Why doesn't Minecraft have a playable character in Smash Ultimate?

Why doesn't Minecraft have a playable character in Smash Ultimate?

Attached: Minecraft.png (665x635, 409K)

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the smash ultimate roster was chosen back in 2015 when minecraft was in its relevancy dark ages.


Minecraft is really popular with Japanese kids so you’d think Steve would be a guarantee.

Minecraft is fucking popular with all kids. I'd imagine that popularity may have actually hurt its chances though, maybe Banjo was an easier deal to secure since Microsoft would be less jewy about a dead IP over one of their biggest cash cows.

Yeah, no. A character being in Smash is literally nothing but free advertisement. Companies are super into that idea now.

Maybe for smaller companies like Atlus or games that aren't popular in other countries like Dragon Quest, but Minecraft really doesn't need the advertising... in fact I'd argue that a Minecraft character in Smash would be more of an advertisement for Smash than it would be Minecraft. Microsoft might have acknowledged this and asked for a higher cut of DLC sales than the other DLC characters if there was ever a negotiation over a Minecraft character, and Nintendo may have backed down if they felt it wasn't worth it. I don't know, I'm a massive Stevefag, but after Banjo got in I've been a lot more cynical about his chances.

According to what we know from Phil and Sakurai it was hilariously easy to get Banjo in as a character. All we can take from this is that both Microsoft and Nintendo both knew the following behind the Bear and Bird. Thinking that Banjo and Kazooie will not appeal to kids is just foolish. Perhaps Sakurai thought he couldn't make a character out of Steve? Maybe the suits on both ends saw that Steve wouldn't have the same massive reaction B-K would get. There are a ton of reasons why Banjo's in and Steve's not, all we can do is wait and see what other info we get about it.

Attached: Banjo.png (807x906, 432K)

Because he can't feasibly be a playable character without a viable moveset. What does Steve do anyways? Just run and swing a sword in front of him? Can't do much else!

What would his moveset be, Yea Forums?

Honestly at this point I don't really care who gets in as long as they're not shill picks. Nothing would kill my excitement more than a Fire Emblem/Pokemon/Astral Chain shill pick, even if it was fucking Geno i'd be happier knowing it was a character someone actually asked for.

Because who the genuine fuck cares about Steve as a character? No one. Don't worry, I answered for you.

He's got a sword
could place blocks, shovel or pick axe it away
Has a Flint and steel to light people on fire and his block

He's got a lot of stuff you could be creative with.

Yet his merch sells

Steve is the biggest character they could add to smash atm, everyone knows the Minecraft guy. The reason as to why he isn’t in is because Phil wanted banjo

Yes he's going to be in, i can assure you that, nips love minecraft, it's only a matter of time.

Because minecraft doesnt have any "character"

Uhh retard

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I would’ve liked Steve

Because it's Minecraft. Nobody has ever said "I love Steve, he's such an interesting character!"

I'm pretty sure people mostly just buy Creeper and diamond shit.

>Mine craft doesn't have a character
>Steve mentioned multiple times in thread

Yeah, okay buddy.

Little kids love Steve

I want banjokes to kys ur so fucking retarded no one but autistic retards cares about it only added to pander to retarded manchildren becayse they kept bothering them about some dumb bear for ever and they noticed and sense microshit gaming is in the dumps they probably paid Nintendo to have it in because they are desperate for anything and sense a bunch of retarded manchilds online kept sperging about it they assumed it was something people wanted when it was just a loud vocal minorty and literally only added to pander the west (rosterfags) so shut up u retarded Banjoke

And Steve shit

Everyone loves Steve

falseflagging banjoke or seething retard, i said i want steve in

Keeping in mind that Sakurai said he was lucky to get Cloud back, that isn't true at all.

I don't give a shit about Steve myself, but Minecraft could make for a pretty neat stage.

minecraft isn't a good game

I see you didn't notice that in the Hero reveal, that revealed the Hero to the newest Dragon Quest game that is coming to the Switch first, the shill character, and the legacy characters second. Hero is the result when you want a shill character to be added, but also want to appeal to nostalgia at the same time. Like adding in Doctor Who, and having the slot just be called Doctor Who with all the skins for all the incarnations of him that have been around.

