>Discuss competitive play about a game
>Said game is mostly played with a ban list of some sort
>Thing is banned either because the flow of the game would be shit with that in competitive games or top players would just abuse it
>Someone, literally every time, says “They only banned it because they can’t beat it. My friends were using it and I beat them” and never reads about why thing is banned
What do you call these types of people?
Discuss competitive play about a game
oh boy i wonder how this thread is going to turn out? Surprise oh surprise.
I think those types are usually called "Pokemon players".
Very recent comparison in Magic the Gathering community. Commander players just had a card, Iona banned, and it wasn't banned for being TOO good, it was banned for being out of line with the philosophy of this game type.
I would call them lovers of fun.
If retards need a ban list to have fun, they should go find a different game that doesn’t need one.
Bump because I need to know too.
>bro [the best player in the entire game] is so bad I could beat him
The worst part is that sometimes, people get a kill or a victory on a good player as he's not trying orwhatnot and actually start believing they can beat him in a real competitive set.
not specific enough, it's always about pretending they're better than the best
Can it turn out to be a hot vidya girl dump, user?
Thanks for informing me that "lovers of fun" are people constantly screeching at others for having fun in a way that they don't approve of, sounds very chill and fun!
If you love fun so much, then why are you upset about people having fun in their own way?
And most of the time, something is banned because its not fun to play against.
post more
That sounds better, but it ain't gonna happen.
wait cum_brain got censored?
been that way for about a week bud
Daisy reminds me of Caracal from KF2.
Please I don't want this boner.
Something seems off about this artstyle
if the games so unbalanced it needs something like this, or its 'competitive play' is so contrived and divorced from the regular game such that it has its own balance ecosystem then something shit is going on and you should play a different game.
Don't forget
>wow this is super broken because I can't beat it, why isn't it banned?
>you guys only don't want to ban it because it lets YOU keep winning and not me!
>game is bad
>flip a switch
>game is now good
what's the issue with this?
>autists only play a few characters for years because they're the best
>suddenly a new character is released
>it's not as good as the meta characters, but it can occasionally kill a meta character if the player is good
>autists ban it immediately because they hate shifting metas, label new thing as OP/Broken
every fucking time.
>new character is allowed in tourny play but only after heavy tweaking and outright removal of certain move options
>surprise, new character is complete shit and can't compete
>meta autists act superior as if they're on a team with the meta characters
>Move would redefine the meta
>Players ban the move because they want to maintain the status quo for 5+ years
Can it turn out to be a hot vidya boy dump, user?
>how do we fix wrpgs
You can't. The west has fallen to degeneracy and will only support RPGs that promote the LGBTQ agenda. You can't separate degenerate sexual themes from WRPGs anymore