Is nostalgia a bad thing? Does it make you incapable and blind of enjoying new changes in games? Is that why you probably like old games better because you can't accept that you're aging and things are changing?
Is nostalgia a bad thing? Does it make you incapable and blind of enjoying new changes in games...
if anyone is curious where this thread is going, rocko's modern life got a new special on netflix that halfway through tries to push the idea that being a tranny is great and everyone should accept change.
i agree with that
Nostalgia is fine, it's basing new content around nostalgia that's the problem. Not only is it usually a blatant lie (OSRS, wow classic are great examples of this) it just ends up losing the nostalgia when things need to change. It's fine to nod to it, it can even be good. But to create something that's just literally only got the bullet point of "it's nostalgic!" is a self-defeating kinda thing.
It's funny because the creator's own 10-year-old daughter said it was lame:
>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ”
>Is nostalgia a bad thing?
No. Especially when the world as a whole is getting more and more objectively worse.
not surprising, kids are usually the best at spotting bullshit
It felt extremely like a gimmick. Like netflix themselves forced it.
To some extent, I suppose so.
However, more often than not, new games just abandon what made past titles good and it turns people away. Take Diablo 3 for instance: the first two games focused on developing a character to suit your playstyle; D3 became a Gauntlet clone where stats were predetermined, you had access to EVERY skill, and your weapon damage was the make-it-or-break-it number for absolutely everything.
Hahaha holy shit. She's 10 and she said that? Pretty impressive desu
So another instance where /pol/niggers will complain about a property they pretend they were always super-duper invested in because it lets them complain?
I kind of agree, the reason why these reboots and nostalgia cashgrabs just sucks is because they just HAD to happen at the same time when woke bullshit is all the rage, so you've got an unfortunate combination of things like these. There couldn't possibly be a worse time for the rise of nostalgia.
>I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.”
No 10 year old is going to recognize consequences from stunts like this. How convenient that it's always incredibly young children making these comments.
Probably. Also GLAAD consulted on the whole thing, meaning it was probably more about pushing an agenda than comedy:
>Nick Adams, GLAAD’s director of transgender representation who consulted on Static Cling, tells EW over email how important it is to show LGBTQ people existing in the world. “Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling tells a beautiful — and hilarious — story about accepting change,” he writes. “The younger characters accept Rachel immediately; recognizing she’s still their friend. And while Rachel’s father is slow to accept change within his own family, even he realizes that loving your child should be unconditional. This story of inclusion and acceptance is so needed in our current climate.”
Isn’t there also a whole gay message? I haven’t seen it yet, but I feel like I’ll still find it enjoyable
I'm sure exploiting transgender issues to re-establish the dynamic between ed bighead and his kid was appreciated by a community infamous for finding a reason to be mad at everything.
>The younger characters accept Rachel immediately
I'm really glad we have retards who have never seen the source material writing for the show
Never thought I'd see the day when Yea Forums went from making fun of the mentally ill on tumblr to all-out getting angry at something as harmless as a tranny being portrayed in a cartoon show. Is it the zoomers or are my manchild millennial peers the ones throwing the fits over this shit?
This "change" message doesn't really work when you're putting it in a nostalgia bait 20 year old cartoon revival
Why did kikes jump straight into trannyshit
It felt like just a year or so ago EA was still trying to push male gays
Dis da fucker that tried to make the network show half an hour of just MAYONNAISE
Knew the fucker was gay from day 1
She probably said "This sucks and is hamfisted" but the parent didn't want to use those words and implicate his daughter.
How did we go from deep conversations about the existentialism of life and deep hidden stories of pain and change to pandering to people’s troubles openly by pretending their own troubles with identity are far superior to other because of their personal, engorged perspective of human rights?
Why's that?
>Never thought I'd see the day when Yea Forums went from making fun of the mentally ill on tumblr to all-out getting angry at something as harmless as a tranny being portrayed in a cartoon show
Yea Forums's always been pissed off at people taking an existing property and running it into the ground for profit/points. EA's entire history is based on that and has resulted in many, many angry threads on Yea Forums about it.