Except the person who made this

a minecraft stage is a great idea. it's just that steve isn't really a good idea for a character unless they could impliment building into his moveset

>says they hate banjokes and want them to kys
>but ur a Banjoke
Are u actually retarded?

It’s grotesque steve getting beaten so

popularity doesn't guarantee something

some smash leaker said Minecraft was coming

I think Steve's animations would just be really awkward and unnatural in Smash

Your Right but crying like an autistic retard and pestering the companies involved for months and shitting up the internet does becyze muh deserving reeeeee
Fuck banjokes
Fuck rosterfags
Fuck roolfaga
The ballot was a mistake I doubt eben 4% of people who play voted on it yet they pander to like literally no one lmao the ultimate cucks

Wouldn't it be funny if the last DLC fighter was a Fortnite character due to how popular it was when the DLC plan was drafted?


Sakurai doesn't like the game.

Keep crying, third world scum. Go fuck a horse.

You just proved his point, user. That looks awful.

Honestly it just might happen in Smash Bros 6 or something

Do you know how falseflagging works, user?

It looks really good

Not great, but the animator did their best. Props for not giving him knees and elbows.

Ur just projecting because u know I’m right Banjoke was literally added because some middle aged businesses men mistooke the ramblings of thousands of autistic manchildren crying seriously and thought it was something that people actually wanted and was added to please the West but actually literally no one but dumb autistic manchildren care it is dumb meme trash and nothing more it should just stay in the useless dead junk pile face it they only added it as a cash grab probably because they thought it’s something people want so it will sell but they will learn literally no one cares about it

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Keep seething, ESL-kun. Your garbage picks will NEVER get in.

starfox just flies a plane, nigga. ice climbers just climb ice

Ask Sakurai

steve is pointless without a mining/building mechanic


He’s not done with the entire moveset yet

What even happened? My youtube reccomended list is fucking flooded with e-celebs playing Minecraft all of a sudden.


At least I'm in the game

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it's up

I'm surprised Fortnite's popularity lasted as long as it did anyway.
It's pathetic that epic can't get their shit together, and just not get in their own way. It's summer vacation for a majority of Fortnite's playerbase, and yet it's dying extremely fast.

Dig around the map, build, be the Smash techies

western dev

>Minecraft is fucking popular with all kids
This. It's simply too universal not to be, well, universal. It's the same as Lego in that way, not just in the blocky sense.

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Smash bros you need to get in here RIGHT NOW*




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It has no characters. Its a sandbox, nothing has any personality to even get attached to.

I'm on my way, thanks Hero!

Dude,thats the point
It would obviously be a smash advertisement,you fucking nonce
Dont say Minecrafts in smash without realizing that also means smash skin packs and a texture pack and a map wont be in Minecraft
Its a two way deal,both games get advertising

Stop ruining the server

Game and watch is literally abunch of characters mashed into one

you aren't even in it. nice try

Yes i am

dont lie

And you know more than Phil when it comes to branding? Please, show us your business and advertising masters degree.


And you blockheads still don't get why you are the true jokes here. Consume bleach, retard.

I don't.

Minecraft's already the biggest game in the world, barring maybe Pokemon. Might as well try to potentially re-grow another brand with Smash's massive advertising boost (who'd be the ones interested in Banjo anyways), kinda like how SEGA's capitalizing on a MegaTen game finally selling millions and Squeenix finally having a window to popularize DQ in the west with. I expect the last two fighters to be similar advertisements as well.

It makes me laugh that it sounds like Steve wasn't even given a thought in the process.

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Sure it is
>Fortnite dances all over the world
>Minecraft literally nothing
>Fortnite WC with 2.2 million viewer simultaneously
>Minecraft nothing

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>ender dragon

Minecraft isn't an obscure property or a returning old property needing to be propped up by Mario and friends.

Oh and MS is the parent company and makes what they would really wish is a competing device to Nintendo.

stay mad sweaty

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