Original Xbox Thread v2

OP here of the last thread.
Post your favorite games/ports that were released on the original Xbox.

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Never owned an original Xbox but I played the recent Steam port of Voodoo Vince and it was pretty good

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I just want to say that Timesplitters 2 and 3 are a joy to play.

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There's quite a few solid 3D platformers for that gen.

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very nice user, glad you thought it was alright.

Friendly reminder that more people should play Phantom Dust and the Xbox One/Win 10 PC version is free.


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I'm pretty sure this is regarded as the best console port of this game? The 360 version has a whole bunch of issues including censored white blood unless you change the region coding to Japan which enables red blood.

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But is Phantom Dust on PC alive or dead?

I miss Otogi. I have been considering buying a few Xbox games off ebay since nobody ever made an og Xbox emulator for some odd reason.

It's cross play between PC and Xbox One. Multiplayer is a ghost town even though it's free, unfortunately. The singleplayer content in Phantom Dust was pretty good, but the singleplayer served as a tutorial to get into the mutliplayer, and the multiplayer is where the game shines.

Huh, never knew this.
It's better than the PS2 version?

Where the FUCK did it all go so wrong for Microsoft? The Xbox and 360 have some of the most game libraries out there and this gen, we've got pretty much nothing.

Yeah. It has more content like a new playable character. The recent remastered version is the ps2 game without any of it.

Fucking hell, now I want this.
Thank you, user.

I'm still upset Shinya Nishigaki died. Xbox was going to get enhanced ports of blue stinger and Illbleed

Yes, it includes extra content like new armor, areas, and I think new weapons. But most importantly it includes a terrifying new enemy, a killer doll that stalks you Nemesis-style if you're familiar with Resident Evil.

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this game has great melee combat but shit everything else. Japs cant into shooters.

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Remedy, Insomniac, 343 didn't really deliver.

I still own all the 6th gen consoles and I still have all of them hooked up. I mostly use the GC for gameboy player though and a Wii to play actual GC games.

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It's a great game, but yeah, everything before you get your bullet blocking powers is kind of ass.

>Japs can't into shooters
The only shooters they can't do are first person.

PC version I believe, I don't have webms of the Xbox version.

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>The only shooters they can't do are first person.
And third.

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I hope Fast and Furious ends already so Vin can focus on making video game kino again

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Literally every time someone ever posts a list like this it's terrible

I can't believe a movie-based game turned out this way. They usually don't have a great track record.

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Nothing in that image is meaningful critique.

I still love Payne, but Vanquish is just a better game.

Dont worry. Hobs and Shaw is doing better than any Fast movie and the rock will take over soon.

not to mention gunvalkyrie, which is the greatest and deepest third person shooter ever made. A safe point & clicker like Payne can never compare.

That's because Vin Diesel is a massive dork. I'd love to hang out with him. Also it runs really smoothly on the Xbox. Feels like 60fps at times.

Is it even possible to play Gunvalkyrie in current year?

his death wasn't the problem there
>coolnet announces a bunch of dreamcast to xbox ports of games licensed from sega
>to be published by AIA USA, publisher of illbleed
>first game to be finished is rent a hero no. 1
>gets a lot of orders from retailers but the english version gets delayed
>after it's ready no one wants to order it anymore because xbox games aren't selling well
>microsoft has a minimum order requirement to publish a game in north america, so the game can no longer be released
>AIA USA is shut down by their parent AIA in japan
>AIA is in charge of appointing a new north american publisher for the games but never does
>rent a hero no. 1 releases in japan because there's no order requirement there, but they don't bother with the others because they know they won't sell at all
>sega doesn't care about any of this, what do you expect us to do, publish our own games? lol we make THQ publish sonic games
>late english version of rent a hero leaks online, chinese version and other game ports vanish without a trace

What the fuck?
I hate dolls, this shit hunts you in the standard mode?
And I presume that it's a pain to kill, right?

How good are you at proper three dimensional thinking? If you're not very good, the game has an easier character to play as.

silent hill 2, kotor 1 and 2, marvel vs capcom 2, ninja gaiden and black, scarface, panzer dragoon orta, baldurs gate dark alliance 1 and 2, halo games, crimson skies, mech assault are some of my favs

Oh cool i just remember reading somewhere back then that his death was part of it. Still too bad. I still have both games on Dreamcast though

I can't really commend SH2 Restless Dreams. It's a step down from the PS2 original with much lighter effects simply because the PS2 was a bandwidth monster. The extra content really didn't add anything good.