What do you think would happen when you did the same thing to a cartoon show that was popular when the majority of the board was young and made a thread about it here? It's just inviting this reaction.
Blaming nostalgia on liking old stuff isn't entirely fair, alot of the time the old stuff is generally better.
What I think is important is to realize what you havae nostalgia for, the game itself or your own personal experience with it. I see alot of people complain about changes in games and how "the game was better before", and while they aern't always wrong, alot of the time its that they are remembering how much fun they had playing with friends or interacting with the community, and maybe the game hasn't changed as much as the way the player experiences and interacts with it.
Because you shifted your focus after your peers told you to and you went along with it like a good little sheep. Who knew you losers would turn out so bitter?
It’s kids and normie boomers that come here from reddit and Facebook because Yea Forums is now “le based site that aligns with my beliefs” and not just some shitty anime board.
So it's the manchildren? Can't say I'm surprised, they never did grow up.
Wow so it's a Yea Forums thread that belongs on /pol/ being posted on Yea Forums
Fucking fantastic
to be fair it was a normal episode until the sudden gender change reveal, and then it became the episode focus out of nowhere
That's literally the joke.
Meanwhile you're whining about a bunch of said "manchildren" on an anonymous board. Is this supposed to be the sign of adulthood?
Nothing in his post suggests that he rolled over out of a desire to fit in with his peers. Projecting faggot.
No child said that
it's more so that right reactionary rhetoric is really effective and memes are a great tool for it
all the old Yea Forums-exclusive browsing people i knew from ~10 years ago believe in white replacement now and subscribe to christian values
Makes sense. Yea Forums gave birth to Bailey Jay and "bridget turned me gay" was more than a meme and at some point these normies dissolved into board culture and took over.
The worst part is that the tyranny scene could have been good if all of the 3 characters weren't so accepting of that change right of the bat. Fucking rock can't even accept his show being canceled or having a new character but having his idol turning into a tyranny was a ok.
Aw, did daddy strike a chord? Cry more faggot
yeah, naw, not doing this tonight. You very clearly made this thread to get this reaction and replied in this fashion to get a reaction.
You're on fucking Yea Forums of all places, and you're bitching about people being nostalgic for their childhoods? Cry me a river. I'm going to a Doom thread.
This, be sure to put the magic spell in the email field when you post.
He probably wasn't giving her exact words.
>Dad, this sucks. Why'd you ruin Ralph? Was this just to get more attention for this?
this, if anything rocko should be confused about all this, if hes so overwhelemed and agitated about change this should be something that sets him off
I'm on an anonymous image board enraging manchildren who are crying about gender politics by laying big fat stinky truthbombs down that they just can't handle. It's top-notch entertainment.
>I remember a time when I wasn't oppressed by trannies!
major cringe kiddo, imagine being this much of a pussy lmao cant relate
No kid gave a fuck about Ralph Bighead either
>Why did kikes jump straight into trannyshit
Their profit criteria is based entirely on 'revolting' against society. Society accepted most of everything that has been thrown at them the past fifteen years, and now this is just the next issue on the list.
It will keep going down the list in an effort to make sure there's always a pushbutton issue to manipulate people with.
I only mentioned that Rocko’s used to be about hidden unhappiness, where suffering was personal and widespread throughout the population. Even comical stories held deeper meaning beforehand, now we are all told to feel pain for others feeling pain because they think they are hurting. It’s more of a discussion on the paradigm shift of the focus on where pain resides in today’s culture. I suppose you haven’t learned enough to understand and see this.
Thanks user for defending me. You can really see the uneducated people in these threads.
Kill trannies and tranny enablers
You don't need to do the formee when 40% do it themselves! Ohohoho!
The show is called Rockos Modern Life. If it's a modern life, shouldn't it have modern tropes anyway?
You are acting as tasteless and forefront as this special. No different airing your anger and self-loath openly expecting others to sympathize with you — shallow. Show, don’t tell user.
Fucking auto correct.
