She's in
She's in
The most famous anime swordsman of all
>gatcha character
kill yourself
Sans of Japan
Why the fuck do these weebs delude themselves into thinking that xyz anime girl with sword is ever going to be in Smash? I've literally never heard of KOS-MOS or whoever the fuck Saber is until I saw you clowns rosterfagging for them.
The last fighter pass characters will be two of these.
theres your problem. it has to be from a game.
I'm in her.
>whoever the fuck Saber is
kys newfag
saber is from a game
I had a dream that I watched her get beheaded and was simultaneously horrified and turned on.
for better or worse, Fate GO is the face of the franchise now
case in point
>implying it's news that Yea Forums is easy to bait
This might actually be a case where "her final smash? Everyone turns into clones of her." has a basis.
Fate is a game series though
Literal NPCs.
She is from an anime and visual novel first.
No, that would be inuyasha. By a wide margin. Arturia is still weeb territory.
clicking through text isn't gameplay.
Craptawa Shitjo isn't a game
Clicking through text is like 60% of all Zelda gameplay my dude
It’s only on Smash threads where “I never heard about x before y” is considered a valid argument
Sorry that I don't frequent your pathetic gatcha threads. Maybe if you roll just one more lootbox you'll get that generic anime girl .png
But it's true
Japan doesn't want her in
He’s in
FSN is as much of a game as this is.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the shit out of it. But the only reason it's even allowed in Yea Forums to begin with is that Yea Forumss conniption over categorizing it was so intense that they had to create /jp/. Fun times, by the way.
well my case still stands its not technically a game series because those arent game also shes a literally who nobody has heard of
It really depends on if Sakurai considers visual novels to be video games.
Think Richard Russell made it to the Throne of Heroes lads?
You're fucking retarded if you believe that.
Why is it always the Smash threads that attract the most braindead newfags?
He's in
>he's either a rider or a berserker that crashes a fighter jet into enemy servants
>doesnt know F/SN which is as old as Yea Forums itself
>not a newfag
the fact you only associate her with gatcha is on you zoomer
There is always one big exposition dump in zelda. OOT with the Great Deku Tree, WW with your first encounter with the red boat king, and TP with that light fairy thing. But thats usually it.
Is that guy supposed to be cringe or based?
ive probably been here longer than you have and ive never heard of this person until some people started shilling her unironically. goku is one thing considering its mostly a joke but someone nobody has heard of with no relevance in the gaming world?
Bernkastel & Lambdadelta confirmed for fighter's pass
>His Noble Phantasm is called "Sky King" and he does a barrel roll to activate it
>Fate Stay was originally a porn VN so Saber is a no go.
>Miku doesn't originate in vidya so she's a no go.
I can live with Reimu/Katalina.
I'd prefer redman but too many waifu fags.
>not a game
It's a PC game that was even released on PS2, and PSVita.
fateshit is the NPC franchise
On a scale of 1 to 10 how hard are you coping right now
It's not worthy of being called a game.
>muh porn character
>not knowing fsn or even the gatcha cancer that is fgo
You're not fooling anyone, retard
PS2 and vita versions don't have any
F/SN doesn't have that
No more than Fire Emblem which has tons of characters in Smash
i only stick to threads about games i play
smash being one
newfag as fuck
I already know that. I also know that you're likely underage, and trying pass yourself off as an oldfag to fit in is honestly pathetic.
Oh you want more? Alright, he's in too.
this makes better since then some anime girl adn from a popular series
he's inside her
Here's your echo fighter bro
Well, he considered Persona a game.
>thinking anyone gives two shits about your whore
Fate go is the only half popular thing from this franchise and it's mobile shit. Kys
go play ur porn game virgins
getting alter next month with free ticket and still don't understand what happen
I've been thinking about it since I still need to power thru the last half of the Rin route (worst girl btw) so I can finally experience what wormslut has to offer.
He's in
She burned her.
>6 Alastors
I wish Sengoku Basara wasn't a dead series.
0, dumb cúmbrain
Will she be the first Sony character in Smash?
Excuse me Faggot, but Hakurei Reimu will be the Japanese Indie character on Smash Brothers, because, like, her dad isn't a Fucking Sellout, you know?
Reimu's final smash?
Everyone turns into clones of her.
I fucking wish. Her and Reimu are my NEVER EVERS
Saber has no son
Imagine unironically wanting a character from a porn game AND also a gatcha. Literally the worst series ever contrived.