsec. It'll run better than any trash netcode Wayforward could possibly slap together anyways.

Nah we already promised each other we wont use parsec again... At least for a game that require precision like river city girls. It's not fair to my friend that gets to play the gimped version. We already tried a few games with parsec and the screen going blurry or the horrendous input lag is not something my friend should experience again. Sometimes the controls straight up don't work anymore.
No way out using parsec was fun though.

Here, I'll show it with a picture so even an idiot like you can understand.

Attached: dumbass.png (801x395, 18K)

In your bad example you managed to demonstrate only one additional movement required. You also ignore that the game's versions are animated, and more importantly, that this is the most asinine complaint imaginable.

Since we finished school.