But you guys get my point.
Yeah, nigga can't even handle a fucking iPhone let alone a sex change
Be sure, before you leave this bait thread, to tell our good friends who work for little monetary compensation about it. Yea Forums and Yea Forums threads belong in Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
If any kid would, it'd be the child of the show's creator.
Kill yourself, you're a literal schizo
You know as someone who's been coming to Yea Forums since April 2004 and starting my 30s I get pretty tired of this garbage being spread throughout all the site; taking everything off topic, making hateful mongs out of everyone either ironic or not. I'm going to guess it's not the people that grew up with Yea Forums when it was started because those people are all older now and have grown up some. Enough to understand the complexities of human behavior and that it's mostly dumb kids in their twenties or even younger that have had their brains racked with paranoia from both political parties through their respective echo chambers that are doing this. It's not just paranoia but also their self-righteousness that feeds their egos and fears.
So what happened to regular gay representation? Why is it always trans now?
Aw, did daddy strike a chord? Cry more faggot
Ah, so adults use phrases likes "big fat stinky truthbombs?"
Good to know, user.
Muh trans rights
You should see the idw comic where a Transformer is revealed to be a tranny. Yes, the ROBOTS who has no genetalia and can transform.
Taste my ass, zoom zoom, you clearly can't get enough.
The thing with most sexuality and idpol movements is that I'm usually okay with whatever they're trying to push until they start shoving in garbage into everything.
I've always said that the only reason a character shouldn't be a straight white male is if the backstory or actual plot requires it. The reason why Doomguy is so pervasive is because he is the default person you think of when you think of "human." Hes not some blue haired transexual pansexual midget or some variation because the content doesn't require it.
I also believe that characters shouldn't bend their personality to fit these new characters who do have common idpol pandering stuff in them.
>claims he's "enraging manchildren"
>gets assblasted himself
I am fucking SHOOK I can't believe the shit they're forcing our children to watch these days! Subversion!
I understand you user. Too bad there’s no place for more experienced anons to go to. Hearing the same memes over and over. Sometimes it’s like being in a psych ward here. There’s a few interesting crazies, but the rest are all chewing their hands and throwing feces all day. Not that it was weird and crazy previously, but we’ve gotten to the point where repetition makes these younger audiences feel like they are watching kid’s show again. The same plot over and over with no change. It keeps the sedated though so they arn’t off shooting people I suppose.
>dives deep into his "I'm totally not mad anime images folder"
why does it have to be pushed
Whatever makes you think you are happy user.
Compared to you reddit niggers who have literally never watched or heard of Rockos modern life before, but demand a tranny be in it?
because most reasonable didn't give a fuck about gay people to begin with. Transsexuals try to subvert culture and change the way you communicate in order to appease them. The whole misgendering bullshit didn't happen with the homosexuality movements.
>resorts to MUH ANIME
Goddamn you're seething. Calm down, manchild.
So what you're telling me is that /pol/tards are mad and will be even angrier soon?
yeah, not to mention these were characters who were supposed to be "stuck in the 90s" when trannies were routinely the punchline to jokes, I literally expected them all to start laughing at him when he said his name was Rachel with that insanely deep voice.
Aw, I didn't realize you were a denizen from r/iamverysmart, I wouldn't have been so hard on ya, champ!
>laughed at it when it was just a bunch of dumb kids on tumblr
>angry that it is now invading every facet of their life
Gee, that is so out of character you're right...
Holy shit please dont tell me its another shitflix exclusive
That's the only non-anime image you could find? Holy shit LMAO this weeb is having a literal meltdown
They shouldn't even have genders to begin with
>pushing lgbt visibility in G-rated media
Every single tranny faggot I see on twatter keeps using the "muh rockos modern life was ALWAYS about hot takes on modern society," yet not ONE (1) seems to acknowledge the whole part about this being intended to be shoved down actual children's throats.
Nah, Jhonen sees through these superficial message bullshit and won't force anything into it. This movie will easily be the best out of the Hey Arnold and Rocko reboots.