Favorite incremental/clicker game?

Favorite incremental/clicker game?

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Do people still play Magikarp Jump?

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this is the best answer

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That pic always reminds me of this

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My Name is Mayo Platinum Trophy

Dungeons never

That game is based
>no internet connection required
>good representation of all pokemon generations
>waiting times are reasonable
>cute artstyle and events
>free to play and not pay to win
>a lot of content
>no internet connection required

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SPACEPLAN is pretty great

Shame it got very little fanart.

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cute cube


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The paperclip one.

Idle Dice on Kongregate is pretty good


This one.

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How playable is it on bluestacks?

>insert mmo here

Are they still updating that? The last I heard, the dev left/quit/died.

I've only played the web version but it was pretty nice.
Gets way too repetitive but is enjoyable until you get bored.
I get so tired of looking at shit like this now. Numbers-go-up doesn't do it for me. You gotta get the rat brain going with a little more.

Loli petter was good for the threads

Clicker Heroes is easily my favorite. Even paid for Clicker Heroes 2 when they switched to a retail model instead of microtransactions, but it's not quite there yet. It's just feel-good math homework, but it really satisfies me for some reason.

2 or 1 is feel good homework?

You actually need internet to get one event. You have to have internet to nickname a magikarp so you can get the name rater event.

Yeah it was just updated.

I've played a ton of idle games and I know the feeling. It's pretty addictive once you get into it.

1. The main thing is figuring out how long you're planning to make your ascension runs, and basing your decisions around that. You can do idle build, active build, autoclicker build, etc, and as long as you're keeping track of the relevant stats you can easily optimize your setup.

2 has got some problems, I wouldn't recommend it. I liked it, but I quit after the second trasncension.

This. It was fun.

Doomsday Clicker and Dungeon Inc are good


Sandcastle builder

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Either mine defence or factory idle

Pretty playable