Also it's crazy that he was involved with some of my personal favorites like landstalker and dark savior and I didnt realize it. Blue stinger is still underrated to me.

I'll always love this game for the nostalgia, but since it was my first DX game, I later discovered how dumbed down it was compared to the 1st one.

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Is the Wii version of Fatal Frame 2 based of the Xbox one?

It's been a long time since I last played it, but I think the doll's unkillable. I think it'll stop chasing if you do enough damage to it, but it just comes back whenever it's supposed to appear next

Never played the PC version but I loved this game and played it just recently on the xbox. Comfy as fuck and a great way to spend several hours. I want a remaster but I guess I can only get that on the PC with mods.

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it's a remake.

Same. It was my first ES game and I was blown away with how much freedom I had.

>kill random npc
>take his home to store my stuff for the whole game
>kill store owner
>steal everything
>spend 100 hours just messing around
>little sister deletes my save

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Th uncensored ISO of this is based, but you might as well play the PC version since it's most likely more practical.

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I love that you can kill anyone at any time. I remember going into random dungeons and killing everyone and getting that warning that I can't beat the game anymore. I think I had a save where I was basically unstoppable and killed most of the enemies and could take on all the guards with ease.

Should I try this on XboneX? I remember reading that it runs at 4k@60 locked.
It's entertaining without mods?


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Go for it. It's not well optimized on the original Xbox but it was pretty amazing for a console port at the time.

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What are you guys playing on xbone bc? Ive been playing cod2, sonic unleashed, and gears trilogy to prepare for gears 5

NRS Underground 2 is great. I still prefer the soundtrack to the first game.

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Whoops I misread that post. Whatever. I'm playing Underground 2 on the original system. I have no patience for the Xbone.

This. I'll stick with my original Xbox which has shorter loading times than the xbone and a much more responsive UI. According to John Linneman the boneX loads SSX3 in 15 seconds, I load it in 8.

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Most of the old games i want to play arent bc on xbox like max payne 1-3, outrun 2, jet set radio future, the punisher

How can I get an xbox with that stuff installed and ready to go?

What games would you add to the list?

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Dunno, try ebay. I do it all myself.

>No Tao Feng
It wasnt that bad.

you need an old flash drive under 1 gigabyte, an exploitable game and a usb(female)-to-xbox-controller cable in order to start softmodding your xbox.

If you want a hard drive larger than the default 10 gigabyte one then you will either need to use a program called CHIMP to clone your HDD or hardmod the motherboard (which can be as simple dabbing two blobs of solder to bridge two sets of points that are a millimeter apart, or as complicated as soldering in a full modchip depending on what model Xbox you have.

Or you could always just buy a premodded system online, but the postage costs will be high due to the fact that the Xbox is so damn heavy

Where the FUCK is my PC port?

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Nhl rivals was actually a ton of fun online

>the very subtle shake and blur of the background
that's emulation in the webm

Is it subtle to you? It looks really jarring to me.

It's definitely really noticeable but I guess since I don't really mind it, it seems subtle to me

I definitely would have liked to play those ports.

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My og Xbox games

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I heard Rayman 3 is worse than 2 but still pretty good. Is that about right? Anything in particular a step down or an under appreciated improvement?

I think rayman 3 is awful. Try the xbla port if youve never played it and youll see what i mean. Theres a weird focus on combat and its really boring

I took my Xbox to get it repaired, and now it cannot play original games. I just wanted to be done with those shady fucks so I took it and left, never trust guys with dreadlocks. Now I will try to do things on my own looking at tutorials, feel like a retard lads.

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Nice selection. Ive been working on mine and Im missing a lot.

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Mechassault was fun as hell. I really regret selling my games when i was younger. Especcially since the Futurama game is stupidly expensive now. Pic related is what i still have.

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The online for mech assault was so fun. I also sold most of my old games and practically had to start from scratch.
Im also having issues finding more dukes. I have 1 and a shitty 3rd party controller.

>tfw loved it and waited for the MGS3 Xbox port that never came

Mirin X-men legends and brute force. Remember having so much fun with those.

Honestly, if like.. 20 or so titles from the PS2 came to Xbox, I never would have bothered owning a PS2.

At least there's the HD collection on the 360 but I haven't touched it yet.

Brute force is rough around the edges but I love it.
Legends 2 is the single greatest xmen game of all time.

I want this so bad. I guess I'll have to see about making this possible.